Hahah WWE 'fans' are hilarious


Mid-Card Championship Winner
What a pathetic crowd last night crying because they got what they didnt want. These are the same babies that cry because Cena is thrown down their throats....and when WWE tries to make a new face of the company then they cry again. These bitches cry when a part timer steals the spotlight and again when someone who busts his ass does.

WWE will turn this around and have Paul Heyman turn on Lesnar and cost him the title. Get ready for the double turn and WWE creating the monster to fill Lesnars departing shoes.

Oh And when it is all said and done, nobody buries talent like the fans. Not even WWE.
What a pathetic crowd last night crying because they got what they didnt want. These are the same babies that cry because Cena is thrown down their throats....and when WWE tries to make a new face of the company then they cry again.

WWE will turn this around and have Paul Heyman turn on Lesnar and cost him the title. Get ready for the double turn and WWE creating the monster to fill Lesnars departing shoes.

Oh And when it is all said and done, nobody buries talent like the fans. Not even WWE.

Not only did the crowd not get what they want the whole rumble was awful. Kane and big show dominating, bryan being eliminated early, Bray Ziggler and Ambrose made to look weak, all in all it was terrible. The WWE needs to realize rocketship booking doesn't work. The WWE's fans pay the bills, they can do what they want. They have something special in Bryan and they chose to squander it.
Not only did the crowd not get what they want the whole rumble was awful. Kane and big show dominating, bryan being eliminated early, Bray Ziggler and Ambrose made to look weak, all in all it was terrible. The WWE needs to realize rocketship booking doesn't work. The WWE's fans pay the bills, they can do what they want. They have something special in Bryan and they chose to squander it.

The massive booing happened before 90% of what you said happened. The only thing that set it off was Bryan being eliminated, hence, not getting what they wanted.
You are wrong and stupid.
Crowd was lively and popping for every other young gun cept Reigns. They don't want to be told what to like. It's not a Philly thing or a Smark thing. Just go check twitter, brother.
You are wrong and stupid.
Crowd was lively and popping for every other young gun cept Reigns. They don't want to be told what to like. It's not a Philly thing or a Smark thing. Just go check twitter, brother.

They popped for Ziggler's entrance, and Ambrose's entrance got a lukewarm pop, and even after that, they continued to boo during the match itself.

The only good thing about that Philly crowd was the ECW chants.
They chanted "We Want Ziggler" before his entrance. Popped for his entrance itself. And then chanted for him AGAIN during the match. Not worth arguing over....the main point is the crowd did not have an arrogant "My guy or no guy" attitude as some are portraying.

They simply did not want to be force fed Roman "I can't speak" Reigns.
The fact the WWE paid Rocky to be there and run-in tells you all you need to know about their confidence in Reigns to get over or more importantly PUT HIMSELF OVER.
I actually agree with the premise of this statement. The Philly crowd acted like spoiled children, and Reigns' new found heat with some of the audience is misguided at best.

However, that doesn't change the fact that with the exception of the epic triple threat match, this was one of the most horribly booked shows in recent memory, if not ever.

The Rumble match sucked. No one with any taste wants to see Kane and Big show in the final four in 2015. Reigns won in a very non dramatic and corny way, overcoming two "giants" who have been around for too long and cannot possibly be seen as attractions anymore.

Three tag matches on the undercard? With the exception of the WWE Title match, nothing on the card was worth 9.99.

I don't blame the crowd for being displeased with how the match played out, but WWE put Bryan over at WMXXX kicking and screaming their way to the bank. If you really thought they would WILLINGLY do it for a second year in a row, the joke is on you.
The moment Bryan was given the early boot, nothing was going to put the fans back into it.

Hate to say it, but a lot of fans are simply too dumb to understand that things like that are either A. building toward something or B. something injury related.

But then, when Wyatt, Ambrose, and Ziggler were tossed by Kane and Big Show, it almost felt as though they were trolling the already fuming fans.

This being said, having those guys tossed by a pair of apathy inducing clods probably wasn't, dare I say, best for business. If they were trying to generate heat, they may as well have had Rusev toss them, rather than pulling an HBK under the ring.
Seriously? It's the fans fault?

If your reading a book and your favourite character dies and you stop reading the book, is it the readers fault? Or the writers fault for not creating other engaging characters to like.

Wwe dropped the ball, just like last year. Bryan didn't have to win. People aren't angry that reigns won. There angry at how he won. Poor storytelling, poor booking, all the faces were booked to look weak. There were no nxt talent used in the rumble. They had Orton backstage but chose to use rtruth and zach Ryder over him. Not one of wwe's stars walked out of the rumble in a better position than they went in, in fact most of then came out noticeably worse.

