Has Sting Come Up Short on Letting His Time in Wrestling Live on Forever?


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Has Stings hate for Vince McMahon ruined his chanced to end up in WWE's Hall of Fame. Sting said he never would work for WWE but does this also block Sting from taking his place and going down in History as the only 'Icon' to not end up in the WWE hall of fame?

Hogan and Flair are both in the HoF and Eric Bishoff is going to end up there.

Despite Kurt Angle's working for TNA you know he will end up in the HoF as well as Team 3D and others that came from the WWE.

To me this looks bad for Sting at trully being Immortal, Others have their places in Immortality in the HoF as others are assured to enter the HoF in the next 10 years.

As much as Bret Hart and Vince hated eachother Bret Hart ended up in the HoF because in the end, he is WWE. Men like Randy Savage, the Macho Man will come into the HoF.

Could it really be bad for Sting to have his last match against a man like the Undertaker? Sting Vs Undertaker, a match EVERY fan would love to see, TNA, WWE, RoH, all around the world would tune in for it. This would be bigger then Undertaker VS Triple H.

I guess really what I want to know from others is your opinions on Stings chances.
Sting is one of them guys like The Dudleys, Christian dare I say Samoa Joe and AJ Styles or even the New Age Outlaws who did a lot in their careers and for the division they excelled in. Some main evented and did great things, some had 5star matches at WrestleMania but in the history books people in 30-40 years from now won't remember them in the same light as Hogan, Flair, HBK, Undertaker etc etc; Sting has done NOTHING in WWE for WWE to really push his legacy like Undertaker, Hogan, Flair, Bret, Austin etc.

In time I believe WWE will induct him into the HOF (after all they own the rights too his video libary) and with HOF would come a DVD (or three) which in turn brings WWE MONEY so Sting will be a HOF sooner or later that is a given, unless he declines or TNA becomes bigger and start taken Impact on the road and makes money and they do their own version of the HOF.
I don't want to devalue Hof but i don't think it's a big deal, especially for an ICON like Sting. Who cares if a company doesn't put you in "their HOF" especially if you never worked for them. Many many wrestlers who never main evented WWF went into the same hall of fame. On the other hand, Bruno Sammartino, a legend, a guy who made wrestling business to continue so that we had the 80's era, is not inducted to HOF. i don't think it devalued Sammartino's legacy one bit. Or if Randy Savage really never ends up being in HOF would anyone say anything bad about his legacy because of that reason?

As much as i would like to see a match like Taker vs Sting, i think Sting never being in WWE will always make him different. That's a legacy on it's own, to be this famous and be a legend, without ever stepping into the ring of the biggest wrestling company. Honestly, if i were Sting, after all these years, i wouldn't step to a WWE ring and have a legacy different than any other wrestler.
I am going to go ahead and call it: Sting vs. Undertaker in the next 2 years. More than likely next year. If 'Taker wins this WM, it will put him 19-0. What better way to end two careers in one match and make 'Taker a 20-0 winner at WM. Or they could have Sting come in and beat 'Taker 2 years from now making 'Taker 20-1 at WM, afterwards, both men retire. Neither have alot left in their respective careers.

Sting will be put in HOF in due time, regardless of what happens. I think all the buzz this year of Sting possibly being brought in with the 02-21-11 promos has caused, McMahon and Co. had to have had wind of the buzz it caused. I think in the next year McMahon will pull out all stops to get the Stinger, unless TNA signs him to a long-time deal.

Whether it be a match or just putting him in the Hall, it will happen.

Savage and Warrior will eventually have their time in the HOF as well. In due time, it will happen.
Well assumption is not the best thing to do even with it being your own opinion. Sting will make it to the NWA Hall of Fame. The WWE is not the only wrestling Hall of Fame in the world.
I dont think Sting should go in the WWE's Hall of Fame.

He never was in the WWE, so why should he be in the Hall? Sure, he's an 'Icon' that never signed with WWE, but IMO that doesn't make him Hall of Fame material.

