
The Brain

King Of The Ring
Wow this old door sure does creak when enter the G-Mod Board Room.

I just wanted to point out this guy HBsam31 in case you guys haven't noticed him. He's been here for about ten months, has over 1,000 posts, and has never once received a warning or infraction. He posts in pretty much every thread in Old School and is pretty regular in the other wrestling sections. Just throwing his name out there for when a new mod is needed. Understand that the creation of this thread by no means suggests I think we need a new mod or any current ones aren't pulling their weight. Just getting his name out there for the future.
I think he's pretty good. He is very active. I think it's pretty impressive that he's never had even a warning. He doesn't create threads very often but he responds to a lot. Especially in Old School. I think I see his name in every thread there.
<sifts through the cobwebs>

I've actually never seen his username once. But now he's on my radar.

Where does he post, normally?
He's always in Old School. Posts in just about every thread. I've seen him in General Wrestling quite a bit too along with the other wrestling sections.

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