Has Generico vs. Steen been dragged out too long?

Thriller Ant

Beep Bop Boop
In December at Final Battle, Kevin Steen turned heel and attacked El Generico after their match. It had been shown often that Steen wasn't a huge fan of his tag team partner, but the turn was interesting and well done nonetheless. Since then, however, they've fought in tag matches, tag team street fights, one on one matches, steel cage tag matches, plus numerous encounters outside of sanctioned matches.

The feud started well enough with Generico being unable to hurt his former friend, until he finally broke through at The Big Bang. But since then, it seems these two men, occasionally with Colt Cabana and Steve Corino in tow, keep having what should be feud ending matches with no end in sight.

So I have a two part question:

1. Should this feud still be going on?
1a. If not, what match should have been the culmination of the feud?

Here is a listing of the matches with both men in them since Final Battle:

-ROH TV Tapings Aug 21st 2010 Kevin Steen, Steve Corino def. Colt Cabana, El Generico (Steel Cage)

-ROH Collinsville Show (Jul '10) Jul 23rd 2010 El Generico def. (DQ) Kevin Steen

-ROH Death Before Dishonor VIII Jun 19th 2010 Kevin Steen def. El Generico

-ROH TV Tapings May 22nd 2010 Kevin Steen, Steve Corino def. Colt Cabana, El Generico (Street Fight)

-ROH Chicago Ridge Show (Apr '10) El Generico, Colt Cabana def. Steve Corino, Kevin Steen (Chicago Street Fight)

-ROH The Big Bang! Apr 3rd 2010 Colt Cabana, El Generico def. (DQ) Kevin Steen, Steve Corino

Souce for Matches
I have absolutely loved this feud, and I have called it the best feud in wrestling several times. Everything about this feud has been absolutely perfect. Is it dragging out too long? Not yet, but they are in danger of doing so. This feud needs to end at Final Battle, the place where all big time feuds seem to end. The problem is, though, I don't know how to fill in the 3 months between now and then and still keep things fresh. Moreover, after all the crazy matches we've seen these two in, I don't know what kind of match can end the feud.

If it were up to me, I'd have Generico and Cabana win at Blory By Honor IX and get some sort of closure to the feud. Afterwards, Steen would somehow win the TV Title because he has been showcased on the show on a near weekly basis, something not even Tyler Black can say. Steen would also need something to entice Generico into wrestling him one more time. It would give Steen something to brag about to Generico, another way to say he's better than him. Then at Final Battle, the blowoff to this amazing feud would be Ladder War III for the TV Title. I'm not sure if this would work, but it's really the only thing I can think of.

So has Steen vs Generico been dragged out too long? Not yet, but they need to wrap it soon or it will.
Good question.
Personally, I have enjoyed the feud and all the matches that have come from it, so I'd have to answer yes, the feud should still be going on. Purely for the fact that it entertains me and the fact that the matches have been great. I love great matches, which is why I won't complain.

If I look at the list of matches, it doesn't seem that long. However, if you start counting the months after Final Battle '09, it sure seems like a long time. A part of me does think "damn, can we please get some kind of conclusion?", but that's just a minor annoyance.
Another part of me thinks "can those matches get any better/more brutal?". At some point, you just can't top what you have done at the show before... and the show before that.

An easy comparison to that could be the Homicide/Cabana feud back in '05/'06. That was definitely dragged out. Not saying the matches weren't good, but I'd choose Generico/Steen over Homicide/Cabana, especially because Cabana and Corino are now heavily involved in the Generico/Steen feud.
First I love this feud with that being said on to the question Has this feud been dragged out too long? yes because of the simple fact that these guys have squared off in just about every match possible and at Glory by Honor i hope this feud does come to an end as much as i hate to say it but honestly there is nothing left for these guys to do
To leave it short and simple, no. One thing I love about ROH is the fact the fueds last more than 2 months. And the fued hasent lost any momentum at all. And the fact Cabana and Corino are involved reminds me of some older fueds where the fued would continue to due interaction from other people.
Just when you think this feud couldn't get any better, they add the stipulation-of-all-stipulations to the Genrico vs Steen match at Final Battle. This is from the mani page:

You can officially pencil in Kevin Steen vs. El Generico in a loser leaves Ring Of Honor vs. mask match for the ROH "Final Battle" internet pay-per view show.

HO-LY SHIT! To quote Kevin Hart, "It's about to go down." This sounds tremendous. I can't even begin to articulate how I feel about this. I am literally marking out as I type this. Either Generico loses his mask or Steen leaves ROH. I personally don't want to see either happen, but I'm looking forward to seeing what does happen. This feud has been great and this only makes it better.

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