Hernandez: Great Tag team Wrestler or Failed Singles Star?

The Hiphopapotamus

The Dude abides
Everyone knows the name Hernandez. He's the huge mexican who can throw you into the beyond, and has the agility of a (pretty fat) cat. He has this uncanny mix of strength and speed that makes him a great wrestler to watch in the ring.

Now, as you all know, last year's feast of fired gave him a world title shot, and many were backing him to become a main eventer and become the breakout star of LAX. He then used this against Sting, only to be thwarted after interference, but Mick Foley let him keep the shot. After that, LAX were kind of forgotten about, working random fillers at Pay per views, untill Hernandez suffered a neck injury that kept him out for months. When he came back, LAZ split, and he was yet again a tip for main event status. After main eventing at No Surrender in order to use up his shot, he was attacked by the world elite and began a feud with them. However, when the feud ended, he began teaming with Matt Morgan against Team 3D, and they are now the tag team champions.

However, the question I pit to you is this: Is Hernandez recognised as one of the greatest tag team wrestlers TNA has ever had, or as a failed main eventer who couldn't live up to his potential (Yet).

See, when you look at it, he's been a member of probably the best TNA tag team ever. LAX dominated the tag team scene for years, putting on great match after great match, and he was a key component. And now he's one half of the tag team champions, at a time when tag team wrestling is strong in TNA.

When he split from Homicide and entered the Global/ Legend's title frame, everyone expected him to move up and stay there. But now he's in a tag team with another future star. Is it because he wasn't good enough, or because they wanted to have him in a potentially great tag team with Matt Morgan?

Personally, I've always loved him, and think he should be established in the upper card, and it's just a case of missed opportunity on TNA's part by pushing him in the tag scene, after wallowing there for years. He had his opportunity, and maybe it's not a case that he hasn't and more that he has yet to take it.

What do you guys think?
He didn't receive much time to be a singles star before he was put in the the team with Morgan, so I can't really comment on if he's a singles star failure. So far though, he is. After this team with Morgan is done, he should be given time to be a singles star. He obviously has talent in a team, but he needs actual time to test his single star skills.
Well so far I'll say failure but I'm not sure if he is to blame for all of it. lets look at the overall package

Entrance Music = one of the worst in recent wrestling history.
Entrance Pyro/ ring entrance = Bad, entrance is ok, gets a decent pop from the crowd.
Solo in ring work = good,not great
intangibles = has the look, can stand to tone up a bit or keep the shirt on since we're calling ourselves Super Mex. Mic and crowd work are passable if kept short.

Basically what we have here is a future mid card title holder at best unless he steps his in ring work up a bit, or he gets a hell of a push against some credible names to help elevate him to the next level. He's just one of those people who do better on a team, kinda like Big Show. Lax should just get back together, it was the last time Homicide or Hernandez did anything worth watching and they both complemented each other perfectly.
My Opinions:

1. I always liked LAX
2. I thought Matt Morgan was making great progress as the next big singles star
3. Hernandez and Morgan are a horrible team and it's killing both of them as singles stars
4. Homocide is wasting away

Conclusion- TNA broke up a great team so they could have a average thrown together feeling team while also killing the push of their up and coming next big thing, Briliant!
The guy can perform in the ring no doubt. Powerful, agile, takes good bumps, make the stuff look real.

However, at this point he is a failed singles wrestler. To be dominant on you own, you must be a complete performer...ring work, mic work, crowd work. Hernandez sucks on the mic and doesn't play up to the crowd in the right spots.

He could be good as a singles guy. Personally I didn't find LaX very good. Just seemed like a poor man's version of Eddie and Chavo.

