Good time to bring back the Cruiserwieght title?

crossface for ever

Dark Match Winner
Looking at the current roster and those who could be called up from NXT really gets me thinking it would be a good time to bring the old title out of retirement.

When you have guys like the Lucha Dragons and Neville being first to get called up to the main roster seems like WWE is wanting to put the high flying action back into a spotlight on the show. That was the biggest appeal of the CW title was all the small high flying guys doing what the big guys just couldnt do athletically. Add to the list of contenders the likes of Stardust Darren Young the Usos Tyson Kidd you actually have a decent line up of mid level guys that could get into the spotlight while Cena and Bryan hold the high prizes in the mid card.

Makes even more sense when you take a look at NXT guys that can and will at some point be brought up. Guys like Zayn Breeze Itami all smaller guys that could make a huge splash coming up to the main roster by chasing after the title.

A lot of talk has been on unifying the US and IC titles so it would make even more sense for a CW title. Have guys that WWE wants to keep around but not propel to main event chase the Cruiserweight belt and use the IC title as a stepping stone up to the main event.

Well that's my opinion would like to know what you guys think. Is now a good time to bring the title back?
For fucks same NO. NO NO NO NO Cruiserweight title is needed. What the hell for?
Just because guys do flips n shit doesn't mean they can't be top guys or win other titles.

The current WHC would be stuck as "Cruiserweight" doing flippity flips to golf claps like they did in WCW or worse to total damn silence like in WWF.

It's simply no reason for it, especially considering they would never make the divisions separate but equal like boxing or MMA so there's no point, none.
In this day of wrestling having a cruiserweight title is unnecessary. You don't have as many of the dominant big men like in the past. If guys like Sami Zayn, Adrian Neville and Seth Rollins can be NXT champion, with Rollins currently being World Champion there is no reason Zayn or Neville can't do it. It just makes more sense to have everyone competing for the same titles no matter what their size.
The Cruiserweight title is basically a physical embodiment of the infamous "glass ceiling." Bringing back the CW championship would be like telling all of your guys under 220lbs, that this is all you can aspire to be in the WWE. The original CW title was treated like a third-class citizen in the WWE when it was around, and was basically a joke for the majority of its run.

There's no need for "weight classes" in the WWE anymore considering guys like Rey Mysterio and Daniel Bryan have already won the big belt. If they want to bring back a title, it should be the TV title imo.
Looking at the current roster and those who could be called up from NXT really gets me thinking it would be a good time to bring the old title out of retirement.

When you have guys like the Lucha Dragons and Neville being first to get called up to the main roster seems like WWE is wanting to put the high flying action back into a spotlight on the show. That was the biggest appeal of the CW title was all the small high flying guys doing what the big guys just couldnt do athletically. Add to the list of contenders the likes of Stardust Darren Young the Usos Tyson Kidd you actually have a decent line up of mid level guys that could get into the spotlight while Cena and Bryan hold the high prizes in the mid card.

Makes even more sense when you take a look at NXT guys that can and will at some point be brought up. Guys like Zayn Breeze Itami all smaller guys that could make a huge splash coming up to the main roster by chasing after the title.

A lot of talk has been on unifying the US and IC titles so it would make even more sense for a CW title. Have guys that WWE wants to keep around but not propel to main event chase the Cruiserweight belt and use the IC title as a stepping stone up to the main event.

Well that's my opinion would like to know what you guys think. Is now a good time to bring the title back?

I was about to open a new topic about bringing back some title but I don't think Cruiserweight as a good choice to be brought back. Yeah like the others who had discussed earlier about the post, I too would want to tell the same. Many cruiserweight guys had carried and have been carrying the Heavyweight title so there's no point in it.

But instead WWE could bring back European or the Hardcore title. That could help the heavy roster they got right now. Before we, the IWC, complained about the lack of depth in the Roster but now they got a heavy Roster so they need more meaningful title. So my choice would be Hardcore or European!

As has been said here and has been said in numerous other threads like this, the Cruiserweight Championship is obsolete because the term "Cruiserweight" implies limits in the eyes of American fans. Perception is reality in the eyes of fans and, generally speaking, wrestlers who are Light Heavyweight/Junior Heavyweight/Cruiserweight, or whatever you wanna call them, have never been viewed with nearly as much relevance. For instance, who were NWA & WWF World Heavyweight Champions in the summer of 1984? Ric Flair & Hulk Hogan of course. Who was the NWA World Junior Heavyweight Champion at that same time? No idea and I doubt very many other American fans know or, frankly, even care.

It's not true to suggest that they're inferior wrestlers but limiting wrestlers by weight classes, and limiting is just how American fans tend to see it, is something fans interpret as "this guy's too little to hang with heavier guys." I know a lot of people remember the great action going on in WCW's Cruiserweight Division, but look at how those wrestlers were generally booked. Bischoff was someone who, like Vince at the time, had the mind set that big guys were the stars and only had what it took to be the stars. Cruiserweights wrestled against Cruiserweights and that was about it. For the most part, the only times they went up against "Heavyweights" were in squash matches and even if one Cruiserweight scored a win, it was ultimately booked to look like it was nothing but a fluke.

Having a Cruiserweight Division in WWE with the sort of action like we saw back in WCW would result in fun matches, but it'd just be a matter of time before high wore off and fans would be wanting to see certain wrestlers moved higher up the card. If that didn't happen, then the Cruiserweight Division would start being bashed just like damn near everything else in WWE because it doesn't fit certain fans' ideal of perfection.

