Harper & Rowan - Bludgeon Brothers


We saw a brief vignette tonight featuring Luke Harper and Erick Rowan referring to themselves as "Bludgeon Brothers" while they were carrying some big ass hammers kind of like something Thor might carry. I doubt they'll actually be keeping/using the hammers as part of a gimmick or anything, but I guess anything is possible.

I'm quite happy to see Harper & Rowan together as a tag team again. They're one of the best big man tag teams to come a long time and I always felt that they had a lot of potential left untapped.

While I know this won't happen, I can't help but visualize how epic WWE's tag team division would be if it was all just one division again. Rollins & Ambrose, the New Day, Sheamus & Cesaro, the Usos, Harper & Rowan, the Revival(if they can ever get off the injured list), Gallows & Anderson are all good to fantastic teams. You've also got potential in Gable & Benjamin, Breezango are already fan favorites, Bo Dallas & Curtis Axel could be a solid team, it might be good to keep Matt Hardy & Jason Jordan together as a team for a while, maybe even Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn teaming up? As one division, there's a helluva lot of potentially great programs between teams for the title and teams feuding to get into the title hunt.
Personally, I can see another release request from Luke/Brodie Lee from this... It's not so much the team but the sheeeeite attempt at a gimmick. I'd be offended.

Basically, It's The Shining Star's all over again, with two talents who REALLY could be doing their original gimmick with Bray... fcuking stupid.
Harper and Rowan were very solid as a team. They clicked well as two big bruisers, and its good to see them getting another shot. The new direction doesn't seem too far removed from the Wyatt gimmick, so I'm cautiously excited for this.

Plus, the Smackdown scene needs a power team. Gable and Shelton can throw power moves, as can Mojo, but these two are full time power guys and I think that will suit well, especially if they get the Usos, who they have a history of entertaining matches with.
Honestly, I don't get why everyone seems so down on this idea after literally one 30 second vignette. All that seems to have happened is Harper & Rowan are back together (something people have been crying out for), and they look to be getting a solid TV push (something else people have been crying out for). If they weren't called Bludgeon Brothers, everyone would be fine with it.

I say instead of assuming they're going the way of The Ascension, let's give it a chance. SD needs as many credible teams as possible right now, and the former Wyatt brothers have proven in the past that they certainly fit that criteria. Don't let their new team name put you off, because ultimately that's all "Bludgeon Brothers" is. Focus on the performers, and I think this will work out great for both men, and the SD tag scene in general.
I like it a lot. It seems like a natural progression from The Wyatt Family and gives them an identity of their own. They don't seem like they will be drifting too far away from their previously established identities anyway, and that's a good thing because I don't think that they need that much of an overhaul.

The biggest thing for me is that they are putting them back together. They belong together quite honestly, and even if Harper was gaining momentum on his own, he got lost in the shuffle. WWE and SmackDown in particular need teams and this is one hell of a team to bring back.

The name I can do without. But like someone else said, it is just a name. It could easily get dropped. It might not even be their team name. Just as a nickname will do. I will judge what they do on their abilities and performance, and as we already really know, they have what it takes to be dominant in this division. I'm excited for them.
I saw the vignette on YouTube and it's actually peeked my interest.

I mean the main roster is in need of a Hoss team and these guys fit that mold to a T. Add in the fact that they aren't that bad as a team and we hopefully have a team that will be around for a long time.

I'm excited to see where they go from here.
Definitely happy to see Luke Harper getting featured again... I was starting to worry that his days in WWE were numbered.

As for Rowan he always seems a bit less green than when he debuted, but sadly not by much.

Upon introduction, the Bludgeon Brothers gimmick doesn't excite me a whole lot. Putting the two of them back together in a tag-team again feels... uninspired. I'm sure they'll do well enough with Harper mostly carrying the team bell-to-bell and Rowan being a bruiser of sorts. I'm fairly certain they'll have at least decent matches with the Usos, New Day, and generally any other team they're pitted against. I guess this is all a little too safe for my liking.

In my world, I would've preferred Harper staying as a singles competitor, getting a slight retool of his prior gimmick with some extra oomph behind it... like, actually having the man win a match for a change :)
Personally, I can see another release request from Luke/Brodie Lee from this... It's not so much the team but the sheeeeite attempt at a gimmick. I'd be offended.

Basically, It's The Shining Star's all over again, with two talents who REALLY could be doing their original gimmick with Bray... fcuking stupid.

If i'm Luke Harper, i'm thanking god i'm on T.V again. Just saying.

