Heel Sabin

Am I the only one who dislikes this? The turn was horribly executed and just so unnecessary in my opinion. Sabin's character has just done a complete 180 and not for the better. Now I was not the biggest fan of his as a world champion, but I would've rather him stayed as a face. His vendetta with Aces and Eights has just been completely forgotten about. He should be the one causing them to lose members (instead of them doing it to themselves). All you'd need to do is have King in the Ultimate X match instead of Sabin.

Sabin is one talent I think is much better as a face, at least in his current incarnation. What do you think, do you like his current heel persona and feud with Aries? If not, what would you have him do instead?
To be honest, I do applaud Sabin turning heel, as it provides a somewhat fresh outlook on his stale character. He was never really "over" when he returned from injury and won the World Heavyweight Championship...it felt rushed and just made the X Division title look weak in the process. Plus, an awesome angle with Austin Aries was thrown to the side along the way. So turning heel was kind of logical in a way, as fans never really warmed up to his character after that and he was not a real believable champion.

However, the timing and execution of the heel turn, I do not applaud. I'm left wondering, what is his beef with Manik? And what is Austin Aries doing sticking up for Manik after Sabin assaulted him? Hugh, you're right...his beef should be with the Aces and Eights after they cost him the title. And at the same time, why was Kenny King left out of the Ultimate X match? This whole angle just feels rushed and seems to communicate that the booking crew has no idea what to properly do with Sabin.

A better way to handle Chris Sabin would have had him return to the X Division as a way to reinvigorate it. He could have pledged to focus on doing his best to get back the X Division belt, which is a stepping stone to the World title. However, after suffering a few losses from Manik and other X Division wrestlers (instead of flipping out after one loss), he then turns heel and goes on a crusade to prove himself. Maybe that would have improved things, but the way it all was handled just felt rushed and illogical.
He didn't have any personality as a face and the crowd were not into his sob story comeback angle which I don't think did him any favours. This turn was abrupt but so far he's done well with it and once Velvet turns he can flaunt her to get more heat as no one likes an entitled prick with a hot girl.

The other good thing for him is that coming out of BFG he will have potential singles feuds with Aries and Hardy that will help cement his heel character.
He didn't have any personality as a face and the crowd were not into his sob story comeback angle which I don't think did him any favours.
I actually disagree with this. I thought Sabin was over as he took the X-division belt and chased the world title. People were legitimately glad to see him back and happy for him. And he was putting on quality matches. The crowd was red hot for the amazing three-way match where he reclaimed the belt from Aries. Strangely it was after he won the belt that the reactions died down. Likely because it's more fun to watch an underdog babyface chase, as well as the fact that his title reign was destined for lame-duck status.

This turn was abrupt but so far he's done well with it and once Velvet turns he can flaunt her to get more heat as no one likes an entitled prick with a hot girl.
I actually don't really expect Velvet to turn. He'll gain more heat by putting her in positions to be the hot innocent girlfriend who is victim to her man's "douche-baggery". The Sabin/Velvet dynamic is slowing rolling out nicely. It is in the same vein of the angle they did with Roode and Traci a few years back, and later with Desmond Wolfe, but it is working none-the-less.

The other good thing for him is that coming out of BFG he will have potential singles feuds with Aries and Hardy that will help cement his heel character.
Right. Lots of really good matches could result from the current group of guys that are sliding, at least temporarily, down into the X-division.

And King and Sabin can both draw heat pretty well which can break up the love fest from the crowd that occasionally dampers the dynamic when these types of athletes are matched up.
Its obviously just another case of TNA screwing up any credibility their storylines have IMO. I still want to know what happened when Joe was abducted...

