Has the "midcard" term become a cliche?


Dark Match Winner
Ok so i've been into the internet wrestling sites since around 05 and have read alot about the midcard. This is the part of the card that comes after the undercard and before the main event. but one thing that i have read in some forums is the term "upper mid card" or "under midcard" and i just dont get it, people call the midcard wathever is not the main event and it shoulnt be like that. Another thing that bothers me is that some people think the "midcard" is less important than the main event, of course the main event can be "the reason you buy a ppv" etc but that doesnt mean that by being in the "midcard" your less important. Some people want prestige back for the intercontinental title but ive read people saying that randy orton is going back to the "midcard" cause he will likely face rhodes at vengeance, really?!

Do you think the midcard term is used incorrectly?
why do we automatically ally the intercontinental/us titles as midcard titles taking away ourselves their prestige?
Well of course, the main event is should always be related with the WWE and the WH championships. The IC title and the US title are secondary thus they are classified as midcards.

Randy Orton vs. Cody Rhodes? Yes I believe it can be classified as a mid-card, or an upper midcard if thats what they want to call it.
The only time I remember the I.C. title being in the main event was SummerSlam '92 when Bret fought Bulldog. The reason it was in the main event was because it was Bulldog's home country and plus Bret was always big in Europe. It was definately one of the best matches for the Intercontinental Championship, but I doubt we see anything like that again.

There's nothing wrong with being in the mid-card if you are a strong worker. Alot of the times good mid-card matches steal the show. The problem lately is the lack of storyline or time put into mid-card fueds. Until recently they've just been tossing around the mid-card titles, thus taking away their prestige. But with strong characters and good in-ring work, Dolph and Cody have done a good job bringing those titles back from obscerity. It's up to them, their contenders and the WWE to continue to elevate the status of them.

Some of the IWC do use the term mid-card in an almost negative way. It's my opinion that a strong mid-card is always needed to make a PPV worth watching.
The midcard should not be as important as the main event. Not everyone on the roster should be a main eventer. However, you should have good, well built feuds for your midcard titles just like you would for your main event titles. You don't have to dedicate quite as much time to them as you would your main feuds, but they should be based on something instead of just pointless filler.

As for your question, I don't consider people who aren't in the title feud at the moment to be midcarders. Punk, Miz, and Truth are all not wrestling for the title at Night of Champions. All three are undeniably main eventers at this point. Guys like Ziggler and Swagger, on the other hand, are midcarders because they haven't sniffed any type of main event level storyline in quite some time.
The mid-card feuds need to not generate around throwing the Tag Titles and the IC and US Title around the locker room, at least Rhodes and Ziggler have held them for awhile, but whoever takes the title from them needs to hold on to the titles for longer than a month and a half, and the Tag Titles need to be defended on a little more than a regular basis, and there needs to be some new tag teams, Miz and R-Truth, maybe HHH and CM Punk, Air Boom is cool, but we need some more legit tag teams and have some triple threat or fatal 4-way #1 contender tag team matches.
If a upper card wrestler like Orton is involved in a rivalry with a mid-carder like Rhodes doesn't mean Orton went back down to a mid-carder. He's just trying to get Rhodes over. Undertakers been a maineventer or upper card guy almost his whole WWE career, and when he fought Maven he didn't become a midcarder, or when HHH was the IC champion in '01 he still was a mainevent guy holding the mid card belt. I don't think that made him a mid carder.
The IC title and the US title are secondary thus they are classified as midcards.

To put it another way: Kofi Kingston wearing or chasing the Intercontinental title is in the upper mid-card........while Kofi Kingston fighting in non-title matches is in the lower mid-card.

Never diminish the importance of the mid-card; these folks put on entertaining matches in their efforts to someday reach the main event. Even though wrestling is "fake," a performer still prefers to function as high in the hierarchy as possible, no? It's more rewarding; both career-wise and financially.

Plus, if there was no mid-card, how would we know a main event from a preliminary match?
I don't think you can classify it as upper and lower mid-card if your constantly in a title picture of some sort, this is why we call guys now a days jobbers if your on the bottom of the feeding pool. For instance Goldust is a multi-time Intercontinental Champion, but before his injury and after the death of WWE/ECW he was a jobber for new talent, Drew MCintyre he has become a constant loser on Superstars even though he has been a relelvant mid-carder holding the Intercontinental title. Kofi has either been in the main event picture but always being a bridesmaid never a bride or he's held a US,IC, or Tag Title Mid-Carder....

See that is where the difference lies, Evan Bourne for instance was a jobber until he got a rub from John Cena and got a push from Jericho and now you can consider him a Mid-Carder because he isn't always losing every week.
Ryder is another example of this, he was a top heel is WWE/ECW but was never shown on Raw except for goofy segments and being squashed in 12 seconds, but because he is being shown almost every week, has beaten top contenders in the mid-card including the US champion he is on the verge of being considered full mid-card. Finally you have John Morrison while he has had great matches with World title holders over the last 24 months and even though he has held mid-card titles, in the last few months he has been on a downward spiral losing to almost everyone and this is why is going to be jobbing from this point forward if he is on his way out the door.

So honestly you have to categorize it Jobber, Mid-card, main event
I think it has. Just because Rhodes is feuding with Orton doesn't mean Orton is going to the mid level...it means Rhodes is ready to move up and is getting a push from Orton to help him.
"Kofi Kingston wearing or chasing the Intercontinental title is in the upper mid-card........while Kofi Kingston fighting in non-title matches is in the lower mid-card".

this is the problem i have with this, why consider it "upper or lower midcard" when your in the midcard your in the midcard, if your in the first match constantly losing then your a lowercard/jobber or your in the upper card, i dont think the midcard divides in uper and lower midcard. As for randy's match with rhodes i dont think he is going back on the midcard, i think there going to have a good match besides the main event and it would elevate rhodes to the ME hopefully, it just sorprises me how many dumb people think and say that randy is just "back in the midcard".
The term "midcard" being used incorrectly or not depends on how you yourself are using it. Those who claim every match that isn't a main event "the midcard" are wrong. It is exactly what it sounds like, the middle tier of the card. Secondary titles such as the Intercontinental Championship or United States Championship in WWE or the X Division Championship over in TNA are considered midcard titles because most of the guys in those title matches are still in the midcard. Sometimes more established guys compete for them, but they have the main event scene as well as what is considered the upper card to compete in.

The card has various tiers. Lower card is jobbers, matches no one cares about, and sometimes in WWE's case the tag team matches. Lower midcard has guys who generally lose matches but may be getting a push into the midcard. The midcard is secondary titles and secondary feuds. Then you have the upper midcard which has guys who are on their way to the main event but are not quite there yet. Finally there is the main event tier. There's more than that, but those are the more important ones. People throw the term "midcard" around a lot and some don't know what it really means.

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