As for the gimmick itself, it seems like a mixture of their gimmick of being in The Wyatt Family and hints of being either vikings or elements of Thor. Maybe they'll try to add in some Norse mythology into their gimmick? (Erick was born in Norway after all)

If there's any team that could cause some damage in the division, it's this one: Watch out for them I say, they could be tag champs at some point next year.
Nah. Names really don't amount to much. Dolph Ziggler is way too close to Dirk Diggler for anyone to take him seriously, but he still gets airtime like a madman. The Miz is practically The Miss yet he's a mainstay. Especially in the tag team division, I don't see Bludgeon Brothers being that bad a name. Makes more sense than going with The Wyatts. Their look isn't really all that different from their usual creepy gimmick, though Rowan's steampunk sheep mask is looking more and more out of place.
So glad to see Harper and Rowan paired together once again. I always thought they deserved to hold the tag team titles. Like most have already said, it doesn't seem like their gimmick will be far from their Wyatt Family days. One thing I hope they don't change at all is the entrance music. That is one of my favorite themes in all of WWE.
They've split up and fought and reunited so many times, it's hard to get too excited about it. But it's logical, the tag division needs them and they're both good enough to get some traction with it.
Can't wait to see what them back on tv with this kinda new gimmick since it just feel like an updated version of what they we're before. Anyway, these two we're great together during when they did the wyatt split up the first time, so this will be a good thing for them and for the tag division as a whole.
I'm glad as well to see Harper back on TV, Rowan well he's along for the ride I suppose. They do make a good tag team, both big guys and both can go in the ring.

Would like to have seen Harper get a bit of a better singles run but it is what it is. I'm waiting to see how these two do but I think they'll be okay. The name doesn't mean much to be as most will always call them either the Wyatt's or Harper and Rowan anyway.
I liked the team name. They needed something new in order to step away from being seen as Bray's underlings. It was time for something different. It's an extremely cool name. Makes them come off like barbarians ready to come destroy all the competition. I'm still genuinely shocked Harper and Rowan never won the Tag Team Championship together. They've got history with The Usos so that's a feud that should be revisited. Definitely looking forward to their return. I just hope they either use NEW entrance music or use Rowan's. Not Harper's. That song needs to go away and never EVER come back. It was painful to listen to. People throw that expression around a lot, but it genuinely did hurt my ears to listen to that song. Ugh. That aside.... The Bludgeon Brothers are a welcome addition to the blue brand's tag team division.
They have the potential to be an extremely solid team who can compete and feasibly beat either The Usos or The New Day right off the bat. Pretty much, they could and should easily be among the top teams on the Smackdown roster immediately.

That being said, and just basing my opinion off of the very short promo that we saw from them, I'm not sure the overly gimmicky and scripted stuff is going to do them any favors. I'm hoping we don't just get some mumbo-jumbo promos that make little sense. I want to know how they got back together and what their ultimate mission is. WWE sometimes forgets that all this shit needs to be explained to get maximum value out of a singles competitor or a tag team. It definitely needs to happen with these two.
Harper has shown he can go in the ring. Rowan has not improved at all. When Harper would come to the ring, he would elicit a crowd response. When Rowan would come to the ring, you would hear crickets. Yes, it's good (for Harper) that he's back on tv, but they could do so much more with him.
Since i dont see anyone acknowledging it ill say it, dave meltzer was right Bludgeon brothers "2b" they attacked the fashion police. Chalk up another one for big dave.
Anyone else think the team would be better off going by "BLUDGEON"? Imagine if Ascension went by the Ascension Brothers? The one word name sounds much cooler.
I am withholding my judgement on this till I see them back in the ring together. Harper has always been a sleeper star, and could be big news if booked correctly. Rowan never really shined as a singles (or as the other member of a tag team) to be honest, but with a little TLC (not the match or the PPV), could easily become SDL's Braun.

Personally, after disbanding the Wyatt Family, they should have repackaged Luke as Dude Harper (Thank you GIR!!)
Hello Everyone,

Sorry to say but I don't like it. Unless they are going to be extreme heels and just interfere with match after match or go after other heels. (I believe their one gimmick video on YouTube did say they were there to punish the wicked.) Also the costumes just look bad, Like the WWE sent the two of them to a Halloween store and went "Here's twenty dollars each, go create a gimmick". They are called the "Bludgeon Brothers", the hammers should look realistic and not like something from the used Halloween store. I like both of these guys but this seems like a gimmick that's going to fizzle as fast as Jason Jordan as Kurt Angle's son.

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