Greatest WM Title Match of ALL TIME!!!


Dark Match Winner
So, its officially 26 years that Wrestlemania has been playing an iconic role in WWE history. As it has been said in its taglines, "The Showcase of Immortals" Obviously, this PPV has made jobbers into superstars, superstars into legends, and so forth. From amongst all the WM's, my favorite all-time title match was the Triple Threat Match for the World heavyweight title at WM 20.
Idk, for some reason, whenver Wrestlemania comes up, I think of that match. What are your favorite all-time WM title matches?
Whenever I think of title matches the one that always wrings a bell is Andrea the giant vs. Hulk Hogan but it was to predictable. Most of you will probably think this is really lam but the one that shocked me the most was the triple threat match at wrestlemania 24. RKO defeated two heavily faverd opponents and ended up leaving with the title was very supprising.

P.S. sorry about the spelling kindoff in a heary
When I think wrestlemania, straight away in my head, i think Undertaker, Hogan vs Andre, Wrestlemania 2000, 2001 main event, these come to my head alot.

The title match i'm gonna choose is Wrestlemain III, wait for it, ofcourse the Intercontinental Championship match (back when the title actually meant something), Randy Savage vs Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat!!...
For me, it's WrestleMania XIV hands down. Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Shawn Michaels. WMXIV was the first WrestleMania I ever watched live and I'll never forget that match as long as I live. Now there have been better matches I guess and matches with more build up but for me it's just the memory of my childhood favourite, HBK, dropping the title to Austin, who I also thought was immense. Just an amazing memory. Now, growing up and realising since the pain Michaels was in throughout that match makes me appreciate his performance infinitely more. I could watch it over and over. The memory of it is what makes WrestleMania XIV's main event the greatest title match in the history of Mania for me.
Just took a look over all of them and the Iron Man match at Wrestlemania XII stands out to me personally as not only as the best match but the most iconic moment in Wrestlemania history.
The best match was probably Steamboat vs Savage. The most important was Hogan vs Andre. Steamboat vs Savage would have been the match everyone remembered had it not been overshadowed by the biggest match in history.
Wrestlemania 6 Easy.. Title for Title... The Ultimate Challenge.. Warrior vs Hogan.... the two biggest faces in the company at the time and maybe ever! And wasn't a bad match at all and Warrior winning was so shocking I remember watching it Live.. It was a very sad day for a Huge Hulkamaniac like me.... Then Hogan hands the title to the Warrior like a true Champion.... Classic match! Greatest WM!
Mania 6 was a huge match(and my personal favourite) but the match i always liked that didn't get nearly enough accolades was was Roddy Piper Vs Bret Hart for the I.C title at 'Mania 8.

Both men showed great technical prowess and who can forget when piper nearly returned back to his heel ways. Magic
The Wrestlemania 12 Iron Man Match. The two best stars to ever grace the ring going 60+ minutes and they looked like they could have gone 60 more. It's kind of marred by Shawn's actions at the end but that's part of what made that the feud of the 1990's, IMO. To me, this match is the best WM match of all time so it easily tops this list.
Second, IMO, was the WM 3 match between Savage and Steamboat. That was an unbelievable match between two great athletes.
probably chava vs kane for the ecw champion at wrestlemania 24, great 5 star match... JK xP sorry i had to do that.

but anyways...

When I think of my favorite Wrestlemania Matches, here are four title matches that come to mind:

Chris Benoit Vs HHH vs Shawn Micheals (wrestlemania 20)
The Rock vs Stone Cold (wrestlemania 17)
Steamboat vs Savage (wresltemania 3) (even though i started watching wrestling in 2000, ive seen wrestlemania 3)
Brock Lesner Vs Kurt Angle (Wrestlemania 19)

