Hardy's Problems - A Work?


Going on 10 years with WrestleZone
Now I'm going to play Devil's Advocate here and stir the pot of shit a little bit.

For those of you who read Mark Madden's column on the main page (I thought it was some of his best work), you see him taking Hardy and wrestling in general to task for the drug abuse issue. Madden is spot on about the effects wrestling can have on people who cannot handle it. I agreed with almost everything he said.

But it also made me wonder.

Hulk Hogan posted an odd, cryptic message to fans about a month ago warning everyone that they would 'start shooting,' as in taking fans back to the 90's and being 'real and raw.' We saw it tested out with the verbal feud between Kurt Angle and Jeff Jarrett with Kurt's issues with his ex-wife Karen. We saw it when Mr. Anderson challenged Kurt Angle by calling the troops in the ring 'high school drop outs.' There's been a more raw attitude going.

So what if, as TNA's champion, Hogan and co. have decided to integrate Hardy's past problems into a storyline work?

1. Hardy retained the title, no? If he were a real drug risk, they'd be well served to strip him of the belt. But they didn't.

2. Hardy has court hearings coming up. What if TNA is using that real life issue to their advantage and is giving themselves an angle in case he's convicted and has to serve a month of jail time?

3. What else has fans talking TNA more than this potential Hardy risk?

I'm just saying - would you be shocked if Jeff Hardy was acting and playing along with a storyline that only he, Hogan, Bischoff, and Carter are in on? Sort of like Bash at the Beach 2000?
Alas no, and alas there's a good chance that's what's going on. It was stupid then and it's stupid now. Hogan and Bischoff and Russo love their shoots but there's one small problem with them: they don't work. This was never mentioned on the PPV, this was only mentioned briefly on the internet and that's the only place people are talking, the title didn't change hands so everyone kind of goes "oh well" at it, the backlash against it has been very anti-TNA, and it probably won't help him in court if it's mentioned somehow. It very well may be a shoot, but for the life of me I don't get what it'll solve. If Hardy is in jail for a month it's not like it'll matter as he's barely on TV anyway. Sadly enough it probably is and the lunkheads running the company probably love it.
I think that you will get the answer to this in few weeks time as to whether the Jeff Hardy situation is a work or a shoot. If TNA actually refers to Jeff's drug addiction problems or his court case on Impact, then be rest assured that this is a work.

If the aforementioned does not happen then I think that the situation is very real and all the more troubling.
I don't believe that for a second; not after Eddie and Benoit's deaths. Those may have happened in the WWE, but the last thing TNA or any other wrestling promotion would do is make light of drug issues or use them on-screen. Now, maybe some of the talk of Hardy's issues (such as this rumor about Final Resolution) has been exaggerated to increase intrigue among the IWC. I could see that. But I think most of what your hear falls under the "where there's smoke, there's fire" cliche and there's plenty of truth in it.
My question is, What purpose would it serve? So what if Hardy gets convicted on drug charges. Are they trying to make us believe that he'd be going to jail for the sole purpose of bringing him back on a surprise return or something? I'm just not seeing the the big picture and reason behind any of this.
My question is, What purpose would it serve? So what if Hardy gets convicted on drug charges. Are they trying to make us believe that he'd be going to jail for the sole purpose of bringing him back on a surprise return or something? I'm just not seeing the the big picture and reason behind any of this.

