Hernandez should be the next TNA World Heavyweight Champion

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Very true sam, I like him with his sanchez, I just want it to look kind of more complete. Like when knox just had the handlebars. I said they looked like shit, now with his grizzly beard. IT looks kinda cool.

But on to the real point. I want to see more of singles competition out of hernandez in the future. He's proven that he can prety much carry the lax team. Well homicide is a good wrestler to. But he would be noware right now without hernandez. He'd prolly just be floating around in the x division.

I say give hernandez the legends belt, and let this mem bullshit pull out. Why won't people just get over the fact that you can't recreate the fucking nwo. Its over, I haven't seen a stable other than evolution pull off half of the shit that nwo did. Tna is trying to make the mem the nwo. And quite truthfully it sucks ass.

I think the legends belt would be good for hernadez, give him a couple good matches with it, then toss in a fude and the belts bigger than the tna title. I mean they arent just going to drop the title from sting. But at least if your going to have a legends belt booker, challenge people more than one fucking time. I think that getting hernandez in with a ok worker like book would do wonders more with him. It would get him out of the run in tag team shit. And make him look like a possible main eventer. And finally give tna a higher midcard belt. Because x isn't the midcard, and the tag team is ware like 4 teams go. And dudes sure as fuck can't win the knockout title.
did we really expect tna to do the sensible thing here? i didnt.
hernandez is more over than almost any wrestler i can remember in recent memory, espcially in tna. sure aj and joe have had their moments, but people were already aware of their class before they were in the world title hunt...the difference is hernandez looks better in almost every match that he has, especially as a singles wrestler.

i can understand them feeding him someone like booker t, to give hiim a little more experience as an individual and being in a high profile feud, but i woulda hoped tna would have learned from holding back on giving joe the title for too long. almost no one care when he won the title, cos theyd teased it for so long.

also, im majorly pissed that 3d are in the next ppv main event.......anyone else think they threw their collective rattle out of the pram because some mexican tag team guy got a title shot and they didnt? pisses me off. i dont know why they're so well thought of...........me and my wife had a discussion about how being the most decorated team in history isnt the same as being the greatest team in history......we had a whole fuckin list of greater teams (i'm fairly certain she was joking about High Energy!)

anyways, tangent..........i think it'll be a while before supermex gets another shot. I see kurt winning the fourway, maybe feuding with sting again, with sting swaying back towards being a face........I believe the legends title is the most likely stop for the big fella

kudos for the sig, Mr Sam
Well I am not going to go out and blame Sting just like I didnt blame Punk for his lacklustre title reign. In WWE Sting being the bitch like this would lead somewhere, you could count on it. TNA I am not so sure but I hope atleast that there is a purpose for Sting to look like a complete pussy. Even if it's a shitty "I wasnt really happy in the MEM so I didnt give it my all, but now I am a face I have my old fire back" angle, actually thats not bad, I should do a book-this.

Anyway's at least Hernandez came out of this looking stronger than I though he would, this match alone has made him a believable TNA World Champion (is that a compliment?) so when he does eventually win it it wont seem like he dont deserve it.

One thing I will say is that despite Sting not being a full-blown heel his booking is very heelish. The only thing he has going for him right now is that people want him to lose the belt (exactly what a heel champion should be) so maybe it's not as bad as all that.
Personally i think hernandez is the future aswell as present of tna along with Joe,AJ,the guns and Beer money.He's strong as hell,shown by his finishers and he'sathletic,have you seen him clear the top rope with a suicide dive and land on his freking feet.I think he is definitely over with the fans,the reception he and homicide gget is incredible.At genesis he was left 3 on 1(albeit X wreslers) and destroyed them.They're making him look unstoppable for what I think will be a future reign,hopefully soon.his nickname,"Supermex",just adds to it.notice them no longer in the tag team title picture and they both have,or had,title shots.Does that not spell single wrestling success to be.
Another week, another "Hrm, I'm not quite sure about that one".


That's a video of Kurt Angle vs. LAX. Yes, a handicap match. On the face of it, that sounds really bad. And I won't have the full picture until I see iMPACT! on Saturday - which I may not, since I have plans to go out.

Judging from the end though, LAX looked quite strong. It did seem a little bit poorly structured - I mean, having Hernandez selling being injured after hitting what I assume are very tight ropes for about five minutes was pretty absurd. And Angle should have been so exhausted that he couldn't get up, not just a little bit sweaty.

I definitely think Homicide came off looking weak. Hernandez had Angle beat before he was cheaply tossed from the ring. Homicide hit a Gringo Cutter, got Angle in a roll-up and still couldn't win? What a pussy.

Hernandez though, I think comes off strong. Judging from that video, he came over Angle's equal, if not superior. Maybe they are building up to something here...
Here's what Im thinking, Brother Ray will win the title 2nite, and Hernandez will get a shot at the title this Thursday on Impact, Hernandez will win the title and eventually LAX will turn heel and join the mafia, Hernandez will feud with Joe or Styles eventually droppin the title to one of them only to heave them lose to Booker or Angle, deepening the rivalry
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