Greatest Gimmick In WWE History

Well considering everyone is saying the undertaker im going to reason for this is that "the undertaker" isn't a gimmick... he has the deadman, big evil, american badass and back to deadman... 3 different gimmicks. I dont think the gimmicks themselves were that good, but undertaker made it great.

with that said im going to pick two gimmicks, which wouldn't have been legendary without each other:
1) the New World Order. The idea of invading outsiders taking over a company was revolutionary, and single handidly put WcW ahead in the monday night wars.
2) the Crow. Stings change from surfer to the crow was in my opinion the greatest gimmick in the history of pro wrestling. The idea of someone who felt turned on by his fans and WcW; and was so dissapointed by this that he turned into a depressed/emotionless wretch... but still loved WcW too much too ever turn his back on it. The greatest gimmick ever, hands down
Razor Ramon, because he was cool and tough, and based off Scarface. Scott Hall pulled it off so well, and still incorporates a bit of the Bad Guy in everything. Plus, there are gangsters in the world. Plus, when those vignettes came out, I just wanted more. Plus the gimmick worked both as a heel and a face.
I think it has to be the Undertaker, simply for the longetivity of the gimmick and the fact that 'Taker is now regarded as one of the greatest legends of all time. The Dead Man gimmick is truly iconic.

Even today, when silly gimmicks are often mocked and fail, the fans still love the Undertaker and his gimmick. He is truly adored by the fans even though the gimmick is 100% unbelievable.

Taker has been able to slightly alter his gimmick over the years in order to remain relevant, from a more un-dead character to a more evil satanic minister and then back to the original Deadman (I don't count the Biker Undertaker as the same gimmick), and has been a success with all of them.

Definitely Undertaker for me. Iconic
Undertaker? Really? Really? Really? OK, I agree it is one of the all time greatest gimmicks. It has worked out so well for him, and he never ever breaks character for nothing or no one.

But... I do not believe that The Undertaker gimmick is the all time gimmick. My personal favourite is Kane (when he debuted, obviously). He looked menacing, but also scary, not in the sense of:
"Dude, lets run."
But more of:
"Whoa, that guys gone through shit."
The whole costume, the mask, the manager (for those who don't know there history, that would be Paul Bearer) and of course the story. The whole "brother left to die" and scarred body.

To add to that, since Kane's arrival, look at what has happened since. Pyro has changed. The infamous Inferno Match debuted. Wearing a mask was cool (see Rey Mysterio) and the fact that now The Undertaker has an even bigger back story to his character which makes it more intruiging.

In my opinion the gimmicks of both guys led to crazy ass matches and the best feud in my honest opinion.
Undertaker? Really? Really? Really? OK, I agree it is one of the all time greatest gimmicks. It has worked out so well for him, and he never ever breaks character for nothing or no one.

But... I do not believe that The Undertaker gimmick is the all time gimmick. My personal favourite is Kane (when he debuted, obviously). He looked menacing, but also scary, not in the sense of:
"Dude, lets run."
But more of:
"Whoa, that guys gone through shit."
The whole costume, the mask, the manager (for those who don't know there history, that would be Paul Bearer) and of course the story. The whole "brother left to die" and scarred body.

To add to that, since Kane's arrival, look at what has happened since. Pyro has changed. The infamous Inferno Match debuted. Wearing a mask was cool (see Rey Mysterio) and the fact that now The Undertaker has an even bigger back story to his character which makes it more intruiging.

In my opinion the gimmicks of both guys led to crazy ass matches and the best feud in my honest opinion.

Kane had an awesome gimmick, with the full body suit, the mask to hide his burns and the stacked shoes to make him even taller than he is. He looked terrifying, and the gimmick was perfect.

I think it became even better when he started using the voicebox to occasionally talk, that backed up the story about him being so badly injured in the house fire set by Undertaker. It was a great decision by the 'E to add that element to his gimmick.

Revealing more of his body, so we could see it wasn't scarred, then a more revealing mask, then removing the mask totally hurt the gimmick in my opinion, but as we are now in a time with less gimmicks and more realistic characters I could not see the Kane gimmick being as accepted now if he debuted than he was back in the late 90's.

