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Gunner and Ric Flair


Gunner and Ric Flair..if you asked me a year ago,or whenever gunner first debuted with Murphy, if i thought he would be managed by flair. I would have laughed at you and smacked your head for even thinking such an idiotic thought. Anyway, the last 3 weeks or so gunner has been on a roll,losing his bouts but then first on the bischoff kid he pile drove him on the outside, then both jesse neal and douglas williams got a DDT onto the concrete from gunner.

Now what do you think of TNA trying to revamp "Mr. Intensity" and packaging him with the nature boy.

HE still looks liek generic guy with tattoos number 43000 to me though :/
For me it's less about Gunner and more about Flair being put into the proper role.

Flair's a wonderful manager. Great on the mic too, and it might help Gunner if he's lacking in his speaking abilities. This is much better of a role for him than being a wrestler, considering how easy it is to break his body in half nowadays.
I don't like the team of Gunner and Flair. I think Gunner is one of the guys that should have went to OVW to train and develop a character.

As for Flair, I feel like Kaz should turn heel and Flair should manage him again. I loved Kaz in the cocky heel role in Fortune, and I think with Flair on his side he could be a main player.
Gunner definitely should have been sent down to OVW, but he is a guy I am just never going to like so I try and give him benefit of a doubt. Flair is an awesome manager and like the other poster said would fit well with a cocky heel Kaz. As a side note, I think they need to start laying off on the tattoos. Everyone is really starting to look the same with the full sleeves.
I don't think Flair and Gunner are a good match, but I don't hate it.
I like the way Gunner has been lately, looking like the bad ass he should be. it would be better if he didn't look weak in his feud with Garrett Bischoff.

I do like Flair as a manager.
personally I think Flair would awesome as the manager of Bobby Roode. Roode fits that role better than AJ did before. Roode looks better in a suit, and imagine how he would look in a big robe like Flair used to wear. plus it would fit Roode's gimmick now of being dirty, along with the dirtiest player in the game.
I like the idea. Gunner is the guy who does flair's dirty work, an enforcer if you will. I think they should change up Gunner's look a little though. Give him a buzz cut and trim the goatee. Gunner has some solid in ring skills but lacks the charisma on the mic. Pairing with flair gives tna a solid mid carder act.

Think back when flair was feuding with lethal. That feud could have been much more effective with gunner doing the wrestling. I see possible feuds like that in the future. I would love to see gunner and flair decide to go after Robbie e. Have gunner take him out and win the tv title. Then have flair talk about always being around gold. Begin some feuds with guys like Daniels, Kaz, or pope.
This is a weird pairing. But it's fine. Flair is managing someone, Gunner is building up momentum and not going off the radar. This could end up in a Flair - Gunner match with Gunner going over, as the heel of course. Perhaps Gunner getting too cocky of all the broken necks and going after Flair? Who knows.

I kind of like Gunner. He's bland but there's something in that dude, he just needs to find that role, that gimmick and direction and he's good to go.
anyone noticed when they did there promo on the last impact of 2011 you could here abyss practicing his lines???

but back on topic hmm gunner and flair i like it gunner has that demeanor to work together with flair something that i haven't seen from kaz so yeah it's a good pairing
This isn't bad really. This is basically the same as when Flair was playing the manager role with Batista back in '03 when Evolution was forming. Building up Gunner as a monster heel, taking out smaller low-to-mid card guys just might be the shot in the arm to his character. Granted he's less than stellar on the mic. But he has gotten a little better in the ring. Sooner or later, he's gonna have to compete or develop a feud with a mainstay like AJ or maybe Samoa Joe. Another run with the TV title wouldn't hurt him either.
I do think that this is a good use of Ric Flair in general. Keep him out of the ring, pair him up with a young guy, use that knowledge that he has and give said young guy a rub.

The problem, however, is that I just think Gunner is the wrong guy to put with Flair. I just don't see anything at all particularly special about Gunner, I honestly and truly don't. At best, he's average inside the ring, average on the mic and his "intensity" amounts to him making mean expressions and slapping himself lightly across both sides of his face. So he's average, at best, in the ring & on the mic, he's well built, decent looking, tanned and has tattoos. In short, Gunner is pretty generic.

It's just hard for me to take Gunner seriously as a real threat to guys on the roster. He's played the part of a generic, low level stooge during his entire time in TNA and that doesn't seem to have changed much. Gunner's most notable accomplishments in TNA amounts to winning the Television Championship, which isn't much but he did win it, not doing anything with it and then losing it to Eric Young in 15 seconds. That's all before getting into a feud with Eric Bischoff's kid, a green as a bean rookie, and consistently getting beaten by said Rookie. TNA's attempt to make Gunner look like a tough by by having him "injure" guys and have them carted out each week just isn't working. It doesn't make him look any tougher really as he loses those matches via DQ, even to Jesse Neal who was leaving the company.

I do think that Gunner definitely needs the help of someone like Flair. The problem is that I just don't see all that much for Flair to work with. There's got to be some real potential for Flair to be able to accomplish anything with Gunner and I just don't really see it.
Personally, I enjoy Gunner's ring work. If you've ever seen him in person at one of TNA's house shows he can go. It's a matter of him not really having the time to work on the crowded impacts.

