Growth Hormone Is On Your Siiiiiiide

The Butcher


"HGH you taste so goooood!"

Pizza spokesperson, chicken parmesean enthusiast, and occasional football player Peyton Manning (pictured above eating a steroid and cheese sandwich) is being accused of having used Human Growth Hormone in a new documentary by Al Jazeera. Manning released a statement saying the story, "is complete garbage and is totally made up." Major League Baseball players Ryan Zimmerman and Ryan Howard are also named in the report as well as boxing Hall of Famer and literal cartoon character Mike Tyson:

There is going to be endless chatter about this story, it's veracity, how it affects Manning's legacy, and on and on. I already watch the NFL under the presumption that almost all of the guys I see are taking some sort of performance enhancing drug, be it in the form of supplements, prescribed drugs, or illegal/banned substances. I read this story about how Manning struggles to come out of his pads and cleats without help back in September, and it was the first thing I thought of when I read the report. Of course he would take something to stave that off. I'm a huge Ravens fan, and just a few years ago Ray Lewis came under scrutiny for some sort of deer antler extract he was using to speed up his healing. I thought nothing of that, and I would be a hypocrite to jump to conclusions about Manning. Nothing much will likely come of this unless the proverbial "smoking gun" is produced anyway.

Hey, if the chicken for Peyton's tasty sandwich up there can be jacked up on steroids and hormones to get the most out of it, why can't he?
Sly told ESPN Saturday night that he recanted his story to Al Jazeera when he realized that they had used information he had "made up" to Liam Collins, a British hurdler and the undercover reporter who he says was trying to get into the supplementation business.

Sly told ESPN he was a student intern at The Guyer Institute in 2013 rather than 2011 as the Al Jazeera story alleges.

He told ESPN he was "testing" Al Jazeera's undercover reporter by dropping "names like Peyton Manning, Derek Jeter, Ryan Howard and James Harrison." He said none were clients, and while Manning, Howard and Harrison were all mentioned in Al Jazeera's HGH investigation, Jeter was not.

"When I realized Al Jazeera was using a secret taping and Collins as a so-called investigative reporter, I was baffled," he said. "I cannot believe that can happen. That's why I recanted the story. It wasn't true and I was trying to pull one over on Collins to see if he had any idea of what he was talking about."

"I was trying to determine whether this guy (Collins) was legitimate or just trying to steal some knowledge about the business," Sly said."

We'll know more when the documentary is released but if they're solely relying on this Sly dude's word, that shit just went out the window.

I have a hard time believing that Manning is stupid enough to think that sending the shit to his wife and not himself would be enough to avoid being caught. It sounds like a lie one shitty drug dealer would say to another.
I already watch the NFL under the presumption that almost all of the guys I see are taking some sort of performance enhancing drug, be it in the form of supplements, prescribed drugs, or illegal/banned substances.

For sure. The sport in which the greatest contrast in drug testing gets illustrated is baseball. In all the 'suspended by commissioner' sections of the newspaper, it's invariably a minor league player who's getting the vacation; rarely major leaguers. What, only guys in the minors use steroids?

In the case of Peyton Manning, I doubt this investigation will amount to much, nor will his legacy be tainted from whatever comes of it. After all, his legacy on the field is based more on what he does with his brain than his body, no? Peyton never had a great body....and never seemed to need it to succeed in his chosen profession.
This will warrant some chatter but nothing can be done. Even if Manning took HGH in 2011, the league didn't begin testing until last season. But I did always wonder why he would have to go overseas for treatment on his neck. I guess now it all comes full circle now. Overall I'm not opposed to any athlete taking HGH in the NFL. Mainly because it's a non-Olympic sport doing Olympic style testing.

Basically this is really a question of medical advancement versus sport advancement, the treatments are there, but we are still looking at it from a 1980's perspective. It may be time for the league's attitude to change towards advance medical treatments that are available today.
Do I think Manning took HGH? Yeah there's probably a good damn chance. But do I think there's anything wrong with it? No, there isn't. All HGH does it help older players recover from injuries faster. Yeah it has some negative side effects that will probably impact their health later, but as far as performance enhancing goes it doesn't nothing of the sort.