I fucking love original Kane, he was a beast.
Well... Time changes everything. So each era has it's own great gimmick
The best Old School Gimmick is (of course) The Undertaker. He has staying power. He's a legend and you can't NOT like him really.
Pre-Attitude era... HBK... Like it's been mentioned before, he never had to change. No matter what he's done, he's always been HBK.
Attitude Era... The Rock, Stone Cold, and HHH. These guys are legends... even if you only look at a 7 year span, they are cemented as legends.
PG Era... Randy Orton's "legend killer", John Cena's "thuganomics"
Reality Era.... The current CM Punk anti-hero character seems to be the strongest dynamic out there.

So that's just how I would define them. But overall... like every other person, The Undertaker.
I am a huge fan of the Undertaker's and have been since he started, but I can't believe nobody mentioned the gimmick that started it all... the one that brought wrestling into the limelight and allowed it to grow into what it is now. I'm talking about the 'Real American' Hulk Hogan.

Yeah, yeah, I realize he's a piece of crap now, but that's more because he's stuck around much longer than he should have and he's become legendary for screwing people over. However, and this is a big however, if you look at 1980s wrestling that was primarily territories and the WWF (WWWF) trying to bring them together, one man held the company on his shoulders and put asses in the seats- Hulk Hogan.

Prior to Hogan and the 'Rock and Wrestling' days, WWF featured no enterences, small audiences like you'd see at an Indy show and regional tv below what TNA has. It's easy to talk about Wrestlemania I as the beginning of a huge legacy, but I was a fan back then and I remember watching it. It was a crapshoot whether it would all work out or not. Hogan had the huge movie exposure (Rocky II), he was the first wrestler to make it onto primetime tv shows and late night talk shows like Johnny Carson, he had his own Saturday morning cartoon show, etc.

Hogan was the best gimmick of all time because it was the foundation for the wrestling that we have today. That should be made even more clear by the fact that the man behind the gimmick, Terry Bollea, is such a piece of garbage with basically no wrestling ability. Hulk Hogan was all about the hype and the promos.
Heh, I like the deadman gimmick as it was first debuted, when The Undertaker was little more than a zombie. When he would get the crap beat out of him only to rise up like a zombie rising from the grave, when he held the world title (for 10 days) and come to the ring with it dragging along beside him. The original deadman gimmick was awesome... since then? Big Evil was an emo ***, the american badass was boring, and the new "gunslinger" (look up Stephen King's Gunslinger if you're wondering what I mean by that) look is kinda cool but it's nothing on the original Deadman gimmick.

That said, the deadman was not all there was out there that was amazing.

The dirtiest player in the game, f**king Ric Flair is such a hatable person. I have never liked him in the least, I respect him as one of the best ever, but omg his gimmick does nothing but piss me off to no end.

For me though, aside from the original deadman gimmick, the most awesome ever belonged to the Legion of Doom/Road Warriors. Those suits they wore, while riding the choppers, everything about LOD was f**king awesome.

How 'bout The Macho Man? OK probably more along the lines of the worst gimmick ever, yet Randy Savage brought that gimmick to such a level, that seeing the yellow & pink & orange electric tape jacket with a matching cowboy hat and raybans and cowboy boots... seriously could anyone else make that look cool? I LOVED his look, absolutely loved it, but would I ever in a million years take someone else seriously if they tried to pull that off? Sorry Jay Lethal, but no. The Macho Man gimmick as portrayed by Randy Savage was awesome.

Another great gimmick was Sgt. Slaughter. Come on, a drill Sgt, that's also a cartoon character on G.I. Joe? Dude sweet! Slaughter kicked ass.

EDIT: You know what? Flame me all you want, but I really LOVE R-Truth's paranoid MPD (That's Multiple Personality Disorder for those slow of thinking) gimmick he's doing now, that is so damned funny, and he's doing an amazing job with it.

How 'bout Yokozuna? Holy s**t man he debuted and you knew he had no choice but to immediately challenge for the World Championship despite being a noob. He was as imposing as you could ever find.

