Hardcore Justice, a PPV away from a lawsuit


Getting Noticed By Management
So watching the Harcore PPV, do you think Vince has lawyers watching it as well hoping that they slip up and mention thinks that can get TNA sued.

So far things I have noticed

1. Taz as said ECW at least once
2. Taz called Kahoney's, Balls Mahoney
3. Both Tenay and Taz called the Blue Twilley the Blue Meaney a few times

I'm sure there have been more and will be more.

Do you think Vince would actually turn around and sue TNA over these things
There have been a lot more from that but I wouldn't even waste my time suing them. I wouldn't except many ppv buys. But yes would be no surprise if they got sued.
If i was in McMahon shoes, i would... the principle of the matter is that i purchased the rights to ECW, why should another company infringe on that? Especially if you create value on property that isn't yours.

But if that was the case, i bet TNA would make mention of it as breaking news.
Well the WWE tried sueing WCW back in 1996 because Hall & Nash came into WCW acting like Razor & Diesel dispite never once using those names so yeah, Vince is that kind of guy for sure.
I would not be surprised. Im a huge wwe fan but i think he should just let it slide for one night if they continue doing it sure sue them but its for 1 night for ecw fans he should just let it go
I would not be surprised. Im a huge wwe fan but i think he should just let it slide for one night if they continue doing it sure sue them but its for 1 night for ecw fans he should just let it go

Do you think Vince cares about the ECW fans, this is the man that took ECW and turned it into a joke and treated it's fans like crap.
The relevant question is what Vince would get out of it. The answer is not much.

He could and did stop TNA from marketing this as an ECW event--the commercial with the fans chanting ECW, the "One Last Stand" name both went in the trash can very quickly after lawyers called.

He can stop wrestlers from being billed with their ECW names if he owns them.

But for anything I've seen in results online tonight, the legal term would be "De Minimis."

If TNA were going to pursue ECW nostalgia as a marketing strategy, then maybe Vince would look into what he could do legally. But they're not. If TNA actually makes money on this PPV, maybe Vince looks into taking a piece of the pie. But they won't. I expect a strongly worded letter from WWE legal itemizing every possible infraction from the PPV, and putting TNA on notice that they can and will be sued if such infractions are repeated.

Someone mentioned Hall and Nash in 1995. At that time, WWF business was way down and Turner's WCW had bought up the biggest names in wrestling--Hogan, Ted Dibiase, Savage, Steamboat plus the old NWA stars like Flair and Rhodes, plus now Nash and Hall. He would have sued WCW for anything he possibly could have. And the settlement of that lawsuit gave WWF right of first refusal in case WCW was ever sold. So that paid off.
You guys are looking into this too damn much. Tazz has worked with these guys in almost three different companies. He makes mistakes, still, calling Team 3D Bubba Ray instead of Brother Ray. Just because the announcer makes mistakes does not mean TNA is capitalizing from it. They're not advertising "Spike Dudley" nor are they showing his name as he walks through the curtain. As a company, they're referring to him as "Brother Runt." And who gives a flying shit if they reference ECW. They're not degrading the product. They're building it up. Has anyone seen a Pepsi commercial- ever? They throw Coke's name around like it's going out of style. Same with Burger King. Any multi-million dollar lawsuits going on there? No. Vince will never acknowledge TNA. Even if they start pulling 3.0 ratings, he still won't. Get your heads out of your asses.
Vince probably owns a portion of TNA to being with. If he doesnt then I wont be surprised. Ofcourse Vince owning a part of TNA is just a theory but just how it's unlikely that its true he does, its unlikely he will sue them. im sure hogan and dixie worked out some deal so they wouldnt get sued. If this was the case, TNA would be sued a long time ago by WWE
Do you think Vince cares about the ECW fans, this is the man that took ECW and turned it into a joke and treated it's fans like crap.

Yeah i know that and i know the he turned the ecw which was great into the trash that wwe created i never watched ecw till christian came back then i stopped a month later and continued watching raw and smackdown i know vince will probably sue but in my opinion he shouldnt
Jimmy- If you think Vince doesn't somewhat pay attention to what TNA is doing then your very naive, no he will never publically aknowledge them, but I am sure he does pay attention for things like this. Just like for years he never reference WCW until he had to

And wether it's because Taz is just making mistakes, he is still referencing ECW which is a trademark owned by the WWE

As for "Thetruemike", uhmm exactly what kind of drugs are you on, Vince has absolutely nothing to do with TNA. Do you often wear the tin foil hat
I kind of doubt it for one Vince would be VERY reluctant to give another company any publicity. Especially a company that (sorry TNA fans) poses no real threat to him. He sued WCW but at the time they posed a MAJOR threat to his business.

But then again this is Vince we're talking about......
Do you think Vince cares about the ECW fans, this is the man that took ECW and turned it into a joke and treated it's fans like crap.

Yeah i know that and i know the he turned the ecw which was great into the trash that wwe created i never watched ecw till christian came back then i stopped a month later and continued watching raw and smackdown i know vince will probably sue but in my opinion he shouldnt

You guys need to realize one thing... ecw went out of business... i watched ecw back in the day and it was great but guess what it wasn't profitable... so is vince stupid or something? is he gonna make ecw something that is completely different from his product? or try to combine something that is failing with something that works... ecw was the best shit out there but it was the best shit out there back then and for that small audience... don't keep calling vince an asshole cause most ecw wouldn't have even known about ecw if vince hadn't had them invade in 96... give vince some cred
Vince would have to prove that TNA intentionally made these "mistakes" to capitalize on ECW's name. That is hard to prove and too much of a hassle for no gain. WWE can't get much money out of it, and TNA would turn around and market it like Vince is intimidated.

