Handicap Match this Monday


I am The Last Baron
Source: WWE.com

By order of Executive Assistant Jonathan Coachman, WWE Champion John Cena will face Rated-RKO in a Handicap Match on Raw.

Jonathan Coachman is a vindictive decision maker, as this is the same main event he had made for Backlash before being overruled by Honorary General Manager Michael Pena.

Is this just a waste of time, it seems that way anyway to me. While they could do something similar they are just doing something completely pointless. This match will be Edge and Orton beat on Cena and then Beat on each other, with HBK coming out proceeding to clean house at the end of the show. This is just going to show how much the bookers of RAW need to pick up their game if it can be predicted 3 days out from RAW.
To be fair you don't know what exactly they're going to do. The direction they're going with the HBK you never know what he might do.

And what else do you expect to be the main event? They obviously need to do something with the main event participants... it's either this or a tag match between them.

I think it's an ok idea, it helps further the tension between Rated RKO, obviously the fact that the both want to beat Cena and they'll do something with michaels hating everyone.

Also it pushes continuity from the honorary GM thing last week and the Coach's authority.

Seriously though.. what would you perceive to be a better main event to push the championship match next weekend?
Just a plain and simple Edge Vs. Randy Orton match would be a better main Event, just letting everyone get a good taste of the match and then have some form of interference or something to end it, or even better it ends competitively, something that hasn't happened in a RAW main event in a long time. You have the start of the feud on a RAW it would gain viewers for whatever PPV it was going into if it was booked right as well as the story.
I too think this is just a time filler, but hey, aren't most matches these days? Should be decently entertaining simply for the fact that RKO is in there, let's hope maybe they can somehow pull a decent match out of Cena. What am I talking about, HBK couldn't even do that when he had almost thirty minutes with the guy.

To put it simply I'm not exactly dying for the Raw main event, but I don't have any problem with it either. Should be much more entertaining than Smackdown! atleast.
This is your typical PPV lead up match. As said before builds the tension of Edge and Orton then makes Cena look like the undedog like he alwasys is and furthers what HBK is doingis he goingheel or what for some as most general fans cheer and bo who they are told to cheer or boo.

Anyways the main event be more of a drama build up and waste of time. We will see Cena gethis ass handed to him for most of the match then do his limited moveset but prolly Rated RKO gets DQ and HBK comes down and tension builds and who knows what creative will have come up with an ending for RAW. Basically pointless main event.
I hope that the three of them can pull off a half decent match at least. All three are very good in the ring move-wise, even though Cena has what, 5 moves? Anyways, I have never seen either of the three botch moves, except for Orton and that botched RKO on Jericho a few years ago. I think it is pretty obvious that Shawn Michaels will interfere to even up the odds, possibly setting up Michaels/Cena .vs. Rated RKO next week.
I think the WWE would be unwise to go with an Edge vs Orton match as I see that happening in the future, and it would be disappointing to see it out of the way before their feud officially kicks off. I pray to God that Cena barely gets any offense in this match because if the WWE wants to get Edge and Orton over as top heels, this match would be the perfect time to do it. I know it's only going to be a 5 or 10 minute match but it's the best chance for Edge and Orton to look good while Cena stays strong. It will just be a waste of time to have Cena make the two look weak because we have seen that so many times before that it's beyond disgusting. Michaels should play some sort of role in the match, whether he has a run in at the end, superkicking everyone, or he is a special guest commentator, but I hope it's a good way to get everyone strong before the PPV. In my mind, if Cena's going over at the PPV, that's a big enough boost to suggest that he doesn't need to look good before Backlash and I hope they go along those lines. It's Edge and Orton that need the push, and if the WWE let's their feud intensify and make them look good against Cena in a match the fans expect Cena to lose, it will only help them before the PPV.
I think this match will be more like a singles match with Edge avoiding Ortons tags, until Orton hits the RKO then Edge will make the blind tag and try to steal the win Orton will get pissed and pull him off Cena, then Edge and orton will get into it, and out of nowhere HBK will run in a superkick both of them then he'll go to the corner and warm up for a little sweet chin music as Cena starts to get up then, when HBK goes for the superkick, Cena will duck out of the way and scoop up HBK, and hit him with the F-U, leaving Cena the only man standing in the ring as Raw goes off the air
i've given up on raw now, booby ...yes booby lashley has been the mian event for the past 2 weeks for some stupid reason.
as for this mainevent.. it should be a tag team match... but have the partners reversed..hbk and edge vs cena and orton.. just to basically set up the main event at backlash.. because you know either way its gonna end up with everyone fighting each other
This is the same thing they did last year with Edge/HHH/Cena leading into Backlash. If you remember last year, they had a 1 on 2 every week leading into backlash, but each week someone had a new tag team partner. If I remember right, everyone ended up with a pinfall victory over the other at some point.