For that matter how 'bout Andre The Giant as a heel? Did you ever see him attack the cameraman? That f**ker was King Kong. He was freaky when he was angry.
Heh, I like the deadman gimmick as it was first debuted, when The Undertaker was little more than a zombie. When he would get the crap beat out of him only to rise up like a zombie rising from the grave, when he held the world title (for 10 days) and come to the ring with it dragging along beside him. The original deadman gimmick was awesome... since then? Big Evil was an emo ***, the american badass was boring.

I wouldn't say The American Badass was boring. 'Taker actually made it really work. The American Badass was about kicking ass and respect. Which really worked against some of his opponents. Take John Cena for example. Back then he was the disrespectful rapper doctor of thuganomics(which was also a great gimmick). Cena was a perfect opponent for The American Badass 'Taker. Cause Cena was the complete opposite and he's the thing 'Taker hated most back then. A punk who shows no respect and runs around being a thug. The program between them really put Cena over. Which I remember once Cena actually beating 'Taker in a match though I don't think it was when their program was going on I believe it was a number one contender match. My point is 'Taker's gimmick really suited him back then because there were a few young guys who were so disrespectful(Lesnar, Cena, A-Train) who needed a program with 'Taker to get over. It worked with guys like Cena. And it didn't work with others like A-Train. But non the less the gimmick was great back then.
I would say "The Million Dollar Man" for the convinience of the character as well as many other things. It's easy to revolve a show around a heel who has to money to buy and sell peoples services and morales whenever he pleases. Many people forget but for years he was the heel that the companies biggest story lines revolved around. WM 4 was built around him and his manipulation of the whole tournament and everything that led to the tournament in the first place. He tried to buy a Royal Rumble victory with help from the wrestlers managed by Slick, whom he apparently had not spoken to for a month, lol. Major things. He had some classic moments interacting with fans. And whenever you wanted to seperate a valle from her guy Debiase buying her off was a good a reason as any. It also created a nice fantasy escape for the common man fan to see that in the end the rich man's plans always blew up in his face... I can remember as a kid watching him on tv with my cousin and my cousin saying "All of these main dudes are basically million dollar men. How can he buy them." I guess he had a point there.
The Outsiders supposedly still working for WWF and taking on all of WCW, then having Hogan join them was my favorite of all-time. The NWO was a hell of a great angle, I just wish they hadn't let the stable grow so big. Hogan, Hall, Nash, Hennig, Savage and Syxxpac w/ Rude and DiBiase as managers would've been fine.

I also really enjoyed Gangrel and the Brood. I'm not saying it was the best gimmick ever, but it was one of my favorites for sure. The entrance, the music, the "drinking of the blood" before the match. It was very Lost Boys-esque and fun to watch.

Just wanted to throw something different out there besides the obvious Undertaker.
I wouldn't say The American Badass was boring. 'Taker actually made it really work. The American Badass was about kicking ass and respect. Which really worked against some of his opponents. Take John Cena for example. Back then he was the disrespectful rapper doctor of thuganomics(which was also a great gimmick). Cena was a perfect opponent for The American Badass 'Taker. Cause Cena was the complete opposite and he's the thing 'Taker hated most back then. A punk who shows no respect and runs around being a thug. The program between them really put Cena over. Which I remember once Cena actually beating 'Taker in a match though I don't think it was when their program was going on I believe it was a number one contender match. My point is 'Taker's gimmick really suited him back then because there were a few young guys who were so disrespectful(Lesnar, Cena, A-Train) who needed a program with 'Taker to get over. It worked with guys like Cena. And it didn't work with others like A-Train. But non the less the gimmick was great back then.

Bleh, I simply couldn't enjoy watching Undertaker as a biker, or when he wore purple and had that tear under his eye. Both were just terrible IMO. I'd rather shoot Taker in the head than watch a match with him with he had that tear on his face. And biker taker was just not for me at all. I think I like Cena's Dr. of Thuganomics gimmick better than the american badass. The oldschool zombie was the s**t though.
His mic skills are better than most people think. Yes, he talk's slow, but he is supposed to. He is supposed to sound INTIMIDATING, which he's doing very well.

