Good Things About TNA

When it comes to TNA, I'm usually quite negative. I do not see anything wrong with being critical of a company you support. However, if you watch TNA week in and week out, you should at least attempt to identify what you enjoy about it's programming. And if you cannot find anything you truly enjoy, you should look for areas with some sort of potential. In the spirit of the holiday season, here are some things I like about TNA, and some areas where I see great potential.

The Roster

TNA's roster is filled with great wrestlers, and a lot of potential superstars. They have established veterans and some young, hungry talent.

AJ Styles just may be the best in-ring performer on television today. He's not just a high-flyer, he's technically-sound as well. His style is somewhat unorthodox, and I think that's a good thing when you're a smaller guy fighting men much larger than yourself. And most importantly, he's exciting to watch. Since joining forces with Ric Flair, his mic skills are greatly improved. Before Flair, AJ was stumbling over his words, not speaking clearly and did not show much emotion. Flair has helped AJ in that regard, whether you like them as a team or not.

Although TNA hasn't seemed as high on this guy as they were at one time, Desmond Wolfe is a top-notch talent. He wrestles a great heel style, and is pretty solid when it comes to in-ring psychology. His mic skills are second to none in TNA. His snobbish yet aggressive heel persona works really well. If given the right push and major exposure, I think he can become a major heel in pro wrestling.

I believe those men I mentioned above are the best TNA has going forward, but it has a solid base of veteran talent as well. Kurt Angle is still, at age 41, one of the two or three best in-ring performers on television today. Jeff Hardy and Rob Van Dam are well past their primes, but both men can still put on a show, and have recognizable names. Ric Flair and Mick Foley are best to stay out of the ring from here on out, but both are still great as on-screen characters/authority figures/managers.

TNA also has a lot of younger guys who I believe have the potential to shine in the wrestling business, if given the right opportunity. Mr. Anderson, Matt Morgan, and Samoa Joe are all at the point in their careers where they can legitimately help carry a show. Guys like Kazarian, Doug Williams, and Brutus Magnus are all capable, and talented, performers. If given the right kind of exposure, I see no reason why these men cannot draw a crowd on in-ring talent alone. If TNA were to have a WWE-size fanbase, every guy I mentioned would have no problem getting over.

Tag Team Division

It's hard not to compare WWE and TNA, since they just happen to be the only two major wrestling promotions on television right now. WWE has a terrible tag team division. It seems like WWE is far more in love with tearing tag teams down as opposed to building them up. TNA has a multitude of tag teams that are not only talented, but make sense being together. I hate random tag teams, and TNA (in my view) has a major advantage over TNA in regards to tag team wrestling.

Teams like the Motor City Machine Guns and Beer Money have proven to me that tag teams still matter to wrestling fans. Both of these teams are very talented in every aspect of the pro wrestling game, including on the mic. I wasn't so sure about the MCMG's mic skills until watching their recent title reign. They have proven they can cut a decent enough promo to stay on top of TNA's tag division. You also have teams like Ink Inc., Team 3D (when they are together, and not in some ridiculous feud with one another), and Generation ME, who fill out an above-average tag division. I really hope TNA continues to place a large amount of emphasis on their tag teams.

Women's Division

I won't B.S. you here... I really do not care about Women's wrestling. But, TNA actually gives their women something to do. These women work real programs, with real storylines, and people do care about them.


Total Nonstop Action. The X-Division is all about action. I don't really care for spot monkeys, but a lot of fans do. A guy like Amazing Red might never work a solid, personal angle with lots of mic time, but he's going to get into that ring and entertain the hell out of the people who came to see him. The X-Division may never draw a large television audience on it's own, but it can contribute, given the right kind of exposure. Plus, when you have guys like Amazing Red, Jay Lethal, Brian Kendrick, Kazarian, Doug Williams and even that idiot Robbie E., why not use them? A little more wrestling every Thursday night is NOT going to hurt TNA, trust me.

Personal Feuds

I'm really trying to keep WWE out of this post, but I think this is important. WWE has really gone away from personal feuds. Right now, they usually have a guy come out and challenge another guy because the first guy "wants to make an impact." Well, when you go that route too often, it gets rather boring. TNA actually puts forth real feuds, that get personal. I'm not always a fan of how those particular feuds go, but at least they are based on hatred, anger, or some other form of real human emotion.

When I criticize TNA, I'm usually not going after the actual wrestlers. I think TNA's creative department (Hogan/Bischoff/Russo) is doing an absolutely horrific job with storylines and who they've decided to feature each Thursday. I think they are misusing talent, working for the short-term, talking too much, etc. But, I believe TNA has a solid base of actual wrestlers. If TNA goes in another direction creatively, a more positive direction, I don't see any reason why this current roster of superstars cannot get over with mainstream wrestling fans.

Also, I spoke a lot about "major exposure." TNA does not have major exposure right now, their ratings prove that. I believe TNA can achieve major exposure, if they put on a quality show. Yes, I believe it's that simple. It may take some time, but it's not impossible. Wrestling fans want a balance of good wrestling and good storylines, it's not that complicated.

-Do you agree and/or disagree with anything I have written here?
-Anything to add?

Please explain and also come up with your own thoughts and ideas. Please, DO NOT be lazy!
I've been pretty critical about TNA for some time, mostly because the mistakes they make are so glaringly obvious. But as for words of praise, there is a few things I've always supported:

Antichrist Hardy: He catches a lot of smack from me concerning that Barnified belt, but as for the gimmick itself I am quite impressed. He has been a major face in two companies respectively, and from an original angle heel Hardy is the best thing TNA has done since..well for a while. I actually want to watch him and I never did when he was playing the good guy.