It's a time filler match though. Orton Edge turn on each other, then HBK comes for the save, but will he Kick Cena??? OMG tune into find out. Seriously, this is why I hate 4 way matches, all the big names in one match. The rest of the night is going to be a bore.
You have to be kidding me. That is the kind of shit that makes Wrestling fans turn off WWE. With a predictable Main Event a waste of time in a diva fashion show, Carlito and Flair will have a Tag match against WGTT or the Highlanders. Vince McMahon will be on screen for 10 minutes in a promo about how they beat the Crap out of Lashley. The Fashion show will descend into a cat fight between Melina and Mickie James. Then maybe a Hardy Boyz or Jeff Hardy match. That should fill the majority of the show, then ads so that will leave enough time for the not so Great Khali to make his way to the Ring and then proceed to squash whoever he is put up against. I think I have just passed the cynicism barrier with flying colours.
yes a fashion show for god sake we dont want vince and khali we want matches they cant speak or wrestle so why dont the get lost stay backstage serving beverages to the crowd
I dont think it'll be as predictable as some think, anything could and might happen.

Orton turns on Edge or vica-versa during the match
HBK runs down, attacks everyone
HBK runs down, just attacks Cena
Cena wins the match but gets laid out by HBK
4 way brawl

Many things and possible scenarios that could happen, just give it a chance.
"4 way brawl"

No that will happen NEXT week, they always do that the week of the PPV. Have the main event of Raw turn into some massive clusterfuck with J.R's fat obnoxious self screaming "OH MI GAWD! WE'RE SEEING A PREVIEW OF THIS SUNDAY".

I think Orton and Edge won't be able to co-exist...I myself am looking forward to this main event...if it IS the main event. At least when Lashleys in main event Raw ends at 10:30ish :)

Im guessing you are a mate of Captain Charisma, with that attitude on JR. As to your point, a four way brawl is highly unlikely on RAW this week, because it is going to end with a ring clearance by HBK at the end of it, thereby setting up the tag team match next week for the main event, most likely not having Rated RKO together, then that one desolves into a four way brawl. But as martinturner said there are possibilities that are open, it is just that we won't see them because of the predictability of the writing staff for WWE as a whole. As for opinions on JR there are appropriate threads on that.
You have to be kidding me. That is the kind of shit that makes Wrestling fans turn off WWE. With a predictable Main Event a waste of time in a diva fashion show, Carlito and Flair will have a Tag match against WGTT or the Highlanders. Vince McMahon will be on screen for 10 minutes in a promo about how they beat the Crap out of Lashley. The Fashion show will descend into a cat fight between Melina and Mickie James. Then maybe a Hardy Boyz or Jeff Hardy match. That should fill the majority of the show, then ads so that will leave enough time for the not so Great Khali to make his way to the Ring and then proceed to squash whoever he is put up against. I think I have just passed the cynicism barrier with flying colours.

Quoted For Truth
I Can See Raw Happening Exactly Like This

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