Has anyone seen pictures of the Owen Hart accident?

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Occasional Pre-Show
I never really thougt about it and I really don't want to see any pictures of it, but it jst dawned on me that I've never seen or heard anyone talk about seeing anything from it. I just figured that there was prebably 15,000+ people in the arena at that time and at least 5000 had to have had a camera. I'm pretty sure some people took pictures of it and have some posted somewhere.

Also was anyone in attendance there when it happened. Just curious.
No, and i wouldn't want to.

I hope there are no pictures posted anywhere. That would just be disrespectful. But, to answer your question at least, i don't think there are any pictures of Owen's accident anywhere, as i've never heard of them hanging around.

Hope that hepls

CM and the Punks
Yeah I don't want ot see any either but I just figured that if pictures of Britney Spears' vagina could be front page news I'm pretty sure something like this would be somewhere.

I iddn't even want to see Sid's leg break but I eventually had to watch that.

Yes, there are pictures and yes I have seen them. From the moment he walks onto the the catwalk to when he's stretchered out. The person that took them was sitting in the nosebleed section and has a good ariel view of the accident. I forgot what the website was called but I can look back in my history and show you if you like. IF YOU LIKE.
I think any mod on Wrestlezone would agree with me on this one. If there is indeed pictures, or even video footage of Owen Hart dying, find time to send it to whoever wants to see it on another forum, or through some sort of IM Messaging system. If I myself find anyone posting any sort of link to this, you will be banned. I don't mind the topic, it is an innocent enough question. But no one needs to see these pictures or watch the video.
Well, I aren't no mod anymore but that would be an instant ban for me. It comes udner bestiality footage in my opinion.
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