Stipulations: I'm a fan of bold, unique special matches that companies like to throw from time to time. I think TNA does well with these like Monster's Ball and so on. More creative matches is what a product needs to draw in some money; fans like seeing things that aren't "same old shit".

BTW, I agree with everything you posted.
I personally can't think of what TNA is really doing good at this time. I mean when I watched Impact last night, I just felt bored watching it.

You made some good points about what they have. And they do have excellent wrestlers. Unfortunetly they don't use them.

For instance, the Motor Cith Machine Guns are the best tag team, not only in TNA, but the world and all we get to see is them having an empty arena brawl with Generation Me (though it was pretty good) and then a recap of it the next week.

Then the whole X-Division is just shit at this point. It used to be the one thing I would look forward to watching, but today there really is point to keeping the division or the title. I mean Jay Lethal beats Douglas Williams with no build to the match. And just like that, Amazing Red wins the title at a house show with no build. But they put the belt back on Lethal before they go back on TV. So there wasn't a point to taking the belt off Lethal in the first place. And then he loses it the most absolute worst guy possible to lose it to in Robbie E.

The Knockouts division is good(great if compared to WWE's divas division) but the most we really see out of them are just basically brawls in the back that just take way too much time.

So really for all the talented stars they have, they don't use them right as we get Immortal shit shoved down our throats. There is too much backstage bullshit that wastes time that could be used to showcase to actually good talent.

BTW the whole Jeff Hardy "I am the Anti-Christ of Pro wrestling" is just bullshit because the actually Anti-Christs in this world were Napoleon (responsible for over 3 million people dead) and Hitler (responsible for over 12 million people dead). And the last I've seen, Jeff hasn't killed or destroyed any careers.(just a setback to Anderson's though)

In the end I do agree with what you said, but TNA is just not doing anything right with the actually good talent.
Well I agree with most of what you said. Most of what you said are the truly positive and negative things. They clearly beat out WWE in Tag teams, Women's division and X division. It's not even a competition. (Though, so far, I see Mickie James' current role somewhat forced and not helping the division...yet, but that's another story). And you're right, the storylines are kinda stupid a lot of the time. While the whole Immortal/Fourtune thing is simple as hell, at least it's so simple it's not terrible like a lot of stuff they've done.

But your first point was definitely your worst point. Yes, guys like AJ Styles, Desmond Wolfe, Mr. Anderson, Kurt Angle, ect are great talents on their roster. But then you have guys like 3D, Tommy Dreamer, well anyone involved with EV2 to include RVD unless he goes mute then he wouldn't be so bad. I understand Abyss can serve a purpose but he's still pretty bad. Orlando Jordan...Eric Young (since they're not using him at all). You get the point. Either way, with every decent to good guy on the roster, you can name a bad one who shouldn't be there.

One more thing I have to touch on. Yeah, the whole Antichrist of wrestling is just bad. His promo last night was just terrible in my opinion. Not to mention it didn't make much sense. I mean, Immortal was praising him for him saying he had NO help winning the title. Pretty sure Hogan's crutch helped a lot. Fitting weapon if you ask me. If he was just weird like Raven it might work, but he's too far past that point by now. Personally I feel they gave him this gimmick just to go over the top on purpose. Have people talk about how stupid it sounds because it's blatantly exaggerated.
The talent

For all their horrific booking mistakes, just look at the array of talent that TNA have on their roster, and it can easily compare to most of the top WWE wrestlers on in-ring ability.

Jeff Hardy
AJ Styles
Kurt Angle
Rob Van Dam
Mr Anderson
Matt Morgan
Samoa Joe
Beer Money
Desmond Wolfe
Jay Lethal
Sting (if he re-signs)
D'Angelo Dinero

the list goes on

TNA has a roster filled with top-quaility athletes who are held back by counter-productive booking. They have brawlers, flyers, wrestlers and tag-team specialists. This is what sets them apart from the WWE, where most superstars wrestle in the same way, the WWE way. TNA can offer something different. An AJ Styles title match is nothing like any main event the the WWE can offer (bar Mysterio who bores the pants off me now), while guys such as Angle can wrestle a variety of different ways.

TNA needs to utilise the talent of its wrestlers better, rather than filling matches with ref bumps, false finishes and storylines which make no sense and lack continuity.

When I look at the rosters of the two companies, yes WWE has Undertaker, HHH, Orton, Edge and other great performers but bar the biggest names, there are few wrestlers on the roster who entertain me to the level that TNA's midcard do. Give me Wolfe over McIntyre or The Pope over The Miz any day. If TNA could book its talent right, and to their strengths, then the company would experience so much more success than they have right now.
I think that the best thing about TNA is their roster. I mean just look at the talent they have. They have everything.

Good Young Wrestlers-Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, Jay Lethal and Desmond Wolfe
Charismatic Young Guys- Anderson and D'Angelo Dinero, Matt Morgan
Great Draws- Sting, Hogan, Flair, Angle, Foley. Sting and Angle can certainly still wrestle. Flair and Foley can also go if required.
Great Tag Division- Guys like MCMG, Beer Money, Generation ME are all terrific.

But inspite of this TNA draws a shitty number every week and is not looked upon as a mainstream promotion. You got to think that there is something that is extremely wrong if this is happening. Its the booking mostly that's wrong.

Another thing that I find wrong in TNA is how the matches are planned. It seems that there are just no backstage agents. Look at the Hardy/ Morgan match at Turning Point. It was just random spot after spot till one of the two said " Hey its time for the go-home sequence."

Another thing that is disheartening is the way they cut promos. It seems that the wrestlers who are involved in a segment do not even talk to each other beforehand to discuss what they are gonna say in the segment. I know TNA likes to give its talent freedom when it comes to cutting promos but it does lead to WTF!? promos most of the times.