Vince McMahon resents the fact that he doesn't know how to make a star anymore, and we pick our own stars in guys like ziggler, Bryan and punk.
Everything's a prop, including the fans. If the writers were good at their jobs they'd do what all good writers do and have the fans eating out of the palms of their hands and begging for more. WWE writers have no idea how to do that and so an integral part of their show FREQUENTLY lashes out at them for their ineptitude. The crowd would sway with the show if there was anything worth swaying to.

Reigns isn't the guy, and everyone knows that. He's not the new face of the company because the fans do not want him. Tonight wasn't an isolated incident, this reaction was obvious to anyone with even the slightest ounce of wrestling knowledge. The passionate fans booed because the wrong guy won. Reigns isn't as good as Bryan. People don't want to see Reigns, they want to see Bryan. This isn't throwing the toys out of the pram, this is the toys simply not being good enough.

I hope there's a backlash and changes happen as fast as possible. They'll ruin Reigns' career and the show will suffer greatly if they don't fix the problems this has caused.
Kane and big show dominating, bryan being eliminated early....

No, the problem is that the WWE fan has forgotten kayfabe so much it's ridiculous. Big men are supposed to dominate in battle royals. Having Kane and Big Show not dominate in such a match would be nonsensical. Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge Daniel Bryan fan. Him eliminating two 7' monsters, however, is not believable. Small men get tossed out with ease by big men in battle royals, not the other way around.

That's why I have a problem with the Royal Rumble being about the title shot, rather than just an event on its own. Tying the Rumble to a title match takes away from the unpredictability. Because it's a title shot at WM, there are realistically only a few guys who could have won. Yet, we want to see someone like Bryan win, when common sense tells us that Big Show and Kane working together would be unstoppable.

In my view, KOTR should return, with the winner getting a WM shot. Back in the 1980s, McMahon, Monsoon, Ventura, and the like always stated that anyone can beat anyone else on any given night. That makes things a lot more believable. A big, dominant monster doesn't have to have the title, and doesn't even have to lose clean. DB versus Kane or Big Show in a KOTR tournament could end up a DQ, countout, or a clean win.

Look back at the 1980s, at the start of Hogan's first reign. As champion, even he almost never got a clean win over someone like Big John Studd. Even when Studd got into trouble, Heenan would do something nefarious to cause the DQ. You rarely saw Studd pinned, yet Hogan remained champion and was still booked strong.

Now, we want DB tossing guys well over double his weight over the top rope? Sure.
Pretty positive no one suggested having Bryan toss Big Show and Kane out single handily, Chief.

Times change and good products change with them.
WWE is stuck in 2004. They just want another John Cena but they seem to have forgotten that the "next guy" is always vastly different from the "last guy"

There is only one Hogan. Only one warrior. Only one Austin. Only one Rock. Only one Cena. None of these guys are like the last. Not even close. The next big thing will surface eventually. Chances are he's already in the WWE. Rollins is gonna be a superstar as long as they don't ask him to be "The next HBK"

Just be the "First Seth Rollins"
Furthermore, the desperate attempt to make Reigns "The next Rock" is the most embarrassing part. I have a feeling Reigns will turn on Rocky out of jealousy to facilitate the now necessary forced heel turn.
Everything's a prop, including the fans. If the writers were good at their jobs they'd do what all good writers do and have the fans eating out of the palms of their hands and begging for more. WWE writers have no idea how to do that and so an integral part of their show FREQUENTLY lashes out at them for their ineptitude. The crowd would sway with the show if there was anything worth swaying to.

Reigns isn't the guy, and everyone knows that. He's not the new face of the company because the fans do not want him. Tonight wasn't an isolated incident, this reaction was obvious to anyone with even the slightest ounce of wrestling knowledge. The passionate fans booed because the wrong guy won. Reigns isn't as good as Bryan. People don't want to see Reigns, they want to see Bryan. This isn't throwing the toys out of the pram, this is the toys simply not being good enough.

I hope there's a backlash and changes happen as fast as possible. They'll ruin Reigns' career and the show will suffer greatly if they don't fix the problems this has caused.

I doubt things will get that serious where it'll get WWE's attention. People are still buying tickets to shows, tuning into RAW and buying merchandise. Until the day where fans start making statements with keeping money in their pockets, WWE won't change
I had to reply to this thread because the op need to open his eyes. The truth is that Roman Reigns is not as over as the guys that got eliminated like they were burnt corpses thrown into a ditch. The most over guy got eliminated very cheaply and this is the guy most people want to see. Once he was eliminated, the crowd look to the other popular guys to win, that being Ziggler, Wyatt, Ambrose, and Ryback. Once Ambrose got eliminated, it become abundantly clear who was going to win. You had Show and Kane dominating while Reigns looked virtually super taking them out compared to the other popular stars who got eliminated by them. In addition, the fans starting booing him when he made his entrance. The crowd starting cheering for Rusev and anybody who faced him. They already know he'd get booed and yet they just forced it anyway (hence The Rock being out there). In my own opinion, I don't think Reigns is the next face of the company, but rather the next top heel of the company. If you think about, The Roman Empire has a heel ring to it!

