
Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
Welcome to the website for the Global Wrestling Alliance's brand known as Temptation. Find out of all the information relating to the brand on this address, that will keep you up-to-date with everything that happens behind the scenes:

  • Current Roster
  • Personal Signings
  • Superstar Trades
  • "Future Endeavoured" Wrestlers
  • Championship History
  • Temptation/PPV Card Previews
  • Dark (Webisode) Matches

The lovely Maria Kanellis is also here to help by offering her time and services in delivering post/pre show interviews with wrestlers, announcers and the General Manager herself, Stephanie McMahon.

If you wish to send in your thoughts about the show, please post them here and we will get an answer back to you as soon as possible.
General Manager - Stephanie McMahon

Backstage Interviewer - Maria
Commentators - Joey Styles & Taz
Ring Announcer - Lilian Garcia

NB: The following is the Temptation roster. The red background signifies the heels, the blue background represents the faces and the purple background shows the non-wrestling personalities (listed above as well in colour-code).

Credit to Theo "Hitman" Mays for the roster pictures.






Here is the entire gallery where you will find out everything about the championships such as:

  • Current Holder
  • Restrictions
  • History
  • Approved Contenders

Oceania Championship
Current Holder - Vacant

Title Restrictions:

  • Contested under solo-style matches
  • Championship can change hands via pinfall or submission*
  • Count-outs, disqualifications & interferences from non-scheduled appearances are prohibited*
  • There is a 45 Minute Time Limit

    * Unless specified (i.e. subject to change)

Approved Contenders:

All male competitor's are allowed.


Tag Team Championship
Current Holders - Curt Hawkins & Zack Ryder

Title Restrictions:

  • Contested under tag team-style matches
  • Championship can change hands via pinfall or submission*
  • Count-outs, disqualifications & interferences from non-scheduled appearances are prohibited*
  • There is a 30 Minute Time Limit

Special Restrictions:

  • Both male and female competitors can compete for the championship
  • The Substitution or "Freebird" Rule is permitted*

    * Unless specified (i.e. subject to change)

Approved Contenders:

  • The Beautiful People (Angelina Love & Velvet Sky)
  • The Burchills (Katie-Lea & Paul)
  • The Colons (Carlito & Primo)
  • Finlay & William Regal
  • Yoshi Tatsu & Goldust

    NB: All other possible pairings must consult Stephanie McMahon to be approved as championship contenders, either as a permanent fixture or one-time only pairings.


Hawkins & Ryder def. Yoshi Tatsu & Goldust (On Temptation: Episode Two)

Women's Championship
Current Holder - Vacant

Title Restrictions:

  • Contested under solo-style matches only
  • Championship can change hands via pinfall or submission*
  • Interferences from non-scheduled appearances are prohibited
  • There is a 15 Minute Time Limit

Special Restrictions:

  • There are no count-outs or disqualifications
  • There are no rematch clauses awarded to former champions
  • Championship matches are determined/approved by the Title Holder*
  • All matches contested under "Falls Count Anywhere" rules

    * Unless specified (i.e. subject to change)

Approved Contenders:

  • Allison Danger
  • Angelina Love
  • Katie-Lea Burchill
  • Madison Rayne
  • Maria*
  • Mickie James
  • Natalya
  • Rosa Mendes*
  • Sarita
  • Velvet Sky

    * Under special circumstances only

Maria Kanellis is seen standing outside of Stephanie McMahon's office door waiting a little impatiently. She knocks on the door for a third time and tries to open the door.

Maria: Hello? Stephanie? Anyone in there?

Maria bends over and looks through the keyhole to take a look inside. She is trying to find some movement inside. As she is looking, Stephanie McMahon walks up to the door in a professional attire, with sunglasses on and carrying a coffee from Starbucks... staring at her.

Stephanie: Can I help you Maria?

Maria is startled by this and jumps, knocking her head on the door knob. She gets up slowly and rubs her head, with her hair gone completely messed up.

MK: Ouch, you kind of scared me. I thought you were on the inside and you were ignoring me.

SM: But the door's locked... what are you doing here anyway?

MK: Well, I thought I might get a quick interview with you for my exclusive column on the GWA website. Y'know, about your brand?

SM: Let's make this quick, I have a lot of work to do.

Maria makes herself look professional and fixes herself up from the bump she took earlier.

MK: As you know, the GWA Supershow is coming up and it seems that you get the choice of picking two superstars from your own brand to compete in the 12 man tournament to crown the GWA Undisputed Champion. Who did you go with?

SM: After taking a thorough examination of the roster, I decided to give the opportunity to two of the most experienced wrestlers we have on Temptation, Kurt Angle and "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels. These two men have proven time and time again that they deserve to be in the spotlight. They have paid their dues and I feel giving them this chance is only the least I can do to pay them back.