That sums up a ton of the issues with TNA: they come off as having no long term plans at least that we can see. Hardy returning wouldn't mean much as he's half cheered and half booed at the same time and hasn't popped the ratings at all as champion. He's just the guy holding the title and has had his legs taken out from under him by Flair and Bischoff and Hogan as they're the top heels, not Hardy. Having a "shocking" return (which wouldn't be much of a shock since him getting out of jail would make the wrestling news) isn't going to boost things any. It would come off as a shoot for the sake of having a shoot, which isn't going to help anything.
If this is a Work or a Shoot then would be pointless, but I am one of the few people that believe that Hardy was not High backstage at Final Resolution and that report of Hardy being exhausted from travel is true. I also don't that they will use his Real Life case hearings as some type of Storyline to take him off TV and have him have a shocking return later. I Don't think this will be used as Work or a Shoot because that would serve no purpose and would be utterly pointless.
I do not think it was a shoot, just misinterpreted information left to the wild imaginations of the IWC. If it was a shoot then I guess one purpose would be to keep people guessing if Hardy might not actually have a long title reign and to further his heel development by causing more people to dislike him. I doubt they will shoot on drugs until the outcome of the case is basically wrapped up. Depending on that result I could see them working it in there but it might be best just to ignore it altogether. If they did it I could see him talk about beating the system or if he got a short-term stint he could be all nonchalant about it and controversially keep the title. Still think it would be best to leave it out of the forefront. I do often talk about TNA loving to operate in that gray area between what really happened and what the IWC thinks happened. There certainly is a lot of space to do that here IMO but as mentioned by others already it is a tricky proposition that doesn't seem like it would be all that worth it.
I doubt it was a shoot. I think people that make excuses for everything bad happening in TNA is a "shoot" is really naive. Even if the majority of issues that are not talked about on Impact are shoots, than what is the point? Why would TNA make something up about Jeff Hardy being too tired or drugged out to perform for a PPV? I'm not sure what Hardy's condition was, but I'm sure there were a lot of people there that were just as tired as he was. No other complaints were heard from the other wrestlers.

After seeing Hardy's video and hearing everything he has been involved in over the years, it isn't a far fetch to believe Hardy was under the influence at the PPV.
I think Jeff's heel turn was just a back up as to what could happen if he is convicted and this could turn into a very nice angle in TNA if he does get convicted.

What I mean to say is if he is convicted and has to go off the tele for a few months or so, they COULD fuel a fued with that material... He could return and start a "fued" again the police themselves and add to his... erm... "heel-ness". As a result TNA could either try and "kayfabe" a policeman to get him over or have maybe Angle stand up for the policemen/women like he did for the people in the army? Just a thought.

You can garuntee that this isn't a shoot, it could be worked to look like one in the end if played right but Hardy DOES have drug problems so... However I seem to disagree with myself, but it can be turned into a shoot and in the process put a young talent over if he is convicted.
To me this is just sad, they knew they had on their hands when they decided to make Jeff "pothead and other stuff too" Hardy their champion. Now they have to deal with it, its their problem.

About if this is a work or something, no i dont think so, he's a drug addict and its just gonna get worse, mark my word guys, TNA has an epic fail in his hands.
its not a shoot when jeff is eating 30 somas a day, cameras on or not. you also cant start a past drug abuse storyline when said superstar is heading to court for drug charges.

if they were to somehow spin it into a shoot, it would literally be the end of TNA. every single sponsor they have would leave, the media outcry would be horrendous, even venues that host theirs house shows would have to cancel to save face.

lets hope TNA isnt THAT stupid. competition is good for the industry.
Say it was a shoot, my question is, why Punk? That's the priblem with TNA: They RECOGNIZE that they're anti-WWE. But why do that? I mean TNA has talents and its own friggin' show. You wanna shoot? SHOOT your own company not someone draws 10x as much as you. Seriously, at this rate TNA's finished.
Say it was a shoot, my question is, why Punk? That's the priblem with TNA: They RECOGNIZE that they're anti-WWE. But why do that? I mean TNA has talents and its own friggin' show. You wanna shoot? SHOOT your own company not someone draws 10x as much as you. Seriously, at this rate TNA's finished.

the hardys has been having problems with punk for some reason. i mean fatt hardy has been shooting on him even when he was with the company. jeff said something about he helped him get the rub and he did not really appreciate as much as he should (cant find a link), lol funny thing is punk has been a champion before their feud, they both just raised each other up during that feud. but it takes two. none of them made each other, they were already built going into that feud. they just raised each other to another level. from the ound of things, jeff is just angry about his drug situation, (lol cm punks way is not the way, riiiiight, id rather be a self rightous asshole rather than a self destructing junkie), and fatt is pissed off about lita (lol whats lita got to do with this in the first place?! both punk and matt have broken up with her, move on dude)

on the other hand, there have some stories backstage about punk's attitude. i believe thats why he was stripped on one of his title runs.
Well, it looks like two options are on the table, and both of them are incredibly stupid.