These things need to be rectified and rectified fast.
I'm enjoying TNA right now, but they honestly need to build more stars. Jeff Hardy never deserved the title, but with Matt Morgan coming around, TNA seems to be making a new star with him.

Tag Team Division

I have to say, I really love this feud between MCMG and GenMe. Last week's reaction showed them doing an awesome brawl. It was intense and exciting. Their tag team division is really doing well. With London Brawling returning soon, I would hope to see MCMG feud against them after Final Resolution.

Knockouts Division

I don't know how, but I'm really loving what the knockouts are doing right now. A few months ago, I thought they were worse than the WWE`s diva division. I never thought TNA could ever spice it up after the release of Tara, Awesome Kong, and ODB. But they have rehired Tara, hired Mickie James and Katie Lea Burchill. It`s honestly going to be a fun few months with these women. Hell, I can`t wait until they hire Serena.

Personal Feuds

I used to hate Jeff Jarrett more than anybody else, but his promos and segments are just so hard to dislike. He`s making me laugh my ass off with his MMA talk. Samoa Joe and Kurt Angle are part of this feud I think, because both of them have MMA maneuvers, but a bit different than how MMA does it. Anyway, yes I love this feud.

I love the feud with GenMe and MCMG as I said before. Its intensity and adrenaline for me. I cant wait to see their next match.

The Tara, Madison Rayne, Mickie James, Katie Lea angle is pretty entertaining.

I used to hate Immortal when they first formed. I thought this whole angle was a huge disaster. But TNA really showed me how entertaining this is.

Yes, TNA is not perfect. And there is too much things that I hate about it, such as Jeff Hardy as world champion, Robbie E. as f****** X-Division champion, Samoa Joe in limbo, that stupid concussion of Mr. Anderson that the dumbass Jeff Hardy cause, and Kurt Angles disappearence. But I seem to be enjoying the product more than I did when RVD was champion.
The best thing about tna is their roster has better wrestlers then wwe. They don't have anyone with any mike scales except when they did lethal flair that was the best segment ever on tna for me. The knockouts can wrestle which is good. Christy hemme is always good to look at.

BUT as long as they have bozos as champions I can't take tna seriously.
they have the wrestlers allright, but the booking is beyond bad.

the knockouts always brawling on the back instead of wrestling.

joe and angle in a feud with Jarret? again? the two of them jobbing Jarret?, Jarret mocking MMA?, WTF.

The tag team division is always great.

Jeff hardy doesn't shine as champion, "the antychrist" gimmick is just stupid, and his promos at least the last two he has cut have been terrible and akward.
There are only really two things in TNA at the moment that don't completely suck. The MCMG are the first, obviously. They've been doing nothing but having great matches all year and generally being awesome. Even if they have no one else to wrestle other than Generation Me at the moment, they're still pretty awesome.

The second thing? Jeff Jarrett's MMA thing. I usually despise Double J, but he's found something that's really worked for him. The video with him and the kids yesterday was hilarious. It's something simple yet entertaining in a company of things that are just the opposite.
I'm Personally enjoy TNA alot right now but my 3 favorite things about TNA right now are.

MCMG- They have had Great Matches this Whole Year and I'm really into this feud with Gen Me even though they've had like five matches against each other. That Brawl last week on Reaction was Great and I can't wait to see there match Vs Gen Me at Final Resolution.

Jeff Jarrett- I think that his new MMA gimmick has been great and I've been very entertaining over the last weeks especially that Double J DoJo segment when he made the kids Tap was Hilarious and I really want to see Joe kick his ass at Final Resolution which means that Jarrett has been playing his heel role well.

Jeff Hardy- Ever since he turned heel I've been really enjoy his character and I just find way more interesting as heel right now then he was as a Face.

There other things I enjoy or find good about TNA right now but these have been my three Favorite Things about TNA currently.
TNA has a great talent roster and the freedom to express themselves without doing the same boring scripted promos. They have the capability to put on some great matches in the tag division, women's, or even X division. The booking is just really horrible right now. Flair is great as long as they keep his matches to a minimum. Even though he can still put on a show. The best thing about TNA would be their live events. Even if they put on some bad Impacts or even sub par PPVs, fans are never let down at house shows. The wrestlers really care about the fans.
My points:

The Roster

TNA's roster is filled with great wrestlers, and a lot of potential superstars. They have established veterans and some young, hungry talent.

AJ Styles just may be the best in-ring performer on television today. He's not just a high-flyer, he's technically-sound as well. His style is somewhat unorthodox, and I think that's a good thing when you're a smaller guy fighting men much larger than yourself. And most importantly, he's exciting to watch. Since joining forces with Ric Flair, his mic skills are greatly improved. Before Flair, AJ was stumbling over his words, not speaking clearly and did not show much emotion. Flair has helped AJ in that regard, whether you like them as a team or not.

Although TNA hasn't seemed as high on this guy as they were at one time, Desmond Wolfe is a top-notch talent. He wrestles a great heel style, and is pretty solid when it comes to in-ring psychology. His mic skills are second to none in TNA. His snobbish yet aggressive heel persona works really well. If given the right push and major exposure, I think he can become a major heel in pro wrestling.

I believe those men I mentioned above are the best TNA has going forward, but it has a solid base of veteran talent as well. Kurt Angle is still, at age 41, one of the two or three best in-ring performers on television today. Jeff Hardy and Rob Van Dam are well past their primes, but both men can still put on a show, and have recognizable names. Ric Flair and Mick Foley are best to stay out of the ring from here on out, but both are still great as on-screen characters/authority figures/managers.