I do think that he is not quite charasmatic enough to ever reach main event singles status on his own. The only way is to have a manager. I think a better option might be a tag team. I would really like the pairing of him and kid kash. Call the gun money playing off their names or the dirty south since they are both southerners.
This is a weird pairing. But it's fine. Flair is managing someone, Gunner is building up momentum and not going off the radar. This could end up in a Flair - Gunner match with Gunner going over, as the heel of course. Perhaps Gunner getting too cocky of all the broken necks and going after Flair? Who knows.

I kind of like Gunner. He's bland but there's something in that dude, he just needs to find that role, that gimmick and direction and he's good to go.

I feel the same. I see something there and I kind of like him but he needs something to sell me. I love that hes using the F5 (although havent seen him use it in a while) and pairing him with Flair is only going to boost his stock. He needs a mouth piece and theres no greater mouth piece.

I think they need to give him some more unique music though. Whenever I hear his music it just sounds more generic than the rest.
Flair is embarrassing these days and Gunner looks like he was dragged straight out of some light-tube ridden backyard fed.

If Flair is going to stay on air then a manager role is the best thing for him but they need a guy who has the sort of characteristics you could see impressing him, the biggest problem is most of the guys who would work with Flair visually can already talk, maybe Kazarian could work as he's as bland as hell.
I've been wanting this to be confirmed for a while now and am looking forward to seeing Gunner progress from here. Even during his security guard days, I thought there was something about him. Gunner just hasn't been given the opportunity to shine IMO. Pairing him up with Ric Flair is genius. Everyone knows Flair is one of the best mic guys of all time and I personally think Gunner would work much better as the silent assassin type. I'm hoping that's the direction TNA go, but there doesn't really seem to be any "silent" wrestlers these days so pehaps not.

Gunner is built and looks like he could rip the head off a puppy with no remorse. I'd have no problems believing he could man handle almost anyone on the roster (barring the likes of Angle, Morgan, Abyss or Crimson) and I'm liking what Gunner's been doing lately. He's obviously working his way up the ladder (has taken out Garett, Jesse Neal and Williams) at the minute but he can't just injure guy after guy so it will be interesting to see who stands up to him.

If you've got the Nature Boy in your corner, not only do you automatically have more credibility, you've got a much better chance of winning matches. Gunner is just going on a tear right now and clearly isn't interested in winning matches, but when someone stands up to him (hopefully AJ Styles), Flair will have something up his sleeve.
They're a bit of a mis-match, I'll give you that much, but at the same time I can't help but feel that Flair is finally being utilized as best he can in TNA — as a heel manager to help younger guys (like Gunner) get over. I know a lot of people shit on the AJ heel run, but IMO that added a ton of depth to AJ's career, and though in the long-run it didn't work out that well, I still think it was worth trying. I just think they tried it at the wrong moment (seeing as he was already champion when Flair came in).

I'll say this much, though — Gunner's main issue is his mic work, so having Flair there to handle the majority of the talking could prove wonders for his career. IMO Gunner has what it takes, he's just missing a couple little things to really help him get over. New ring attire would go a long way, as would a run at a mid-card title (Hello, Television Championship).
Flair is so underutilized right now. It's like TNA doesn't want him on tv. He was better when he managed AJ and would deliver these great promos or the time he feuded with Lethal. TNA has completly neutered the Nature Boy.

For the love of God, disband Immortal once and for all and Flair could manage Roode.
The only issue I have with the Gunner and Flair pairing is that their is no real texture to the pairing. There is no real chemistry between the group other than "you like beating up people? Me to." Flair is a great manager, and looking back at the wrestlers he has managed they become stars like Batista or Randy Orton. But every wrestler Flair managed, he had some reason or a cause to being their mentor. Back when A.J was being managed by Ric Flair. You can see the chemistry and the reasoning as to why they teamed. Ric saw something in A.J and wanted to put him under his wing, and A.J wanted to learn from one of the greatest of all time. It was clear, and it showed in any segment with them. But with Gunner and Flair, it feels as if Flair is tugging Gunner around just so he can beat up on people.
People are so stupid these days. Gunner generic... well so is every other fucker that walks out in a pair of wrestling tights and wrestling boots then.

Gunner is fucking awesome in that ring. He is intense, he's just getting better. Everybody acts like wrestlers aren't suppose to develop over the course of YEARS!!!!!!

Gunner's been around for 1 maybe 2 years and everyone is expecting him to be main eventing or what? The Garrett feud was great... let's let two rookies get a chance to get over on each other by having good matches.

Gunner piledriving people on the unmatted floor is great, how long has it been since we've seen someone pull the mat back and piledrive someone on it! I thought it was 1999!

Gunner VS RVD last night was a spectacul.. and that will be one hell of a feud. Each man likes to keep it moving in the ring and it makes for a very competitive contest. Difference between TNA and WWE... The wrestlers actually try to wrestle and make it look like their having a back and forth contest.. in the WWE they just act hurt for the other guy...

I remember watching RVD and Gunner.. they had a nice exchange.. Van Dam avoids some Gunner moves and then Gunner just drilled him with the most perfect impactful clothesline in the world. He didn't stop the character of RVD in his tracks.. he stopped RVD in his fucking tracks.

Anyone who doesn't see anything in Gunner, obviously watches wrestling for the stories and not the wrestling... that simple. Gunner is in the perfect position in TNA that he should be in at his career.

The Ric Flair and Gunner combo is just wonderful. Add it to the list of greatness that Ric Flair has worked with...

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