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Have You Got Straight Edge?


Of Ace Stevens fame.
I am sure we all know what Straight Edge is thanks to the Second City Saint, CM Punk. In its simplest form, it is abstention from the use of alcohol, tobacco and recreational drugs. Some may go as far as abstaining from promiscuous sex or being vegetarian or vegan.

Personally, I consider myself straight edge in the sense that I follow the first three rules. I don’t subscribe to the culture, however. I hate straight edge music with a passion, I have no tattoos and I don’t wear the baggy, dark clothing associated with the subculture. I draw a cross on the palm of my left hand, though. I’m well aware it makes me sound like a poser and a bit dickish but it’s who I am. It’s a part of my identity. As CM Punk says of his tattoos, “these aren’t decorations, they’re declarations”. It’s just how I feel. I don’t like the taste of alcohol or being drunk. I don’t want to put something that’s on fire in my mouth. I don’t want to breathe in smoke. And I don’t want to do things that can get me thrown in jail.

All of my friends drink alcohol. All of them. Some smoke tobacco. Less smoke weed. It doesn’t bother me. It’s their life and their choice. I don’t care about being around any of these things, either. I just don’t want to consume them. I’m never going to lecture someone on it. I’m never going to imply that they should abstain. This is all about me.

Some people who are straight edge proclaim that they’ve got straight edge. So my question to you is “have you got straight edge”? If you have, do you follow the straight edge lifestyle but do not call yourself straight edge? How far do you go in being straight edge? If you don’t, why don’t you? Do you mind straight edge or its adherents?

There are so many questions that can be asked on this subject. So don’t just take mine. Make your own. Run wild on this topic, brother! Little bit of Hulk Hogan humour there...
I'm like 3/4 Straight Edge. Most of the time, I will not drink. I hate the taste of beer, and I've also see it take it's toll on some of my friends back in college. They'd wake up with huge-ass hangovers and all I knew was that I didn't want to be like that. Now, there are special occasions where I will drink something like a Mike's Hard Lemonade - you know, a wine cooler. But even then, I'll max out at two bottles, so it's not like I'll be shit faced or anything. I don't smoke either - never have. It basically started back in like kindergarten when they tell you that smoking is bad. What solidified it for me was the fact that my grandfather died of lung cancer when I was around 7 years old (My grandmother remarried a few years later). I've been walking down the sidewalk somewhere, and just smelling the smoke coming from other people makes me sick. It's like I feel my lungs clogging. I just don't understand what compels somebody to start smoking. It's not like it makes you cooler or better than everyone else. But, people can make their own decisions. As for me, I don't need to drink or smoke to have a good time.
My friends fancy me as a some what of a special case. I don't drink, while to majority of my friends do. During my early high school years I would drink, some times pretty heavy but I got over it. I strongly dislike the taste of most alcohols. I can't stand the taste of beer, disgusting. I'm like Stinger, I'll be happy with a mikes hard or a wine-cooler which some label a pussy drinks but its what I like.

I can't stand smoking, I don't understand how people could willingly poison their bodies like that, it just disgusts me. I'm the only person in my family who doesn't smoke, which I'm kind of happy for. A lot of my friends feel the same way about smoking and so they avoid it. I've tried it, I didn't like it and I haven't done it since.

My only vice it marijuana. I do enjoy smoking that every now and then as I love the cool mellow effect. I'll admit I don't smoke it as much as I use to. Its also the only drug I've ever done(besides mushrooms a few times). So yeah I'm not 100% Straight edge. I understand its a lifestyle people choose and endorse and I'm not against it as people are free to live how they want to.
Personally, I've never felt you can be PARTIALLY Straight-Edge. You either are or you aren't. There really is no in-between. I have never smoked anything in my life, never done any sort of drugs other then prescription pain medication or allergy medication. Not for recreational uses either. I have drank before. I've never been drunk, but i've consumed alcohol. I was fascinated with the Straight-Edge culture, having never heard of it until CM Punk burst onto the scene in the WWE. I thought it was cool, and tried to model myself after some of the culture. Didn't work too well though. So no, I am not Straight Edge. There aren't too many people that are 100% Straight-Edge however. They want to be 97% or 75%. Meh.
I don't do recreational drugs and I don't take over-the-counter or prescription drugs for reasons that have little to do with the subculture that straight edge represents.

Nonetheless, I smoke cigarettes and drink occasionally. I don't drink heavily by any means but I smoke like a thing that smokes an awful lot.

However, I'm not a vegan or vegetarian and I definitely think that dressing a certain way for any reason other then liking the style is quite stupid.

