Heels are Edgier- Probably why I like them better ...

I've thought this for a long time now. It seems these days that heels get to do whatever they want. They get to say more on the mic, they're character's are developed better, and they're just generally more entertaining; heels are just more fun. Faces in the WWE are for the most part, bland, goody-goody's with little to no character or personality, hardly get mic time, and seem to only get over on either ring skill (if they have it) or because of the heel they work with. I miss the days of the "cool face".ruin him like MVP) and maybe Kofi if they keep it up. WWE needs to stop being so strict on faces, and let them have some attitude.

Perfect I couldn't say it any better myself you cover all the realities of wrestling today.

Heels are more entertaining and just better than Faces it used to be different the best heels were tweeners or guys like SCSA and the Rock

Now heels get the 8 ball and run with it carrying most feuds babyfaces just react to what the better performers do most faces don't even have any charisma..
The only babyface i notice that is allowed 2 display attitude is TRIPLE H (I wonder why) . But in essence the reason heels are better received by 'smarks' is that they dont need to worry about being liked! Therefore they get 2 piss ppl off and any babyface who displays these characteristics are either outdated or too pg:
1- get his ass beat for the first 15 min but wins the match clean in the last minute with 5 moves.

2- Appear all goody2shoes and always does the right thing even if it means he doesnt get the title

3- Always compliments the crowd or any action that warrants a cheap pop

We live in a real word so lets deal with it one spear at a time
Like all forms of entertainment, wrestling is subjective. I like some faces, and I like some heels. I think the reason a lot of people like heels, myself included,is that you can live vicariously through a character. I mean i've been picked on by big jock meat heads like John Cena (who i'm sure is a lovely person in real life, but he has that look.) So seeing someone beat him is a payoff for me. The heel character has the opportunity to say and do almost anything, and that is a freedom that many can admire, or even envy.
The fact that they keep doing the typical heel shit means it's working. Good enough for WWE.
Why should what's good enough for WWE matter to me, the viewer? I couldn't give a shit what tired tactics the ultra lazy proprietors of sports entertainment think I should emotionally invest in and be entertained by. The fact is that the today's breed of heel, with the exceptions of Batista and Big Show, is uninspired, boring, textbook, and weak. The average fan couldn't care less about most of them.

He "falls back" on his shtick cos it works. You're hating it, Vince is loving it.
The "I'm hating it" argument is a being twisted into a logical fallacy by you. Me hating it doesn't mean I'm tuning in and paying to see Edge and Orton get their asses kicked. It means I'm turning off my TV and not paying to watch the blowoff to their epic feuds. That kind of hate.

I'm sure Vince isn't loving that, and that's what a large portion of his audience has been doing in recent years because of his ancient approach to the industry (that he thinks he can get away with because he's the only game in town).

That time will come to an end though as the WWE audience gets smaller and smaller.

Mate, you got no clue on the work on heels if you think Flair was awful.
Mate, you're easily manipulated if you go for those cheesy video packages where Hunter and Shawn verbally ******e Flair and go on about how there's nobody better. Flair is only as special as those video packages convince you he is. He'd be by and large forgotten by now if it wasn't for that last WWE run where the biggest marks he's ever had got to put him over to the point of nausea for the average viewer.

I get what you're saying, just think you're right off the mark.
You're wrong.

A heel doing less and NOT appealing to what the fans want him to do (ie. fight fair and get clean wins) is a much better example of a heel.
Yeah, that's why William Regal was getting so much heat this week after awesome mic work and a clean win.

My approach works and it will make heel vs. face conflicts seem like a bigger deal if both sides of the equation are a big deal.

Get with the times.

Again, obviously, cos you're hating it.
Wrong kind of hate. We've been over this.

Show's been around years and worked hard but Edge has accumulated more title wins, merch sales and higher profile matches in half the time.

Nope, not seeing it.
McDonalds makes a better hamburger than your mother because they've got a corporation behind them?

But in essence the reason heels are better received by 'smarks' is that they dont need to worry about being liked!
Which has never made any sense. Heels worry just as much about being disliked as faces worry about being liked. They're both pandering.

Therefore they get 2 piss ppl off
You mean pander to the crowd.

and any babyface who displays these characteristics are either outdated or too pg:
Oh, I hope that heels get to be outdated by some of the same standards!

Let's play.

2- Appear all goody2shoes and always does the right thing even if it means he doesnt get the title
The same way heels always do the wrong thing?

3- Always compliments the crowd or any action that warrants a cheap pop
The same way that heels insult the audience and garner cheap heat?

There's a huge double-standard at work here.

The wrestling of the Attitude Era isn't coming back. It won't ever come back. It was shit for what it was, anyway. It bastardized wrestling into some sort of soap opera that had sex and violence for the sake of sex and violence. Wrestling is nothing but a glorified soap opera, I'll give you that. But the over the top angles of the Attitude Era were absurd. Austin got run over by a truck Rikishi was driving? Seriously? Triple H wanted Austin that dead? He couldn't have just, say, attacked him with a hammer? No way, fucking attempted Vehicular Manslaughter is the way to go.

..but wait, that was the Golden Age of Wrestling. :rolleyes:

Faces have plenty of character development. Cena regularly shows that he'll get pissed if pushed hard enough. Remember when his dad was punted by Orton? Remember Cena/Orton at the last PPV? Cena went crazy. Triple H regularly gets pissed, as does HBK. How they don't have a character is bewildering to say the least.

And if they don't have a character, how does Orton? Edge? Edge snuck around, hit his spear, stole a title win, then slept with Vickie. Why the fuck do I care? Maybe because there's a face, Taker, that Edge is screwing through all of his heel tactics? But that doesn't make sense, according to the logic in this thread I should care about Edge because he's a badass!

The heels aren't "edgy." They're jackasses. As they should be.
i was thinking about this thread and thought yeah hes right there. with the whole i prefer heels because their more sort of edgier' than the likes of cena aimed at kids and etc. which is a throw back to the old days of wwf when the faces were more edgier too

but then i remembered at one point i hated the rock when he was face. pandering to the crowd etc etc i hated him. couldnt stand him and always prefered the likes of hhh or angle or whoever he was up against.

the point is iv always prefered heels really, apart from rare exceptions like jericho austin and a few others. i dont really know why either?

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