As a heel, I 100% agree with you that he does a very good job on the mic as a psychopath who punts people while listening to voices in his head. As a fan favorite face, his character is not as compelling. Like chris jericho, when he turned, and hopefully John Cena when he does turn, is that he needs to re-invent his character. Maybe not completely, but your heel persona shouldnt be the same as your face persona. It just doesn't match up. Even SCSA changed a little bit when he went heel. And it was great :)
Right i know im gonna get so much stick for this but i have never cared for the undertaker, i have been watching him since his debut and even back then it just did not resonate with me. I have tons and tons of respect for calloway and think he is a great worker and performer but the whole deadman gimmick just never got over with me. I loved his work as the american badass though. Anyway on to the topic....

Even though it didnt get over and was never really given a chance i really really really loved sean o'haires devils advocate gimmick back in 2003. It was original as hell and sean is a damn fine performer. His vignettes on smackdown were great and there could have been endless possibillities for it. I really really wish it had been given more of a chance because i think it could have been huge. Still bugs me to this day that it didnt work out.
GREAT question.

Like a lot of the other posters, I thought of 'Taker first - a gimmick that's been over for the vast majority of the past 20 years is pretty impressive.

BUT - the more I thought about it, the more I wondered if "the gimmick made the man", or if "the man made the gimmick"? 'Taker debuted during an era where Vince was trying out all sorts of crazy ideas for performers - wrestling garbage men, wrestling plumber, wrestling hockey player, The Mountie...but the 'Taker gimmick was the only one that really succeeded. Is that because the gimmick was genius, or because Mark Calloway was/is the perfect man to take the role? Vince could have put a bunch of different guys from that era into the 'Taker gimmick - Sid, Kevin Nash, Dan Spivey, even Barry Windham - could any of those guys have made the Undertaker gimmick work? I tend to think not, so let's cross the 'Taker gimmick off of the list.

The next two I thought of were SCSA (whose gimmick destroyed all of the long-standing rules about how a "face" is supposed to act outside of the ring), and Eddie Guerrero (whose "Lie, Cheat & Steal" gimmick destroyed all of the same rules about how a "face" is supposed to act IN the ring). Both gimmicks significantly altered the way the business works, and shattered long-standing conventions about the nature of storytelling in pro wrestling - but would either gimmick have gotten over without the charisma of the men playing the role? Again, I tend to think not. Stick CHAVO Guerrero into Eddie's boots in 2004 and he'd have been a heel champion, and not a face who cheats.

So I'm winding back around to two guys who I think had their careers irrevocably elevated by the "gimmicks" they inhabited - Hulk Hogan and the Ultimate Warrior. Both guys were/are nothing special (or even competent) in the ring, and while Hogan's mic skills were very good, Warrior's were...unusual. Unusual in a way that couldn't have possibly gotten over without the outlandish "Ultimate Warrior" gimmick. So I'm going with those two - Hogan and Warrior. The two biggest names of the 80's and very early 90's in this business, neither of whom would have been much of anything without their gimmick.

.....other than that...

I think there's something about the Taker's gimmick that was good for the time (setting up a superhuman to battle against Hogan) but was improved upon over the years that would make it the most time tested stratagem in the history of the WWE for a single wrestler.

The other side of that is Ric Flair/Shawn Michaels/Lex Luger/Mr. Perfect/Insert blond haired blue eyed narcissist here (OR for that matter, Ravishing Rick Rude)

Also, think about Rey Mysterio... the Luchador... super human... Small but big heart... The guys been doing it for a while and he never really has annoyed anyone with it... And as for time tested, he's hardly the first masked wrestler....

Also, honorable mentions...

Ultimate Warrior (From Parts Unknown! Face Paint and Muscles!)
Macho Man Randy Savage (OOoooooooh Yeeeeah)
Jake The Snake (Creeper.)
Yokozuna (Sumo, America Hater)
Bam Bam Bigelow (Big, Angry, and Tough, American Badass before American Badass)
The answer to the question is The Undertaker. It is very impressive that Taker and the WWE were able to take a gimmick that, in reality, is very ridiculous, and make it work so well. It worked so well as a matter of fact, that it didn't seem ridiculous at all.

