Has any one else noticed.


Where it at doe?
How good of a fucking poster Blade is. I mean every thread I look at he is just shredding every post apart. The best thing about him is that he knows what he is talking about and he makes like a 3 paragraph post so you can actually have a stop and read, instead of just going through because all the other posts are one lines.

Has any one else noticed this fella?
Blade's a class act and a good poster. I just wish he'd get rid of his Kane love. :)
I never did get one of these......sob sob sob sob sob sob sob

I agree. Blade is quite interesting. Even if I get him mixed up with echleon daily.
Damn Kane avatars...

And I do enjoy your posts Milk. You're friggin eccentric sometimes. You'll get your thread!
Cough HDJ is the greatest (looks around looking for approval) hmmmmm (reads post of Milkey cutting his dick and laughs histerically)... Ahhh Milkey you excentric dog you
Other than you being on your period and bleeding out of your Vagina was there a reason for that? I can understand if your on your period. If I was bleeding out of places blood shouldn't be coming out of I would be in a bad mood too.

thats offensive in so many levels..................................................................................................................................................................PENIS
Leave it to NorCal to bring the man down to earth! HAHA!

But Blade's good. I was blessed enough to get a thread about my skillz...because to BRING THA REP UP, YOU GOTTA STEP UP!!!


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