shattered dreams
Hexagonal Hedonist
Reading for Information
1: Do you enjoy reading to discover new information?
2: How much reading would you say you do per day?
A couple hours.
3: What sort of reading do you do on a regular basis?
Websites and textbooks.
4: Do you read for entertainment or information, or perhaps both?
5: Would you be willing to read up more if you knew you were going to learn about something you had an interest in?
6: Do you read magazines often? If so, how many per month?
No. Maybe I read a magazine once a month, if that.
7: Are you willing to change your habits concerning the previous question?
8: Is the price of a magazine your main concern, or its content?
Speed of information is my greatest concern so I guess content. Although I am cheap and don't see the appeal of paying for "old" information I can almost certainly get for free elsewhere.
9: Does a front cover have anything to do with your willingness to look at a magazine?
Not usually.
10: What is going to attract your attention to a publication more than anything else? For example, bright colours, a strong image, a known brand etc...
Scantily clad women.
Popular Culture
11: When I mention the term Popular Culture do you have an idea of what I mean by that? If not, click on the spoiler below.
12: Would you consider yourself a follower of more obscure popular culture such as manga, anime, cult TV shows etc..?
Yes but not anime type stuff.
13: Are there any specific aspects of popular culture you are interested in, but know little about? If so, what are they?
No, if I am interested in something I tend to delve pretty deep into the available information.
14: Would you be interested in reviews on specific elements of popular culture, if so, which sort of reviews?
15: Popular culture is everywhere, but I want to embrace lesser known elements with my publication. Can you suggest any obscure ideas I may not have mentioned?

16: Do you prefer it be kept kayfabe or non-kayfabe, or perhaps a mixture of the two?
Mix on screen, non-kayfabe off.
17: Would you be interested in a recurring segment in a magazine that keeps you up to date with the latest happenings in the world of WWE, TNA and all things wrestling?
18: Should I include elements outside of traditional, North American wrestling like Lucha Libre, Japanese, European wrestling etc..?
More interesting than 17 to me but I would not get your hopes up for me to read either.
19: Which works better for a wrestling themed cover; an action shot, or a pre-posed for image?
Action shot.
20: What sort of articles/ideas would intrigue you most about wrestling in a magazine?
Anything not actually about wrestling but involving wrestlers.