He needs to get better on the mic while TNA gets sorted out by Hogan and Bishoff. His pairing w/ "captain personality" Matt Morgan is just buying some time while Bischoff & Hogan figure out what the hell to do with him. It would be a lot easier for them to come up with something for Hernandez if he could speak.
I love Hernandez. He's one of my favorite stars in TNA. His strength and agility are incredible. I would like to see him break out and be a great singles star but all he knows is tag team wrestling. TNA brought him in on that and used it to their full advantage when he and Homicide teamed together. I like the team of him and Morgan but I don't think they'll stay together in the long-term like the Dudleys, Nasty Boys, MCMG, etc. I agree that he needs to get better on the mic but his in-ring performances are terrific. Let's not forget that there are some notable guys out there who started out as tag team wrestlers that went on to great success as singles stars...Edge, Christian, Jeff Hardy most notably.
As a single star he really didnt had a good run so i wont say failure.Really i like Hernandez as both single star and Tag team.he really knows how to get down.As a Team hernandez always makes his team mate look good,And as single he makes his apponent look good and he also looks good so really i like hernandez as single and as a tag team partner in TNA...........
For me this is one of the things that i have disliked most about the hogan era because i loved what TNA was doing with super mex but because super mex & morgan were russo's two pets he wanted to push to the main event then here comes hogan and easy e and BOOM! back to the tag team division u go so i think it might have been another way for hogan and easy e to stick it to russo, so i say great tag teamer but to earley to call on singles star bust
Hernandez hasn't been in the singles division long enough for me to make a real judgment on whether or not his singles run is a failure. But from what I've seen, I can safely say that I'm disappointed. I remember being skeptical when TNA broke up LAX for the sake of seemingly pushing both Hernandez as a future world champion and Homicide as the future of the X Division... oh how wrong I was. I didn't understand why LAX was broken up if Homicide wasn't gonna be featured on TV anymore (I don't remember seeing him since Jan 4) and Hernandez was gonna be thrown back into the tag team division with Matt Morgan even if it's just short term. And this isn't the first time Morgan's been thrown into a random tag team with absolutely no chemistry (*cough* *cough* Matt Morgan and Abyss. *cough* *cough*) but I digress. Bottom line, IMO Hernandez still has what it takes to break out as a singles star but first things first, he needs to break away from Matt Morgan and go on his own and maybe pursue the Global title.
Failed singles star. I hate to break it to all the little Hernandez marks outs there but...Hernandez sucks. Plain and flat out, Hernandez sucks. He's a big, muscular, bald guy who has mediocre at best in-ring skill. He's bland, uncharasmatic, has weak mic skills. People mark out for him because he's agile? Agile? He does a suicide dive over the top rope. Well, guess what? So does The Undertaker. But Taker has good in-ring skills, is charasmatic, and ten times the superstar Hernandez will ever be. Homicide was the better professional wrestler out of the two, and always will be. Maybe I'm missing something, but as far as I see, Hernandez sucks.
Another case of TNA not closing their storylines and not following though on pushes. You can say the same for Eric Young, eh? I still think SuperMex can be a SUPERSTAR talent. If pushed properly. I think TNA is trying to use him like WWE does Rey Mysterio, to open up the Latino market. I hope he gets the push and feel he deserves it. And this teaming of SuperMex and Matt Morgan is a waste of BOTH men's talents!
I don't like the idea of Hernandez/Morgan. The idea of the Old Guard vs Young Guns was to give them something to do until the main event cleared up. Unfortunately it seems The Pope got the jump over them and now Hernandez is stuck in the tag team. The mistake that put a damper on his singles run was the abrupt end to his feud with Eric Young. Rather than persuing the Global Title after Eric won it, he just lost interest. That made his character look weak and uninterested. If he would've continued feuding with Young, we would have a credible midcard belt, Hernandez on the rise, Eric Young on the rise and Matt Morgan trying to break the glass ceiling to the main event. The mistake was waiting.
Hernandez, while I'm a fan of his is known for two things---his strenth and his ability to do the slingshot shoulder block---that being said, the thing he is missing to get to the main event is the mic skills. He's never really given time on the mic, and when he does get on the mic, he isn't very good. He has the look to main event, now if he could just talk, he'd be great.

The reason the Pope is getting the nod before him is because Dinero is extremely charismatic and the fans love him. He cuts great promos week in and week out , while they may be small, short, and esentially meaningless, you can see the charisma in him.

Honestly I felt that when Hernandez got his Feast or Fired shot back after it going to waste the first time, I thought for sure that would be his chance to be pushed to the main event, but instead the second shot was also wasted. Hernandez will one day be in the main event, he's just not ready yet.

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