Heeeeeeeeeere's Abraham!

The Doctor

Great and Devious
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Abraham Washington is awesome. Rewatch his segment from tonight. You cannot deny that he has charisma out the wazoo.
His jokes were just fat jokes, but they were delivered with such timing and personality that they were hilarious.

What do you see for him in the future?
Eh, I'm not quite as optimistic as you are just yet. I was certainly not impressed with his first show featuring the Bella Twins. But, that could simply be chalked up to the fact that he really didn't have much to work with. Last night's segment with Tommy Dreamer was definately better. I did chuckle slightly in a few places, although I think half of those were at Tommy's jokes which were on par with Abraham's.

Washington's mic skills are definately much better than most young guys, however, I know nothing about him prior to last week. I want to see him in the ring before I can make any educated judgements on how bright his future might be. Charisma on the mic does not always translate into charisma in the ring.
I'm just glad we finally have a guy who looks like he is actually enjoying himself out there, and doesn't seem to really care who he impresses. He seems to say "Hey, I'm going to do my thing, and if you don't like it that's your problem." He plays his character well. They are debuting him correctly as well, as pre-taped vignates and matches against jobbers isn't the formula that should always be followed.

I was going to start a thread about how this guy is the 2nd coming of Brother Love. I'm glad he's a heel, and I'm glad he is a talk show host. He'll be able to draw heat faster, and be given time to develop a character before even stepping in the ring. He can cut a promo on the mic, so he should have at least some sense of in ring psychology. Let's see what the next few weeks hold for Abraham.
He is attrocious. He may have the lines, and I even question that, but he does not know how to deliver them in the slightest. His segment with the Bella twins was awful, and his segment with Tommy Dreamer was clunky and didn't really flow at all. The crowd didn't give a shit about him, and seeing how Seamus is looking at something of a push and Yoshi Tatsu is already reasonably over, we are looking at a toss up between this guy and Tyler Reks for who will be cast aside first.

Tommy Dreamer is one of the WWE's most underrated on the mic, and yet he couldn't really drum up any chemistry with Washington. He's essentially doing a poor impression of the VIP lounge, and Tastycles doesn't approve.
I wasnt impressed the least bit with him from his interview with the Bella Twins, but that might be because of the Bella Twins, and them ruining anything their involved with. Ill havent had a chance to watch ECW or Superstars from last week, but Ill have to check it out since it sounds like he was making fun of Dreamer. I'd rather see him in the ring, than having another sit down talk show, which has been over done in the WWE. The should of build him up a little better before his debut.
I agree with Tasty here. He wasn't really funny either week, and the entire show just feels pointless to me. What did it accomplish besides proving that this guy nobody cares about is a heel? All Tommy really said about the match at NoC is that he's friends with Christian and Kozlov would be a tough opponent. Isn't that what Helms is supposed to find out as the backstage interviewer? Hopefully he gets better, because I currently find The Abraham Washington Show completely unentertaining.
I think this guy is terrible. Why was he pretending to read the cards when it was clear they had The Abraham Washington SHow logo on both sides.

His talking is pretty lame and i dont see much more from this guy which is a shame as i was optomistic when he was on his way to the ring. But with the Bella's interview.. i lost all interest in him, then the Tommy Dreamer one completly put me off him.
I really wasn't impressed with the debut of Abraham's segment because he didn't have anything to work off of. He had a talk show with the Bella Twins wow how can any one work off a good segment with them. So I blame them for the bomb of a first segment of The Abraham Washington Show.

Had he of had an opening segment with someone who can actually be entertaining on the mic to exchange words with Abraham such as hmmmmm I don't know... Christian. I think the segment would have debuted in a bigger and better fashion then it did. Washington could have worked off of Christian and vice versa which would have led to entertaining exchange on the talk show segment.