It keeps your body more durable. It's probably the reason Manning has lasted this long. Oh and if you tried telling me Tom Brady isn't on something of the sort I'd suggest you get tested. One of my favorite players Ben Roethlisberger, that guy should be on it too. He's still on the ripe side of his 30s, but he's getting older and that guy gets beat up all the time.

Why would you keep something away from players that helps them heal from their injuries? Do they not want them to recover faster? Especially a guy like Peyton Manning who was and maybes till is the face of the NFL. In reality the league is probably who sent Manning the box. They want him back on the field making the money.

But really. Steroids and other drugs are PEDS sure...but HGH is about recovering and staying healthy. It's the reason why players like Manning are able to go as long as they are into their careers. You would think that would be embraced. When injuries are as big of a problem as they are in the NFL, why not? I also have no doubt in my mind guys like Adrian Peterson, maybe Todd Gurley were on it after they tore their knees. I think the problem is though is that it's illegal under FDA law. These players probably won't get suspended or punished, but the federal government might open up an investigation similar to Biogenesis scandal.
Do I think Manning took HGH? Yeah there's probably a good damn chance.

Its not like he came back from a broken freakin' neck that was so badly damaged doctors said he would never play again....and proceeded to break the single season record for touchdowns....Now THAT would be suspicious!!

Oh wait, that's exactly what happened.

Thing is here....

1. This guy's credibility is about negative one million after all the facts have been sorted out

2. I am fucking gobsmacked that Al-Jazeera put this thing out with what appears to be zero vetting or fact checking whatsoever

3. If if the guys story WAS true, there is (seemingly) no concrete way to connect anything to Manning

4. This isn't the Patriots or the Saints, so the NFL will have zero interest in digging into this at all

I couldn't give a shit, personally. People are prescribed such things to recover from injuries all the time.
Yesterday I listened to sports talk radio for the first time in a long time, and I immediately remembered why I don't put up with that garbage anymore.

I was tuning in to hear reaction to Sunday's games, all the playoff scenarios, and predictions of what may go down this next week. Instead, all they were talking about was this completely ridiculous, irrelevant story.

First of all, WHO CARES? Without actual evidence, I sure as hell don't. Peyton isn't even relevant right now. Clay Matthews is more relevant and that overrated, jacked up clown was listed, but all anyone would talk about was Peyton. This is why I despise the sports media with every fiber in my being.

For the record, I don't think Peyton is guilty, nor do I think there's any evidence to suggest that he is. But if he is, then I still don't care because I know it'll never be proven. This should not be a story. The media will give credit to any Joe Blow when it comes to a controversial rumor and it makes me sick that we live in a society where all you have to be is accused of something in order for your reputation to be even just partially tarnished.
Clay Matthews is more relevant and that overrated, jacked up clown was listed, but all anyone would talk about was Peyton.

To be fair, Clay was in the report for pain killers, not performance enhancers. Which in a way sorta furthermore drags down the credibility of the report overall, as I can't begin to imagine NFL players needing to go outside the lines for painkillers.
Manning should've just kept his mouth shut and said no comment. The answer lies in the preceding paragraph. By engaging the story and strongly, repeatedly disputing it, Manning and those who either were doing what he wanted or what they believed he wanted continued to give the story life.

He should've had his agent pick up the phone and call every new source with some form of credibility to not buy into this story but instead they bought into it.
Manning should've just kept his mouth shut and said no comment. The answer lies in the preceding paragraph. By engaging the story and strongly, repeatedly disputing it, Manning and those who either were doing what he wanted or what they believed he wanted continued to give the story life.

He should've had his agent pick up the phone and call every new source with some form of credibility to not buy into this story but instead they bought into it.

Do you think the vehemence of his denial helped influence the collective shrug by most NFL fans?
I think as long as he keeps talking will raise curiosity. But for the most part it'll be ignored. He has put out what, 4 statements disputing this? Inaction over aggressive action.

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