Even if he DOES sign with WWE eventually, he wouldn't last for a long time. And i highly doubt someone can make it in the Hall of Fame with 1 or 2 years experience with the company.

Sting should not be inducted into the WWE's Hall of Fame.
Everyone is looking at it from WWE's point of view and not Sting's.

Why would Sting want to go in the WWE Hall of Fame?

Sting has never wrestled for the WWE and I will say never will. He is a man who seems to stick to word and he has said he would never work for Vince McMahon, I for one see know reason for this to change just to be inducted in the HOF.

Sting has become an "Icon" in his own right, so in my opinion he does not need to be inducted to the WWE HOF. Just because he does not get inducted does not mean he will not be remembered in the wrestling annals.

So for me Sting will stay the man he is, An Icon of wrestling, with or without being inducted to the WWE HOF.
it's really unfortunate that WWE bought everything to do with WCW, including the rights to things Sting did while in WCW.
Sting will end up in the Hall Of Fame, I guarantee it. it just wont be the WWE HOF, but there are others.

I don;t think this hurts Sting legacy or icon status at all.
as mentioned, what does being in the HOF do for these wrestlers? maybe later in life making apparences for signings and what not they can promote the wrestlers are HOF "whoever", but in Sting's care I think his name Sting alone is enough of a big draw.
Sting really needs to suck it up and join WWE already.

What is he going to do? STay in TNA for the rest of his days? I doubt it. One day it will be nice to see him join and get into the HoF.

In a side note really? really? that 3-3-10 promo was the worst thing i have ever seen in my life.
Has Stings hate for Vince McMahon ruined his chanced to end up in WWE's Hall of Fame. Sting said he never would work for WWE but does this also block Sting from taking his place and going down in History as the only 'Icon' to not end up in the WWE hall of fame?

Hogan and Flair are both in the HoF and Eric Bishoff is going to end up there.

Despite Kurt Angle's working for TNA you know he will end up in the HoF as well as Team 3D and others that came from the WWE.

To me this looks bad for Sting at trully being Immortal, Others have their places in Immortality in the HoF as others are assured to enter the HoF in the next 10 years.

As much as Bret Hart and Vince hated eachother Bret Hart ended up in the HoF because in the end, he is WWE. Men like Randy Savage, the Macho Man will come into the HoF.

Could it really be bad for Sting to have his last match against a man like the Undertaker? Sting Vs Undertaker, a match EVERY fan would love to see, TNA, WWE, RoH, all around the world would tune in for it. This would be bigger then Undertaker VS Triple H.

I guess really what I want to know from others is your opinions on Stings chances.

Who cares about the WWE HoF? Only people the WWE HoF is relevant to are WWE fans as I and many others don't care about the WWE or any of it's wrestlers.

As to the Undertaker vs Sting. Once again the only people that want that match and call it a dream match are WWE fans. I have never liked the Undertaker and could care less about seeing that match. Only an WWE fan would think it's a big deal for Sting to be brought in to lose to someone in his 1st match. To me the Streak and The Undertaker means nothing and for that matter Wrestlemania is no big deal.

I'm a person who never liked or watched WWE/F and has never been a fan of any of thier wrestlers. Sting was the face of WCW and had his years in front of the large crowds and pulling the TV ratings. I would say the way all the buzz happened a few weeks back over those vignettes that it shows Sting didn't need the WWE to cement his history in wrestling. The whole Internet seemed to be thrilled over the fact a 51 about to be 52 year old man was going to go job to the Undertaker at Wrestlemania. I think Stings legacy in wrestling is just fine and the thought that people need WWE to seal there legacy in wrestling is something only a WWE fan would think.

