Fuck This

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well i think we cannot get along??

werent you guys friends or something, i just dont understand all this bitterness

No, this is just how I handle people who have the ignorance to even try to be racist. Now he's all in AE's and Spam's faces for getting imprisoned when he knows damn well he should probably be in here with them for using derogatory racial comments.
He'll say he isn't, even though he was the 1st to use a racial comment towards Aerandir, who is Hispanic. Of course, being that he was just racially insulted, AE responded with a racial slur of his own (I'll let SC tell you what he said if he feels like sharing.) But yeah, being a minority myself (100% Black,) I don't stand for that shit...it isn't called for and it doesn't need to happen.
im a muslim and get persecuted alot but i dont let it get to me, i think you just need to chill, if you dont like it maybe just ignore him instead of yelling at him, turn the other cheek and pray for his ignorance (thats if he said a raisist slure, sometimes people take comments wrong)
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