Gut Check Winners Return To Open Fight Night


On last night's episode of IW, it was announced that the winners of TNA's Gut Check concept would return next week for Open Fight Night. I'm assuming that TNA is going to the Gut Check winners come out to ultimately call out members of the TNA roster.

I'm not really expecting much from this, however, because next week's IW airs on Thanksgiving. In the past, the Thanksgiving episodes of iMPACT!/IW have been arguably the worst two hours of wrestling on television during the given year. Given that the Thanksgiving episodes are among the least watched of any TNA episode during the year, I don't expect much of anything from next week's show other than it'll be a throwaway. I might be surprised but I'm not going to hold my breath.
Hell, I'm probably not even watching this- if I do, I'm recording it and watching it while Mrs. AP is out doing her Black Friday shopping. That and the whole Gut Check thing hasn't appealed to me very much- Joey Ryan's storyline was kinda interesting, but that was it for me. Just another 2 hours that are pointless.
I might be one of the few people really looking forward to seeing this. It'll be a nice way to spend my night after the stress of dealing with my family all day :lmao: I'm mostly just looking forward to seeing what Christian York and Taeler Hendrix do, I think they have been the best things to come from Gutcheck so far and both have a good chance of being important.

Just hope we don't see ANY of the Gutcheck winners in a turkey costume by the end of the night :suspic: leave that to EY or whichever heel he calls out for the annual match.
I'm not really expecting much from this, however, because next week's IW airs on Thanksgiving. In the past, the Thanksgiving episodes of iMPACT!/IW have been arguably the worst two hours of wrestling on television during the given year. Given that the Thanksgiving episodes are among the least watched of any TNA episode during the year, I don't expect much of anything from next week's show other than it'll be a throwaway.

How do you know that? Have you seen how Impact Wrestling has improved this year?

Anyway, I'm actually looking forward to this. We can see how the original 3 have improved throughout their time in OVW (TNA's developmental territory) and I want to see who they face.

Just don't let the spoilers spoil it for you (no pun intended).
Don't mind the OP. Anytime, I read one of his posts, he's always babbling about how he's not expecting much from TNA or Impact or whatever. He's such a WWE mark at heart. He tries his best to subliminally bury TNA. Lol at calling it the worst 2hrs of TV. The worst 2hrs of TV have gone to RAW since the year 2002 until they went to 3hrs this year. And now this year, the worst 2hrs of TV are on Smackdown. Please stop this TNA hate that you're trying to slowly indoctrinate in people because I can see through you. And yes, I look forward to the Open Fight Night show because I want to see how the Gut Check contestants have turned out. So yeah, stop trying to turn people off on the show. I don't know what you're agenda is or what you're point in even making this thread was but I don't know why a certified WWE mark as yourself cares what's going on in TNA.
Don't mind the OP. Anytime, I read one of his posts, he's always babbling about how he's not expecting much from TNA or Impact or whatever. He's such a WWE mark at heart. He tries his best to subliminally bury TNA. Lol at calling it the worst 2hrs of TV. The worst 2hrs of TV have gone to RAW since the year 2002 until they went to 3hrs this year. And now this year, the worst 2hrs of TV are on Smackdown. Please stop this TNA hate that you're trying to slowly indoctrinate in people because I can see through you. And yes, I look forward to the Open Fight Night show because I want to see how the Gut Check contestants have turned out. So yeah, stop trying to turn people off on the show. I don't know what you're agenda is or what you're point in even making this thread was but I don't know why a certified WWE mark as yourself cares what's going on in TNA.

You have an absolutely massive inferiority complex. You obviously haven't read most of my recent posts in quite a while, you're simply too stupid to understand what I'm saying, you try to twist what I say to make it sound as though I've said something completely different to what I do say or some combination of any or all of the above.

TNA has improved by leaps and bounds and if you'd bothered to read anything, you'd find a number of posts where I've said as much. And TNA has improved. Just like Zeven_Zion, every single one of your posts is always about making everything WWE vs. TNA whenever anyone has anything remotely negative to say about TNA. I don't know if you're the same person under a different account or what, but you most definitely need to get some new material. Whenever I read one of your posts, it's always the same tired drivel.

Now, I never said that I thought TNA as a whole is the worst 2 hours on television, I said that their Thanksgiving episodes usually are. I don't talk in double meanings kid. If I thought TNA flat out sucked, I'd say so. I always have before when, in my opinion, it did flat out suck and I've never changed that.

The reason I'm not expecting much out of this is because, in my opinion, TNA's dropped the ball with this. Aside from Ryan & York, none of the other Gut Check contestants have shown any real degree of talent and have been squashed in meaningless 2 to 3 minute squash matches. Now, these same lackluster contestants are returning, some well over half a year since their appearance on the show, for some reason. As I said, I'm guessing that they're going to challenge some members of the roster as it's Open Fight Night. I'm not expecting much out of this because, frankly, TNA hasn't shown much with these wrestlers.
If you feel that way, then why start a thread about it? Im confused, what are you trying to say/imply?

