Have we had enough of Bret Hart?


When Bret Hart first came back to WWE, all the memories of his greatest moments came flooding back.

The thing is, we aren't being treated to Bret at his best.

He's a man in his 50's, who was retired due to concussions, and has suffered a stroke. This means he can't wrestle.

So we are left with Bret cutting promo after promo. Since he left, the standard expected on the mic has been raised significantly. Back in the day, he was never the best at cutting promos, but now, we are being treated to Bret at his whining, self-pitying best.

I for one am already tired of having this rammed down my throat every week.

My question is simple, Do you agree?
Not at all.

Wrestling fans today don't have any idea how much of a talent Bret was and still is to this business.

His physical status is uncertain, only because Bret isn't saying, only dropping hints that he's "not a cheetah", but can still have a good match and put on a show.

Add to the fact that they are already talking about Bret signing a long-term deal, and you definatley get the impression that the Hitman may have a few matches left in him.

Think about all the guys who have "retired" from career-ending injuries, only to return down the road when they are doing better than they expected. Shawn Michaels, Kurt Angle, Steve Austin, Mr. Perfect, and Ricky Steamboat are all examples of that. Every one of those guys at one time was said to be "risking their lives" if they ever stepped in the ring ever again. Shawn Michaels has had a whole second career.

I think at mania all questions about Bret's ability will be finally answered.
Add to the fact that they are already talking about Bret signing a long-term deal, and you definatley get the impression that the Hitman may have a few matches left in him.

Think about all the guys who have "retired" from career-ending injuries, only to return down the road when they are doing better than they expected. Shawn Michaels, Kurt Angle, Steve Austin, Mr. Perfect, and Ricky Steamboat are all examples of that. Every one of those guys at one time was said to be "risking their lives" if they ever stepped in the ring ever again. Shawn Michaels has had a whole second career.

I think at mania all questions about Bret's ability will be finally answered.

What good is it if Bret does have a few matches in him? He can't main event, and he won't job, so what is there for him to do in the ring after Mania?
The only thing that he could do if given a longterm contract would be to become GM of Raw, maybe have that as a stipulation in his match against Vince?

All the people you named were in there 30's when they got injured, and when they made their comebacks. Bret is in his 50's, and hasn't wrestled in over 10 years. He won't have a future in the ring
I for one will be glad when his performance contract is up after Mania and pray they don't renew. I was a HUGE Bret mark when he was in his prime, but this is just pitifull.

I know its the WWE way to fill up their programming with 15 minute promos but this isn't really working. He comes in whines then is gone for a couple weeks. I know its build up to Mania but like I said, I just hope they dont let it continue.

As been said on here many times, I really wish they would stop with the number of in-ring segmants they have. With ECW merging they just have too much talent to waste time on DX product hypes and Diva's riding a bull.

Love Bret, but here's hope to a WM sendoff.
Absolutely not. I`m loving the storyline...it is thrilling to see him back and doing great. I would however be disappointed if this is mixed with the Cena-Batista storyline... I don`t think these 2 fit in there.
Whether Bret can wrestle a street fight or not, I don`t know but I`m sure as hell enjoying the feud. Last 2 face to face between him and Vince were fantastic.
Im absolutely loving Brets comeback and look forward to Raw every Monday night. I can see that Bret isnt in the best physical condition but he has managed brilliantly so far and has exceeded my expectations. Just the thought of seeing Bret Hart on WWE TV is enough to make me happy. And I wish all these people who claim Bret was never a good promo guy would go and watch some of his Mike work from his feuds with Austin, Owen, HBK just to name a few. Im enjoying every aspect of his comeback so far and think he has done very well with the physical work and also done excellently with his Mic work aswell. I cant wait for Wrestlemania now.
I am probably in the minority, but I never cared for Bret Hart. Not saying he wasn't a good wrestler, or anything, but I never "got" him. Never understood his appeal. He just rubs me the wrong way. I get the feeling he actually believes his own catchphrase. He really does think he is the best there is, best there was, and best there ever will be. Some guys have fake egos, for their character, but can be quite humble in real life. I doubt Hart is one of those guys.

Other than the confrontation/forgiveness thing with Shawn Michaels on his first night back, which was quite moving, the rest of his comeback storyline has been completely meaningless. Perhaps they thought he could perform in a street fight or something at Mania, I am not sure. He has had balance issues in the ring. They haven't always been easy to pick up on, but they are there. I am convinced that Bret Hart cannot compete in any form of real match, so what we are going to get is Cena with Hart in his corner against Batista with Vince in his corner. Pointless. Why bring him back at all, if all he is going to do is stand in the corner during a match? The sooner this is over, the better.
What good is it if Bret does have a few matches in him? He can't main event, and he won't job, so what is there for him to do in the ring after Mania?
The only thing that he could do if given a longterm contract would be to become GM of Raw, maybe have that as a stipulation in his match against Vince?