Still, I actually respect the people that go straight edge and are simply trying to be healthy and remain healthy for as long as possible. I don't like people trying to impose ANY beliefs upon me, even if I agree with the beliefs. However, simply being a healthy person is a good thing.
This is a lifestyle I've seriously wanted to follow for a long time. I did as a teenager before I knew CM Punk. It was just something I stumbled across while searching the web one day and thought to myself "hey that is really cool people abstain from drugs or alcohol use for their whole lives". I was already like that in my own way and started putting the "X" on a lot of my gear, wearing black and all that.

Sad part is though I did indeed get caught up in the demonic atmosphere of drugs and drinking when I turned 16 and started hanging around people who smoked. One day I asked if I could try a cigarette just to try it, but alas I am still smoking 4 years later. Dumbest decision in my life by miles. Also heavily drink when I am home on leave with my buddies. I respect the hell out of anyone who doesn't smoke or drink, and I hate myself for it. As much as everyone says just stop, it doesn't work like that sadly. You grow addicted and it consumes you. I know I have to stop and I hope I find someway to. I can't even remember the days anymore what it was like to not smoke or drink. I hope I get back on track to the Straight Edge path soon though
I can say proudly say that I am straight edge for over a year now. I used to do everything, I was destoying my life and myself. I was an alcoholic (I'm not exaggerating), drug addict and smoker. I knew at some point what I was doing to myself. One day I decide to stop drugs. It's been like 4-5 years since that.

On other occassion, I was very sick, completely aphonic. I went to the doctor, after a couple of tests he told me that first, my lungs doubled my age (I was like 17, so my lungs were for someone that aged 34) and that I had in one of my lungs a very little tar spot. I decide to stop it, 2-3 years now.

Finally with alcohol I looked at myself and I realized that I didn't drinked because I liked alcohol, I was drinking because I wanted to get drunk. For many years I didn't remember how I got home for example. Plus in a society like Bolivia is, the youth basically isn't cultural, every weekend is the same "let's get drunk". That's where I knew that was something wrong inside Bolivia as far alcohol concerns. I want to change many things in my country, alcoholism is one of them. If you want to change a society, you need to change first. I took my last sip of beer on february 20 of 2010.

Today I'm betting for a more healthy/natural lifestyle avoiding almost everything that is addictive. I disagree with abstaining from promiscuous sex. I beliveve that here in Bolivia we need to something about alcohol is part of our cultur getting REALLY drunk. On othre countrys, there are strict laws. Here a 13 year old can buy cigarrettes and alcohol and no one is going to stop him. ANyway, yeah I love being straigth edge.
I decided to do the straight-edge thing when I was 18 or so, but it was more of an image thing opposed to actually believing in the values that come with it. Of course, this meant I abandoned it at the first oppurtunity without a second thought. However, now I've matured and come to apprecitae what it means to stay clear of alchol and drugs. I have a long history of alcholics in my family history, and I've drank enough to know that I can quickly see myself falling into it if things were to get tough enough in my life.

I'm officially straight-edge now, and I'm not turning my back on it again like I so foolishly did a few years ago. I don't need to be brought down by drugs or drinking, and I'm not going to be.
I'm not Straight Edge, but I don't smoke and drink very rarely. This year I only drank once and it wasn't more than two beers and a glass of absinth. It's just more fun if you don't drink as a habit and don't do it often if you ask me. It's not even that unhealthy to drink from time to time while not exaggerating.
I'm also not promiscuous, but that's more like a personal preference and I'm vegan, but that's for ethical and not for health reasons.

To be honest, I don't even see what the big deal about being straight edge is and how it is a large part of one's lifestyle. It's not like it changes a significant part of your life or behaviour, you still live similar to most people around you.
I was talking to a guy that said he was good at pointing out stereotypes. We were a part of a group and normal conversations were going on, and I asked him to start pointing out the stereotypes of everyone in the circle. Emo, Goth, Stoner, Prep. He went around to everyone and when he got to me he said "Straight Edge". I laughed because I realized he was kind of right. I didn't talk to him much, but he picked out my appearance and little things that I had said over the course of the night. I follow the basic rules, wear a lot of the clothing, and I listen to the music, but I never had considered myself SxE.