Also I don't think Sting hates Vince McMahon. He was close to being signed, sealed and delivered back in I believe 2003 to feud with Kurt Angle ending with a match at Wrestlemania. Sting said he chose not to go after seeing what Vince did to Booker T and other friends of his and he wouldn't allow him to crush his character like he did almost all the WCW talent he brought in. So it's not Stings hatred of Vince McMahon that kept him out of WWE but rather Vinces hatred of all things WCW that did it. Truth is Vince had a chance to build his brand even bigger and chose to crush WCW at every turn to show his WWE as superior and it drove the WCW fans like myself that would have watched his product away.
I don't really want to rain on just about everyone's parade, but I have never seen anything too special about Sting. His matches have always only seemed ok. He has never impressed me with his in-ring work, regardless of who his opponent was. Bret Hart, Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, AJ Styles, Goldberg, DDP, Kurt Angle, Christian and even Jeff Jarrett all managed to have solid (yet unspectacular) matches with Sting. It never has really mattered who he was in the ring with, it has always seemed to me that the other guy was charged with carrying the workload or (to hide the lack of workload) star power of the match. Sting has always been along for the ride. Sting stood in the rafters for what felt like 6 years, and people were excited. WTF? What has he really done? Who has Sting ever put over? What is his lasting legacy? The ICON? Of WCW and TNA? People would be calling the Ultimate Warrior an ICON (why do people capitalize that word?) if he hadn't of gone bat-shit crazy.

Sting had his two shining runs in WCW and he should thank Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan for those. You can call his stint in TNA whatever you want to. Epic, amazing, boring, whatever you choose. Thanks to guys like Christian, AJ Styles, Kurt Angle, and Samoa Joe for almost making Sting be relevant again. I am thankful that he didn't show up for WrestleMania. What good would that have done other than line VKM's pockets further? I would bet two of my testicles (don't be shocked, I have three) that there is absolutely no way the Undertaker would lose to this guy. If it wasn't for the 25+ crowd, The Rock would not have been welcomed with open arms. How obsolete is Sting compared to The Rock? How charismatic is Sting compared to The Rock? Hell, how charismatic is Sting compared to Santino Marella? Sting-lovers, good luck trying to prove your point to anyone that wasn't a WCW fan in 1993. To today's fan, Sting randomly showing up to face the Undertaker at WrestleMania would be the equivalent of Samoa Joe randomly showing up to face the Undertaker at WrestleMania. "Hey, that sometimes dominant guy on TNA just showed up on RAW."



The Ultimate Warrior comes to TNA to shake the foundations of the Impact Zone!!! The Epic ICON returns!!!!
The WWE's HOF is not just for wrestlers who wrestled in the WWE. They showed that by inducting the Gagne's into the HOF. Sting will be inducted, sooner if he decides to sign with WWE and later if he doesn't.
I agree with most of what I'm seeing in this thread. The "Hall of Fame" is not legitimate, it's as much of a work as the wrestling business itself. It is controlled by the WWE, including all of Vince's politics and personal agendas against people who he doesn't get along with. You could have the most illustrious WWE career ever, but if you're on bad terms with Vince, you won't get it. Likewise, you can have an amazing career, but if you haven't given in to working for Vince McMahon at some point, you probably won't get in.

Rather than questioning "Is Sting going to miss his place in history by being the first one to refuse this honor?", maybe the question should be, "will Sting be put in the HoF even though he never came to work for Vince?". If they really want to appear as a legitimate WRESTLING Hall of Fame, it really shouldn't matter where you work. If they just want to continue being the WWE Hall of Fame, then of course it wouldn't make sense for Sting to be there.

Hell, hats off to Sting, at least he's one of the few guys in the business who means what he says. I really, truly though the first 2/21/11 promo was possibly for Sting, before I even read the rumors online. I was honestly excited about it. I thought maybe his career was ending and he was finally going to have a few matches for Vince. Then as the weeks went by it was pretty easy to accept that wasn't really what was happening. Maybe it's nothing more than him just not wanting the intense WWE schedule, he might as well end his days working the lighter TNA program. Or maybe he still stands by what he says that he doesn't want to work for Vince or feels that he will come there and just get buried and have his legacy insulted. I thought WWE being PG these days really made it possible for him to make an appearance.

