HBK - Money in the Bank?

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Dark Match Winner
I'm writing this the day before the Royal Rumble so it could be a moot point in 24 hours time but here goes. . . . . Shawn does not win the Royal Rumble !!! So what can he do ? Well he announces on Raw that he has entered the Money in the Bank Ladder match at Wrestlemania, will win it and challenge the Undertaker the same night. This can continue the story line for HBK/Taker while also put a very high profile star into the MITB making it more than just a stunt show. This creates a number of scenarios too.

For example

1: Shawn wins and challenges a fresh Undertaker in the main event but the winner has to face the No 1 contender afterwards so if Taker wins the streak is on the line again straight after.

2: Shawn wins MITB beats Taker but loses to the No 1 challenger the heat on the "new" champion will be major.

3: Shawn doesn't win the MITB, the winner will be booed out of the building thus creating a new heel automatically, who can then brag to be better than Shawn thus creating a storyline throughout the Summer.

I'm sure there can be more storylines created too.

Your thoughts ??
First, I hope this thread doesnt get merged with the existing MITB thread coz I think it adresses an interesting issue of how the WWE's plans on accommodating all its big names in the limited mainevent slots available.

I still believe HBK /Taker will still get the same resistance from fans because of the fact that we've seen it before & there's no good way for it to end (Taker's legacy either goes done the toilet or HBK looks like an idiot) But the ide of Taker defending his title twice in one night would be quite an interesting angle.

Option 2. already happened during the Punk/Hardy fued, so whoever does it might not get that much heat for.Its also dependent when the match goes on because Wrestlemanias always end with a face going over so as to send the crowd home happy.

I think the idea of someone cashing in at WM26 is quite interesting, but the problem's that I doubt WWE even knows who'll they'll put over.Right now(much to people's surprise) Miz has the most momentum now.Why give the MITB to HBK for a one-night-angle, when they could put it on Miz or Kingston and build a new megastar.
Also consider that, fitting with the storyline, HBK challenging the Undertaker right after he beats someone else kind of defeats the point - HBK knows he's beaten UT before, he just wants to do it on the biggest stage etc, and I assume that means properly too.
The problem with this scenario is that HBK isn't superman.

MITB matches are very violent/long/grueling. To wrestling in *that* match, PLUS put on a 5-star LONG match with Undertaker later that same night would be difficult.

And I know, if anyone could have done it it probably could have been HBK, but even for him i don't think it's realistic
I like where your going with your situations and they seem to be very well thought out. I don't know if WWE will go with anything though that indicates HBK will win. Consider the array of young talent that darq brought up earlier, I also will bring up Ted Debiase winning MITB and causing the breakup of legacy. HBK winning though and going back in the same night does seem unlikely.

I think if it were to work, there'd have to be a great heel originally facing Taker, and HBK turns it into a triple threat match from the start and goes on to constantly try to pin Taker and disregards the heel, maybe it costs Taker the belt and starts a Taker/HBK fued.
I have thought that this will be a great idea now that edge won the rumble. have hbk challenge taker to an iron man match, they are tied right at the end, and then bret comes out and submits taker in a sharpshooter, teddy long restarts it to a casket match, and either of the could win it. It is a bit unrealistic for hbk to win mitb, have iron man match, and casket match, and taker to defend title, iron man, and casket all in one day, but it could happen
I really think having Shawn Michaels in the MITB match is a GREAT idea. Who says this match can only be won by an up and coming guy? I have always thought it should be about what is best for the business, not just what is best for a guy the WWE hopes will be great. If Shawn wins, I wouldn't like to see him challenge for the belt that night. I would like to see him walk around with that case for quite some time, preferably as a heel. This could set up a HUGE feud down the road. Shawn could be the first guy to really use his MITB clause to set up a huge main event at another PPV, maybe Summerslam.
Are we forgeting the fact the Taker could loose his streak to a MITB winner just in general ? could that be how he finally looses his WM streak. HBK is just too old & it;s a know fact that HBK's Knee's are shot.

Beat five guys in a ladder match then take on the dead man the same night ? HBK as great as he still is I see a heel turn soon. HHH OR HBK involving taker. I think HBK will get his rematch anyways. But I don't see him in a MITB match & a taker match in one night
If HBK were to enter the MITB and win, he would challenge Taker before the planned challenger going with the obsession thing he's been on. I don't know how many people would like this but they could play up the toll that the MITB took on HBK and have a quick match between him and Taker with Taker coming out on top. Then going on to continue his streak against his scheduled opponent.

I would kinda like to see Shawn shut out of the rematch with Taker all-together. Not because I don't want to see another HBK/Taker match but because I think it could set up a mega heel angle where HBK is pissed at everyone and just wants to beat the hell out of anyone and everyone culminating in HBK/HHH WM 27
Well, let's get one thing straight. It's 99% certain that Michaels will be facing the Undertaker at Wrestlemania 26. He'll screw Taker at Elimination Chamber, Taker will want revenge and challenge him and, yeah, that's the scenario most people are talking about. And it makes sense. Slap the title on Jericho or Punk so they can face Edge. Michaels vs Taker will happen and the title will not be part of the match.

And as I've said above, Taker will wanna face Michaels after he gets screwed. You cannot have Michaels in MitB. Under no circumstance can you have a big main eventer in the MitB match. That would imply he'd probably win it, pretty much burying the whole midcard and stopping a title shot for those who could actually use it, like Kofi or Morrison. And recent Wrestlemania's, or rather all Manias post-attitude era have been all about wrestling, not storylines. So the potential twist of HBK winning the MitB and cashing it in later that night wouldn't happen. Mania is all about the wrestling. Not to mention, it would be waaayyy too obvious. Would hardly be a twist.
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