hbk one more match.


Championship Contender
I think I am the only one who thinks this, because i haven't heard other wise, but i would love to see another match from hbk. I would love maybe a triple threat between hhh, undertaker, and shawn michaels at mania. And I know people will give me a he got a great farwell and blah blah blah blah. But I really don't care. I love watching hbk wrestle and seeing him in ring one more time would be great.

Now is there anybody that agrees with me.
I’ve said this many times before. I don’t want to see Shawn Michaels wrestle ever again unless it is a Fatal Four Way match at WrestleMania with Triple H, Kane and the Undertaker. Other than that, HBK having one more match isn’t worth “breaking the promise of being retired”. Plus having DX in a Triple Threat match at Mania may remind the Universe of another “Deadman” that the WWE doesn’t want you to remember.
I’ve said this many times before. I don’t want to see Shawn Michaels wrestle ever again unless it is a Fatal Four Way match at WrestleMania with Triple H, Kane and the Undertaker. Other than that, HBK having one more match isn’t worth “breaking the promise of being retired”. Plus having DX in a Triple Threat match at Mania may remind the Universe of another “Deadman” that the WWE doesn’t want you to remember.

I had another idea that I covered in my blog. How does a tag match sound? http://badbookingblog.blogspot.com/2011/08/bad-bookings-dream-match-d-generation-x.html

As for my own feelings on the matter, Shawn's a man who quite frankly has no regrets on his career. He was a legit HOF'er on his first run, and then had that back injury. The second run was the best thing to ever happen to him. Even after retirement, every HBK appearance has felt like a big deal, and therefore, I know in my heart that Shawn has done right in not making a return for a match.

In other words, I'm saying HBK should not have another match.
I had another idea that I covered in my blog. How does a tag match sound? http://badbookingblog.blogspot.com/2011/08/bad-bookings-dream-match-d-generation-x.html

As for my own feelings on the matter, Shawn's a man who quite frankly has no regrets on his career. He was a legit HOF'er on his first run, and then had that back injury. The second run was the best thing to ever happen to him. Even after retirement, every HBK appearance has felt like a big deal, and therefore, I know in my heart that Shawn has done right in not making a return for a match.

In other words, I'm saying HBK should not have another match.

Oh yes, I believe I made a mention of that too. DX vs. the Brothers of Destruction. It does sound better than Undertaker vs. Kane/HHH/HBK III.
HBK is not going to wrestle a match again. He's said time after time hes going to stick to his words and not do what Flair did 4 years ago. Shawn has too much respect for Taker to go back on his word and i truly think he enjoys being a family man at this moment of time in his life. Shawn will always be a part of WWE making appearances but he's serious when he says that he's not having a match again.
It sure as hell would be better than Triple H/Taker again. I didn't want it the first time and I don't want it this time around. Triple H is so slow and boring in the ring and makes me want to pull my eyes out so I don't have to watch. JMO and I stand by it.
I think Shawn has pretty much done everything he has wanted to do. The only, and I mean only reason I would want HBK to return is to see him take on The Rock. There was some serious heat between the two because Shawn apparently did not approve of his initial push. The mic work would be excellent and both men are phenomenal story tellers in the ring. Other than that, I am content enough with going back to old tapes and dvds to get my HBK fix. Truly one of, if not the, best inside the ring.
HBK will never wrestle again. He is my favorite wrestler of all time and it pained me watching him retire, it would be nice seeing another match from him but it won't happen. IMHO I think he will be at WM as either a special guest referee to make us believe that he will screw Taker and giving HHH a legitimate chance of breaking the streak or he will be at ringside with HHH and they will go as DX as they have never been to WM together.
The man is retired. He had a great send off in an almost year long storyline. Shawn unlike Flair was smart with his money. Flair keeps wrestling because he is broke. Shawn can walk away with his health... Look at poor Jesse Sorrenson just starting his career. Shawn did his time and entertained his fans. I'm sure a sweet chin music every now and again, maybe even at this year's WM, is never out of the question, but a match is.

I've never been a fan of Shawn the man... but good for him to walking away from an unforgiving business and still having his health and plenty of money to look after his family with.
Move on fella, Shawn's retired he might show up now and again for promos/in ring chats but wrestling isn't going to happen. Not many guys can retire on top and he could still out perform 99.9% of the roster on his worst day, he didn't need championships or trinkets to define him, he did something Cena, Orton or HHH even can't do and say the majority of their WM matches were 5star quality.