So in the business where guys retire eighteen separate times, break all their promises just to make a few more dollars, and stab people in the back, congrats to Sting if he actually has some conviction and sticks to his word.

He doesn't need some fake Hall of Fame spot. I have never, ever been more into wrestling than growing up and watching the Sting/Hogan/nWo feud. I remember being on the edge of my seat every week and Nitro would push further and further past the end of their time slot, and the nWo would be wreaking havoc in the ring, and finally Sting would enter and fight for a few minutes before Heart-attack Schiovanne would scream "Sorry folks we're out of time!!!".

I still consider myself a huge Sting fan (although not enough that I'll watch terrible TNA just to see him). I absolutely would not mind if he wanted to appear in WWE before his time was up, but I also don't care if he never does, and thus never makes it into the Hall of Fame. He truly is an Icon and he doesn't need Vince's biased acknowledgements just to cement his career. He did that on his own already.

That would really be kind of pathetic actually, to have a great career that you built yourself, and then as it starts to wind down, you feel some obligation to come work for Vince otherwise it looks like you had an "incomplete" career. If I were in Sting's shoes and worked so hard all these years to make my own name, I would be insulted that people would want me to show up there.
I'm still trying to figure out where all this supposed "hate" that Sting has for Vince McMahon comes from.... John Cena's never worked for TNA...Does that mean he hates Dixie Carter? No..He just hasn't worked for TNA. Sting has said NUMEROUS times that Vince McMahon has always been respectful to Him and his legacy and that they are actually on pretty good terms so lets KILL that as a reason he's never joined WWE.

He was almost signed for Wrestlemania 17(against Triple H), Wrestlemania 18(He woulda faced Rock instead of Hogan), and Wrestlemania 19(against Kurt Angle)... Yeah, Sting said he didn't like the way The Rock said "who in the blue hell are you?" to Booker T but he had declined numerous offers waaaaaaay before that since the demise of WCW.

The reason Sting hasn't and might not ever, come to the WWE is simple, He does not want to work WWE's schedule and until Vince McMahon or whoever is doing the negotiating, agrees to let Sting work a limited schedule(Like HBK, Taker, etc.) Then I doubt we will EVER see Sting in WWE...He has it made in TNA... He's the top draw(along with Angle), gets the Title whenever he wants it, and works basically a part time schedule.. You think he'd be in EVERY main event in WWE with guys like John Cena, Randy Orton, Triple H, The Undertaker, etc. In the top spots? Hell no..Sure, he'd be in high profile matches, but in TNA He is King..He IS The Icon..THE Man..In WWE he's just another one of The Undertaker's victims at Wrestlemania.. If I were Sting, i'd go back to TNA too.Less stress, easier schedule, and a one way meal ticket to come and go as he pleases and ALWAYS be in the Title picture...Sorry, but he won't get anywhere NEAR that working for World Wrestling Entertainment eventhough we all would love to see it.
I think Sting really dropped the ball here by not signing with WWE for this years WM27. I mean come on. I'm sure Vince would have paid him (Insert any amount of $) to do something with them. I know all the returns recently have down played it maybe a little bit but come on Sting. Why do you bother wrestling in front of 48 people at TNA when you could have been there with 50,000+ at WM27.

