Greatest Superheavyweights - Earthquake


Going on 10 years with WrestleZone
Another all-time great to come out of the great nation of Canada.

John "Earthquake" Tenta is my first feature in my look at professional wrestling's all-time greatest Superheavyweights, affectionately termed "SHW's" by yours truly. The fact is, in wrestling history, narry a group of wrestlers have had the "impact" on the business as those men who weighed in at more than 325 lbs. And of those men, few struck fear into the hearts of fans (and opponents) than Earthquake did in the early 1990's.


John attended LSU on a Wrestling Scholarship, but unfortunately, the wrestling program there was dropped due to the puss oozing from an open wound that is Title IX. So, despite not being able to do college wrestling...

...the Quake actually started his career as a sumo wrestler named Kototenzan.


Earthquake's first moment in WWF (aside from a dark match in which he appeared as "Earthquake Evans") was part of the Dino Bravo / Ultimate Warrior feud. When Bravo challenged Warrior to a push-up contest with a random audience member seated on their backs, Quake was pulled from the audience by Jimmy Hart. Bravo finished his set of push-ups, giving the turn to Warrior. However, when Warrior preped, Quake hit his eventual finisher - the seated Senton Splash - crushing Warrior and bringing this beheamoth Canadian into the WWF with Hart as his manager.

After a brief feud with Hercules, Earthquake became mainstream in May of 1990, attacking Hulk Hogan from behind on The Brother Love Show and crushing Hogan's ribs with several Splashes on the floor. Hogan feuded with Quake up through SummerSlam, winning a decent match by Count Out.

Quake later entered a solid feud with Jake Roberts, crushing Jake's pet snake Demian and serving the cooked snake to Alfred Hayes - annointing them "Quakeburgers." Obviously this booking was the precursor to the far less interesting Al Snow / Big Boss Man / Pepper feud.

Aside from the Hogan feud, Quake teamed up with his former enemy "Tugboat" who promptly changed his name to Typhoon to form "The Natural Disasters." Still one of the best tag team gimmicks ever. Quake and Phoon turned face when Jimmy Hart turned on them in favor of Money Inc, and the tag team feud the two teams had was awesome. After the Disasters, Quake had little more than a few minor matches with Adam Bomb and a short lived feud with Yokozuna before hitting the road to WCW, where he would play about 5 different personas.

Despite not being a major championship contender (Quake only held the WWF Tag Titles on one short occassion amidst the Money Inc. feud) he still goes down in history, in my opinion, as one of the greatest SHW's in wrestling history.

Editor's Note - if there is a Superheavyweight you'd like to see featured, please send me a PM. I will get through all I can, and eventually run a top 10 list.
Quake certainly is one of the great big men ever. However, Shark, John Tenta, Avalanche and whatever other dumb ideas he was given in WCW weren't. They were nothing but ripoffs of Earthquake. In his original persona, this guy scared the living hell out of me. I was a die hard Hulkamaniac and this guy did the one thing no one else ever has done: He put Hogan on the shelf. This was mind blowing to fans at the time. A guy that could hurt Hogan? Also if my memory is right he was the one entrusted with getting credit for knocking Andre out of wrestling. THis was a huge thing in my mind as Andre was the biggest legend ever at the time, and QUake gets to be the guy that takes him out. He never won anything, but he didn't have to. He got by on the fear of what he could do, which is what a SHW is designed to do. Great selection.
From 1990 to 1993 it's hard to argue that there was a better SHW then Earthquake. He had some great feuds with Hogan and Jake Roberts. He was also part of a great tag team with Typhoon as the natural disasters, however the rest of his career was not very good. It's not really because of his skill, but more because of booking. In WCW he started off ok as Avalanche, but once he had to switch his name and they made him the Shark it was downhill from there. The Shark never did anything and then as John Tenta he did even less. When he came back to the WWE he had lost weight so they made him golga and although it was a funny character to watch he never did much with it and was soon gone from the WWE again.

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