Now IF WWE brought it back and used it at something of a lower mid-card title, sort of a proving ground championship that could be used to elevate young guys further up, then MAYBE it'd be something worthwhile. I'd have a lot more confidence in such an idea if Triple H was making the final creative calls. However, Trips isn't and Vince is and I don't trust Vince McMahon's booking choices in being able to sustain the title for that purpose because he has too short of an attention span. He might love the idea for a month before suddenly seeming as though he couldn't care less about it the next month, then he might sorta be into it again for the next week weeks before thinking about just scrapping the whole thing altogether. I think there's too much risk of the Cruiserweight Division ultimately being transformed into something where the careers of smaller wrestlers in WWE go to die.
It was a fun title but like other have said it puts limitations on the guys who compete for it. I like either the European title or the TV title. In this PG rated era, the Hardcore title is another one they should forget about as well.
Yeah, like most of the folks are saying, it would imply limitations and a lack of ability to compete with the big boys at the top.

But I would support another title at this point. It seems as if ever since the Monday night war concluded that there is not a high level of competition anywhere in the sport. What they are doing with the US title and Cena is great, that was the only good match on Raw, Cena vs. Stardust. Bringing in another title should help show how there is competition amongst the wrestlers. I can't stress enough how much I'm liking the open challenge, and I hope it continues past Cena's reign as champ. Having all titles except the WHC defended on Raw will give perception that these titles are coveted and those who win them are driven and talented. I'd like to see some sort of scenario where the IC, Tag Team, and the TV or Euro or other title brought back, be defended at least every other week or be forfeited. Forfeited titles can be won by some sort of gimmick match at the next PPV (battle royal, ladder match, any match with multiple competitors.)
Again with this?

Why do people keep wanting the Cruiserweight Championship back? There is nothing it could offer that the Intercontinental Championship cannot. WWE needs to focus on making the belts it currently has active matter before bringing back any others. With there being two midcard belts there is no point in having a third. It would not be held in as high regard as either the Intercontinental or US Championship. If you want a third midcard title then bring back the European Championship. At least it has a chance of meaning something. The Cruiserweight Championship was a joke. Hornswoggle was the last champion before it was retired. They can have great matches between cruiserweights without having a belt intended for them. There's nothing that bringing back that title would accomplish.
I don't think it's a bad idea. I'm all for the secondary titles being pushed in more key story lines and matches. When the rumors of WWE making a cruiserweight show I was pretty stoked. Now I just assume NXT to be that show. Truth is all the big heavyweight guys that started in NXT really aren't that big when they make it to the main roster. Roman Reigns looked like a beast when he was with The Shield, but compared to Mark Henry, Cena, Kane, Sheamus, he just looks like a regular guy. Kevin Owens is well smaller than Reigns and the next crop of NXT talent to get bumped to the main roster isn't really a class of giants. Tyler Breeze, Itami, Lucha Dragons, Zayn, look like they wouldn't stand a chance. Everybody wanted to see Daniel Bryan vs Lesnar. Realistically, and in kayfabe, Lesnar would have flat out DESTORYED BRYAN. If you thought Cena/Lesnar at Summerslam was bad just imagine what Lesnar would've done to Bryan. I'm all for ditching the IC belt it's too vague and USA, Mexico, and Canada are the only qualifying countries in the continent. Keep the U.S. title to be passed around between weight classes and have more compelling storylines for wrestlers trying to go from Crusiwrweight to Heavyweight. You can even have comedy storylines for Heavyweight wrestlers trying to cut weight ala Matt Hardy and Disco Inferno.
No, it never is. They have just enough titles as it is, and the CW is always a throw-away in this company anyways.

Unless you will do legit weight classes with no crossover (which I have always thought would be a neat concept for an ROH level wrestling brand to try) it will always be seen as a step below the big belts.
With the product moving in the direction where smaller guys are going to hold the World title more and more, I don't see this happening. The main title in WWE is the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Take a smaller guy like Rey Mysterio. He goes from being a Cruiserweight Champion in 2004 to being a World Heavyweight Champion in 2006 with no mass gain. Doesn't seem quite right does it?

They had guys like Matt Hardy cut mass (on TV in storyline) in 2003 to compete for the Cruiser belt. As we move to smaller guys holding the Main Event title, the weight class based nomenclature just creates these weird little logic holes that prevents the wilful suspension of disbelief that pro wrestling requires.

If WWE were to add a belt for the smaller guys it would interfere in the believability of them rising to the main event. Imagine if Daniel Bryan had been Cruiser champ before winning MITB. Imagine if the belt had been around during Shawn Michaels' early days. I always thought it was funny on old Raw VS Smackdown games to have HBK hold both a World Title and the Cruiser belt.

There are two midcard titles active in WWE and I'd prefer if it stayed that way. Guys like Neville can feud with other small guys over one of those belts and still go on to the World title scene later on without there having to be this question of weight class. With Ronda Rousey crossing over, legit fight fans might be taking a closer look at the product and wonder why guys are crossing weight classes.

If a title had to be added for the smaller guys give it another name. Make the U.S. Title small guys only, but then you write yourself into a corner. If the small guys get a title, skip weight class. Call it anything, that way you can have who is getting over and who is drawing money move seamlessly between divisions so no fan will notice from the most casual to the smarkiest.
No I don t see wwe bringing back cruiserweight title cause they got too many titles US title, IC title 2 world titles and tag team titles, European Title , Diva Title and only TNA has a cruiserweight division wwe was always against it from the start now you got NXT title as well so I don t see it

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