Heavyweight Title Scene Hotting Up

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Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
So, who's TNA world champion? Well, for the past two years it's been either Sting or Kurt Angle. We had a couple of brief interludes, I'll give you that. Unfortunately, they didn't really register amongst the incessant trading of the belt that Sting and Angle have been doing. There's rarely more options for world heavyweight champion than these two. It's the equivalent of them just playing keep-away with the rest of the roster, and somebody occasionally getting lucky enough to catch the belt as they toss it back and forth.

Now, after the longest time, the heavyweight title scene is just about getting a little bit interesting. Don't take my word for that though. What's the number one thing we must always remember about TNA? That's right - it's shit.

Now, I've long championed the causes of guys like AJ Styles, James Storm and Robert Roode. Unfortunately, they'll be stuck doing shit in the midcard for the forseeable future.

However, we do now have at least three viable contenders to the crown. All big men, for some reason. Hernandez, Matt Morgan and Bobby Lashley. Last night, Morgan came within a cunt hair of taking the title. From what I hear, the crowd were actually quite into it. I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt and presume it's because he's someone other than Sting or Angle, 'cos he's not very good. Still, he's something different I suppose.

Hernandez has been spouting off about how he has plans to be TNA's first Latino champion. With him winning back his Money in the... Feast or Fired briefcase last night, he's one step closer. Though I'm not crazy about his new gimmick, I've always been a big Supermex fan and would be happy to see him hold the gold.

And Lashley, well, I'm not sure what they're doing with Lashley. I just thought that because he's a massive signing (by TNA standards) that he'll be getting a title shot sometime soon. Seems like he's being built up though.

Oh, and there's always the possibility of Mr. Kennedy joining up. Sorry, Mr. Anderson.
I have to agree with you Sam. It does appear that the Heavyweight Title scene is “hotting up”. TNA currently has quite a few guys who could make the division better and make it way more interesting and probably more entertaining than it currently has.

First, there is Matt Morgan. If crowds mean anything in the decisions TNA makes (which it probably doesn’t because TNA is shit when it comes to booking what people want most of the times) then it would indicate that the just might need to push him because he just might be ready for the main event. I mean, the crowd was really into him at the pay per view and people were chanting “Let’s go Matt” and “You screwed Matt” at Hebner (which is no surprise as hr apparently he screws everyone he possibly can). Morgan did good last night and if they book him properly and the crowd likes what they do with him then he is a going to be a main eventer in the future or maybe even soon.

Then there is Hernandez. I liked him better with his previous gimmick but the current one is fine too. I guess. The only thing I haven’t liked from him are his promos. I might be the only one, but I just don’t like the way he sounds when he is doing his promos. I know it might be something that is not his fault but I just don’t see his promos as good ones. Maybe he could get a little bit of help from some of the veterans or they could just keep his promos short and simple. Other than that, I think he has all of the skills necessary to be a main event someday in TNA. I’m a fans of his so hopefully Russo or whoever the hell is booking don’t fuck him up.

As far as Lashley…yeah I won’t comment on him because they haven’t made it clear as to what they are planning on doing with him yet. I wouldn’t be surprised if he ends up main eventing but I also wouldn’t be surprised if he isn’t. He’ll probably main event though.

A guy that should be in the main event (and I still don’t understand why TNA hasn’t done more with him) is AJ Styles. I mean come on, the guy is just a phenomenal performer that can hang with all of the other guys in the main event yet he isn’t doing that. The only bad thing that can be said about him is that he isn’t all that good at promos but they aren’t even that bad to be honest. Why they haven’t them more with him and pushed him more as a main eventer is just mind boggling. I guess either I’ll never understand or they’ll never understand that people want him as a main eventer challenging for the top title and possibly even holding it.
First, there is Matt Morgan. If crowds mean anything in the decisions TNA makes (which it probably doesn’t because TNA is shit when it comes to booking what people want most of the times) then it would indicate that the just might need to push him because he just might be ready for the main event. I mean, the crowd was really into him at the pay per view and people were chanting “Let’s go Matt” and “You screwed Matt” at Hebner (which is no surprise as hr apparently he screws everyone he possibly can). Morgan did good last night and if they book him properly and the crowd likes what they do with him then he is a going to be a main eventer in the future or maybe even soon.

I dont necessarily blame TNA not doing what the live audience seems to want because 90% of the time they are in the Impact Zone and it is probably the same people chanting the same thing all the time. It would be different if TNA was in a different city every week and everyone from coast to coast was cheering for Morgan.
However, we do now have at least three viable contenders to the crown. All big men, for some reason. Hernandez, Matt Morgan and Bobby Lashley. Last night, Morgan came within a cunt hair of taking the title. From what I hear, the crowd were actually quite into it. I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt and presume it's because he's someone other than Sting or Angle, 'cos he's not very good. Still, he's something different I suppose.


