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Hawkins and Ryder: What Happened?

Big Daddy Fool

One Man Rock Band
How things change in few months. Last summer Hawkins and Ryder seemed to be headed for big things. They were the youngest tag champs in company history. They were paired with the Top heel on their show and part of the biggest programs going on. I may be partial and bias because they are from the town next to me but i enjoyed them and thought they had a bright future.

But then everything changed La Familia was starting to split and were attacked by Edge and LA Familia was officially over and I guess creative was out of ideas for them. Instead of avenging their attack they did nothing, which in my eyes made them look very weak. Instead of putting them in a tag program or even have them work singles matches really they are really only seen in the occasional battle Royal.

I guess lack of gimmick was their problem. Besides looking like edge they really didn't have any other type of gimmick.

What in your eyes went wrong and can you think of a possible gimmick or storyline that can turn them around? I know i can't think of something.
But you need somebody to go out there and get beat up by Khali, Finlay, and Hornswoggle..

No, I completely agree. They made appearances on PPVs, won the tag belts and made what, one defense (in which they lost)? With the WWE hurting for tag teams at the very least they can be used in tag matches to put up a good fight and just fall short.
I think its an issue with the WWE not having confidence in them, so they don't put them in any storylines that are able to get them over, which makes it harder for Hawkins and Ryder to actually get somewhere, as they're not talented enough to really break through the storm clouds and shine in the few chances that they get.

Even though I think they have some potential, the fact that they need a gimmick is an understatement. These two aren't good enough to get over on their own, so they should be given some sort of gimmick to work with to see if that does the trick. Because if they don't do something soon, and they just stay the way they are now, they're going to be future endeavor'ed in no time.
Yea, y'know, I dunno. I really thought they had a ton of potential. Both guys have a pretty decent look, and seemed to have some ok charisma. Both bumped well, and were fairly sound. Its just another case of them being new guys, and needing more time, and for roster spots/tv time to open a little, in the same vein as Kenny dykstra and Elijah Burke. give it time, I belive you will see them again, especially with the WWE seemingly trying to take the tag division seriously again.
I don't know, they do have potential. The WWE tag teams are basically put on the back burner, except for the Colons and Miz/Morrison whom are featured steadily in order to set up their match at WM. Just this week, one of the less stellar teams, Jesse and Festus, were featured on Smackdown in a glorious handicap squash match against Big Show, seems like tag teams play second fiddle to individuals. I remember in the old WCW, it was Eric Bishoff that suddenly decided that tag teams were expendable because they used double the talent to pull off a single match, I think that's still the basic idea on how they are using tag teams these days.
They pretty much got F'd in the A. They were pushed into the Edgehead gimmick while they were soaring as the Major Brothers. I realize they could have done much better as the Major Brothers than the Edgeheads. When was the last time anyone saw them on TV? I probably saw them about 6 months ago. They're probably going to get released in a month or two.
You know when they first started i had some faith in them. they started off great and then eventually picked up a clean win over the New Breed(anyone remeber them) and then later on were teamed with Edge, then as someone else said they became the youngest champs in history and then out of nowhere we stopped seeing them. i think that unless the WWE really does start to care about the tag team division again that they are gonna be wished well pretty soon
I guess creative don't have faith in them. They have potenial, And have good chemistry together, They do bump well. It would take a while to build them back up, But it wouldn't be hard, All they need is regular matches, And be allowed to be themself's. I'm sure they could make a connection with the crowd in one way or another.
They're in the exact same position I thought they'd be in. I never expected a proper tag run or singles stardom. Although I did want to see them carry on being associated with Edge, but Chavo has taken their role.
Originally the WWE had them debut as a "face" tag team, and as it turned out they sucked. There wasn't much of a draw coming from either of these men. Then someone came up with such a ridiculous idea to pair them with Edge. That didn't even help, and now we have this thread.

Both of these guys have some talent, and they did work well in the ring. This team could have been over as a "face" tag team, had the WWE done it right. Part of the problem is that the WWE has a huge problem building characters for the tag team division these days. What could have been done differently for these two?