There's another person whose gimmick comes to mind, that worked extremely well in making him a legit WWE champ and main event contender. While it might not be the best gimmick of all time, I consider it to be one of the most successful gimmick transformations of all time. The person I'm talking about is JBL. When I first heard Bradshaw was going to be challenging for the WWE title, I thought it was hilarious, and not in a good way. Needless to say, I was shocked when JBL won the title. I was in disbelief that the former cowboy/acolyte/tough guy goon for hire was holding the richest prize in the game. As time went by though, his NYC transplant rich guy gimmick worked very well in getting Bradshaw over as a true heel and a legit champion. Many former greats have been through different gimmicks (Austin,Rock,etc.), but their natural abilities were not to be denied. It was only a matter of time before they rose to the top. Also, to a certain extent, the fans helped create who wrestlers like Austin and The Rock became. In Bradshaw's case, the WWE came up with a gimmick that took a guy, who many considered average and not world title material, and made him legit. Bradshaw also had some mainstream exposure on whatever news channel he was with, until he decided it would be in good taste to prance around the ring like a nazi on a foreign tour. That's another story though. Anyway, I think the JBL gimmick can be considered one of the best of all time due to the fact that it propelled a wrestler who looked like he was destined for the midcard his whole career, to the top of the most successful wrestling company in the world.
I'm going to mention a few others who I thought were really great gimmicks that haven't been mentioned yet.

Jake the Snake Roberts: Some creepy slow, low talking menace really had the look and Damien to back him up. His character was absolutely amazing and he played the part like no one can.

Repo Man: When the Demolition ended, Smash went on to be one of the most hated villains of his era. His crazy cackle and antics will always be remembered by me.

Bob "Spark Plugg" Holly: If I didn't know better I'd really think he was a famous race car driver.

Muhammad Hassan: He was no doubt THE most hated character/gimmick in WWE history at a time where the Americans were going through a tough time with Al-Qaida etc. The fact that he's actually Italian of descent and pulled this off like a master was amazing. Too bad he was basically forced out of the WWE. He had amazing skill in the ring as well.

The Beserker: An old school viking character who only said "Huss, Huss" and had Mr. Fuji as his voice box. Very menacing character that looked and played the part well.

The Headshrinkers: Two samoan badasses (one later known as Rikishi).

Papa Shango: He literally scared the holy hell out of me with his voodoo.

CM Punk: His whole lifestyle type gimmick right from the SES to now is amazingly done, and while it may not be seen as a gimmick per se, NO ONE can pull CM Punk off like he can.

The Boogeyman: A very entertaining character despite it's short life span.

Hacksaw Jim Duggan: HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Need I say more???

The Patriot: Del Wilkes pulled off this masked character and was a hit from the beginning.

Kurt Angle: The nerdy character he played at the beginning was hilarious!!! Anyone remember the sing off with Stone Cold with the guitar???

There are many more that are great but now it seems we are going away from the gimmicks that hopefully we can get some good ones in the near future.
1st post. Yay me.

Whenever I think of the word "gimmick", one character comes to mind: The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase. There's so many things about it that stick out. "The Million Dollar Belt, his suits with Dollars Signs on it, & most importantly, the laugh. Who doesn't know it?

If that doesn't settle it, ask yourself this: How many of your favorite gimmicks can be obviously reused and still be successful? We currently have Alberto Del Rio using it & JBL not too long beforehand. When you have 3 successful wrestlers portraying almost the same person and all coming out gold, you have a great g
immick. No, you have THE GREATEST GIMMICK
Like I expected a whole bunch of Undertaker and MDM marks.

But my favortie gimmick of all time was Farrooq in the Nation of Domination. The nation gets a lot of heat on this forum just as much as mentioning the Attitude era and that's becuase it was one of the most revolutionary stables in WWE history, not only did it give us The Rock but showed the WWF universe that black wrestlers could be taken seriously in the wrestling world. Something (as racist as it sounds) was a joke before that.

Ron Simmons's character was flawless. He protrayed every black man held by a world that gave them no chance in almost a vengeful Malcom X kind of way. He brought wrestling to the inner city
Jake Roberts... during his heel run, I never liked that he turned face. His mind games that he played were much more effective as a heel and he played the role flawlessly. One of the best on the mic and innovated one of the best finishers of his day.

