Has Anyone Given TNA a Chance Recently?

The funny thing is, professional wrestling is the only kind of media where you wouldn't ask, "is this kid for real???", because you know, holy crap, he is.

In order to actually follow through on this insane logic. You sit down in front of your television, put something on, and are bored. By your logic, a man doesn't know if he's bored unless he's been staring at the same thing for sixteen hours of unmissed programming.

All this "good or bad opinions" crap notwithstanding, you're saying "you're only allowed to have an opinion if you like TNA/IW", which is the subtext behind so many complaints around here. No one with a whiff of sanity would spend sixteen hours watching something that they weren't entertained by. People have lives. I don't have two hours every week to spend watching television I'm not entertained by; I don't have enough time every week to watch the television I am entertained by. I give TNA/IW a chance every once in a while. The product is a lot more palatable then it was at this time last year. I still see nothing that interests me in tuning in regularly every week.

The fans do not have a responsibility to try and like the product. I don't know where that opinion came from, but it's becoming a more popular one on the boards. It is the responsibility of anyone who wants my money or time to convince me to give it. I am not required to spend two months trying to like a show before deciding I don't like it; it is the actual job- the one they get paid cash money for- to convince me that I should watch their show.

So following your logic, if you start watching an Oscar winning movie and you see the opening sequence which bores you, you can turn it off and say that this movie did not deserve an Oscar, it is horribly written, the actors were shitty and the director should be kicked out of Hollywood. Now where's the logic in that?

It's nowhere to be seen. You cannot fully judge a program by watching bits and pieces of it, or reading about it on the Internet. What you can do is say "I saw this and this and this, and I did not like it". That's fine, you saw parts of it and you didn't like the parts - perfect.

The problem some people such as myself have is that they watch bits and pieces over a long period of time and they judge the entire company and the product based on that, and you simply can't do that because you have not watched enough full episodes (at least two consecutive shows) in order to form a solid opinion about the product. It's like going to a restaurant, looking at the plate and saying this dish is disgusting without tasting it.

Most people on this board try to act like professional critics. Giving their little ratings to the matches, carefully coding the post with bolds and italics, a bunch of smuggy buggies. That's fine, we all need a hobby. But when you sit here and try to say something about the product in general, don't watch parts of it or read about it. WATCH it.

This is not a case of "you have to like it". This is a case of you have to know why you hate it. Believe me when I tell you, most TNA fans are not bothered by people hating TNA. We're bothered by people being ignorant about TNA and not giving it a proper chance, watching a few segments, reading about it on the Internet and saying how bad TNA sucks, how Hogan is killing it, how Flair's old, how this how that. WWE is not excluded in this list. TNA and Indy fans do the same shit to WWE.

Personally, I watch RAW every week from start to finish and I know exactly what I like and dislike. I know what's going on, I know all the fellas, all the storylines. I sometimes shit on it, but I do it with full knowledge of what I shit on. Meanwhile, a lot of fans crap on TNA because they READ about it in the spoilers (which 9 times out of 10 don't reflect the quality of the show at all) or they saw a single segment and thought "fuck this shit the whole show's gonna be boring". They're ignorant and their opinion holds on water - positive or negative, because we also have those people who see AJ on the card and deem the show legendary.

