Greatest matches in WWE PPV history. Good list but questionable rankings.

No real issue with the list. I would call every match on there a great along with probably at least another 15 so at that point its really about personal preference.
Agreed. What I liked most is the inclusion of the triple threat match at vengeance between Rock, Angle, and Undertaker. That rarely gets the credit it deserves.
Great list. All of the matches deserve to be on a "Greatest Matches" list of any nearly any kind. Maybe the order could be different, but wrestling is subjective. Personally, I would involve several different matches. Part of my reasoning would take in to effect nostalgia, and personal sentimentalism. So in terms of order, it's hard to say one person is wrong, because there will never be a straight consensus.

I think matches like HBK vs. Flair from Mania XXIV, the Triple Threat from WrestleMania XX, Shawn vs. Triple H from SummerSlam 2002, or the HBK Jericho Ladder Match could all easily be on the list. You could also put Bret Owen and Shawn Razor from WrestleMania 10. But it is what it is. It's just one website, one list. There will be many more list from many more places.
I'm glad to see Punk Vs Cena at MITB on the list. Not only was that match incredible, but the drama that unfolded with it was great. Good to see TLC tag match up there too. That really set the bar for the tag team division that the WWE still is having a hard time reaching. I'm not thrilled about Hogan Vs Andre being that high. I understand the importance of the match, but it wasn't that great of the match. I guess the moment it created is what ranked it that high. I can dig Macho Vs Steamboat being number one. That is what wrestling is all about.
Well, it's all entirely subjective anyhow. There are probably 15 other matches that someone could come up with that could fit just as well as those matches.

Personally, I don't agree with Savage vs. Steamboat at WM III being #1. Personally, I don't agree with Hogan vs. Andre at WM III even being on the list because while the match had a ton of hype, I thought it was a flat out lousy match. If it wasn't for the fact that Andre was body slammed by Hogan, I doubt anyone would remember or even give a damn about the match.

Yesterday, put out an article naming "the 100 best matches to see before you die." Pretty comprehensive list that contains some all time memorable matches and a few forgotten gems from ppv and television.
Personally, I don't agree with Hogan vs. Andre at WM III even being on the list because while the match had a ton of hype, I thought it was a flat out lousy match. If it wasn't for the fact that Andre was body slammed by Hogan, I doubt anyone would remember or even give a damn about it.

A lot of matches aren't supposed to be technical masterpieces but more so about the moment. Hogan vs Andre was the biggest match of all time and drew over 90,000 people in the Silverdome. When the match is brought up as a great match it is graded for seeing them in the ring together and the magic that happened that night. It's the same with Rock/Hogan. Wasn't the best match but just the fact that they were in the ring together and how amazing it was to see. It's probably people's reasonings for wanting Sting vs Undertaker. While I never agreed it is a dream match, people just want to see the two of them in the same ring together. Everybody only talks about Undertakers streak ending and not how lackluster the match with lesnar earlier this year was and that's how it will be for decades to come.

That body slam by Hogan changed wrestling forever and for that scene alone it should easily be on a greatest match/moments of all time list. My dad was around when it happened and he said it was one of the most surreal things he ever saw. The whole world was talking about that match
My only real issues with the list are HBK/Taker not being #1 & the 1st HiaC Match being ranked rather low, otherwise it's a pretty solid list.

I can think of at least a few matches I'd replace Angle/Benoit & the triple threat with, the Bret/Shawn screw job, Shawn vs. HHH at Summerslam 2002 & the triple threat for the world title at WM XX come to mind immediately.

Also I'd say the Cena/Punk match from RAW 2013 & Austin/Rock III from WM 19 were both better than the highly touted MitB & WM 17 matches but that's just my personal preference.

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