Perhaps a few vingettes, commercials, gimmick etc.. They were so plain kind of like the color vanilla. Hardly a response from the crowds makes sense, as they were literally a couple of no names. In my opinion there is no reason why they couldn't have been the next "Hardyz", or something in that "face" genre.

Look at the movesets that these two have displayed. High-Flyers who take risk. They have a different look, but look like brothers. They should have been intense, and high-paced in their wrestling styles. The WWE needed, and still needs a tag team like them. The WWE failed creatively on their part. These guys need to be fan based, and crowd responsive.

This needs to be the tag team that nobody can seem to beat. I mean this in the most serious way. Hot undefeated tag team streaks aren't done often, and if the tag team title is unified to all the shows this would sure seem credible. There has to be something that the WWE could use to make them appealing. Maybe coming from the crowd signing autographs for young kids.

I don't mean to describe the corny sappy face, but stars that actually enojoy interacting with other fans. A down to earth humble like approach. It is a kind of face character that doesn't show up to often, it could work for the both of them. They just let things ride out, and then see where life takes them in the end type of attitude, get what I mean? They are the cool cousins you have, we all know the type. If booked properly these guys could go over, and I think an undefeated streak over a span of a year would be sweet. They could be the team that no other two men can beat. Then finally they lose a match, but the question is to who, and how?
i think that the reason they aren't shown much anymore is because their gimmick was too much associated with Edge so once he left you couldn't really do anything with them. As a return storyline i think they could do something like them helping Edge retain his title and it looks like their back together for a few weeks but then at one point they turn around and disown Edge. Another possible storyline is at Wrestlmania Edge loses his title and Big Show starts to beat him up then they come out with weapons and knock him down. Then they beat up edge and disown him or they disown him and start a new faction with a Vickie. So without their edgeheads gimmicks they can get more of a fresh start and the creative team could do more with them.
I'm sorry, but I really never saw much potential in them in terms of both tag and singles success. They're gimmick (or lack of one) was just terrible after they broke away from Edge. They served a good purpose when they were with Edge, but I could never buy them on their own in their Ryders/Hawkins characters, unlike Kurt Angle's Team Angle (Benjamin & Haas) a few years back- at least they evolved somewhat and took on the moniker/gimmick of the 'world's greatest tag team'. What did Hawkins & Ryder do? They somehow remained tag champs, simply because the division sucked back then (but it has since gotten better... a little bit). They're just too lifeless and generic, IMO. Maybe they would make a decent team if their gimmick was tweaked in some way, but I dont see either of them ever becoming legit singles wrestlers unless they're totally repackaged.
Where are these guys? they like disappeared off the face of the earth when Edge got injured last year
these guys actually wernt that bad in the ring
Tag Teams don't have to be exceptional workers individually and whats wrong with having a team stay a team for aslong as they get over. thats why they should be put together, not with the sole purpose that in a few months they'll be split then dumped cause as individuals they aren't great

Look at the Hart Foundatiion, Jim the Anvil was shit as a singles guy but in a team he filed his role, and the Dudleys they are terrible solo but as a team they are solid.

It's all about how they are booked to a certain extent
i think the big problem was they aligned with edge and became piss ant Edge clones, then they faded into obscurity.

I say keep them around, much like Jesse and Festus, Cryme Time. They may not be great but it's better than having 2 teams as a supposed Tag Division. and that will soon dwindle to 1 by the looks. I can't see Miz/Morrison continuing for much longer as a team.
Ryder and Hawkins have officially graduated to Bushwacker status.
The WWE has always had on team that is just there. They dont do anything worth while and no one would care if they left.
Look at the past The aforementioned wackers,The Beverly Bros,Well Dunn,Power and Glory,The Highlanders.

Its kind of sad because these guys could be great if they were given a shot.
I could honestly see them as a new version of E&C.
Hell pull Hayes out of creative and bring back a Freebird type feel.
Have you ever heard either cut a promo? They were horrible on a mic – way too young and inexperienced.

They rode Edge's coat tales and he took them to young stardom – something they managed to remain unable to retain without such a strong figurehead like Edge to lean back on.

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