Hate it, love it - do your thing, just judge it properly. I didn't like TNA the first time I watched it and I saw parts of it only. Low and behold, I watched a couple of full shows and found things I liked among all the shit. Why? I watched the WHOLE thing. Later on some of the things I disliked were gone (it's a wrestling show, it changes), and the things I liked were replaced by even better stuff or equally as good. But I gave it a proper chance.
So following your logic, if you start watching an Oscar winning movie and you see the opening sequence which bores you, you can turn it off and say that this movie did not deserve an Oscar, it is horribly written, the actors were shitty and the director should be kicked out of Hollywood. Now where's the logic in that?
That's not my logic, that's hyperbole. I have walked out of movies after a half hour because I wasn't entertained. (There has never been a good movie made where the director spent 90 minutes boring the shit out of the audience before catching them with a sudden hook. Good films give you a reason to keep watching.) I was using the actual time frame given by a poster at which an opinion becomes "valid", which I found to be absurd.
It's nowhere to be seen. You cannot fully judge a program by watching bits and pieces of it, or reading about it on the Internet. What you can do is say "I saw this and this and this, and I did not like it". That's fine, you saw parts of it and you didn't like the parts - perfect.
The issue of watching a program in small pieces was never addressed in my thread.
The problem some people such as myself have is that they watch bits and pieces over a long period of time and they judge the entire company and the product based on that, and you simply can't do that because you have not watched enough full episodes (at least two consecutive shows) in order to form a solid opinion about the product. It's like going to a restaurant, looking at the plate and saying this dish is disgusting without tasting it.
Your example is again hyperbole. Your example would be more appropriate to someone channel-surfing. Your time frame of four hours is a bit more reasonable than the poster I addressed, and you seem to view anyone who hasn't invested four consecutive hours as someone who won't give TNA/IW a chance for more than three minutes.
Most people on this board try to act like professional critics. Giving their little ratings to the matches, carefully coding the post with bolds and italics, a bunch of smuggy buggies. That's fine, we all need a hobby. But when you sit here and try to say something about the product in general, don't watch parts of it or read about it. WATCH it.
Again; it's a statement which only allows the people who approve of the product entirely to comment on it. People that aren't happy with the product aren't sitting there for two hours every Thursday so that they can talk about how much they didn't like it. (People do that, which is its own separate breed of idiocy.) I give it a chance every now and then. It's better than it has been, I still don't think it's that great. I'm not required to put in a fresh four hours every time I'd like to review my opinion.
This is not a case of "you have to like it". This is a case of you have to know why you hate it. Believe me when I tell you, most TNA fans are not bothered by people hating TNA. We're bothered by people being ignorant about TNA and not giving it a proper chance, watching a few segments, reading about it on the Internet and saying how bad TNA sucks, how Hogan is killing it, how Flair's old, how this how that. WWE is not excluded in this list. TNA and Indy fans do the same shit to WWE.
The issue is your definition of "proper chance", which is above and beyond the amount a reasonable person has to devote to television, or at least, I would hope so. I simply don't have time to dedicate two hours of my life every week to a television program I haven't been impressed with. I do like talking about professional wrestling, and I do like talking about the business behind it. I enjoy that more than I enjoy watching a full episode of TNA/IW these days. It does become an issue of "you have to like it", because the arbitrary criteria you've determined excludes anyone who doesn't.

It's like saying, "You don't have to vote for Comrade Stalin. However, anyone who wishes not to vote for Comrade Stalin must do so at the small card table in the middle of the room, then proceed to an interview at the Lubyanka."
Personally, I watch RAW every week from start to finish and I know exactly what I like and dislike. I know what's going on, I know all the fellas, all the storylines. I sometimes shit on it, but I do it with full knowledge of what I shit on. Meanwhile, a lot of fans crap on TNA because they READ about it in the spoilers (which 9 times out of 10 don't reflect the quality of the show at all) or they saw a single segment and thought "fuck this shit the whole show's gonna be boring". They're ignorant and their opinion holds on water - positive or negative, because we also have those people who see AJ on the card and deem the show legendary.
So the response to this is to set arbitrary limits for how long someone should watch television before they have an opinion you should listen to????? Instead of recognizing those opinions out of hand and ignoring them?
Hate it, love it - do your thing, just judge it properly. I didn't like TNA the first time I watched it and I saw parts of it only. Low and behold, I watched a couple of full shows and found things I liked among all the shit. Why? I watched the WHOLE thing. Later on some of the things I disliked were gone (it's a wrestling show, it changes), and the things I liked were replaced by even better stuff or equally as good. But I gave it a proper chance.
This is, again, not an issue of "I saw something on YouTube I didn't like." This is an issue of a poster setting absurd life commitments for people in order to produce valid opinions of their reactions. Not once in my response was the issue of watching TNA/IW in small pieces addressed.
I dont watch TNA. Im just not the type of guy who watches 8 hours of wrestling a week,.,,im not THAT much of a wrestling fan. But I just got done watching IMPACT and Holy shit it was great! Who is this Bobby Rude guy?? Dude is AWESOME! He kinda reminded me of HHH...only more entertaining. That Sting beat down at the end was EPIC! lol. Someone (rather it be Roode himself or creative) has created a HELLUVA interesting heel character right there. If Daniel Bryan did that shit (the exact same way) to Teddy Long in the middle of the ring I would probably have had an orgasm.