Either this is a work, and this implies that TNA actually put a little bit of thought into their storyline (believe me, that's a rarity), they'd have to work around his schedule now that he's about half a joint away from going to jail. This is stupid because it's unreliable, he might not get out of jail on the exact day he needs to, and they'd be working with a convicted drug addict. Really. Instead of offering him some help, they're using his drug addiction as a storyline on TV.

Or this is real life, and TNA proves that it has absolutely no discipline and professionalism standards among their employees, on top of the fact that their employees regularly break whatever standard of kayfabe TNA thinks it has.
It's not a work it real. Hardy's an druggie. I will give him the fact that entertainment is a grueling and straining joy. And after the fans leave and your left by yourself if you don't have something else you alone. With that said no wrestling promoter can pushed a needle, a pill, or a drink in your hand. You have to fall to those vices. Hardy is a tragedy and the best thing for him is a long jail sentence so he can rehab and get his life back together. Sadly this won't happen he'll get a month or two. Russo will use jail time as an angle in turn it into a work. And what are we going to do then when Hardy self destructs and shoots himself in the head.
If this is a worked shoot, then I don't think it would help TNA in any way. It's not like ratings are going to go through the roof if Jeff does go to jail. Sure, there will be some people out there who will cheer Hardy for being the bad-ass World Champion who gets locked up, but I doubt this news would make major headlines. It's not like we're going to see a piece about it on CNN or any other major news network. Not too many people would care, because a lot of us already know about Hardy's troubles outside of the ring. There would be a buzz amongst the IWC, but TNA's ratings wouldn't sky rocket because of a storyline like this.
Agree with the mass majority here. Doesn't matter if this is a work or not, there are better ways to try to get him over, I get people trying to work more 'real' angles into wrestling to try to make the superstars more relatable to the fans. However, I for one, would not want my 6 year old nefew to say "I want to be relatable to a star that does 30 sleeping pills a day, and wants to work up the ladder on other pills, and post incoherent rants on his own youtube channel about his former employers and people he at one point said were his nearest and dearest friends."

I'm sorry, but anything right now with Jeff Hardy and anyone in his inner circle is going to be deemed for trouble. You have him on these pending legal matters, his brother Matt with the "issues of creating an alter ego twitter, you tube etc" disputing his claim how he left WWE, then you have Shane Helms now suddenly bashing HBK who is probably one of the most neutral people and has never claimed to be perfect, I'm sorry, but Mr. Hogan, Bischoff, Dixie, Jarrett, Michelin Man, whomever is in charge of talent now and the creative drama, please draw a fine line between respectability and advocating for people's dirty laundry, especially when the sad part is Jeff has a new baby girl, I feel for the fact she will grow up and see all this nonsense he is doing, along with his friends. I don't know if he and his buddies have maybe stopped to think about that for a moment, once its out there....its out there. I know things want to be done for ratings, but at what cost? Sure it maybe help boost things in the short range, but look at the long term effects of what you are doing. Work or not, this is a terrible thing and I really am becoming more and more disappointed in anything associated with the name Hardy. Does that mean I think he's any less talented? No...but he could better use his time in a more productive manner if he had more positive people around him, and in a more stable environment.
It's no secret Hardy has had drug problems for most of his career. The videos of him and Matt recently prove to me he still has a serious problem. I really don't think this is a work at all. TNA wisely hasn't mentioned any of this on air. If he does go to jail or worse dies from a overdose. It would be very negative press for TNA. I don't see anything positive coming from this. Even if the recent backstage rumors are false. I think TNA are making a huge mistake having him as the World champion.
As I posted earlier in another thread,... No, I don't believe this is a work. Yes, I agree his death would lead to bad press for TNA. However, until then, I'd be shocked they didn't mention it on-screen, as it seems to me that's part of the reason they put the belt on him; For the publicity with his out-of-ring situation.
Okay people, if Hardy gets convicted then he's not going away for a month or so, they are basically charging him with being a major Drug dealer, so he is looking at YEARS if convicted on all charges... And if you are charged with being a drug dealer I think the last things you would want to do is do a worked shoot to convince the world that you have a major issue with drugs
Okay people, if Hardy gets convicted then he's not going away for a month or so, they are basically charging him with being a major Drug dealer, so he is looking at YEARS if convicted on all charges... And if you are charged with being a drug dealer I think the last things you would want to do is do a worked shoot to convince the world that you have a major issue with drugs

