Heel MVP vs face MVP: Who would you rather have?


Pre-Show Stalwart
i seen 1 or 2 threads that had mvp in their discussion but not about what im talking about.

ok so i remember watching mvps debut and i thought wow what a great heel he is good on the mic, has a great move set, and has alot of energy and charisma for a heel. And he had a really great push and i think it was a well deserved push i mean his character as a cocky highest paid superstar in smackdown history worked for him so well.

then after a while he went on that hugh losing streak that took him to a slow face turn and he still had somewhat of a push. Plus the fans still really liked him but then not to long after his switch to raw he kinda dissapeared from the storylines into putting people over and jobbing.

so what im asking which mvp would you rather have him be as would rather him go back to heel cause he is back on sd and his heel had great feuds its not just cause what happened when he went face i like him as a face but i kinda feel they took away from his character so i choose heel.

what about yall
Fella id rather him as a heel as well he was on his way to ME he had a good gimmick had a good moveset good mic skills before he went to raw and his progress was gone and he didnt fit in whereas at smackdown he fitted in perfectly and people wanted to shut him up so he was doing his job perfectly
I enjoy his work as a heel far better than his face work. There are some guys that you do not change. But they took a risk on his face turn and didn't push it exactly like an armchair booker like myself wants. The only retribution is to have the highest paid SmackDown superstar like Montel Vontavious Porter back, you can believe that playa.

You turn him heel now, a feud with Kofi will be like Tony the Tiger line, "they'reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee great" in terms of babyface and heel dynamic.
MVP is just a natural heel, there are some guys who are just meant to play heel, and he's one of them. His mannerisms, way of speaking, attitude, look, they scream heel. He has to work hard to get the crowd to like him, and he's still not that over except for his balling move. If they turn him he can and will go back into the main event picture. It's a transition era and it's not as crowded now with established main eventers.
He is much better as a heel, he's boring as a face. When he came into WWE I thought he was a future maineventer but now; not a chance in hell. He had some great feuds as a heel with guys like Benoit, Hardy, Kane etc and had a great gimmick with a great move-set and most importantly he was really over as a heel, I don't know why they turned him face because he was doing great as a heel.
I'd rather see MVP six feet under, but if I had to pick between the two, a heel MVP, because it makes me sick to see people cheering an ex-robber and kidnapper.
Heel MVP. He seems to struggle to be a face. It wouldn't be too hard to do it either. Look at all of his US/IC title reigns. If I'm not mistaken, I believe they were all heel reigns, but I think during one of the US one's, he switched from heel to face. But either way, heel MVP is better than face MVP. /thread.
A heel MVP by far. If he remained a heel and didn't have that pointless losing streak, I could see him as a main event heel, something we all expected out of MVP, and in my opinion WWE dropped the ball with that. It isn't to late, but it'll be way to out of the blue to have MVP in the main even scene, since he's been a face for a year or so now. When they had the whole storyline where Jesse Ventura wanted new wrestlers in the main event scene, they had a chance for MVP to become a champion, but dropped the ball again.

I'm a big fan of MVP's work, and it just really upsets me on how WWE uses him. His promo work is good either way, but he's more entertaining as a heel and that's the main thing it comes down to.
MVP suits the heel role perfectly. His "highest paid athlete in Smackdown history" gimmick needs a heel persona to be successful. He is bragging about how much he is paid, which is always going to p1ss off the fans.

MVP was perfect at playing this role, the entrance where he came through his own blow up stage was cool, the bling fitted the character, and he is excellent playing this character on the mic. I disliked him intensly in this role, which showed to me that this character worked, because they WANTED me to hate him.

Porter is average at best in the ring, but he needs a new finisher. The play of the day straight up sucks, and he is extremely boring as a face. There is no real reason why he is a face, MVP needs to be a HEEL
I think anyone will say they would like a heel MVP. However if you are jobbing to wrestlers, who cares if you are heel or not. You won't have the chance to show yourself. He was on top when he was a heel at smackdown, then we learned for some reason he was in the doghouse, then WWE demoted him badly. Even if he is changed back to a heel how can you prove your worth by jobbing to other wrestlers. He had a feud with Swagger, then Swagger became a champion, MVP stayed where he is. Then he had a feud against Miz, Miz is the future champ now, but MVP is still staying down there. Whatever he did, he really upset the management. He has some great potential, certainly as heel, but he needs to be promoted first...
I'ld rather have a relevant MVP who engages in feuds and appears on other WWE programming than Superstars. In order to achieve this result, it has to be heel MVP all day long. The gimmick is ripped off Cuba Gooding's character in 'Jerry Maguire' and after watching that movie, you can't help but hate him due to his over-inflated ego and pompous moaning. MVP's best work was in '07 when he was feuding with Benoit and Hardy which worked because Benoit's gimmick was the hard-working, tough bastard which contrasted with MVP's mouthy, arrogant punk character.

I'm totally kidding, he blows as a face, he's like Mark Henry, the only time he's even relevant is when he's heel. The problem with MVP, and the real question we should be asking is has his character been damaged so much it's not salvageable. I'm with everyone else, loved him when he debuted but he's lost so much steam, I'm not sure he can ever regain his former glory. I guess all we can do is hope they don't do the same thing to Alberto Del Rio
I'm a fan of heel MVP, when he first appeared his gimmick was fresh and unique, he had good mic skills, and his entrance complimented his gimmick. As a face he just seems bland and boring, he's fallen into a position that rivals Shelton Benjamin on ECW in it's last days.

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