The point is, dsisn't this just another stereotype? I guess it can be considered an ideology of sorts, but the principles are so basic that I just don't see it.
Practically life long straight edge to this very day (prompted by my grandfather and other adults I partook in a few sips of beer n' wine at family functions when I was a child, but I digress). I was unknowingly "edge" in my adolescence. I just thought all that stuff was stupid, potentially dangerous and certainly unhealthy. Eventually I discovered I wasn't the anomaly I thought myself to be. Turns out I like some of the music too. Never dressed up much as I couldn't be bothered to advertise my "lifestyle"(some of the same reasons I generally abhor slogan riddled clothing and tattoos).
I am not straight edge, and never will be. I personally find it silly to label yourself for "life". Sure, if you don't wanna drink. smoke, or do drugs then that's cool. You don't have to label yourself over it though, I've always hated labels. Not saying I have anything against straight edge people, they're people like the rest of us. Hell, one of my favorite bands Minor Threat basically started the whole straight edge scence.

On a side note, yes I smoke, yes I drink, and yes I smoke weed. No hard drugs though.
i guess i'm a work in progress straight edge
i drink from time to time, i did drugs,i did weed i dont anymore i've stopped i'm working at it yes but yeah i drink i'm slowly getting fully straight edge. its helped my life a lot if i do say so myself its really a life changing thing tbh but i'm okay with what other ppl do
cept jeff hardy hes just a fail in my mind :banghead: lol
I was straight edge, all the way until I went to Cegep and my roommates got me to go to the pub, ect with them. XP

Seriously, probably as soon as I'm done with school I'll probably be back to the no alcohol, call me a nerd, but there are quite a few things I can think of that I'd rather do than drink, smoke or take drugs.
I drink almost daily but only a glass or 2 of Cider with dinner and on specail occasions I drink Whisky with Coke and only get drunk on holidays abroad, since people in most other countries know how to get drunk and NOT get into a fight

Never done illegal drugs but i've always wanted to experiance what it is like but there's never been a right time

Don't smoke as it's just too expensive and I like to consider myself quite athletic

And I wouldn't change any of that you've only got 1 life and you live it the way you think is the most fun and I think my way is the most fun
I dont look at myself as someone whose "got straight edge", even though I live my life by the tenants of the straight edge lifestyle. I havent picked up a drink in over 4 years, and I quit smoking 5 years ago. It wasn't that I didnt enjoy these things, qute the opposite. I drank 4 nights a week and I couldnt enjoy myself having one or two. I needed to be at least loopy if not drunk. The same thing went with cigarettes as I smoked at least 2 packs a day. I simply loved the taste, but not what it did to my breathing. As for promiscuous sex, the drinking lead to alot of that as well. But Im pretty sure my wife would be quite unhappy if I continued with that part of my lifestyle.

The thing about it is simply this. I didnt like myself, or the decisions I made during the time I engaged in that lifestyle. When I quit drinking, it was because I was an ass when I drank, and disrespected and used alot of women in the process over a 3 year span. I was raised far better then that and it just wasn't who I wanted to be anymore. When I quit smoking, I just stopped. I didnt gradually decrease how I smoked, just like alcohol, I just put it down and walked away. When it came to promiscuity, I had met my future wife, and she was different from most of the women I met. I didnt want to disrespect her in any way as I had others, and even decided that I would wait until marriage with her, even if it hurt her that I hd slept around with women I didnt care about, but wouldnt with someone I supposedly loved. To me, it was because I loved her that I wanted to wait. Ive never done recreational drugs, unless prescription meds count.

I ascribe to all the tenants of what it means to be straight edge, but to say Ive got "straight edge" isn't really accurate. Ive made each decision for me, not because some lifestyle or movement tell me to. Im straight edge in principal of I do all the things now that would make someone straight edge, but the actual "movement" what haver you isnt something Ive given any thought to whatsoever. Its been completely based on moral principles, some of which came at different times then others.
Im not pretentious enough to run around calling myself anything. I just dont do any of that shit. Not because im trying to make some kewl life statement, I simply dont want to.

EDIT: Yes, technically I am straight edge. lulz.
I've basically lived the Straight Edge lifestyle my entire life, but I had no idea what "Straight Edge" was until I started watching CM Punk back in 2003. And after I saw him, I was like, "Yeah, I'm straight edge, too!" like some kind of ******, not realizing that there's more to being straight edge than simply not drinking, smoking, or doing drugs.

To really be straight edge, you have to be apart of their stupid scene. And yes, it is a scene. It's a scene that puts themselves above everyone else, looks down on those without their beliefs, and has shitty fucking taste in music. And not only do they have shitty taste in music, but they're more serious about their fandom for hardcore/punk than they are in their lifestyle of staying drug and alcohol free. And the sad part is, most in the Straight Edge community who fit that description usually end up breaking edge before they're 25, anyway, because they're using SxE to fill a hole in their lives, not as a true belief that it makes them a better person. Well, sooner or later the novelty wears off and they go look for something else to fill that hole, which is usually drugs and/or alcohol.