Agreed on all counts... But most fans, whether they admit to being in the IWC or not, have the Internet... So they know about his drug problems, regardless of what anyone says on TV.
-Conspiracy to traffic in Opium
-Trafficking in Opium by possession
-2 counts of possession with intent to distribute
-Felony possession of cocaine
-Felony maintaining a controlled substance in a vehicle/dwelling/place
-Misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia

Those are the laws Hardy has been accused of breaking. That's what he's been charged with (got that from the Wrestlezone main page). If Hogan and company think it's a good idea to run with this in a "shooting" fashion, they are far more ******ed than I had originally thought.

This is serious shit. Hardy is not only accused of taking drugs, but dealing them as well. The professional wrestling business has a bad history with drugs, and to make light of this situation just wouldn't be..wise.

Am I saying Hogan/Bischoff/Russo won't run with this in some kind of "worked shoot?" No, I have no idea what they are planning, or if they have anything planned at all. But they seem to be taking the "concussion" problem seriously, making it part of a storyline. Taking a real health issue like that makes me believe they will just ignore this Hardy/drug situation alone. If Hardy goes to prison, they will probably strip him of the title very quietly. Having a convicted heroin/cocaine dealer is probably not good for business, and if Dixie can't see that, I'm sure Panda will.

I just can't see this being a work. I realize Hogan, Bischoff and Russo have ventured into the arena of distasteful before, but this would be an all-time low. If they actually play up Hardy's drug problems into a storyline, I will stop watching TNA, guaranteed.
It shocks me just how low this whole thing has gone. Jeff Hardy definitely KNEW this would happen last year, which is why he left the WWE when he did. He knew Vince would flat out drop his ass with his third Wellness Policy strike, and without a steady paycheck coming in he'd be screwed lawyer-wise (I can't see Jeff being the type to save up for this kind of situation). Not to mention, I'm sure he can try to use his wrestling life and being a role model to help his defense. Problem is, things have changed. Sure, he is the TNA World Champ, but he's running around looking coked up and calling himself the AntiChrist [of professional wrestling]. TNA is completely enabling him to do this, and it's not right because even if he doesn't die, God forbid, those charges are serious. The creative team making this a work would literally screw Jeff Hardy. A savvy prosecutor could rip him to shreds by simply showing the majority of his personal videos alone, but add in that the very company that employs him even hints that he may have a drug problem?!

If this is a work, TNA is throwing their World Champion into jail. I had a cousin who was arrested on a trafficking charge and possession, and his job had on his record the fact that he was written up for odd behavior. I didn't go to his trial but I heard it wasn't good.

He got 20 years for it. And that was the last I saw of him.
Not a work just looking at him wil tell you he's not all there and hasn't been for ages. WWE atleast kept him sane enough to perform, soon as he left there the first time, he may have gined more fame but inring he's gone downhill fast, despite both companies giving him every opportunity to shine
body paint that is really poorly applied, always sweating heavily, bloated body, lacklustre ring work, flipped out comments

He's on drugs no question, now if his condition is a result of depression with losing everything he owned a few years back in a fire well that's different.
But who's to say if that was even true or just a work

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