GOP trying to limit voting rights


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Now, I am personally a Republican. But I do not agree with the New Hampshire GOP members trying to put more new limits on college students.

I am also a college student. I take offense to House Speak O'Brien's remarks. He said students are "foolish", "lack life experience" and "vote on their feelings". The only thing that's sort of true is the life experience part.

But you're mad because somebody votes their feelings!? THAT'S WHAT VOTING IS DUMBASS! You vote for what you FEEL is right!

I want the GOP to win, I really do, but you can't win by making these remarks. You can campaign aggressively without looking like a douche.
Not surprising really. The GOP is as out there as ever any more and every day they look more and more desperate to clutch on to power.
From what I've read, what they're trying to do isn't as bad as it can be interpreted as without more research, but it's still wrong. First they're trying to limit Latino voting rights, now college voting rights, it's ridiculous. They're basically just trying to silence voters that consistently vote against them, and that is so wrong. How do you think they'd react if the Dems tried to take away the voting rights of stupid people?
Not to mention, wouldn't this be going against the US Constitution? Anyone over the age of 18 has full voting rights barring a few penalties. How would this even work?
Honestly JGlass, it would be the same reaction. It doesn't matter which side does this, it's wrong.

You get office positions by winning the hearts of the voters. Not shutting down the ones that don't vote for you. That's fucking childish.

It seems like to the more extreme GOP, they look at voting like a game of dodgeball at recess in 3rd grade. Pick the guys you want, tell the people you don't want they can't play, and then play against the super weak.
This is beyond ridiculous. Lately, the GOP doesn't realize when enough is enough. As a rather moderate guy, this new version of the GOP is disgusting. They pander to the idiots out there, and it's working.

Anyway, I doubt this gets any serious traction.
Of course it won't go through. But it's the fact that they're trying to get it passed. Plus just because it's in the Constitution doesn't mean it can't be amended (which it won't).
People would flip their shit if they even talked about ammending people's voting rights. Seriously people would probably be shot over it.
Exactly, that's why I'm so pissed. They are wanting to change voting rights. Only in New Hampshire, and it seems like he doesn't have much support. But damn, is this what things have come to?

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