MK: What about men like Rob Van Dam? Surely they have paid their dues and proven their worth?

SM: RVD is one of the main talents on the roster and he has done so much for the business. However, Van Dam has been gone from the business for quite a while now and only has recently returned. The Undisputed champion has to be in tip-top condition. RVD has a little ring rust I'd like him to get rid of before I consider him to be a top-level contender.

MK: Every brand gets to add their own side match to the Supershow. Have you any idea as to what will be added?

SM: Any idea? I'm already set. Considering that Temptation's specialised division is the Women's Division, I decided to throw together a 10 Woman Tag Match for the evening as an exhibition. Nothing on the line, it's just a way of advertising the brand.

MK: What about the Tag Team division or the Oceania Championship?

SM: The Supershow is going to be huge, so why add a championship match? I'm using this opportunity to showcase the best I have to offer and what makes us unique. Everything such as the Oceania Title will be revealed and decided upon on the first show of GWA Temptation. Now, if you excuse me I have some work to do.

Stephanie opens up the door, enters and closes the door behind her and Maria stands their confused. She shrugs her shoulders and leaves as the scene fades out.
Stephanie McMahon has cut a deal with her brother Shane McMahon, General manager of GWA Nightmare, concerning the rosters:

GWA Temptation News Desk said:
Jeff Jarrett from Temptation was traded over to Nightmare in exchange for Rhino. The roster switch is official and both stars will be able to compete and represent under their new brand name immediately.

Jarrett has previous issues with Kurt Angle and other stars which shall remain anonymous, who seemed to upset these aforementioned people. Stephanie McMahon wanted to keep hostility in the locker room very low, and this trade achieved this.

GWA Temptation News Desk said:
Nathan Jones has been released from his contract. We wish him all the best in his future endeavours.

The basis of his termination will not be revealed.
GWA Temptation has decided its theme song from the quite aptly named band. Here is an exclusive preview and we would like to thank Within Temptation for their contributions to the brand.

Stephanie McMahon is seen heading towards her limo in the underground parking lot inside the arena of the GWA Supershow at a fast pace. Maria is seen running after Stephanie in her heels, yelling at Stephanie to wait up. As McMahon gets to the limo, the driver opens her door and she begins to climb in. Maria catches to her and Stephanie has choice but to stop to see what Kanellis wants.

Maria: Stephanie...

Maria is catching her breath.

MK: Stephanie McMahon... can I get some comments from you about what has happened over the evening?

Stephanie: Apart from Bret Hart not showing up, my father chucking a hissy fit, Heyman & Bischoff taunting everyone and Randy Orton having his lackey's screw Kurt Angle out of advancing through the tournaments? Awesome crowd and a good showing by our girls.

MK: What of Randy Orton? He brought out Legacy, interfered in the match and cost Angle the chance to advance with no repercussions! How are you going to respond?

SM: What could I do with all the hostility between me and the other General Managers? There was no way for me to get a word in about what happened. If I did decide to butt in, all the other GM's wouldn't even give a thought about anyone other than their own. So, the decision has been left to stand.

MK: How does Kurt Angle feel about you choosing to let the situation slide by?

SM: I have spoken with Kurt Angle and we explained each other's side of the story. Angle has been calmed down for the moment and I have told him not to worry about Legacy. They are not apart of Temptation, nor do I have any intentions of bringing them over to our rosters. Angle will have to wait for a more "opportune" time.

MK: What does Angle get for compensation?

SM: Well, considering that Angle did get cheated out of advancing, as well as Shawn Michaels unsuccessfully moving forward, although losing to the Undertaker is not anything to be ashamed of, I have decided to give the two of them a second chance at championship gold... but it won't be the Undisputed Title. It will be for the brand's own title, the Oceania Championship.

MK: So it will be Kurt Angle vs. Shawn Michaels for the Oceania Championship on the first show of GWA Temptation? What about everyone else wh...

SM: Maria, I need to get to the airport. I wanted to get there a little earlier this time so I could get full first class benefits, but this interview is preventing me in doing so.

Stephanie quickly gets into the car before Maria can ask any questions. The driver closes the door and hops into the driver's seat. The limo drives off as Maria stands there watching the vehicle exit from the arena.
Stephanie McMahon has released multiple people from their contracts:

GWA Temptation News Desk said:
The Rock 'n' Rave Infection (Jimmy Rave and Lance Rock), Alissa Flash, Rhino, Taylor Wilde, Ayako Hamada and Sara Del "Death" Rey have been released from their contracts. We wish them all the best in their future endeavours.

  • Sara Del Rey & Alissa Flash requested the release because she did not feel ready to compete in mainstream wrestling
  • Ayako Hamada made a mutual agreement to leave so she could go back to Japan, Mexico and Europe to wrestle.
  • Taylor Wilde wished to pursue further university studies, thus rendering her contract.
  • Rhino resented the trade to GWA Temptation and requested for a release.
  • The Rock 'n' Rave Infection told management they have split up and management fired them because they were useless as singles stars.
GWA Temptation News Desk said:
Eve Torres has been released from her contract. We wish her well in her future endeavours.