A thread is just a thread sometimes. The fact Gut Check contestants are returning for next week's episode isn't something worth mentioning or talking about? I'm not trying to imply or say anything, just started a thread in which I stated my opinion and so that others can talk about the Gut Check wrestlers returning and how they feel on the matter. You know? Talking about & discussing something? The way people generally do on the forums? Don't start drinking LetEmKnow's Kool-Aid.
I myself will be watching the Godfather marathon on AMC on Thanksgiving Day, but I will dvr impact, and I am actually kind of interested to see if these people have improved since the first time we saw them. I try to support it when a wrestling company comes up with something new so I will check it out. I thought Taylor Hendrix was kind of hot to so that is a plus. Is Christian York coming back too? He is the one I am most interested in.
If I'm home on Thursday then I'll be watching. York seems to be the best talent to come out of Gutcheck besides Joey Ryan, so he'll be worth checking out. As of right now thanksgiving is up in the air for me, so depending on the football games the best thing going on TV is Impact.
You have an absolutely massive inferiority complex. You obviously haven't read most of my recent posts in quite a while, you're simply too stupid to understand what I'm saying, you try to twist what I say to make it sound as though I've said something completely different to what I do say or some combination of any or all of the above.

TNA has improved by leaps and bounds and if you'd bothered to read anything, you'd find a number of posts where I've said as much. And TNA has improved. Just like Zeven_Zion, every single one of your posts is always about making everything WWE vs. TNA whenever anyone has anything remotely negative to say about TNA. I don't know if you're the same person under a different account or what, but you most definitely need to get some new material. Whenever I read one of your posts, it's always the same tired drivel.

Now, I never said that I thought TNA as a whole is the worst 2 hours on television, I said that their Thanksgiving episodes usually are. I don't talk in double meanings kid. If I thought TNA flat out sucked, I'd say so. I always have before when, in my opinion, it did flat out suck and I've never changed that.

The reason I'm not expecting much out of this is because, in my opinion, TNA's dropped the ball with this. Aside from Ryan & York, none of the other Gut Check contestants have shown any real degree of talent and have been squashed in meaningless 2 to 3 minute squash matches. Now, these same lackluster contestants are returning, some well over half a year since their appearance on the show, for some reason. As I said, I'm guessing that they're going to challenge some members of the roster as it's Open Fight Night. I'm not expecting much out of this because, frankly, TNA hasn't shown much with these wrestlers.

Nah, he's not me. The thing here is that I'm biased as fuck, but I know it. Respecting MY opinions toward the WWE would be pretty fucking stupid - I hate the WWE, I love love LOVE TNA and that ain't gonna change, because WWE and anyone in it can lick my taint - it's so damn boring.

You're biased as fuck as well, but you act like you're objective and it's pissing some people off. They see through it and no one likes phonies. Give me a break. Anything TNA does is "not enough to catch your interest". But you LOVED Old School RAW. Get outta here. TNA could walk on water and you'd scream "HA! They can't swim!".

It's not about saying ONE negative thing about TNA and TNA fans getting butt hurt. This is every time with you. Every single time. 99% of your posts start with what TNA did, then you saying you don't really find it interesting. Very RARELY you say you're okay with it, but then you don't expect much. It's like you're afraid your ass will explode in a million butt shards if you give TNA legit, clean cut credit about something they did and if you admit to yourself you THOROUGHLY enjoyed something. It's just the high and mighty attitude that's getting to some people, not your worthless, biased opinions

As far as this goes - FINALLY those people will appear on TV. About time. I'll enjoy this. It'll be nice to feud them with eachother to be honest.
I could see them each having to "call out" someone and so we get a match from all of them (well one of them will likely get destroyed by Aces and Eights). I'm happy with that and will be watching, we don't have Thanksgiving in my country anyway. But for a show that will effectively be a "write off", I think it's something interesting to throw out there for those of us who will tune in.
They'll most likely be calling out the guys who beat them the first time around, although I'd actually like to see them square off against each other. It'll be interesting to see if we get to see more of them after this.

Also, does Joey Ryan count? He's not technically a Gut Check winner.
I think your see Joey Ryan come out at some point during the night and take on one of the gut check winners and I can see Aces and eights taking out at least one if not all of the guy check guys before the end of the night, but the thing I am really looking forward to is finally seeing Wes Brisco in action and with him secretly being a member of the aces and eights, I can see being the first gut check contestant to beat there opponant. In general I think its going to be a good show and as long as they don't have EY running around in a turkey suit for to long, then TNA can't to wrong.
in Canada we already had Thanksgiving back in October, so I'll be watching the show.
but I'm not expecting much. I'm sure I will still probably be entertained. I'll just have to remember it's a US Thanksgiving show before being too critical of the show.
I'm not really a fan of Gut Check anyway, so a show mostly centered around the Gut Check contestants doesn't sound very exciting to me.
hopefully there will be enough TNA guys other than Gut Check contestants to bring up the shows quality.

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