All the people you named were in there 30's when they got injured, and when they made their comebacks. Bret is in his 50's, and hasn't wrestled in over 10 years. He won't have a future in the ring

Steam boat was 55 when he made his return to the ring. He hadn't wrestled since 1994 and obviously he still had it...so it's not out of the realm of possibility that time has healed Bret's condition and he could be a solid performer once again. And when i say that, i mean Bret could have a few solid matches before retiring for good and stepping into a backstage role with WWE. He could be like other "legends" and have matches here and there.

You say in his 50's, he has no future in the ring? He has enough of a future as long as the FANS want him there and he can sell a show. Hogan is almost 60 and wrestling...Flair is 65 and still wrestling....the point is if they can do it, and the fans support it still, why not?
this for me is a hard one. I love bret hart and respect the hell out of him and his ENTIRE family. I can safley say that I have NOT had enough of bret hart on WWE t.v. IMO they just need to use him right. Ok, we all kno his health is nowhere near 100% and the ring is just not an option for me. It would not be wise to risk anything now for bret. I would love to see him come back in that "mentor" or mouthpiece role for a yound up and comer. ( I'd love it if he started mentoring brett DiBiase and had a great storyline pitting him against his HOF father) CLASSIC!
So to answer your question youngster.....NO! We have not, and we will continue to suppot bret and whatever he does, because he is an iconic figure in the wrestling community and a LEGEND,shit his whole dam family is. If you came form "the dungeon" ,you were a bad motherfucker and could wrestle you ass off, and everyone knew it.
While I'll concede the point that promos have changed over the years, invoking emotions in the fans never has and that's what Bret is doing right now. It's not pitiful, it's a man accepting who he is and what he can do and is still trying to make amends for something that happened over twelve years ago. I don't know if you were expecting Bret to come back and wrestle full time. That's a foolish request, he's a stroke victim. Many members of my family have had strokes (doesn't bode well for me), some in their early 40s when it happened and they were never the same. Some couldn't walk and those who lucked out still couldn't do anything physically strenuous. I don't think once he's said pity me in all of this.

And I'm tired of the "rammed down my throat" argument. Vince has a pulse for what the overall wrestling fanbase likes and he gives us that. In the 90s and early 00s, it was a healthy dose of Austin, the Rock and himself to a certain degree with other stuff mixed in. Maybe Vince does what he wants and we can accept that or maybe he listens to the incessant bitching on these boards and tries to make everyone happy. The only person who knows this is Vince McMahon.

I still don't think 5-15 minutes of Raw being devoted to a main storyline of Mania is anyone being rammed down my throat. Bret Hart deserves the attention and he's getting the attention.
These past years, I thought Bret (along with Bruno Sammartino) was being unnecessarily stubborn for exiling himself from a company that was dying to honor him. Now that Bret's back, I've totally forgiven him and look forward to what he'll be doing each time he shows up.

No, he can't wrestle as effectively in his 50's as he did in his 30's, especially after his health problems. But I don't mind if he never wrestles.....the important thing is that he's here.

That said, I believe he has one more match left in him and I think it's going to be against Vince McMahon. Yes, it's going to look like two ponderous dinosaurs circling each other, but just the spectacle of it will make me buy the PPV.

To me, watching Bret wrestle will be like seeing The Who perform at the Super Bowl. They sucked, but who cares?......it was The Who!

I haven't had enough of Bret Hart and I hope he stays on after WM.....or at least makes future appearances.
The problem is people don't know how to enjoy wrestling anymore. Everybody thinks they're the experts and they know everything. I think people would have a lot more fun if they stop being critics and enjoy what they've got. You wanted to see Bret back for years, well now you do. So just enjoy it while it lasts.
as a longtime fan of "the Michael Jackson" of wrestling, I haven't had enough. I'm glad he has been given the opportunity 2 come back & do this storyline B4 he bids us the formal farewell that we as his fans rightfully deserve. I especially give props 2 Vince 4 making this happen. as 4 his in ring per4mance, I guess those questions will be answered @ WM 26.
I like the Hart/McMahon angle only because now we have a chance to see a revival of the Mr Mcmahon heel character that hasn't been around in years. Bret's promos don't seem to be overdone, but he is trying to squeeze as much as he can to his adjusted character so for the younger fans it could seem patronizing.
I think the WWE has a really good thing with Bret Hart coming back. I recall a few months ago that the idea of having Bret come back was something religious, to a certain degree. Now, it just seems that the WWE either dropped the ball, lost interest in, or didn't know how to actually use Bret Hart properly. That being said, we are relegated to seeing Bret at his lowest. I don't think that's his fault persay, but they could have used him in a different way instead of just "throwing" him into the storyline with Vince. Did the WWE actually believe this was going to work? Probably, but even still, they should have had a backup plan, to which, SHOULD NOT have been having his leg broken. It killed the storyline incredibly and thus made things seem a tad wierd now.