Have fun wrestling Jeff Hardy for the next 3 months. awful Sting, awful
Just a couple of comments. 1. Anyone that has watched wrestling the past 15-20 years will remember sting along with michaels taker hogan flair. 2. Do you really think Sting need to be in the WWE HOF for his legacy to continue I guess since Hacksaw Jim Duggan is in he was and is better then Sting could ever hope to be 3. I don't see why it is so Bad that Sting isn't facing taker at WM 27 if you think about it; do you really think that they would have Taker Job to Sting not going to happen. my last point is this; Wrestling is fixed; it is scripted so please forgive me if someone's legacy is downgraded because he didn't make an HOF in a fixed form of sports entertainment
Ok in my opinion Sting should leave TNA for the WWE and yes people will remember him no matter what but other than WCW which had and always will have more viewers then TNA will ever have he has only worked for 1 major company and yes I think tna is minor leagues even with their talent. And also this is kind of off topic but does anyone else think Sting is being hypocritical by being with TNA since in interviews he said 1 reason he did not want to join the WWE was because of all the stuff they did in the attitude era since he was a born again christian but now since they have the PG era and Tna is pretty much doing all the stuff Sting has said he has been against don't you think its being hypocritical?
Personally I dont want to see Sting in the WWE ever. He is well past his prime and would only add a very very slight sentimentality to his run. Yes HHH and Taker are past their best too, but they are the true legends in WWE. To bring Sting in would be a mistake, and if The E didnt go all out for him to appear at Mania in Atlanta, its probably never going to happen.

Because of the fact he will most likely never get to the WWE I dont think he can be considered a true icon. A WCW icon of course, he was WCW for sooo long. However, WWE will always be accepted by wrestling fans as the best, no Im not talking about the ones who jumped on the WCW and ECW band wagons, and if Sting has done nothing there then he is just a minor legend.

Plus, is it not a bit hypocritical to refuse to work for Vince for so long because you dont like the graphic nature of the product then choose to work for TNA over PG WWE?
Let's face it: Sting is NOT coming to WWE anytime soon. Even though he's still in good shape, he's over 50 years old and doesn't want to work the brutal road schedule WWE has.

Will he go into the WWE Hall Of Fame? It's possible. Verne Gagne and Gorgeous George got in and they were never in WWE.
Yeah its a sham in my opinon. That he didnt come to the E this would have been his last chance. Since he 51 i believe now. Even part time it would have been nice to see. Now if you dont watch tna. The wwe's video library of sting basically his career is over since 2001. Even if he is inducted into the hall of fame one day they probably wont recognise his tna career (which is a joke anyways)
I dont think Sting should go in the WWE's Hall of Fame.

He never was in the WWE, so why should he be in the Hall? Sure, he's an 'Icon' that never signed with WWE, but IMO that doesn't make him Hall of Fame material.

Even if he DOES sign with WWE eventually, he wouldn't last for a long time. And i highly doubt someone can make it in the Hall of Fame with 1 or 2 years experience with the company.

Sting should not be inducted into the WWE's Hall of Fame.

You don't have to be in the wwe to be in the hall of fame Was inoki in there? no when sting decides he has had it with TNA then in the future he will be inducted hes to big not to be
Sting doesn't need the WWE to be validated on any level. His career and his legacy is already set in stone form the WCW days and nothing can change that. His tenure in TNA is a good way to finish his career. He'll have this last title run with the old colors and ride into the sunset a winner. It's good for him and for TNA. I don't see him as one of those guys who keeps coming back long after they should have left.
Personally I dont want to see Sting in the WWE ever. He is well past his prime and would only add a very very slight sentimentality to his run. Yes HHH and Taker are past their best too, but they are the true legends in WWE. To bring Sting in would be a mistake, and if The E didnt go all out for him to appear at Mania in Atlanta, its probably never going to happen.

Because of the fact he will most likely never get to the WWE I dont think he can be considered a true icon. A WCW icon of course, he was WCW for sooo long. However, WWE will always be accepted by wrestling fans as the best, no Im not talking about the ones who jumped on the WCW and ECW band wagons, and if Sting has done nothing there then he is just a minor legend.

Plus, is it not a bit hypocritical to refuse to work for Vince for so long because you dont like the graphic nature of the product then choose to work for TNA over PG WWE?
You might find that there are a lot of us wrestling fans out here that NEVER liked WWE. NEVER liked Hulk Hogan or Vince McMahon and only WWE fans think the WWE HoF is relevant but that's all..