I would also like to see what this guy can do in the ring also because hey if he ends being utter crap on the mic he can at least put on a good match... How ever if he is bad at both he will be "Future Endeavored" before we know it or get sent back FCW :)
Umm he's pretty decent, he's got charisma, but if he keeps this up I think he's gonna end up with a pink slip. I havn't even seen him wrestle yet. And at times he's seems like a blabbering fool. I don't see much of a future unless he gets in the ring and turns some head. Every successful talk show in the WWE has had a successful host. Piper's Pit had Piper, Highlight Reel had Jericho, etc. So Docco, don't get your hopes up to much, he's got more to prove. I like his hair though lol.
Well, we'll see next week. He has both Christian and Tommy Dreamer on his show. Christian's great, Tommy's pretty good, and Abraham can work off of those two. Once he gets his confidence and finds his niche I'm sure he can do better.
The one thing with Abraham Washington whether you love him or hate him, he has been debuted doing a talk show. Now for some unknown that’s pretty risky and must be pretty scary for him, I found him very annoying and his accent reminds me very much of the Coach, I would hold my judgment I think until I see him in the ring but the last coupld times ive seen him, well the first week I don’t think many people could do much with the Bella Twins and last week, wow I don’t even remember Dreamer I think, meh I don’t rate Dreamer either but should be a way to elevate the Dreamer/Christian feud at NOC
Not a fan... yet.

For some strange reason, I appears to me as if creative is pushing Mr. Washington to become a retred of The Rock.

Unfortunately, he doesn't have the speaking skills of The Rock, despite the uncanny appearance he possesses towards The Rock (I really think he looks like The Rock).

I know The Rock didn't have a "talk show", but he is better known for his mic skills than his ring skills. I have a bad feeling that when Abraham steps into the ring to wrestle, he's going to be terrible. But creative sees how much potential he has with a mic and are going to try and make us forget that he has no wrestling skills.

Only time will tell... if he's given a fair amount of time.
well i think he is funny but i want to see him wrestle. thing is i dont think he does wresle. he was the GM in FCW. i thought he would be the new GM of ECW but it seems that wwe went with tiffany, not that thats bad but she is like a robot when she talks on the mic
Not a fan... yet.

For some strange reason, I appears to me as if creative is pushing Mr. Washington to become a retred of The Rock.

Unfortunately, he doesn't have the speaking skills of The Rock, despite the uncanny appearance he possesses towards The Rock (I really think he looks like The Rock).

I know The Rock didn't have a "talk show", but he is better known for his mic skills than his ring skills. I have a bad feeling that when Abraham steps into the ring to wrestle, he's going to be terrible. But creative sees how much potential he has with a mic and are going to try and make us forget that he has no wrestling skills.

Only time will tell... if he's given a fair amount of time.
Well for that matter, The Rock sucked inside the ring, lets be honest.

He didn't had anything that blew my mind when he was inside the ring, he didn't have the "it" factor that someone like Shawn Michaels or Undertaker have, they are clearly superior than The Rock ever was inside the ring.

So, it doens't mean a thing if Abraham is nothing in the ring. They can work as well as they did with The Rock, ok, I'm not saying that The Rock was a nobody inside the ring, he was good but nothing special in him inside the ring, he was "showstopping" and all that, but he didn't have anything besides that...

I don't think Abraham will last one more month, I hope I'm wrong about that.
Abe's actually has been growing on me. He was god awful on his ECW debut, but considering the Bellas were his guests I can't blame him. I actually enjoyed last week with Dreamer and his childish humor. I'm guessing he'll stick with this gimmick for awhile and then move on to being a manager or GM of ECW.
he's pointless. he's suposed to be a wrestler but has never had a match. none of what he does is funny and he gets no reaction from the crowd. is he a heel or jsut stupid?? and why was this weeks segment on the stage instead of in the ring?? wait...no...it can't be.... were they changing the ring for smackdown during that segment? wow. all i have to say is wow. i really can't believe that they care so little about ecw.

back to the topic. arbaham washington.....your fired!!!!
I watched the segment between Abraham/Christian/Dreamer and I tried to give Abraham a chance but he hasn't impressed me yet.First of all I couldn't eve figure out if he is a heel or a face because all the time he did some bad heelish jokes then again started to act like a face.Segment was actually funny but not because of Abraham it's just because of Christian.If it was a peep show and the quest was Dreamer it would be hell of a lot better than this one and since he debuted we never had a chance to see him in the ring yet.So I can't say so much about him but he still couldn't catch my attention.
I like this guy, he's getting better and better each week and it's obvious his confidence is growing because he's becoming more natural. I just don't see where this can go, what future does this guy have when he's not even being allowed to wrestle. Guys who only talk don't last long, and I don't see this being any different. If he doesn't start wrestling soon he's going to be gone soon, sadly.
I'm sorry, but I HATE him.