I'd also like to add, the guy retired in 1998, look at it that his body of work between 2002-2010 was all a bonus (a huge one a that)
If HBK wrestle again he betrayal the spirit of the match he has with Taker 2 years ago and he has make an promess for this and he makes only apparition for an feud or an interview that's all.
I'll start by saying that I would *love* to see HBK back in the ring. However, I really doubt it's going to happen. HBK's a happy man, his body was pretty banged up towards the end of his career, and (as other posters have said), he's accomplished everything he ever could have wanted. There's litereally nothing left for HBK.

I could, maybe, possibly, see an HBK comeback in a couple of years for one more match *if* his kids decide they want to see him in the ring on more time, or something to that effect.
how about taker offers hbk one last shot at the streak if and only if he can get hhh to give taker his vengence.. thus a triple threat happens
I think we are all failing to remember the most important thing to this subject. MONEY! I think HBK in some sort of role in the Undertaker vs. HBK match has to happen. If not it would be the same as last year and too many people don't want to see that again. I think if offered enough money, HBK would come back for one more match, especially if it is another attempt to break the streak. Maybe I'm wrong and HBK is too proud to do such a thing and taint his Mania 26 match. HBK seems to be doing okay finacially since retiring, but I still could see him coming back for one more match and one more big pay cheque. A match with HBK involved will sell better then a match without HBK involved.(IMO) I still think, though, he will be the guest ref for the Taker/Game match, and make people wonder if he will help his best friend end the streak, or will he be jealous and stop Triple H. from doing what he was unable to do.
If HBK wrestle again he betrayal the spirit of the match he has with Taker 2 years ago and he has make an promess for this and he makes only apparition for an feud or an interview that's all.

wow reading that comment gave me a headache.

I hope HBK wrestles again that would be great. I am guessing it could happen since I am going to RAW in March, and he is advertised. So even if he doesnt wrestle again I am guessing he is going to be in the story line.
I really doubt it'll happen because Shawn Michaels has said he won't wrestle another match and he seems like the loyal dude that wouldn't break his promise. He's rumored to be the special guest Ref in HHH/Taker so I wouldn't be shocked to see him get involved
Personally, I would love if HBK wrestled one more match if it was in a triple threat at mania with Taker and HHH or against the Rock. I also agree with an above poster saying he would do it if the money was right. Another part of me though hopes he honors his word and doesn't come back. Too many wrestlers come back time and time and time again only to look worse and worse and worse each time. Shawn went out on top, and I think he should only come back if the opponent was absolutely perfect.
i never asked will he, i asked would you like it to happen. And i just think it would be great to see another shawn michaels match. I really don't think his reputation will be tarnished by him being in another match. I think it would be a great match if the opponent is right and i never say no to a great match.
No. As much as most people would love to see HBK wrestle again. He should not. Shawn has said time and time again that he does not want to get back into the ring to wrestle. As a previous poster said that, its not often you see a man go out on top who outperforms 99.9% of the current roster. Shawn wants to be a family man and so he should be because he deserves it.
Under no reason should HBK fight again. Special Ref/Eforcer, GM, etc. or whatever is fine but we dont get enough real retirements in Wrestling anymore. Shawn Michaels is the greatest WWE superstar ever...No reason he should hurt his legacy with another match.

I just wish that He would have ended his career against HHH. Dont get me wrong I lved the Taker/HBK Matches but I would have loved a classy HBK vs HHH match. Where HBK asks HHH to fight him in his last match.
If HBK wants to come back and have another match that's between him and Vince. I personally hope he doesn't.

So many wrestlers have had so many problems after "leaving" the business. They go broke, hooked on drugs or booze, end up wrestling in armories and athletic clubs. I just want him to go out on his own terms and be successful afterwards.
why would micheals pull a ric flair and come out of retirement???? that would be dreadful the occasional appearances are ok but another match is way to much. HBK has nothing left to do, no mountains left to climb, i mean, a threeway this year at WM 28 undertaker vs HHH vs shawn michaels, that would be the only way i would want to see him come out of retirement, that or being a ref but that hardly counts as a match, other then that HBK should remain retired and enjoy life.
No I don't want to see him wrestle another match. I've never been much of a fan, but I will admit he is one of the best the WWE has ever had on the roster.

Thing is, did ya'll see him last night?

He's letting himself go. He clearly had a belly going on under the vest. I don't blame him, cause hell, he finally doesn't have to worry so much about what he looks like. It's just that "Sexy Boy" won't be so sexy with a pot belly.

Oh, and if he were to wrestle again, it would be against another "legend". No thanks. I hate seeing "legends" who are clearly past their prime wrestling each other for nostalgia's sake. Those types of matches always have such a sad/pathetic air about them.

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