I think to salvage this, they could have Bret off TV for a few more weeks, then have him come back as the perm. GM or guest host. I can't say I'm getting tired of Bret, he's always been one of my favorite wrestlers, and I can think of at least half a dozen other "superstars" I'm tired of...two of them being Flair & Hogan, I'm just tired of the way they're using him because it seems Vince's heart isn't into this angle and he's just doing it because...anyone agree?
Here's an idea for everyone...What if Bret ad WWE are just playing up his "injured status". I don't mean to imply that Bret could take the bumps he used to, but what if this is all to make us believe in him NOT being able to. Bret was born into kayfab, his whole damn family grew up with it.
I for one don't think Bret being back is a bad thing, I'm not tired of it. Do I like every little thing...no. But that's the way it goes.
For ever all I ever heard was "It'd be awesome to see Bret back in a WWE ring in ANY capacity" or "I'd mark out if Bret showed up on RAW"...you got it and now you complain. That's fucking bullshit dude. If you were a Bret fan, either of him or his work then cut the guy some slack. Sure his ego is huge. Yours would be too, don't front. But considering all the past I think it's awesome that he came back, had the moment with Shawn and is working to give the fans one last run.
And the arguement that he can't "go" anymore is bullshit. You have to take it for what it is. Seriously what Hart's done so far looks a thousand times better than hogan did on Impact last night.
What a sad bunch of you are, the ones all turning on Bret and wishing you never see him again. You all were the same people begging and begging for a Bret vs Kurt match, and begged for Bret to come back, and now he does, and does everything he can do to make the best of it and you just turn on him. Some fans just get to picky in what they want.

But wait just because Bret cant go in the ring and put his life on the line in a lousy match you all of a sudden hate the guy?

I hope Bret is around for a while, and does get a new long term contract.
first of all bret hart isnt on tv every week. He did about 3 promos since his come back, there is no pleaseing you internet blogers huh? You people wanted to see something that was never done before WWE gave us that and yet your still complaining. I am starting to agree with MICHEAL COLE you people need to get a life.
What kind of match are we actually expecting at Wrestlemania? I personally think we'll be lucky if we get 10 minutes out of the match and 15 out of the entire segment. As I've said in my own thread about Bret Hart, he just doesn't look like he can pull a good match out of his hat. The 'action' he's had since returning has looked slow and sluggish. I get the whole nostalgia thing and you guys that watched him first time around are lapping it all up but are you really gonna be satisfied with Vince beating the hell out of Bret for 8 minutes with Bret hitting (probably not all of) his patented moves (Drop Kick, Bulldog, Inverted Atomic Drop, Hart Attack, Spike Piledriver, Sharpshooter)
This topic has been done to death. And I'm starting to agree with some of the posters here who say that you anti-Bret posters will simply complain about everything.

Bret's return consists of one match, and a handful of promos. We aren't talking about him making a full time in-ring return and sucking up a roster spot that he can't perform in (ie: Brian Knobbs). Furthermore, no-one has any idea of what he's actually capable of doing in the ring right now, or if he will even wrestle. Bret has always been a master of ring psychology, and there's a very good chance that he will still be able to pull off an entertaining performance, even if he can't somersault to the ring and take table bumps like some of the younger guys. Seriously, it's as though some of you expected a 52 year old recovering stroke victim who hasn't wrestled in 12 years to cart-wheel to the ring and land a shooting star press on Vince off the titan-tron.

For those who don't like the feud or the promos or even the idea of a potential match, for whom the meager amount of television time that has been dedicated to it is ruining your enjoyment of professional wrestling so much that a new thread has to be created to address your discontent twice daily: guess what? Normally around this time of year we would be treated to Vince Mcmahon and/or at least one wrestler feuding with some celebrity or sports icon leading into a 'sure-to-be-awful' match at Wrestlemania. Because WM is and always has been an ENTERTAINMENT show. Could any of those 'entertainers' feasibly perform better on the mic or in the ring than Bret? Doubtful. So if it's ok for Mickey Rourke, or Akebono, or Floyd Mayweather, or Lawrence Taylor, or Mr. T, etc etc etc, to get in the ring at Wrestlemania, than how can it be any worse to put a guy in the ring who the fans actually want to see, and who actually was one of the greats in the industry?
What do you people want from Bret? What is it? If you want a 30 minute match that looks like him in 1994, you are not only STUPID, but you are going to be disappointed.