I want to get rid of him as soon as possible. I don't even understand if he is actually a wrestler or is he a interviewer?

Why did Tommy Dreamer and Christian not beat the hell out of him the amount of digs seriously.

Im so fed up with his Fricking music as well.

Please fire him!
Abraham Washington does his job spot on...

His main job is to make you hate him...and most people do. His show is different, rather on Raw and SD where we would see a 10 min promo in the ring, we have the talk show format. It's a bit more informal than an in ring promo, yet still gets the points over.

The little things on his shows like the applause sign and the laughter sign are sheer comedy...he's a great assett to the announcing team whether ECW is the place for him in the long run is a different question.
I believe they should of started AW out with Christian or Tommy Dreamer right off the bat. When he first debuted, no one knew what to make of him. Was he heel? face? tweener? Also, having the Bella Twins babble on didn't help matters. I think ECW should of showed promos for AW and all the developmental workers before they just threw them on the show and hoped for a reaction.

I can't stand him myself, so I guess he is doing his job. It would be nice if he would of made fun of the original ECW during his first promo. He did make fun of Tommy Dreamer about his weight, but I think he could of made fun of his hardcore legacy instead. I believe AW is hated more for his performance then he is as a heel.

At least last week's ECW was a step in the right direction. Christian played off him well, and AW even made fun of the horrendous Shelton Benjamin sing off last week. We will have to see if he is worthy enough in the ring to be taken serious though.
Yeah, Washington is just like The Rock, Without the charisma, Or the talent. I can only hope to god that he doesn't write his own stuff, It's fucking terrible. He keeps accidently interupting his guests, And his voice is so dull, I think i'm watching the news.
Ugh... I cant believe this is actually entertaining to some of you... Before I say anything further, and for those who don't know, I'm a HUGE ECW mark. As a matter of fact, in a lot of ways, I've enjoyed ECW more than Smackdown (on a few occasions). That being said...

Abraham Washington is a complete abomination to the ECW product. As far as I'm concerned, the idea of the Abraham Washington Show is something that looked good on paper, but was poorly executed. I don't know who's writing his lines, but that guy needs to be fired. Or maybe I'm just biased at the writing because the person executing the lines in front of the live audience has awful charisma, a HORRIFIC sense of timing, and pauses between every word that he's speaking. Or maybe it's the terrible Ernest "The Cat" Williams wannabe theme song. Or maybe it's the awful subject matter discussed in the show.

I fully understand the concept... the WWE wanted to create an Arsenio Hall type of show with the host being a subtle antagonist. Like I said, it all looks good on paper. But the man they've chosen is a train wreck. The funny thing is that the concept of this show was custom-built for Abraham Washington, since his Barack Obama gimmick was going over well in FCW. But Washington's execution is extremely slow-paced, boring, somber, stiff, and almost uncomfortable to watch. In his first two interviews, the crowd didn't even know how to react. So, the WWE threw in the (quite humurous, I must admit) flashing "APPLAUSE" sign on the Titantron. After this started getting used, the crowd began to react to parts of th skits with a collective voice. So, the show is finally going in a good direction.

All in all, on a scale of 1-10, I give the show a 2. I think the talented WWE writers are going to find a way to make this show go over somehow. But until we get out of these building stages, the Abraham Washington Show is going to make me change the channel every week.
I disagree with you Doc. This guy is not funny nor do I find him having any type of charisma. He's just plain annoying. This guy has been given TV time and he's making me want to change the channel. I don't know if it's the pressure or he's not ready but something tells me this guy will never make it big. His talk show is so dreadful because he cant keep the crowd in the arena and at home excited. His jokes are lame and I find his Mic skills too mediocre to be hosting a long segment. My prediction is that he's driving on the Ortiz road. Find a little momentum and then be wished good luck on your future endeavors...
I love the Abraham Washington show. I think he is funny as hell and he is great at getting under the crowds skin. It is also a rare opportunity for different superstars to get a substantial amount of mic time. I think the show is good, its something different and I look forward to it every week.

Side note: I personally think ECW has gotten so much more entertaining week by week since they got all of their talent taken away in that trade.

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