It's easier for a private phone call between Vince and Dixie (or their representation), stating that WWE will be watching TNA very closely to see if these mistakes happen again, if so, then the lawyers come in.

But more than likely nothing will come of it because Vince tries really hard to not publicly acknowledge TNA, any action give them credibility.
Of corse he should. TNA does not have the right to use a product that WWE owns. VKM probly won't though. He only will if it generates a buzz. which does TNA ever do? No it doesn't he probley doesn't even them as remotly a threats so he won't.
Of course Vinne Mac will and he'll do it for every single penny he can get. Vinnie once said "Its all about the Money" so if he can get money out of it I wouldnt be surprized to see him do it. Not trying to diss Vinnie because I'm a WWE fan but He'll do anything for the money
Vince will never sue TNA about something this tiny because that would mean that he knows about them and acknowledges them. Plus, the WWE fans will hear "TNA" and "ECW" and might want to check what this company is. Case and point, Vince won't need the money, he's got plenty, he'll only get their name out there and look like an even bigger ass than he already is for sueing another company for saying three letters.
Look ECW that was in wwe was a peice of shit with fancy lights. The only guy left there that was hardcore was Tommy Dreamer. Vince did to ECW as he did to WCW. Follow me here it is what i call an acid theory, vince buys a company and selects certain superstars from that company and they combat the wwe guys to make them look stronger and slowly but surely they are all released and hve nowhere else to go besides tna or back on the minor Leagues.

That being said legally it makes sense but it would be like suing McDonald's for giving you a coffee and u spill it on you and you sue them because it was hot. You have Tommy Dreamer, Team 3D, Raven, RVD, Sandman, and that crazy mof SABU!! How cant you say anything about ECW when all you hve are these guys in the ring so If Mcmahon sues i will never watch wwe again cause it is bs now.
That show sucked so bad I don't think they could even find in themselves to sue. But I wouldn't be surprised if they do.
Well I was thinking they should but wont get sued. For TNA it may cost them alot but it would be attention and publicity from outside thier own company, TNA would take any acknowledgement they can get and could play the "underdog vs the evil corperation card".

Then someone brought up the Hall Nash inncadent so vince may very well sue, he owns all rights to the ECW and most if not all characters, and since tna gave a whole ppv to ecw it wouldnt be a hard lawsuit for vince to win.
I have a question for everyone on this thread and everyone out there:

Why did TNA have this PPV in the first place?

I dont get to watch TNA due to my work schedule so please do not take this as a "bashing TNA" post. But, as I try to keep up with TNA the best I can, having this ppv, to me, made absolutely no sense, other than trying to make a fast buck on some "past their relevance" wrestlers.

BTW, Vince may send them some kind of warning or something, but I dont think he sees them as a very big threat, so I wouldnt hold my breath on a lawsuit.
I have a question for everyone on this thread and everyone out there:

Why did TNA have this PPV in the first place?

I dont get to watch TNA due to my work schedule so please do not take this as a "bashing TNA" post. But, as I try to keep up with TNA the best I can, having this ppv, to me, made absolutely no sense, other than trying to make a fast buck on some "past their relevance" wrestlers.

BTW, Vince may send them some kind of warning or something, but I dont think he sees them as a very big threat, so I wouldnt hold my breath on a lawsuit.

Well, it certainly wasn't to have 'closure' or whatever. Not for all of them at least.

The point was to try and attract some old ECW fans or people who love(d) ECW but are not REALLY into TNA and kiss their asses with this show.

Another point was to create a buzz. The wrestling world might not know what TNA is, but they sure as hell know what ECW is.

They made money out of it.

- I didn't get to watch it, I'll do it later, and I don't know if it sucked balls, I'm waiting for a thread about that, but if the show was at least decent, I call this a success and nothing less.
Vince would get a little money and TNA would get a LOT of publicity if WWE sued TNA over this whole thing, so I'm going to say "no". If the ECW stuff continues, you might see a "cease and desist" kind of thing, but I don't see them diving right into lawsuit territory, just because it legitimizes TNA and gives them some free press, regardless of the outcome of the suit.
I think the "Fuck You Vince" chants might cause some stirs.

Is this a PPV that is away from a lawsuit. There is a good chance that it is... But that's what TNA wants.

They want the WWE to acknowledge them, sure it will cause a major exposure for the company. It's the big thing they have been waiting for. They can survive the lawsuit, and hopefully get some blood boiling in the wrestling world.

Now, will the WWE do it? Prolly not, they just want to keep tending to their audience. Working on their show. Really no point on making a small thing out of a little thing.
Jimmy- If you think Vince doesn't somewhat pay attention to what TNA is doing then your very naive, no he will never publically aknowledge them, but I am sure he does pay attention for things like this. Just like for years he never reference WCW until he had to

And wether it's because Taz is just making mistakes, he is still referencing ECW which is a trademark owned by the WWE

As for "Thetruemike", uhmm exactly what kind of drugs are you on, Vince has absolutely nothing to do with TNA. Do you often wear the tin foil hat

I'm not turning this into a pitiful, typical IWC online argument. But, I never said he doesn't know about them or pay attention to them. Obviously he does, since Laycool at first was a blatant rip-off of the Beautiful People. But, TNA has not broken any laws (granted I'm not a lawyer) during this PPV. They even went so far as to discourage fans from chanting/referring to them as ECW.

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