TNA also has a lot of younger guys who I believe have the potential to shine in the wrestling business, if given the right opportunity. Mr. Anderson, Matt Morgan, and Samoa Joe are all at the point in their careers where they can legitimately help carry a show. Guys like Kazarian, Doug Williams, and Brutus Magnus are all capable, and talented, performers. If given the right kind of exposure, I see no reason why these men cannot draw a crowd on in-ring talent alone. If TNA were to have a WWE-size fanbase, every guy I mentioned would have no problem getting over.

I agree with you that if the fanbase were WWE, they would have no problem, but that's mostly because 60% of TNA's guys have been in the WWE before. If they made it that far they must have some ability to flourish. The key thing is for us to care about them personality-wise, but one of the reasons why I started watching TNA is the athletic ability of a lot of the roster. It's a shame a lot of the guys you mentioned either aren't around right now, or are buried in storyline hell. Desmond Wolfe I remember once got voted to get a title shot even though he was in the midst of a losing streak. He's a lot better than being part of London Brawling.

Tag Team Division

It's hard not to compare WWE and TNA, since they just happen to be the only two major wrestling promotions on television right now. WWE has a terrible tag team division. It seems like WWE is far more in love with tearing tag teams down as opposed to building them up. TNA has a multitude of tag teams that are not only talented, but make sense being together. I hate random tag teams, and TNA (in my view) has a major advantage over TNA in regards to tag team wrestling.

Teams like the Motor City Machine Guns and Beer Money have proven to me that tag teams still matter to wrestling fans. Both of these teams are very talented in every aspect of the pro wrestling game, including on the mic. I wasn't so sure about the MCMG's mic skills until watching their recent title reign. They have proven they can cut a decent enough promo to stay on top of TNA's tag division. You also have teams like Ink Inc., Team 3D (when they are together, and not in some ridiculous feud with one another), and Generation ME, who fill out an above-average tag division. I really hope TNA continues to place a large amount of emphasis on their tag teams.

You hit the nail on the head on this one. Watching the Motor City Machine Guns brings me back to the old days of wrestling when there were real teams, and lots of them. I remember a Survivor Series when there were 10 tag teams facing each other. Now WWE only has 2 real tag teams and 3 other makeshift teams. TNA has 5 excellent tag teams that are always competitive, and even though I dislike London Brawling, when they're back in action, they should also be a force. This is why I clamor for more wrestling, for teams like the Guns and Beer Money. I still remember the best of 5 series; that set of matches was absolutely incredible. The Guns and Generation Me have had some classics as well, and I'm looking forward to seeing who steps up next.

Women's Division

I won't B.S. you here... I really do not care about Women's wrestling. But, TNA actually gives their women something to do. These women work real programs, with real storylines, and people do care about them.

Another reminder for me of the good ol' days. The late 90's into the early 2000's had some amazing women's matches, and while TNA's division has lost a lot since Awesome Kong and ODB got dumped, there is sill loads of potential. Unlike the WWE all of the Knockouts are very different. The Beautiful People is an excellent gimmick for the blonde bimbos, and Mickie James and Tara are two tough-as-nails ladies, and throw in Sarita and Winter, and I love how the division is basically getting re-shuffled to make some new feuds and looks. Now, if only Taylor Wilde could get her partner back to defend the Knockouts Tag Team Titles.


Total Nonstop Action. The X-Division is all about action. I don't really care for spot monkeys, but a lot of fans do. A guy like Amazing Red might never work a solid, personal angle with lots of mic time, but he's going to get into that ring and entertain the hell out of the people who came to see him. The X-Division may never draw a large television audience on it's own, but it can contribute, given the right kind of exposure. Plus, when you have guys like Amazing Red, Jay Lethal, Brian Kendrick, Kazarian, Doug Williams and even that idiot Robbie E., why not use them? A little more wrestling every Thursday night is NOT going to hurt TNA, trust me.

This I must disagree on, because the X division has been downgraded. This is part of Bischoff's track record, ignoring the smaller wrestlers for the main event guys. Truth is, TNA needs to revamp this division, because now we don't even know who's in the division anymore. It's basically Lethal, Red and Robbie E. because they're the recent champs. Once upon a time it was a positive; now it's practically non-existant.

Personal Feuds

I'm really trying to keep WWE out of this post, but I think this is important. WWE has really gone away from personal feuds. Right now, they usually have a guy come out and challenge another guy because the first guy "wants to make an impact." Well, when you go that route too often, it gets rather boring. TNA actually puts forth real feuds, that get personal. I'm not always a fan of how those particular feuds go, but at least they are based on hatred, anger, or some other form of real human emotion.

I kinda disagree as well, because why do we need personal feuds? Do we need to know the inside-out of every wrestler in the ring? Does it really help that we know Jarrett is doing Angle's wife? Would it enhance their match? This is more for smarks than other fans, because we can ooohh and ahhhh over the inside references, but to me the basis of wrestling is, "You're champion, I want to be champion, so I'm coming after you." In the end, that storyline has lasted 100 years. Wrestlers doing each other's women happens once in a blue moon, so it's not as reliable. I'm more impressed if a feud draws me in without adding the smark references that get lost on a live audience. Best case is the feud between Motor City and Generation Me. They're fighting over the belts, plain and simple, and their feud is light years better than Angle vs. Jarrett.