In any case off topic Sabin as a heel isn't bad because lets face it he wasn't over like AJ Styles or a Jeff Hardy, and I know while he is a great wrestler, he is not a great speaker and that is what is hurting him as a face, as a heel you just whine and complain and you can be over. Shelley was always his mouthpiece and without a mouthpiece he wasn't going to ever be a mainstay as world champion.
I'm torn on his heel turn, in one way I always liked his character in MCMG, kind of arrogant and cocky, but got the job done. on the other hand, he's now a whiny b!tch causing me to dislike him more and more, which is exactly what a heel should be doing....

i feel his world title run was just Dixie and upper management saying "sorry about your knee the last 2 years, here's the best we can do to make it up to you. It def felt rushed, like others I would have liked to see a longer feud with A&E's, or at the very least with Bully
If they built it right, Sabin as a heel could make sense. Maybe the bitter champ who is threatened by upcoming talent (Magnus) so goes after the biggest dog he can get his hands on (Aries) ? I don't like the idea of him feeling like he is being victimised because of the hammer incident(s), makes a vet come off as weak, pathetic and vain
Although TNA did the typical non sense of not building a turn, I do like heel Sabin better than face Sabin. He was too bland and vanilla as a face and I got extremely tired of hearing about Sabin's numerous knee injuries and how he considered quitting. Boo freaking hoo! And I am a Sabin fan from back in his debut X Division days. Did AJ Styles get a main event reputation for crying about injuries? When you have to use that storyline excuse to give someone a World Title shot, they are too boring or mundane to be TNA Champion. I think Sabin could do wonders for helping the X Division again, but I think his brief TNA Title run showed just how bad a fit he is for that division until big character changes can be made.
I actually disagree with this. I thought Sabin was over as he took the X-division belt and chased the world title. People were legitimately glad to see him back and happy for him. And he was putting on quality matches. The crowd was red hot for the amazing three-way match where he reclaimed the belt from Aries. Strangely it was after he won the belt that the reactions died down. Likely because it's more fun to watch an underdog babyface chase, as well as the fact that his title reign was destined for lame-duck status.

I felt like there was a pretty mixed response to him once he went after Bully and they kept going on about what he came back from, I know it was an incredible feat of mental strength on his part but live wrestling crowds are as unsympathetic as there is unless you're a legend. Then I think he was hurt by the way he won it, the match itself was well worked but all the interference and the hammer shot wasn't exactly the face overcoming the odds win that he needed.

I actually don't really expect Velvet to turn. He'll gain more heat by putting her in positions to be the hot innocent girlfriend who is victim to her man's "douche-baggery". The Sabin/Velvet dynamic is slowing rolling out nicely. It is in the same vein of the angle they did with Roode and Traci a few years back, and later with Desmond Wolfe, but it is working none-the-less.

It looks like you are right and given that Velvet is probably the most over Knockout in TNA now Mickie is gone means it will generate heat for hi. The stuff with him covering her up this week actually reminded me of Sable and Mero's angle back in 98.

Right. Lots of really good matches could result from the current group of guys that are sliding, at least temporarily, down into the X-division.

And King and Sabin can both draw heat pretty well which can break up the love fest from the crowd that occasionally dampers the dynamic when these types of athletes are matched up.

If Hardy, Joe and Aries all join Sabin and King to rebuild the division it could be something special once again and will help Option C matter more next year.
I don't really see were TNA has done anything wrong here. For the last twenty years, we have seen time after time after time that any wrestler who comes back from a long term injury will return as a face because crowds are happy to see them back and will happily cheer them on. The thing with Sabin is that he has never came across as overly likable so it made sense to turn him once his return honeymoon period was over.

As such, I had no issue with him turning on Manik over the belt he never actually lost and I like the way he is playing up all the things that would alienate him from the masses along with creating a sort of heel Randy Savage/ Miss Elizabeth dynamic with Velvet (I found his covering her up extremely funny). The Ultimate X match has an overload of faces, it needed a heel and turning A Double again so soon after him turning face would create far too much ill feeling. Sabin playing the faces off against each other could be just the element that a complete face bout would be missing (no matter how much talent is involved).

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