So, yeah... I don't drink, smoke, or do drugs and never have, but at the same time I don't dare label myself as "Straight Edge" since I simply don't want to be associated with a trend where 90% of the people who also claim it are complete, utter douchebags.
I am not straight edge and I doubt I ever will be. However, I was a big fan of hardcore punk rock in high school and was exposed to straight edge culture when I was about 15 or 16, so I've been familiar with what it means to be straight edge for quite a while now. I have a few straight edge friends, so I occasionally get blasted with the philosophy and the music and all that from time to time, though thankfully they are VERY open-minded folks.

Personally, though I have all the respect in the world for guys like Ian McKaye who voluntarily live a clean lifestyle and don't brag about it, I have little tolerance for anyone proclaiming themselves to be a part of that scene. Granted, not all blatant straight edge practitioners are douchebags (as JMT so eloquently stated), but many are actively annoying without even realizing it. In my opinion, most "scenes" are like this and those of straight edge certainly fit neatly into that category most of the time. And with hardcore sXe abiders, you run the risk of being criticized for something that really isn't any of their fucking business. I have little doubt that CM Punk gets criticized for hyperbolizing the hardliners when working as a heel, but he's really not too far off the mark. Heel Punk is essentially scenster straight edge idiots with the volume cranked up. Unsurprisingly, I respect the shit out of him for having the balls to play that character as someone who is actually straight edge.

Now, as far as my own personal actions, I drink. Not a lot, though I was a bit of a boozer in my late high school and early college years, but I do drink on occasion, mostly with friends. I go to the bar every Monday with friends for pizza and cheap drinks. I'll usually share a pitcher whenever I go to watch UFC shows and if I'm ever home, I'll enjoy some gin or my dad's whiskey as my family sits on our patio and builds a fire. It's primarily a social thing at this point, but I should note that I actually like the taste of beer, so that's another factor. I've never smoked any substance and never plan to. Smoking just never appealed to me.

So, yeah, in a nutshell, not straight edge. Respect those that live that lifestyle, but have no patience for the holier than thou types that piss on anyone who dares drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes. Even if I was technically straight edge, I wouldn't associate with most of them anyway. I don't believe in scenes and would rather be a, you know, individual.
I was straight-edge for quite a while. Heck, back in high school I was about as judgmental as CM Punk's heel character. I looked down upon people who smoked, drank, slept around, or did drugs. I still do not believe in doing any of those things, but when I got older I became friends with people who do and was able to be open enough to accept the fact that those activities to not make someone a terrible person, it's just something they chose to do. I've never been drunk, never smoked, never done drugs, and never slept around. That's my personal belief. Everyone else has their own. I'm still straight-edge in the sense that I don't do any of those things (rarely I'll have a drink but that's it) but am ok with the fact that many of my friends drink or smoke. Judging others won't make them stop, setting a good example however might. Straight-edge lifestyles are a good choice but only if you do not force those views upon others because that's just as bad as them saying "drink with us or you're not cool".
Nah,I'm far from straight-edge.I'm very old school.I drink and I smoke.I enjoy the taste of a good drink,but I don't go overboard.Drinking's just something to be enjoyed in the company of people you like.I smoke once in a while.I don't take recreational drugs,but I'm not against experimenting.There are a lot of things I'm intrigued by,and I would like to try them at least once.How would I know what I like if I've never tried?

I do admire people that follow the straight edge lifestyle,and I respect the fact that you don't think you're better than people who aren't straight edge,and you don't lecture people who drink or smoke.I think it's cool for people to have a lifestyle choice that they don't insist upon others.Some people want to live a life of straight edge,I just happen to want to live a life of a 1960s ad man.
I'm pretty much on the same boat as you, Seth. In the sense that I don't do the drinking, recreational drugs, and smoking. I don't do the tattoos or listen to straight edge music (hell, I didn't even know they had their own music until I saw this thread). So I pretty much follow the basic gist of the straight edge lifestyle. At the same time, I won't rub it in the faces of my friends, most whom drink and smoke, a la CM Punk during the early part of his heel run. I won't go on to my friends about how it is oh so wrong for them to be drinking at such a young age (and call me ignorant but I have no clue how most of them managed to get alcohol in high school). Basically, I live straight edge mostly because I want to stay healthy and not take even the slightest risk of getting thrown in jail but I won't impose my beliefs on my friends despite that. Ever.

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