Has lack of continuity hindered Reigns' Singles Push??

But once again, Triple H as of 2014 isn't going to be as tough as Triple H in 2004. Triple H himself acknowledged that he probably wouldn't be able to beat Orton in viper mode, so what chance does he have? It would be like if Stone Cold fought the Big Show, then the Rock before finishing the Corporation feud by taking on...Vince McMahon.

Admittedly Triple H delivered one hell of a match with Daniel Bryan, so I'd look forward to Reigns Vs Triple H. But it's booked in a way that makes Triple H's underlings seem kind of weak.

That is the reason Randy Orton especially has looked like shit since his cash-in. It was difficult to watch him as he pouted like a spoilt child before WM30, when he should have been booked stronger in his heel run. Hence, why I haven't really been too invested in his feud with Reigns....and also notice, he was fairly irrelevant during the Evolution reunion.

At least in Rollins case, for instance, is Seth's position as an underling is due to him being a new kid on the block in terms of him breaking out into Singles mode, unlike the aformentioned Orton who boasts 10+ World titles to his name...

As for Kane...he is a lost case,lMO.
It's clear the feud between Ambrose/Rollins isn't over so why would it carry into Reigns and Rollins? Even though they were a trio, Reigns path is pretty clear for the time being.

Reigns feuding Rollins while coming off a clean win over Orton makes no sense. If he is indeed the next star then you build him up with top tier talent for PPV bouts that can carry him.
I'm not gonna say that it hasn't hurt him. In order to be the top guy that they so obviously want him to be he's going to need the kids on his side. Coming out to help his friend who is being ganged up on would surely win him some equity with them.
Just saw this on another site, thought I'd share it here:

Former Smackdown Lead Writer, Alex Greenfield was a guest on Wrestling Informant Radio his past Sunday,t which is hosted by Gary Cantrell and Chris McManamy.

Problems with Roman Reign's character:

"I think the b---h you get from a lot of people is the promos. I feel like his promos are getting better. I worked a lot with Batista. Batista took a while to find his voice for longer promos, but when he found it especially on that feud with Cena he was gangbusters every night. I think Reigns is a young man finding his voice and I think he can get there. The problem I have is it feels like they know the goal but they don't know how to get there. To me the problems with Reigns are story problems. I think the weakest match at SummerSlam was him and Randy [Orton] and they are going to that again. Then it sounds like they are gonna segue to [Seth] Rollins then Hunter. If anyone can get him there I feel like Hunter probably can. I want to see Reigns involved in a really compelling story and not so much it just feels like he's randomly coming out. What really pisses me off that [Dean] Ambrose was really angry about getting stabbed in the back by Rollins and it seems like up to this point that Reigns hasn't given a sh*t. That betrayal should have stabbed him in the kidneys. Instead he just went off and seemed to have not cared."
I would have done that segment one of two ways:

1. Have Roman either get destroyed or ejected from the building by the Auhority about an hour beforehand. That way he has a real excuse for not being there and even more reason to be livid at Trips and Co.

2. During the segment, have Reigns try to intervene but then get jumped on the ramp by the Authority's cronies. As usual, they can be just a bunch of random heels. Way too many for Reigns to overcome. They beat up Roman and hold him down, forcing him to watch Kane and Rollins destroy Dean. Seth hits the curbstomp, Reigns finally breaks away, the villians bail, the show ends with Reigns trying to help an injured Ambrose while absolutely seething with that great angry face of his. This would be my preferred approach.

Regardless of the path, both results are the same. It adds some much-needed vulnerability to Roman. Even with all of his strength, he couldn't save his closest friend. Despite not being his fault at all, he could blame himself and vow revenge against the Authority. Now, Reigns doesn't look like the worst friend in history and the fans can now symphathize and get behind him.

However, doing this would require more than two seconds of thinking and a speck of continuity, so that's why we're stuck with "Roman didn't help out because reasons".
Their plan is to move slowly with Reigns as they want him to be at the peak of his push heading into WM.

Having him go over Orton is a feather in his cap, and it gave him someone he can lean on in the ring. The feud wasn't that interesting, but it really was just to get his feet wet and have him build up his credibility by beating a main event level opponent.

The feud with Rollins will obviously be more entertaining.

I agree with the problem that gets brought up often. Not helping Ambrose. Your group just got split up because someone turned on you and the other guy. But the other guy is the only one who seems to care, because you are off on your singles launch. Creative keeping Reigns off on his own little island during the Ambrose-Rollins feud was foolish.

Foolish, UNLESS, they actually use his lack of involvement as the premise of a future Ambrose-Reigns feud. But as someone mentioned in the live chat when I brought this up, the WWE has a continuity problem that probably makes this idea a pipe dream.
Problems with Roman Reign's character:

"I think the b---h you get from a lot of people is the promos. I feel like his promos are getting better. I worked a lot with Batista. Batista took a while to find his voice for longer promos, but when he found it especially on that feud with Cena he was gangbusters every night. I think Reigns is a young man finding his voice and I think he can get there. The problem I have is it feels like they know the goal but they don't know how to get there. To me the problems with Reigns are story problems. I think the weakest match at SummerSlam was him and Randy [Orton] and they are going to that again. Then it sounds like they are gonna segue to [Seth] Rollins then Hunter. If anyone can get him there I feel like Hunter probably can. I want to see Reigns involved in a really compelling story and not so much it just feels like he's randomly coming out. What really pisses me off that [Dean] Ambrose was really angry about getting stabbed in the back by Rollins and it seems like up to this point that Reigns hasn't given a sh*t. That betrayal should have stabbed him in the kidneys. Instead he just went off and seemed to have not cared."

I think it's the height of irony that a former head writer is telling us something we already know. Also the fact that he's part of the problem to begin with. Isn't he the one that's supposed to be helping with Reigns and getting him there, not leaving it up to other people to do his job for him. Maybe that's why he's a former head writer.

We all know that Reigns isn't stellar on the mic. That comes from two years of being part of a threesome, where the other two did most of the talking for him. When the Shield split it was obvious that at least one of them would go after Rollins, and that person was Ambrose, who was Reigns supposed to go after the same person. No he went after the other members of the Authority, Orton, Kane and ultimately will go for HHH.

No his feud with Orton wasn't spectacular, and fault could be put on both of them for it. Reigns is a bit green in the ring, and a lot of the time Orton was phoning it in. In my opinion Orton's best match was Summerslam, when he turned the spear into a snap powerslam and the Superman punch into an RKO. That's the kind of stuff we should have been seeing out them them since the beginning.

Of course the Rollins/Ambrose feud would be more interesting. Both of them are much better wrestlers, and there is great chemistry there. Ambrose is gold on the mic, and we have a vested interest in seeing Seth Rollins get the crap beat out of him. We already saw the Shield take apart Evolution at Payback and...oh shit the other name of the PPV went right out of my head there. So seeing Orton get beat is second nature now.

Now it's time for the remaining members of the Shield to get Rollins. If this is to Reigns relevant and to give him something to do letting him step in for Ambrose, is okay by me. Hopefully we see the same kind of chemistry between Reigns and Rollins.

I must admit I am sad though. I was totally expecting Ambrose to be hiding the podium during the eulogy, so now they have to make that up to me.

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