Have you ever met a wrestler?

Paul Revere

Step In The Arena
I met Goldberg & Sting like 10 years ago after Monday Nitro in my hometown.

Goldberg was a huge douche, but Sting was real cool.

So, have any of you ever met a wrestler?
Yes. I have met three wrestlers in my lifetime.

Shawn Michaels- back int he 80's when he was one half of the Rockers. He was a dick back then and kicked back in a chair in the bleachers of a half empty arena for most of the event.

Booker T- I met him when he was G.I. Bro and was just getting started with the Texas Wrestling Alliance. He was cool as hell. My brother has a pic with him as they went to the same gym.

Dan Severn- He was a prick. I fought on the undercard of an MMA event that he put together. He was a dick when he explained the rules and a dick later when I told him how much of an honor it was to fight for him and asked for a handshake. He's a complete dick. Made me glad that he was a bitch in the WWF.
Ya I met Lance Hoyt at a local wrestling show in my hometown. Luckily he was da trainer at da wrestling school I went to for a while til I didn't have anymore money 2 pay for it but he was real cool tho.
Only wrestlers worth mentioning would be Hawk, Animal and Curt Hennig and some other less important wrestlers I can't remember. They came and done a show in Sydney and all the wrestlers who put on matches done signing and photo ops.

I want to meet Chris Jericho though.
Met Shawn Michaels at a house show. Awesome guy.

Ric Flair at a book store. Could not have been nicer. Talked to me for about 5 minutes about the NWA and his time with the Horsemen. I told how impressed I was by his being in the business as long as he had and you could see in his eyes that he appreciated it. He shook my hand and said thank you very much. I even got a mini woo.
I want to meet Chris Jericho though.

I agree, after reading his book he seems like he would be a really cool dude in person. I patted him on the back at the same show I was talking about before, but it was in the middle of the show, so I didn't really "meet" him.
I met Bret Hart on Saturday at the NEC in Birmingham for an autograph signing and a photo. He's my all-time favourite wrestler and someone who I've idolised for over 15 years, so I was over the moon to finally meet him. First, I had a photo taken with him where I'm standing next to him shaking his hand. Then later on I got it signed (to me), along with his DVD and some promo photos. I told him that he was my favourite wrestler of all-time and that it was a pleasure to meet him, and he very humbly replied with a "thank you". Simply a class act.

And I met Shawn Michaels a few years ago at WHSmiths for an autograph signing of his book. I've heard he can be a ******** in person, but he seemed quite friendly when I met him.
I met Ric Flair when I was about 9 years old outside of a Nitro. Ran up to him and says "YOUR RIC FLAIR" and he says "you got it...WHOOO" and shook my little NorCal hand.

and of course everyone IC and I met at Fanslam. Everyone was real chill, and Missy Hyatt quite obviously wanted to bang me. So, I guess that would make her really friendly too.
I agree, after reading his book he seems like he would be a really cool dude in person. I patted him on the back at the same show I was talking about before, but it was in the middle of the show, so I didn't really "meet" him.

I'm going to try meet him when RAW comes next year, unless he gets drafted to SmackDown if they have a draft next year. I idolise Chris Jericho. He does seem like a genuine nice guy from his book and interviews that i've seen. Chris Jericho to me is basically Santino to TM.

I've seen him at a show once, but he lost :(
I sadly have met one wrestler and that would be Rene Dupree. He is from New Brunswick and his father runs a promotion here and I saw him at a cosco(weird I know). Nobody knew who he was but I did, so I asked for an autograph and he said he didn't have time and walked away. The little cheap bastard kept shopping. But I would give up more right kidney to meet Melina(maybe I wouldn't go that far)it would also be cool to see Jeff Hardy & Santino.
I met Hulk Hogan in downtown Pittsburgh. They were holding a promotion at GNC and he was there. Nice guy, talked to him for a minute. But his limo was waiting for him so I didnt get an Autograph.

I met MVP when SD came to Pittsburgh. He was a nice guy, looked a little pissed off but nice person none the less.

Met CM Punk once. He was a jag off. I wanted to smack him upside his head for being such a prick

I met Kurt Angle and his wife before at an autograph signing. He was nice. Well I met him several times.
I've met that guy that the Wrestlezone main site bashes all the time.(Dennis "Shady" Richardson) It's damn funny that WZ makes him sound like a bigshot but i've seen him driving around town in a rusty Pinto. The only other wrestler i've met was some guy named Russ Clear. He was a fricken badass and supposedly worked as a wrestler in the WWF. He was a real nice dude.
Oh wait, I forgot. i met Buck "Rock and Roll" Zumhoff a couple of times. I even have a picture with him. How in the fuck did I forget that? Oh yeah, because he sux.
I sadly have met one wrestler and that would be Rene Dupree. He is from New Brunswick and his father runs a promotion here and I saw him at a cosco(weird I know). Nobody knew who he was but I did, so I asked for an autograph and he said he didn't have time and walked away. The little cheap bastard kept shopping. But I would give up more right kidney to meet Melina(maybe I wouldn't go that far)it would also be cool to see Jeff Hardy & Santino.