Also Sting didn't join WWE because of the way Vince treated Booker T, DDP and many other of his friends from WCW in the invasion angle.. He didn't trust McMahon to show his character the respect he felt it deserved.
i don't know i was dissappointed when the new york paper report that he had signed a one year deal with the WWE did not pan out. I figured as much though. AS far as the WWE hall of Fame goes who knows. I know years ago there was an NWA hall of fame i remember Dusty Rhodes announcing names like Gordon Solie and MR. Wrestling 2 being inducted into it. So surely Sting would have a place there. Personally if we're arguing about this as far as the amount of time he spends there if ever that is a good point. But seriously, if you're putting Pete Rose and Bob Uecker in there i know they're personalities and it's different but really??????
Here are some very important points about Sting:

- If the rumors are true, Sting signed a one-year deal with TNA. (I hope that's not a spoiler) That means that by this time next year, Sting will once again be a free agent. What if Sting wanted to wait for a year where he'll get some real recognition? Think about it: this year Shawn Michaels is being inducted. There are a lot of classy icons that will be inducted this year but Shawn will be the biggest by far. Why go in this year when next year (or even 2013) he could be the marquee guy? I know it's in Atlanta where WCW's headquarters was but with he can do one more year in TNA to give them time for a big send-off (if they felt so inclined) then face The Undertaker at WM 28 for match #20 (yes, I am a WWE mark in addition to TNA so insult me all you want) and have a one-year legends contract for 2012-2013.

- For those worried about his age, remember that Flair can still work a decent match at 60+, and Sting is actually in much better shape. He always has been and while he wants to work the lighter schedule, I think Sting could easily go another 2-3 years. Point is, he'll decide when he's done.

-The WWE owns all of his old-school footage from WCW, so any tribute DVDs the WWE puts out won't include Sting until he's out of TNA. I don't even think he'd need to sign with the WWE as a talent; he'd just need to be not signed with TNA, which makes sense due to contractual obligations. As much as some people hate, despise, or loathe the WWE, you have to admit the WWE does a great job with creating DVDs and shows from their archives for legends in this business, and not just the ones that were in the WWE. It's obvious Sting doesn't need the money; but the legacy that he has created should be immortalized, and even the fans who have no idea who Sting was and what he was all about would be curious and interested in just how great he was. Plus, he could be included in the action figure line as well. Small crap, I know, but it's part of the package.

- The WWE Hall of Fame isn't the only Hall of Fame, but it's the biggest one on the biggest stage. Sure, he could be on the NWA Hall of Fame, but why should he simply alienate the WWE for whatever reason? Even if he wanted to be the only big name icon to never be in the WWE, where does that leave him? What does that accomplish? When Sting is dead and buried, will the legacy he leaves be "Hey, Sting never signed with the WWE for X reason?"

- Going to the WWE is the last thing left for him to do. Why not spend just one year there? Would one year destroy Sting? Would one year kill TNA? Sting has done everything he can for TNA. He has gone through regime changes and different storylines, he's been the focal point of storylines both as the top face and as the top heel, he's put over many young wrestlers, and he's been a multiple-time World Champion. What's left for him to do besides retire? Do you really think he would not win at least the World Heavyweight Championship once?

- Last thing: let's put this offensive WWE crap to rest. The WWE has been a PG show for years, so Sting being offended by the WWE's content now is ridiculous. The character butchering is a legit concern, but by this point in his career, how is it different between putting over Alberto Del Rio or Jeff Hardy? I just can't see McMahon or even HHH (who is so close to running things anyway) killing Sting's character after spending so long trying to sign him. Even if things went bad, it'd be like Goldberg: though he had strange moments of interaction, Goldberg was still a dominant force in the WWE in his one year in. It'd take a lot of crushing for Sting's character to be so irrevocably ruined in the WWE at this point.

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