How can you say Matt Morgan is not very good... He is one of the best things going in TNA he is fresh big athletic and very much improved on the mic from his WWE days and dont give me the lisp thing he is intimidating and very fresh and I cannot wait to mark out when he wins their title this year sometime.
How can you say Matt Morgan is not very good... He is one of the best things going in TNA he is fresh big athletic

Yeah, but so were The Undertaker and Brock Lesnar and look what happen--

The jeans he wears look silly. Too loose at the ankles. How can I take him seriously after that?

and very much improved on the mic from his WWE days

That isn't saying much.

and dont give me the lisp thing he is intimidating and very fresh and I cannot wait to mark out when he wins their title this year sometime.

He'd be a good deal more intimidating if he didn't have a lisp.
matt morgan is a joke his promos are unbearable his voice is so anoying and he doesnt deserve to be in the main event scene and i think super mex would have put on a better match last night and is it just me or was hard justice the worst tna ppv this year
Hernandez is a louser. the day he wins is the last time I watch TNA. This may sound racist and it is. I am Racist agenst people who try to burn the US flag. I know it was a story and i know Hernandez was just a actor and i know the flag was never burned. But i dont care. The man who is Hernandez could have said no. but he didn't. TNA almost lost a fan that day. and if they dont quit pushing Hernandez they will.
That being said Matt Morgan is the next big thing in TNA. Sould already be a ME in my opinon. He should be a face and war with MEM. TNA needs to watch it tho WWE might want him back.
Lashley-dont know, if he is on TNA on a weekly bacsic then push him.
But if he is there every now and then so he can compeat in mma then fire him.
its all or nothing in my opion.
Lastly TNA has a vetren in there ranks who i think should be a World Champ or at least a Legens Champ(stupid name for a belt.) Kip James(Billy Gunn, MR.ASS). Before you laugh think back to the days when him and HHH had there falling out. I rember when the to of them had a world title match that was great. He is not very good on the mic but who in tna is? Kip has the resamay to Jump up to the top of the midcard. Then The ME.These are my thoughts so there it is.
This is a good step in the right direction for TNA. Sting is retiring soon, and with Angle being a hot mess, they really need to start grooming other talents to be in the title hunt. While I think it's stupid and lame that they don't just push guys like Roode, Storm, Styles, ect, any fresh face in the title hunt is good to me.

With the three guys you mention it seems as though TNA is really invested in building these guys up. Lashley is an obvious choice, just because he is new, a former WWE guy(a pretty big guy in the WWE), and has the MMA buzz factor going for him. I'd be shocked if TNA didn't put the belt on him eventually(unless he doesn't want it).

Morgan has come along way from where he started in WWE. He's growth in TNA has been great, but he still isn't anything special to me. But he really is the prototype of a "popular wrestler". He has the look and feel of a guy like Batista, and we know how that turned out.

But the guy I am most happy to see even around the belt is big Hernandez. Not a former WWE guy, and someone who's character has progressed since the debut. I agree with Sam about not liking his new character as much(seems softer), but it's great to see TNA push "fresh" guys like him. I don't know if he will right away feud for the belt, but I can see it happening before the years over.

In reality TNA has to do this. Having the 3 same guys at the top, can get stale(ask WWE). Not matter how popular thoes guys are, they can become boring and bland. Not too mention injuries, arrests, and other un-forseen events that can happen to a top star. TNA needs to make some legit heirs to Angle & Stings ongoing title holder crown.
Is hotting up some type of British slang?

It does appear that the Angle/Sting era is coming to an end, with Angle being a drug addicted stalker and Sting likely retiring soon TNA needs some new guys in the title scene.

I actually quite like Morgan, he's something different and has the "look." He even had a good match on Thursday with Styles, but every Styles match is good. I think he'll jump into the title picture after he retires Sting at Bound For Glory. He is actually my second favorite wrestler with a lisp, just behind Swagger.

Hernandez is getting a monster push and he has the briefcase he won like 8 years ago, but he's only been a singles competitor for a couple of months. He can't really talk on the mic, at least not so that English people can understand. Sure he's exciting and can do a bunch of slams and flippys in the ring, but I don't know if he should be pushed into the main event so quickly.

As for Lashley, he's shit. If TNA wants to stop being shit he should not have the title. However, he probably is going to win the title from Angle at BFG because he's an MMA star and the God of fucking Thunder. How tragic.

Of course AJ should be in the title picture, but for some reason TNA has failed to give their top star and best worker their World Title even though he's been in the company since the start. Heck, even Samoa Joe has held the title. Booker T even sort of had the title for like a month, but not really.

No one else is really worthy of the main event scene. I actually had high hopes for Magnus until he jobbed to Sting a few weeks ago. If any new guy should win the title it should be Spanky, not Kennedy.
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