my favorite is the triple threat at wrestlemania 20.
I'm not saying its of the importance of the heavyweight belt, but my favorite match was TLC 2. I just love the match. My second choice would be Hogan Rock, It was great to watch my Dads generation vs my Generations greatest superstars. I saw some1 right Austin Micheals where Tyson is the enforcer. I found it to be a weak match. I understand the importance as it was suppose to be HBK last match and all and Austin gaining the belt. How ever hbk to me could barely move in the match, and prob put on his worst wrestle mania performance. He could barely move around the ring, I felt bad for him during the match. I'm sure you will all disagree
I would have to say that the greatest WM title match of all time is Steamboat/Savage from WM3. This match defined what wrestling would become for generations and was definetly the most innovative of it's time. Never before had two wrestlers, not only entertained the way these two did in this match, but put in as much preperation as well. It's been recorded that Steamboat and Savage went over every spot in the match for hours in order for everything to be perfect the day of WM. Not to mention that it was one of the hottest feuds going at the time after Savage had crushed Steamboat's windpipe with the ring-bell in an earlier altercation. That's why I feel this is the greatest WM Title match of all time.
my top 5 WM Title Matches R....

1) Ricky Steamboat vs. Randy Savage @ WM III 4 the IC Title
this was the classic storyline right here & 4 it 2 culminate @ WM III was the perfect conclusion.

2) Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels @ WM XII Iron Man Match 4 the WWF Title
the top 2 Superstars in the WWF @ the time & future HOFers going hard in 61 minutes of Total Non-Stop Action....pardon the pun. LOL

3) Steve Austin vs. The Rock @ WM X7 4 the WWF Title
like Hitman vs. HBK, this one was action from start 2 finish & the heel turn @ the end of the match was truly a surprise, it took me week 2 really make sense of what happened.

4) Bret Hart vs. Yokozuna @ WM X 4 the WWF Title
this is a favorite of mine because Bret was the underdog who overcame adversity, not 2 mention losing 2 Owen earlier in the PPV, 2 avenge his loss 2 Yoko @ WM IX become WWF Champion.

5) Steve Austin vs. Shawn Michaels @ WM XIV 4 the WWF Title
seeing HBK get his comeuppance after all of the fuckery he caused as a member of DX @ the hands of the Rattlesnake, who capped off his 8 year quest 2 reach the top of the WWF makes this my 5th favorite WM title match.
like the poeple above me..wrestlemania 6 power vs power face vs face title vs title the ultimate warrior vs hogan...awsome match i of course wasnt born yet..(it was a few months before i was 19) but ive seen it soooo many times and the feeling there is soo strong..something that if you seen live wont ever forget

but a close second would be steamboat vs savage..back when ic title was actually something and not forgettable
I'm not too experienced with the history of WWE(I didn't really start watchin til 2008). So with my limited knowledge I'm gonna say Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels on the 25th Anniversary of Wrestlemania
@MostElectrifiying.....) Dude, it's title matches we're talkining about here. Not what match is the greatest. Taker and HBK didn have any title on the line.
Steamboat vs Savage WM3....Classic match. Two great competitors and great in-ring storytelling.
Ok so the question is greatest mania title match of all time.....

One has to think about what makes a match "great" i came up with 3 things

Crowd reaction
in ring story telling
action packed

And for me the match that definitely had all these things was the triple threat from mania 20

this match was flawless, the crowd was fully behind beniot, shit at the time so was I! so many kickouts that i didnt expect (especially benoit kicking out of the SCM while he had hhh in the sharpshooter) and the benoit win was just so overdue!

so definitely this match was the greatest title match at mania or maybe even of all time
Yeah, man Hogan vs. Warrior was my most favorite WrestleMania title match because it was Title for Title, had Hogan and Warrior in it who were my two favorite wrestlers when I was a kid, and ended with Warrior winning the belt. Being more of a Warrior mark before 'mark' had more of a meaning than just a guy's name, it was the most awesome thing to see. My favorite shot was where Warrior has the belt around his waist and he's shaking the ropes and in the background the jumbotron shows him doing it from another angle. Classic. Money.
My favorite goes to Batista vs Undertaker at Wrestlemania XXIII. Match of the night! Back and forth in a rapid pace from start to finish filled with so much electricity on the air. Batista's one and only classic in his WWE career.
for me its a tie between 4 matches bret hart and shawn michaels iron man match, ric flair and shawn michaels, and undertaker vs shawn michaels but personally because i got to be there to see it it has to be stone cold defeating the rock in philly cause i got to go to that WM and its one of the more memorable WM's for me
Either the Iron man match at XII or Rock Austin XvII, the former was probably the better wrestling and more iconic, the latter was electrifying though. It's too close to call.

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