Tatanka was another great gimmick. He went undefeated for over a year without the spectacle they made of the Goldberg streak. It was a very believable face gimmick and I remember feeling sick when IRS destroyed his headdress and stuffed the feathers in his mouth.
One of the all-time great gimmicks repeatedly capitalized on by the WWE was Gorgeous George. Going out into a wrestling arena in Eisenhower Era America as a flamboyant, cowardly male who wore sequins, furs and silks took an amazing amount of balls and was the most brilliant heel gimmick ever.
Rick Martell's "Model" gimmick was an outright lift of the idea, right down to spraying his cologne, "Arrogance." George's girls used to spray the ring and the crowd to get rid of the stench of the audience.
Then the basic premise morphed into Ravishing Rick Rude's brilliant take on it. "I want all you fat, sweaty, (insert city) (insert insult) to keep the noise down while I take off my robe and show your women what a REAL man looks like." The guy brought the heat down on himself like crazy.
HBK ran with the gimmick as a heel until he just became such a damned good performer that he started getting face pops without--as someone above me mentioned--really changing the character. Others, like Val Venis and "Dashing" Cody Rhodes worked off the same basic principles. Golddust was using some of the same ideas, but took it in an even more bizarre direction. Billy and Chuck, well...

Now, after 60 years, it is still used in varying degrees by guys who flip their hair and the like, but it just doesn't play the same when 2/3 of the roster look like pumped-up male models. Most wrestlers used to be big, burly macho guys like my namesake, The Crusher. Now, it's almost like not being really vain is a gimmick!
I loved masked kane! He was big, strong and always looked like he was keeping a secret! He'd scare the kids aswell.. Which was quite funny. I wish that the WWE would bring him back for a giant championship run under the mask! It'd be brilliant!
The most successful of all wrestlers have usually been guys who just play an exaggerated, larger than life version of themselves (Hogan, Flair, Austin, Rock) - so does that mean that they qualify for a "gimmick"? Not for me, for me a gimmick is a character that is created that is separate to the person that is actually portraying it.

With that criteria, it absolutely has to be Undertaker.

20 years on and off with the same gimmick (with tweaks and changes). A legendary career. Dozens of great matches.

For me, there isn't an argument for anybody else except The Deadman.
The Legion of Doom gimmick was kinda cool. Val Venis' pornstar gimmick was pretty funny too. . .not a great gimmick I know, but the fact that they had a pornstar wrestler gimmick is pretty funny in and of itself.

I also liked Shawn Michaels "hyper dumb guy" gimmick in his later years. Where he'd super kick random people when he was upset, like the supervisor at some fast food joint he worked at, and some little girl who backtalked him, and "Stan" just to prove he was unpredictable. . .then superkicked everyone he met down the hallway as he was talking to loudly himself.

Right now I think R Truth has the best current gimmick, which his Little Jimmy paranoia.

The Undertaker isn't the best gimmick ever, in fact it ranks up there as the worst IMO. Before I get bashed into oblivion, here is why I say this: Mark Calloway took a horrible gimmick, ran with it and turned the character into an icon for that reason alone he deserves to go into the hall of fame. The gimmick itself was awful a superhuman, walking dead guy who has a creepy obsession with caskets wears a sleeveless dress shirt, tie and large gloves and has unexplained powers deriving from an urn. If 99% of the guys on the WWE roster ever would have been given that gimmick it would have failed. That being said, IMO Mr. McMahon is the best gimmick of all time. Vince took himself from being the somewhat nerdy announcer to being the sinister prick who had all of the control because he owned the company. Bishoff tried to do the same thing before, but just couldn't quite do it like Vince did. I thought Stone Cold was another great one that is depending on the day my choice for the greatest gimmick of all time.

Agreed with all except the Stone Cold part. His gimmick was very hollow and tbh, very boring when WWE wasn't dumping tons of money into expensive backstage stunts for ratings. "What? What? What?", stunner, beer, gimmie a hell yeah, raspy voice from too much smoking. . . That's his "gimmick". Nothing special about it imo. Especially when his in ring wrestling moveset at his peak of popularity was even LESS expansive than Cena's current one.

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