Ha ha, you like fat chicks. lol
I met Homicide at an ROH show a few months ago. He was there as a fan. He was cool as shit. He was just trying to eat a piece of pizza and dozens of people were asking for a picture. He took the time to talk with everyone. I got a picture with him and a hug.

I met Raven at random indy show doing an autograph signing afterwards. After all the crazy Raven stories I've heard, the meeting was as expected. He chatted me friend and I up and then asked us to do a threesome. Then he had a moral battle in his head because he recently got married whether he should do it or not- even though my friend and I already declined his offer. We talked for about a half an hour. he was really nice, but it was very strange to be propositioned sexually by a guy I've been a fan of for 10 years. True story.

I also got to meet RVD 3 years ago. He actually got my attention and asked a security guard to bring me over to him (he spotted me wearing an old school RVD shirt on). He gave me a hug and chatted with me for a few minutes. He thanked me for supporting him and he posed for a picture with me. And yes, he smelled like expensive cologne and marijuana.
I sang part of "Crucify Yourself" with Chris Jericho at the Meadowlands fair a while back. I met Chris again at Bookends in Ridgewood, where I had him sign the 8x10 I had of that show, and he remembered it pretty well. I met him PRIOR to the show at the Meadowlands fair as well, where he (and his entire band) signed the 8x10's taken at the Chelsea Rock Club in NYC. So I've met Chris 3 times, sang with him once. I've never had a drink with him, sadly.

Met Christian and Hurricane at the Chelsea Rock Club.

Met Bubba Ray Dudley at Chelsea Rock Club. Biggest asshole in the world. Total jerk. The fatter he gets, the more I smile.

Met Shane McMahon there too. Greatest guy. So sincere, genuinely interested in what the fans had to say. I'd done a 35 minute presentation in my B.A. Capstone course 2 weeks prior in a Leadership & Motivation class, and he listened to my whole speil about it. I couldn't believe it.

Met Virgil and Crowbar on separate occassions at Hooters in Wayne, NJ. Crowbar was waiting for Simon Diamond, and we inivited him to sit with us. VERY nice guy. Virgil charged me $20 for a polaroid. Pathetic.

Then there's Fan Slam. Al Snow, Shawn Daivari, JJ Dillion, Axl Rotten, Nick Dinsmore, Bill DeMott, Danny Inferno, John Cena Sr., Tyson Tomko, and several others. Great group of guys. Axl Rotten was uber-cool. Very down to earth. JJ Dillon is such a legend, and he's as classy in person as he seemed on TV.
I met Alex Shane and he told me I had no right to criticise his performance from that night. Me never having wrestled and all that. I begged to differ.
I met Scott Hall(Razor Ramon gimmick at the time) when I was like 11 or 12 years old at a local Mall. It was right after he lost to the 123 kid for the first time so everybody was giving him a hard time about it, his reactions was pretty funny he was in character the entire time. He even flicked his toothpick at somebody which was awesome.

I met Goldberg about 10 years ago at an autograph signing it was right when he became huge. He seemed like a pretty cool guy didnt say much but shook my hand and acted polite.

The coolest experience though was when I met Bret Hart and Psycho Sid. It was back when I was in school and worked at K-Mart and every once in awhile we would bring in a "celebrity"(I use that term loosely cause normally it was just a retired second rate athlete) for autograph sessions and one time they brought in Bret and Sid. It was really cool cause I actually got to talk to them for a couple minutes before everything got set up. Bret was pretty friendly but Sid was awesome. He was really down to earth and totally different then what his character was, he chatted up with some of the guys like he known them his whole life.
I met Ric Flair when I was about 9 years old outside of a Nitro. Ran up to him and says "YOUR RIC FLAIR" and he says "you got it...WHOOO" and shook my little NorCal hand.

and of course everyone IC and I met at Fanslam. Everyone was real chill, and Missy Hyatt quite obviously wanted to bang me. So, I guess that would make her really friendly too.

Missy Hyatt wanting to bang you isn't something I would really brag about. Not to say that you're not a cooze magnet (for all I know, you could be Don "Magic" Juan), but Missy Hyatt is hideous. But, different strokes for different folks, I guess.
Ugly Missy is below this sentance.


This Missy is semi-Hot

This is Missy Hyatt and some dude thats wearing a Carolina Panthers jersey. They be my favorite.
I met Ric Flair when I was about 9 years old outside of a Nitro. Ran up to him and says "YOUR RIC FLAIR" and he says "you got it...WHOOO" and shook my little NorCal hand.

and of course everyone IC and I met at Fanslam. Everyone was real chill, and Missy Hyatt quite obviously wanted to bang me. So, I guess that would make her really friendly too.

Dude, Missy Hyatt would bang ANYBODY who she thought could give her a hot meal and a ticket to a wrestling event(first row of course). Didn't she and a couple of other girls and Sunny have that one semi porn site for girls who couldn't get work in any of the big 3 a while back?

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