In addition, I actually like the fact that there are lots of titles. WCW had a World, US, TV and Cruiserweight title for singles wrestlers, and every one of those belt is part of a rich legacy. Not having enough titles will make other wrestlers feuding over nothing, and also not divide out the divisions. The TV title should be for up-and-coming wrestlers, the X-division should be for the smaller wrestlers and the TNA World Title should be the apex. I think the belts can be used better and be a big part of TNA rising up.
================================================== =============

When I criticize TNA, I'm usually not going after the actual wrestlers. I think TNA's creative department (Hogan/Bischoff/Russo) is doing an absolutely horrific job with storylines and who they've decided to feature each Thursday. I think they are misusing talent, working for the short-term, talking too much, etc. But, I believe TNA has a solid base of actual wrestlers. If TNA goes in another direction creatively, a more positive direction, I don't see any reason why this current roster of superstars cannot get over with mainstream wrestling fans.

A big part of it is that they don't feature the same people. WWE uses John Cena and Randy Orton on RAW consistently, and the main storylines surround them. On Smackdown, it's about Kane and whomever he feuds with, whether it be Undertaker, Edge or Mysterio. On Impact it goes from Ric Flair and Fourtune to Eric Bischoff running from The Pope to Jeff Hardy's creepy promos to Matt Morgan recruiting or standing up for people. Here's a question: who is TNA's top face right now? For the WWE, there are three top faces (Cena, Orton and Taker) and three top heels (Wade Barrett\Nexus, The Miz, Kane) with lots of upper mid-card guys (Edge, Mysterio, Sheamus, Morrison, Kofi, Swagger, etc...)to keep the feuds going. TNA only has one active top heel (Hardy), one top heel facing a lower card guy (Styles vs. Williams) and it's top\upper mid-card faces except for Morgan are either out (Anderson, Angle and Sting) or facing other mid-card guys (Pope vs. Abyss, RVD vs. Rhino, Samoa Joe vs. Jarrett). They need to market one face, make him their top guy and run with him to either face Hardy or build up to beat Hardy later.

Also, I spoke a lot about "major exposure." TNA does not have major exposure right now, their ratings prove that. I believe TNA can achieve major exposure, if they put on a quality show. Yes, I believe it's that simple. It may take some time, but it's not impossible. Wrestling fans want a balance of good wrestling and good storylines, it's not that complicated.

This was a great thread because it should remind us why we watch in the first place. The storylines stink but we don't want to give up because we can see the light. The best way they can achieve major exposure is to market their product out there and show fans it doesn't suck. TNA needs to give wrestling fans a top face that they can react to. TNA needs a John Cena type wrestler who will always get a reaction by simply walking out of the curtain. That's the foundation to building up their name. If they keep up this hodge-podge of wrestling, they won't last much longer, and that'd be a sad day in wrestling.
right now there is nothing good about tna.....the tag team division is slowly dwindling down into nonexitance,i mean u have the mcmg,generation me,beer money,ink inc,and desmond wolfe and magnus....the knockouts division doesnt get the recognition it got before hogan and bischoff came in,i mean madison rayne has been the champion for like almost 2 months now and i dont remember that last time she defended it since she won it...the knockouts tag divison is a joke and should be done away with.......i do like the fact that tna does seem to be pushing younger stars,stars like jeff hardy, samoa joe,matt morgan,the pope,aj styles abyss,kaz,rhino,tommy dreamer,the mcmg's,beer money,and mr anderson...but they need to bring in more tag teams to rebuild their tag team division,they should bring in shelton benjamin and charlie haas,the basham brothers,deuce and domino,bring back the naturals
Jeff Hardy's new gimmick

I have marked out for this gimmick for weeks. I didn't like the idea at first but now he is one of my favorites. I think this gimmick was made just for him and noone on the TNA roster could do a better job at it than him.You never know what they guy is going to do or say and he always leaves you with a question.

Tag Division
This a division that has pretty much died everywhere else in the world but TNA proved this year that they have the best tag teams in the world. I honestly don't think I have seen a better year based on the quality of tag matches.

Alternative to WWE
Everyone talks smack about TNA copying WWE all the time but it seems like they have tried doing the opposite of the PG era. EVer since WWE went PG, TNA has went the opposite. WWE stops using blood so TNA uses more blood. WWE doesn't use as much cussing, TNA cusses more. I like how it is something different and isn't the lame ol PG crap that we see on WWE television.
Well for one, the wrestlers have actual personalities and real mentalities. If a heel attacks you, it's because he wants something from you. Revenge, your title, your position on the company or anything of the sort. You don't see heels walking around and casually beating people up simply to make in impact or to grab random hatred. There is actual motive and a steady idea the heel follows. And the face does what he believes he should do. Not the morally correct thing, but the thing they personally see as right. Getting revenge, preventing his rival from "one-upping" him or saving an ally.

The storylines are a contrast to the characters and their personalities as opposed to a battle of sportsmanship or lack thereof.

More personally, Jeff Jarrett has been on fire with his "MMA guy" skits. I sympathize with those kids. My Karate teacher kicked my ass too. The development of new faces has never been steadier. I mean when was the last time TNA had 4 main event faces at the same time that weren't "old guys"? Of course there's also The Gun's which goes without saying.
Good things about TNA :

1. The Tag Division
2. Knockouts
3. The Roster
4. EXCELLENT PROMOS (Its so refreshing to see guys come out and cut realistic and creative promos as apposed to the Over scripted, watered down crap that WWE feeds to their young guys who can't cut a promo to save their lives)
5. Not overly produced. It adds to the believability.
7. It's not PG ( Yes I enjoy the cussing and blood. I'm an adult. Guys beating the shit out of each other should not be PG. It makes no sense.)
8. It makes me laugh (For the right reasons). WWE makes me laugh at the fucking awfulness of their product.
9. Taz and Tenay work well together. A good broadcast team.

Overall, WWE just has gotten way too scripted, stale, over produced, and tame for me.