The people who have a problem with Bret being around are one of a few things. 1. Newer wrestling fans who probably rather see Kofi Kingston against Evan Bourne at Mania in some kind of garbage spot-fest. 2. HBK die-hard fans. 3....idiots.

My guess would be that a lot of people who didn't know Bret were happy to hear he was coming back. Then when he decided to take up more than 5 or 10 minutes of tv time, they got pissed. Its the same deal with any wrestler who may have lost a step. You people have zero respect for the guys who came before you started wrestling.

I think there is wayyyyy too much discussion about what Bret can and cannot do, in terms of in ring ability, at Mania 26. If you were expecting a 5-star performance out of either McMahon or Hart, you are just plain stupid. Bret has had countless health issues and is 52 years old. McMahon is just plain old. Of course this will not be a stellar wrestling contest, it is going to be a FIGHT! No matter how well Bret can move, it should be entertaining, for all of us, to watch him whip Vinces ass all around the place.

Vince gave us a storyline we have been waiting for over 12 years to see (at least those of us who actually watched while it all unfolded). I am just not sure what everyones problem is here. Is Bret really that awful to see? You people act as though it somehow hurts you to watch him on Raw, and he has barely been there.

I really hope he and Vince take up 30 minutes at Wrestlemania. I really do. It will be worth every second of it just to come onto this forum afterward and see how badly it has hurt each and every one of you morons who do nothing but complain about Bret Hart.

So to answer the question, NO, I have not had enough of Bret Hart. I hope this feud develops over the next few weeks and we have a great slugfest between Bret and Vince at Mania. I really hate to break it to all of you "new school" wrestling fans; THE BRET HART ANGLE ISN'T BEING DONE FOR YOU! And it isn't being done to hurt you either. It is to wrap up something that badly needed closure. Because you didn't watch it unfold and you might not know who Bret Hart is doesn't give you the right to hate on it. It's been pretty entertaining so far, and at the end of the day, THIS IS ENTERTAINMENT!
I loved the idea of this storyline, but I think the WWE has dropped the ball. This angle had the potential to be one of the greatest stories ever, but I don't see it playing out that way. I usually take a time out for a bathroom break during the Hart/McMahon segments because I simply don't find it interesting. I think it's been too drawn out and there has not been enough build up to keep my attention.
Meh, what do people expect from a 50 plus year old man that is a multiple time Stroke Victim? Were expectations high, surely, but realistically, this thing was going to be the goose that laid the Golden Egg.

Long time fans should be happy, we have Hart on TV, we're going to finally have closure to the played out Screwjob. Hart is finally going to have his goodbye.

I still hold out that Hart is going to make the miraculous return in time for Mania, and we're going to get our Street Fight. 10 weeks is simply a long time between January 4th to March 28th to build up a match in this day and age.

With Steve Austin guest hosting Raw in the next few weeks, I fully expect for Hart to get the Austin pep talk, and all hell break lose after that. Still along way to go for this.
I see some comments about Bret's lack of promo skills, now, the guy isnt exactly funny, but as far as actually cutting promo's goes, he really was and is quite good, and the sad part is, 50 year old Bret Hart, complaining about something that happened 15 years ago is still better stuff than half the terds who have the cheek to pick up a microphone these days (I am looking at you Ted and Cody).

For that reason alone I am not sick of Bret Hart, it's quite an interesting angle, with the Cena and Batista storyline drawing off from it, Bret in a car accident, who actually saw that coming? Bret's not in great shape, he cant go like he used to, to expect him to go out there and deliver classics is a bit much aint it?

No I am not sick of him, I probably wont be for a while, it's good for nostalgia, it's an interesting story and I honestly am interested in what's gonna happen next week.
ok in my opinion bret bein on tv for me is great and its fresh something that hasnt been seen in years up til recently and for those of you who dont remember bret near the end of his time in the wwf at the time was doin what?.....whining well anyway im just at the point where yall people just need something to complain about with the wwe you dont like he TNA is stilla round enjoy that while you can :lmao: but bret bein back in wwe after what happen 12 years ago is a great an dme personally would love to see him sign a long term deal and either GM raw or go on to manage the hart dynasty which would make sense so just stop your whining just like what you complain about bret doin and if you dont like it change the channel and watch tna when the monday night wars round 2 begin

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