Apparently Stephanie McMahon hasn't finished with her roster changes as of yet, and on top of the previous releases, another has been given the cut. Eve Torres, GWA Temptation's back-up personnel for everything (backstage interviewer, commentator, ring announcer, wrestler, etc.), received the call due to her being "useless" when not filling in for one of her back-up roles. However, if there is an urgency, Eve Torres will be contacted to appear on the show via pay-per-appearance basis. As of right now, she has been removed from the main rosters.

From what is gathered, this may be the last of the roster cuts. Trades between GWA brands and possible signings are likely options, but roster cuts are still being considered.
Stephanie McMahon recently attended a meeting with the other GWA General Managers and came out with some stunning piece of information:

Stephanie McMahon said:
Two of the six GWA General Managers have been contemplating backing out of the promotion. We hope for the best if they decide to leave.

These two General Managers have not been revealed as of yet. We will keep you posted on the upcoming situations.
Maria Kanellis is walking down a corridor and heads towards Stephanie McMahon's office. Maria goes inside and sees Stephanie at her desk working away.

MK: Are you busy at all Mrs. McMahon? Can I get an exclusive interview for my vBlog?

SM: Well, I am in the process of figuring out a few things considering what happened after Temptation this week. But I have minutes to spare.

MK: As you know by now, Desmond Wolfe and Drew McIntyre have been held responsible for attacking Shawn Michaels and Kurt Angle moments before their tag team match was scheduled to begin, thus ruining the main event of the evening. What are have you planned to do so you can control the situation?

SM: Well there Maria, it seems that Wolfe and McIntyre did not attack Angle and Michaels because they have bad blood between them. On the contrary, these four men do respect each other as wrestlers. However, I feel that Wolfe and McIntyre attacked Angle and Michaels to destroy my plans because I destroyed theirs. I took away an opportunity for them to have a shot at the Oceania Championship for a tag team match, so they took away the tag team match. Simple, but effective.

I'm going to end this madness before it begins. I don't want any one of my stars feeling like they will be left out. So, I have devised a little competition for the boys in the back to keep themselves occupied with over the next few weeks that will fairly determine which competitors deserve to challenge for the vacated Oceania Championship.

MK: And how does this competition work?

SM: Well, you'll have to tune into the upcoming installment of Temptation to find out. I will ignore all questions relating to this competition from now on.

MK: Alright then, how about all the releases from the Temptation roster? Many people in the locker room are legitimately scared for their careers because they feel, from the people that have been let go, that everyone is eligible. They think you have gone mad with power! What do you say about that?

SM: Look... when the draft was happening, you get caught in the moment and get competitive with the other General Managers. Sometimes, you make excellent decisions... and sometimes you make stupid decisions. Not to say every person I have traded or released where stupid, though.

You also have to consider that we aren't like every other show within the GWA. We chose the women's division, and we needed some women wrestlers. That means that if you were a male, you needed to be either in a tag team, or in tip-top condition as you were competing for the Tag Titles and the Brands top Belt, respectively. I was just trimming the fat, so to speak.

MK: But you released tag teams, wrestlers in tip-top condition, tag teams...

SM: With good cause too. I have done everything to benefit both sides of the business deal positively, and that's all I will have to say to that.

MK: What of the foreseeable future? Any signings? Possible trades? Updated cards?

SM: When the time is right, it will happen. I have some plans and I will see how everything will pan out before I implement them. Just tune into the next Temptation and everything will become a lot more clearer with the show's direction.

In the meantime Maria, just keep your eye on possible updates from the news desk and try interviews with people other than the General Manager.

MK: Thankyou Stephanie for your time.

Maria Kanellis exits the room leaving Stephanie in her room working away.
The GWA brand known as Rampage headed by Paul Heymen recently became defunct due to unknown reasons, leaving the company with only five brands. The five remaining General Managers decided to hold a miniature draft for the Rampage roster over the weekend.

Here are the results from the draft pertaining to Temptation:

Rampage Draft Results said:
1) John Morrison
2) William Regal
3) Santino Marella

During the draft proceedings, numerous trades were made between the brands:

Post-Draft Trades said:
1) John Morrison was sent to Catastrophe for Jay Lethal, Tomko and contractual rights of Natalya.

NB: Natalya is still apart of the Catastrophe roster, but the contractual rights allow Natalya to appear on the Temptation brand.

2) Santino Marella was sent to Catastrophe for Primo Colon.

3) Lethal Consequences (Jay Lethal & Consequences Creed) to Nightmare for Carlito Colon.

