Greatest active tag team TODAY!

Trill Co$by

Believes in The Shield!
Let's not limit this to just WWE and TNA... let's bring some Luchas, Japanese, Euro, and Popular American Indies in to this discussion (we'll cut off the local indies that nobody cares about)... Throughout the entire world there can only be one team that YOU think is the best. With (or maybe even without) previous history coming into it, what team today do you think has the total package and is THE team in today's wrestling...

I know for the big time wrestling fans who watch like 30 billion indies on a daily basis that it can be hard to pick one, but surely there is a team that when you get to watch, you just can't help but feel amazed. What team is that?

To me, I'm going to have to give that distinct satisfaction to the Dark City Fight Club, and no it's not just because they recently won the NWA World Tag team titles (which to me is THE tag titles but w/e)... But to me, the Dark City Fight Club is just exciting to watch. I mean sure Kings of Wrestling, Briscoes, F.I.S.T., UNStable, American Wolves, and self proclaimed Wrestling's Greatest Tag Team are all very very close calls for the right as are MCMG, Beer Money, and maybe even Heath and Gabriel of Nexus... but to me, DCFC is just too entertaining to watch. Maybe it's because i love their finisher, or maybe it's because I've loved them since I saw them in NWA Superstar Showcase (i think it was)... either way, to me, they are the greatest tag team today.
It has to be the Motor City Machine Guns for me, Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin.

They are so innovative, and work so well together as a team. I love their "Made In Detroit" finisher, its awesome.

What I like about the MCMG is that they look like a genuine tag team, their outfits are great and they do not wrestle as two individuals, which is what we see in the WWE, they wrestle like a real team should, with quick tags and alot of double team manouvres which is what I want to see in tag team matches.

Another good thing about the MCMG is that they are both actually good wrestlers, Shelley escpecially has great technical skills, and are both capable of differing styles of matches. Their recent series against Beer Money was the best display of tag team wrestling I have seen since the Hardyz v Dudleyz v E&C series back in 2000 in WWE. The reaction that the team got when they finally won the TNA Tag Team Titles was great to see and shows just how much respect the fans have for the team.

They are fantastic, and imo the best team in the world today.

Also, I have to give a shout to The Briscoes in ROH. Those guys are amazing, and ifI had seen more of them, maybe they would change my opinion and become the team I regard as the best in the world....
I have to go with the MCMG also. the best of 5 series was about as good as tag team wrestling gets!

runner ups include, Beer Money, GenME, the Briscoes, Kings of wrestling, DCFC, and ANX.

notice there arent any WWE tag teams mixed in there? why could that be? oh yea WWE DONT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT TAG TEAM WRESTLING!!

Tag team wrestling dont seem to get the rub like it used to, unless you watch ROH regularly. TNA has great a tag team division, but its still too small and not always booked the best. something TNA really needs to work on IMO.

WWE just needs to rethink their whole tag team division, or just get rid of it altogether.
The greatest active tag team today are the Motor City Machine Guns. They are the best because they are top tier in every category when compared to all of their peers in the modern world of tag teaming. MCMG are great in the ring, good on the mic, and are currently the champions of the world's most prestigious tag team division. Sounds like the best to me. A better question would be to ask who the second best is, as no one else even needs to be mentioned when answering this thread's question.
A better question would be to ask who the second best is, as no one else even needs to be mentioned when answering this thread's question.

Good idea dude

As I mentioned in my earlier post, I would have to throw The Briscoes and Beer Money Inc into this, making it a tie for me. Both teams wrestle as a tag-team should and can put on great matches. They both have totally different styles with Storm and Roode being powerful brawlers and Mark and Jay displaying some of the best dangeroues high-flying in the business today.

The series of matches that Beer Money put on with the MCMG were some of the best tag-matches I have ever seen, and make a mockery of anything WWE is doing with its tag team division which is just a joke right now. Storm and Roode were great in their old tag teams, AMW and Team Canada and work so well together as Beer Money. I like how they are taking the Blanchard/Anderson role in Fortune.

As for the Briscoes...I cannot see them in the WWE as their styles would not fit in at all and would have to be dramatically toned down, but as far as entertainment goes, Mark and Jay are two of the best. Some of their tag-team moves are astonishing, and they both have awesome finishing moves. The Jay Driller is one of my personal favourites. Though they are extremely loyal to ROH, I would love to see The Briscoes wrestle in TNA against the MCMG, I think those two teams could put on a series of matches to rival the MCMG v Beer Money series.
I don't wanna sound biased because I don't watch TNA, but the Motor City Machine Guns are one of the best. The all-around best tag team to me has to be The Briscoes. These guys work SO well with each other, but the best thing about them though is that they can work well against anyone. Whether it's fast, smaller men or big, strong guys, The Briscoes have the experience to hang with any style of wrestling: Brawling, wrestling, cruiserweight name it. I just don't think that the Machine Guns would be able to handle themselves with all styles though like The Briscoes so I gotta go with The Briscoes.
The Best Tag Team right Now in wrestling is by the MCMG its not even close. These Guys have put on Great Matches this Year with Beer Money Gen Me and they even managed to get a really good out of Team 3d that alone shows how great of a team the MCMG are. They are Great in the ring and they have Phenomenal chemistry in the ring together and they can work any style of wrestling. MCMG are by far the Best Tag Team in Wrestling.
If they wrestled together full time the way Shelley and Sabin do, it would be Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards in ROH, also known as The American Wolves. Both have branched off to focus more on single's careers however, as Edwards is the ROH tv champion, and Richards is fighting for the ROH World Title. They tag together occasionally, but not full time anymore. If this was 2009, Id say the Wolves without hesitation.

So because of that, its the Motor City Machine Guns, and it's not even close. They're a rare "X-Division" type of team: They understand the art of psychology and storytelling within the ring. Their best of 5 series with Beer Money could qualify for feud of the year just based upon the match quality alone, and they've had good matches with everyone from high-flyers like Generation Me to brawlers like Team 3D. We can go ahead and give them tag team of the year now, as noone else comes close, or will within the next month. They're probably the best thing going in TNA right now.
It is the Motor City Machine Guns. They just great chemistry as a team and have been around for the last 3 1/2 years perfecting the craft as a team. I like that TNA didn't put the belts on them right away. TNA made us wait to watch as they made climb up the ranks as the best.

Their tag matches with Beer Money proved why they are truly the best tag team in the world today. (The match at the Whole F'n Show was truly on of the best tag team matches I had seen in whole long time.)

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