Zema Ion...however the hell that is, and Austin Aries seem to be very good characters as well in terms if charisma and wrestling ability. Man...the show was waaay better than I thought it would be. I got bored as hell with the Bischoff segment I just really dont know who creative thinks Flair and Bischoff are supposed to appeal to but Im not feelin either of them on my wrestling programs. But the diva..(knockout) segment was entertaining as hell...wasnt feeling Eric Young and ODB...but the main event match was pretty damn awesome for a TV match. Plus the opening match was also damn good and seeing Kurt Angle again was pretty cool. I'll probably start DVRing Impact to see if this was just a fluke good episode or if they put on this level a show more often than not. Man...looking forward to next week already. Bobby Roode man holy shit I remember him from team Cananda as Petey Williams backup/enforcer I cant believe he's come so far.
You know I used to watch TNA in like 2004 then I completely stopped watching..before I was a WWE faithful and refused to watch anything but WWE..call me a mark i dont care It was just what I was feeling...But about Thanksgiving of 2011 I was channel surfing and noticed TNA..or Impact was on, the first ting I saw was Bobby Roode the heavyweight champion...and as im watching him i found myself slowing putting the remote down...Now I know this sounds like a erotic novel but trust me its not lol (100% male here:lol:) but i digress...anyway I was sitiing there thinking.."Man I remember him from the team Canada days...HES world champ!?!?!?" but man..this guy has got IT.. like the man reminds me of triple H of 2000..like his ring presence his look his move set..then I kept watching and aside from some semi cheesy angles and too much emphasis on eric bischoff and hulk slow-gan...but man i know say I love both WWE and TNA but after last nights debacle im kinda leaning more towards TNA...but back to Mr.Roode hes one of those stars that you know will go down as one of the best..now im not putting him in the same category of the flairs hogans austins rocks or pipers..as far as one of the best top stars today he is a no brainer for me along with the Cenas (yes im a fan of cena no im not a little kid i just like his star power) ortons and AJ Styles etc... Also Bubba Ray...I mean Bully Ray....this guy ten years ago I wouldve never thought would be a great singles star..but holy shirts and shoes this man is amazing as well..."best calves in the business" yeah theyre nice but you want a good main event i say put him in it. I wouldnt mind the strap being on him for a while....sorr for the rant but to answer the queston..yes i gave TNA a chance and they made me a fan:worship::worship::worship:
Watch TNA for years... will continue to watch TNA for years.

I liked them years ago... I liked them during the Hogan invasion... I like them now.

I don't care what's going on on the wrestling show.. as long as wrestling is happening and moving. I'm a wrestling fan... I watch for the in-ring action first... TNA does this better on a weekly basis.. more fast paced... free flowing... less laying on the mat and acting hurt while your opponent walks around you for 30 seconds doing absoutley nothing(WWE style).

TNA's wrestling has stayed the same pretty much due to the talent.. I'd say it's even getting better eveytime you see it. The roster gets more experience each time and they still remain the same great wrestlers.

It's just nice to know theres something else out there besides John Cena overcoming the odds even when he's not the fucking champion. There's plenty of things to sink your teeth into with Impact Wrestling, to just turn it off because 1 or 2 men walk around the set is ridiculous.
I'm a big WWE guy, but before the immortal storyline kicked off I watched TNA on a regular basis and have started watching it occasionally again now. TNA has some class acts like Bully Ray, Austin Aries, Roode, Sting in his new position, which all entertain me. TNA also offers me a nice contrast to WWE, though I like WWE more, I cannot say that I don't enjoy TNA too.

For me, personally, I loathe Jeff Hardy, every time Tenay says "creates of the night", generally anything to do with Hogan, and the fact they're not using Mr. Anderson, one of my favorite characters in the business pisses me off a little. However, that still leaves me with a good 3/4 to 1/2 of a show for me to enjoy.

I don't get why so many people on the internet feel the urge to have some kind of brand loyalty toward wrestling. WWE, TNA and ROH all put on an entertaining product in different ways, and all of them, I feel, contrast nicely. TNA is doing wonderfully right now, as is WWE. I am enjoying both brands for what they offer, and their selection of different wrestlers and characters.
I DVR'd Impact and just now watched it. All I can say is...Bobby Roode has it. He called himself the 'it' factor in his promo and he wasnt lying. I dont know why TNA gets so much criticism. Because its not as if last night's Impact was the greatest wrestling show of all time, but WWE's product isnt setting the world on fire either. I liked last night's episode. Bully Ray, Roode and Aries have more charisma and do a better job of getting me interested in what they are doing/saying than any heel in WWE and right now that even includes Jericho. (my favorite alltime wrestler)

Thing is, they are lacking with faces. James Storm as the 'face' of the company doesnt do it for me. AJ Styles is being held back in this Kaz/Fallen Angel thing. Even the number 1 contender to the X division title is another heel. They need faces bad. Jeff Hardy, for me, someone who's a little older...just doesnt do it. Hardy doesnt interest me in the slightest but its not his fault he has millions of fans...I just dont think someone my age would tune in to Impact just to see Jeff Hardy.

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