The draft still continues on, so be sure to catch all the aftermath results when the draft concludes. All unsigned roster members from Rampage will be released from their contracts and become free agents.
After the Rampage Roster Draft, Allison Danger and Stephanie McMahon have been in discussions about the status of Allison's position within the company. McMahon saw that the Women's Division on the Temptation brand was at an uneven seven wrestlers and she wished to even it out. Considering Allison's documented wrestling background, McMahon suggested that Danger take the last spot. Allison denied the offer, due to her outside commitments and no-one being able to replace her position on commentary.

Despite the denial, Stephanie finally managed to convince Allison by becoming a wrestler for the Temptation because of a very crucial roster change:

GWA Temptation News Desk said:
Joey Styles and Taz have reached an agreement and signed contracts to the Temptation brand.

As of next week, Allison Danger will be a full-time wrestler and Joey Styles & Taz will become the official voices of GWA Temptaton. Missy Hyatt's position with the company is unknown. Stephanie McMahon has considered leaving her as a Colour Commentator, making her the manager for Allison Danger or terminating her contract. With her attitudes backstage, there is a high chance she might get the release.

More news to come.
With the Rampage draft recently occurring, some contract issues have yet to be met whereby certain superstars drafted to and from the Temptation brand cannot be used. All is not lost however as Stephanie McMahon is going to bring you some exciting action your way:

Fit Finlay vs. Rob Van Dam​

Finlay illegally used the shillelagh on RVD's arm to get his team the victory last week. These two get the chance to square off and blow some steam. Will RVD avenge Finlay's brutal assault or will the Belfast Brawler be able to capitalise on Rob's injured arm?

Yoshi Tatsu & Goldust vs. Zack Ryder & Curt Hawkins
Temptation Tag Team Championships

Truth or Consequences were promised an opportunity to crown the first Tag Team Championships against Ryder & Hawkins in the near future. With Consequences Creed being traded over to a different brand and R-Truth converting to singles competition, Yoshi Tatsu and Goldust have taken their place.

Will Ryder & Hawkins be able to adapt to their newly assigned opponents or is the team of Tatsu & Goldust going to defy the odds. Who will walk out the first ever Temptation (Tag Team) Champion?

Drew McIntyre & Desmond Wolfe vs. Shawn Michaels & Kurt Angle​

Prior to last week's main event, McIntyre and Wolfe attacked Michaels and Angle enough to call off the match. This week, the match has been rescheduled to take place with an added stipulation:

"If either Desmond Wolfe or Drew McIntyre repeat their actions from last week or try to weasel out of their match, they will be terminated on the spot."

Will Wolfe & McIntyre be able to play by the rules to get the job done? Or will Michaels and Angle take down their assailants?

Tune into this week's Temptation to find out!
We've learned about two new changes to the roster that has gotten rid of the final dead weights and fixed the roster for one last final tweak:

GWA Temptation News Desk said:
Missy Hyatt has been released from her contract, we wish her well in her future endeavours. Shark Boy has been re-signed with the company and will work effective immediately.

As noted before, Hyatt has been known for her atrocious backstage attitude, something Stephanie does not encourage. It was best to relieve her from her duties then use that type of passion to create interesting television, quoting from Stephanie "It was not worth the risk."

In a similar earlier noted case, Shark Boy's re-signing to the roster was done because he was needed to even out the playing field and be used as a back-up wrestler in case of emergencies. He has been through negotiations with other brands, but failed to sign him up.
As soon as the second edition of Temptation went off the air, Stephanie McMahon released some huge information regarding next week's show:

Stephanie McMahon said:
In an attempt to organise the roster as soon as possible, I will be creating the Oceania Championship Tournament on the third installment of Temptation, where the winner of this Tournament will be crowned the first ever Oceania Champion.

Stephanie feels the constant hirings, firings, trades and drafts have effected the stability of the program and wishes to build a foundation to move forward on. The only way to achieve this, as well as being fair, was this newly created Tournament. Stephanie released next week's Quarter Final matches along with the announcement:

Quarter Finals

Christopher Daniels vs. Shawn Michaels

Kurt Angle vs. Paul Burchill

Drew McIntyre vs. Rob Van Dam

R-Truth vs. Desmond Wolfe vs. Shark Boy vs. Finlay

The winners of the first two matches will face each other in the Semi-Finals, with the winners of the second two matches doing the same. The winners of those matches will then be fighting for the Oceania Championship at a later date.

As a side note, Stephanie McMahon has also scheduled a match to contest the Women's Championship in a 10 Woman Battle Royale on the same episode. Here are the contestants:

  • [*]Allison Danger
    [*]The Beautiful People
    [*]Katie-Lea Burchill
    [*]Madison Rayne
    [*]Mickie James
    [*]Rosa Mendes

Tune into the next episode of Temptation for all the exciting action!

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