TNA is very open and entertaining to me. It's not watered down and restricted like WWE. They make watching wrestling FUN for ADULTS again. No it's not perfect, but it's miles ahead of WWE on my radar these days. Which is sad. Because no one was a bigger fan of WWE than me a few years ago. But now, it's unwatchable.
Well for one, the wrestlers have actual personalities and real mentalities. If a heel attacks you, it's because he wants something from you. Revenge, your title, your position on the company or anything of the sort. You don't see heels walking around and casually beating people up simply to make in impact or to grab random hatred. There is actual motive and a steady idea the heel follows. And the face does what he believes he should do. Not the morally correct thing, but the thing they personally see as right. Getting revenge, preventing his rival from "one-upping" him or saving an ally.

The storylines are a contrast to the characters and their personalities as opposed to a battle of sportsmanship or lack thereof.

More personally, Jeff Jarrett has been on fire with his "MMA guy" skits. I sympathize with those kids. My Karate teacher kicked my ass too. The development of new faces has never been steadier. I mean when was the last time TNA had 4 main event faces at the same time that weren't "old guys"? Of course there's also The Gun's which goes without saying.

1] Personalities? I think you can find a lot of those same personalities in a bar right around last call.

2] Mentalities? How about mental-illnesses? I'm not near as worried about Anderson's concussion as I am about the mental faculties of anyone who pays him to fight in 2011... Or pays to watch it.

3] I agree JJ has been great with his MMA work... Maybe he can start a company of that if the funeral for TNA doesn't make his family eligible for a government bailout.
1] Personalities? I think you can find a lot of those same personalities in a bar right around last call.
What? What does that have to do with what I said?

2] Mentalities? How about mental-illnesses? I'm not near as worried about Anderson's concussion as I am about the mental faculties of anyone who pays him to fight in 2011... Or pays to watch it.
Ah, of course. A hater. Sure. Lets call people mentally ill. Why not? It's the proper thing to do in a conversation after all.
3] I agree JJ has been great with his MMA work... Maybe he can start a company of that if the funeral for TNA doesn't make his family eligible for a government bailout.
Hardy har har. I was clearly stupid in stating such detailed and opinionated reasons for why I like TNA. Why be so fancy with my words when I can just be a senseless idiot with no real opinion who just wants to stir the pot to look like a bigger idiot. Forgive me. How blind and ignorant of me.

I thought it was obvious what I meant... Or is it already Last Call where you are?

Ah, of course. A hater. Sure. Lets call people mentally ill. Why not? It's the proper thing to do in a conversation after all.

I wouldn't call such people mentally ill, since I don't know them... But I have seen proof Mr. Anderson is a bad wrestler, so I will call him that when given the opportunity.

Hardy har har. I was clearly stupid in stating such detailed and opinionated reasons for why I like TNA. Why be so fancy with my words when I can just be a senseless idiot with no real opinion who just wants to stir the pot to look like a bigger idiot. Forgive me. How blind and ignorant of me.

You look like a big idiot simply by stating so many reasons why you like TNA. I like Hardy, the Guns, lots of other things about TNA... That's why I spend my money on the DVDs & watch YouTube.
I thought it was obvious what I meant... Or is it already Last Call where you are?
I don't drink. You still haven't explained yourself. This is still irrelevant.
I wouldn't call such people mentally ill, since I don't know them... But I have seen proof Mr. Anderson is a bad wrestler, so I will call him that when given the opportunity.
I say the same thing about John Cena. It doesn't change people's opinion about him.
You look like a big idiot simply by stating so many reasons why you like TNA. I like Hardy, the Guns, lots of other things about TNA... That's why I spend my money on the DVDs & watch YouTube.
Sorry I overloaded your head with 5 details. If you can't deal with reading, don't do it. I enjoy TNA because I enjoy them more than WWE. I'd go into deeper detail, but that seems to hurt you.
I actually see a lot of good things about TNA and I think you can find as many good things as you can bad in TNA. Sure there are a lot of problems but with every problem you find think of at least one good thing to match it.

They Got Talent
First off people claim all the time that TNA isn't nothing but a bunch of old hags that get injured every time they walk down the ring. Well for every old hag think about one of there main eventers and how talented they are. Let me start with Kurt Angle. Since arriving in 06, he has become TNA's top dog. There poster boy as you would say. He has been involved in many great storylines, the Jeff Jarrett/Sting feud from 06, the AJ/Karen love triangle, The Angle Alliance, his feud with Joe, Main Event Mafia, him and Jarrett, going through TNA's ranking system, and many more. Think about all the great matches he has put on since joining the company, his matches with Sting, Joe, AJ, Jeff Hardy, and Desmond WOlfe just to name a few. Think about all of the pay per views he has headlined. Once you think about everything he has accomplished in TNA, you have to give the man credit. So you can say it doesn't matter, it isn't WWE so who cares. Well if you are one of the guys who just wants to bash TNA, then go back and watch the feuds, matches, and pay per views he has been apart of. I have said it before and I will say it again, Kurt Angle is the best wrestler in the world and may the best of all time when it comes to in ring work.

Next up you have a guy names the Phenomenal Aj Styles. This guy has given his all to the company, through good times and bad. He has been commited for eight years and you have to respect him for that when you look at everything TNA has been through because he could have easily just walked out. But he didn't because he loves it and TNA is his passion. When you have a guy like that on your roster, who is so passionate about what he does and looks good doing it then you have one hell of a wrestler. I also think he is up there in the top five as one of the best active competitors right now. His match in 2005 at Unbreakable with Joe and Daniels was the best in TNA history and he can put on great matches night in and night out.