Also, I agree with Garak. The Royal Rumble should just be use to elevate names and add prestige to it like how it use to be before '93. It would be 10 times better if the King of the Ring tournament winner faced the champion at Wrestlemania. Think about it...sports events have playoffs and NJPW have the annual G-1 Climax. Having the RR winner face the champion at Mania is definitely just lazy booking from my perspective. The King of the Ring winner versus the WWE World Heavyweight Champion sounds a lot better, does it not?
Having the RR winner face the champion at Mania is definitely just lazy booking from my perspective. The King of the Ring winner versus the WWE World Heavyweight Champion sounds a lot better, does it not?
Thank you. It's even more than simply lazy. It hamstrings the entire match, and look at the live response the match has been getting as of late.

A big guy like Reigns winning a battle royal is feasible and believable, and independent from the notion that he's ready or not yet ready for a main event as WM. I say he's not ready, but a big win like the Rumble is useful to him.

In a tournament, a wrestling tournament, it's within the realm of kayfabe belief for someone like Daniel Bryan to do extremely well, even against bigger stars (since the premise has always been a wrestler can beat a brawler), especially with the possibility of a countout or DQ hanging there.

I want to see someone like DB put on a series of wrestling clinics in a big tournament, and have a real payoff. A battle royal isn't the place to showcase his skills. Historically, I've watched the Royal Rumble to see how far guys like Kane and Big Show can toss guys like the 123 Kid and Rey Mysterio.
To some degree, I do agree that the crowd was annoying. Crowds like that can often be very annoying. Philadelphia is a very, very smarky wrestling town and many of said smarks can be extremely annoying when they don't get what they want.

Roman Reigns works hard, he's come a long way in the relatively short time he's been involved in wrestling, but a lot of fans are tired and frustrated of being told who they should & generally shouldn't invest their time in. What we've seen over the course of the past year or so especially isn't because of a couple of things here & there, it's years of pent up frustration with some of Vince McMahon's outdated perceptions and views. Vince McMahon feels that only a very specific type of wrestler should be at the top, namely one who either has or can have the look of a superhero. Roman Reigns is about 6'2 or so, about 250 pounds, handsome, well built, etc. Couple that with Vince sort of trying to tone down Reigns' edge over the past number of weeks with silliness and fans have come to the conclusion that he's essentially trying to create a younger version of John Cena. On top of it all, you have a guy that, compared to guys like Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler, Dean Ambrose or Seth rollins, is extremely green. He's yet to distinguish himself in terms of promo capabilities, developing a rapport with fans, displaying charisma and significant capabilities of in-ring ability. In actuality, he's only been a singles wrestler in WWE for a total of 6 months or so, 2 of which he spent healing from a hernia and the surgery to repair it. Yet, in spite of all these short comings, he's in the main event of WrestleMania XXXI? That doesn't sit well with a lot of fans and it's hard to blame them. If they're not feeling the guy, if they're not willing to invest in him, then there's no money to be made. It's not Roman Reigns' fault, anybody in his position would love to have the spot he's been given whether they're "ready" for it or not. However, that doesn't change the circumstances that fans feel like they're getting another wrestler of the Vince McMahon formula pushed onto them, so why shouldn't they voice their displeasure at that?

I agree that there are some fans who can't be pleased. Hell, to be perfectly honest, I think there are some who want to bitch just for the sake of bitching. However, in this situation, there's no real excuse for WWE. It's not a matter of a few handfuls of fans not getting what they wanted, it's not a matter of just some "indie/internet darling" not getting the push a small contingent of fans feel he should get. Daniel Bryan is the most universally over babyface WWE has had in years. Men, women, kids, old & young all WANT to cheer for him, they LIKE cheering for him. Not everyone is a fan of him, that's how it is for every wrestler, but I think it's safe to say that a very clear majority of WWE's fans are fans of Daniel Bryan. They don't give a damn that he's not some 6'3" 250 pound stud, the fact that he doesn't fit with Vince's formulaic vision is part of the reason they like him. They like him on the mic, they like seeing what he's involved with and they like seeing him do what he does inside the ring and they don't see what the problem is. What they see is a wrestler who they feel has mountains more ability than the one being pushed and they're frustrated as hell over that.
The moment Bryan was given the early boot, nothing was going to put the fans back into it.

Hate to say it, but a lot of fans are simply too dumb to understand that things like that are either A. building toward something or B. something injury related.

Building towards what? Bryan was eliminated like he was a lower mid card talent, there was no angle in how he got eliminated.

If Bryan was #1 and Sheamus was #2, then Bryan eliminates Sheamus halfway in the Rumble then Sheamus returns and eliminates Bryan setting up a Sheamus/Bryan feud. Then yes that was building towards something.

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