Lastly, I will name Jeff Jarrett. Not everybody likes him but you should respect him. There are a lot of things he has done to TNA that I didn't agree with but I still respect him for being the man he is. He has the same qualities has AJ and Kurt combined. He isn't as good of in ring wrestlers as they are but look at him backstage. He has went through a lot. First off, he founded the company for one and has stuck to it. So he gets my respect for commitment. Secondly, his wife died. When she passed away he was so upset and he could have just gave it all up and left but he didn't and that was very hard for him to do. Then he started to date Karen Angle and was sent home so nothing got started between him and Kurt. Now that takes a real man to just let it go and go home for a while. It really does. Just think Jeff is now Kurt's kids step dad so it could be so easy for shit to get started between the two but I have heard any reports on it so I guess they are both being professional about it and I respect the hell out of ANgle and Jarrett for that.

Now I could go through the whole roster and state the positives about every wrestler but I won't do that.

The Storyline
There main storyline is Immortal and I love it. I thought al along they were going to fuck up with the whole "They" thing and it would be some shit stable with Abyss as the leader. Wow, I was way off. This program caught everybody by suprise and they are far more unpredictable than WWE. Nobody would have thought at the end of Bound for Glory that, Jarrett, Bischoff, Hogan, Hardy, and Abyss would all be working together. Then the next night everybody thought fortune was turning heel and what happends? They join Immortal. I never thought I would see the day where Hogan and Flair hugged in the middle of the ring. Now that was epic. Jeff Hardy went from being one of the most popular superstars in TNA, to the most hated. Now that was an awesome job by TNA's creative to turn Hardy heel and give him that new mysterious character. I don't think anyone could play that type of heel better than Hardy himself.

Another rivalry in the midst is Generation Me and Motor City Machine Guns. Now I was iffy on the fact of Generation Me turning heel but I don't think they are doing half bad. They haven't played a heel role yet so as rookies they are doing fairly well. There promos aren't bad. Now when these two teams step into the ring together, there matches are golden. I always love watching them compete against each other on Impact because I am all for the high speed action and thats what you get out of both teams. The feud started off as two teams competing to see which were better. Then Generation Me took out the Guns and made it personal. There match or should I say fight on Reaction played out so well and it gave you the feeling that the fight was a shoot. I can't wait to see how there full metal mayhem match at Final Resolution is going to turn out.

Match Quality
Say what you want about TNA but they put on some good matches for free. Sure they need to save some of those matches untill the pay per view but like I said from every negative you can find a positive. TNA puts on way better matches on free television than WWE does these days although I do have to admitt WWE is doing better as of late. But the TNA superstars give it there all every week and try to put on the best match they can put on with the amount of time they are given.

I could name a good thing for every bad thing in TNA but in this post I only named the three major things I see that they do well.
I actually see a lot of good things about TNA and I think you can find as many good things as you can bad in TNA. Sure there are a lot of problems but with every problem you find think of at least one good thing to match it.

They Got Talent
First off people claim all the time that TNA isn't nothing but a bunch of old hags that get injured every time they walk down the ring. Well for every old hag think about one of there main eventers and how talented they are. Let me start with Kurt Angle. Since arriving in 06, he has become TNA's top dog. There poster boy as you would say. He has been involved in many great storylines, the Jeff Jarrett/Sting feud from 06, the AJ/Karen love triangle, The Angle Alliance, his feud with Joe, Main Event Mafia, him and Jarrett, going through TNA's ranking system, and many more. Think about all the great matches he has put on since joining the company, his matches with Sting, Joe, AJ, Jeff Hardy, and Desmond WOlfe just to name a few. Think about all of the pay per views he has headlined. Once you think about everything he has accomplished in TNA, you have to give the man credit. So you can say it doesn't matter, it isn't WWE so who cares. Well if you are one of the guys who just wants to bash TNA, then go back and watch the feuds, matches, and pay per views he has been apart of. I have said it before and I will say it again, Kurt Angle is the best wrestler in the world and may the best of all time when it comes to in ring work.

Next up you have a guy names the Phenomenal Aj Styles. This guy has given his all to the company, through good times and bad. He has been commited for eight years and you have to respect him for that when you look at everything TNA has been through because he could have easily just walked out. But he didn't because he loves it and TNA is his passion. When you have a guy like that on your roster, who is so passionate about what he does and looks good doing it then you have one hell of a wrestler. I also think he is up there in the top five as one of the best active competitors right now. His match in 2005 at Unbreakable with Joe and Daniels was the best in TNA history and he can put on great matches night in and night out.

Lastly, I will name Jeff Jarrett. Not everybody likes him but you should respect him. There are a lot of things he has done to TNA that I didn't agree with but I still respect him for being the man he is. He has the same qualities has AJ and Kurt combined. He isn't as good of in ring wrestlers as they are but look at him backstage. He has went through a lot. First off, he founded the company for one and has stuck to it. So he gets my respect for commitment. Secondly, his wife died. When she passed away he was so upset and he could have just gave it all up and left but he didn't and that was very hard for him to do. Then he started to date Karen Angle and was sent home so nothing got started between him and Kurt. Now that takes a real man to just let it go and go home for a while. It really does. Just think Jeff is now Kurt's kids step dad so it could be so easy for shit to get started between the two but I have heard any reports on it so I guess they are both being professional about it and I respect the hell out of ANgle and Jarrett for that.

Now I could go through the whole roster and state the positives about every wrestler but I won't do that.

The Storyline
There main storyline is Immortal and I love it. I thought al along they were going to fuck up with the whole "They" thing and it would be some shit stable with Abyss as the leader. Wow, I was way off. This program caught everybody by suprise and they are far more unpredictable than WWE. Nobody would have thought at the end of Bound for Glory that, Jarrett, Bischoff, Hogan, Hardy, and Abyss would all be working together. Then the next night everybody thought fortune was turning heel and what happends? They join Immortal. I never thought I would see the day where Hogan and Flair hugged in the middle of the ring. Now that was epic. Jeff Hardy went from being one of the most popular superstars in TNA, to the most hated. Now that was an awesome job by TNA's creative to turn Hardy heel and give him that new mysterious character. I don't think anyone could play that type of heel better than Hardy himself.

Another rivalry in the midst is Generation Me and Motor City Machine Guns. Now I was iffy on the fact of Generation Me turning heel but I don't think they are doing half bad. They haven't played a heel role yet so as rookies they are doing fairly well. There promos aren't bad. Now when these two teams step into the ring together, there matches are golden. I always love watching them compete against each other on Impact because I am all for the high speed action and thats what you get out of both teams. The feud started off as two teams competing to see which were better. Then Generation Me took out the Guns and made it personal. There match or should I say fight on Reaction played out so well and it gave you the feeling that the fight was a shoot. I can't wait to see how there full metal mayhem match at Final Resolution is going to turn out.

Match Quality
Say what you want about TNA but they put on some good matches for free. Sure they need to save some of those matches untill the pay per view but like I said from every negative you can find a positive. TNA puts on way better matches on free television than WWE does these days although I do have to admitt WWE is doing better as of late. But the TNA superstars give it there all every week and try to put on the best match they can put on with the amount of time they are given.

I could name a good thing for every bad thing in TNA but in this post I only named the three major things I see that they do well.

1] Talent: I agree that Angle had talent, as did JJ, & AJ does. But most of us have seen the good Kurt in another company (or Atlanta), & (in the words of TNA guest Toby Keith), he's "not as good as he once was". Same goes for JJ. Even if they were, you can put them against each other, & make a great match, but then who does a newer talent like AJ get to face? A loser like Anderson, or a has-been like Flair? Won't watch it.

2] Storylines:

How can you say that's good? A group led by Flair vs. a group led by one of the Jeffs? They are both past their prime. Then, let's have, say, Hardy vs. Styles. That's 2 great wrestlers for a match 1 week, but how about next week? You need to fill a month between PPVs, & it can't be done.

3] Match quality: I love something like Gen Me vs. the Guns, or Beer Money vs. one of those two... But again, you can either put that on free to get me to buy the PPV (& pay for crap), or put it on the PPV, & have crap leading up to it on free TV that makes me not pay for the PPV.
Here's the problem w/TNA. Hogan/Bischoff/Russo, and not in that order. (Actually, I'd say it's the reverse of that...) I watched WCW back during their "era" and TNA, after them coming on board, is eerily similar to the "final years" WCW. Oversaturating the roster, stupid ass story lines and gimmicks (thanks, Russo) and over-promoting the product until you want to vomit. I'm talking about Hogan every single week, 500+ times an episode saying the phrase "raising the bar" and trying to force feed the "TNA is the best company today". That's what was done in WCW. We get the point, we're watching the show, quit wasting time w/that crap already. If you have to over sell your product you're basically begging people to not do something (i.e. quit watching) when they're already still watching. Plus the emphasis on talking. They have Reaction after Nitro...uh, I mean Impact for the "chit chatting" behind the scenes garbage so why waste time on the regular show with stuff that can wait for that. Examples would be Mick's too long plug of his new book (even though Kendrick was funny as hell) and Bubba Ray a short while back reminiscing or talking about tag team matches or whatever the hell it was for ten, fifteen minutes. They also jump around with story lines too much. For two, three shows we get the "renegade" Jeff Jarrett handcuffing people and trying to permanently injure them (Kurt, Joe) then BAM! He's doing the MMA thing. No segueing into the stories, no subtle twists, just BAM! POW! Different story when the other one hasn't even built up or went anywhere yet. Plus you have Immortal/cheap NWO knockoff 4tune/watered down Horsemen (even though they're making 4tune work thank God) and not doing anything w/anybody else except throw them here, throw them there. On a side note, to the guy knocking Anderson, he actually puts on a decent match and is a natural on the mic. Sorry he reminds you of the guy that used to pick on you in grade/high school, but let it go already. Jeff Hardy's new direction? So close to the old ECW Raven that it's probably why they got rid of Raven. (Besides the fact he's waaaaay past his prime. But I digress.) One thing TNA also has done which they shouldn't have stopped doing is trim the fat. Got rid of Sabu and Raven. Yay! I marked out when EV2 first showed up, I'll admit. But Raven and Sabu are old hat now. Plus, Raven looks like he should be sitting in a mall playing Magic the Gathering and Sabu looked like a candidate for the retirement home. I will give props to Rhino and Stevie Richards, though. Especially Stevie. They've still got life left in 'em. Well, this has been quite the rant, and I apologize for going so long, but the problem w/TNA is quite simple. Should've hired Heyman and kicked Russo to the curb when they had the chance. That's where the problem lies, is behind the scenes.
Good Things about TNA?

Thankfully every week it invariably ends. But seriously folks, the fact that it even exists is a "good thing". What this business has always needed is multiple alternatives for its fans as well as more places to work for the men and women who perform (and not just on the "main stage" but in the minors too, so as to polish and hone otherwise untested and very raw skills).

Sadly, in a situation that is the direct opposite of Network TV losing its once unrelenting death grip on the viewing public due to massive audience fragmentation and ever expanding viewing choice, Pro-wrestling's mainstream diversity has virtually shriveled up and withered away. Here's hoping in the new year the powers that be—in TNA to be sure, but also on every front and upon level within the business as well—can see fit to try and put egos aside and do what's best for the company as a whole and thus provide fans with a viable legitimate alternative. If fact, they pretty much have to; the "money mark" gravy-train can not, and will not, last forever.

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