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Good Ole' Ticked Off J.R.


The Future Mr. Kelly Kelly
So did anyone else notice that J.R. seemed incredibly pissed off with the whole Santino(a) angle at Backlash ????

If I may quote the diatribe for a moment -

King - "Santino is gonna' have to kiss either Khali or J.R."

J.R. (apparently shocked) - "I guarantee he ain't kissing me !!!"

Michael Cole - "Come on BBQ man !!!"

J.R. (apparently irritated) - "Oh, that's funny. Who fed you that line ???"

I really don't think Ross knew about this swerve being tossed by creative.

For those who didn't see it, Santino(a) claimed he couldn't kiss Khali because he's in love with J.R.

I'm interested to see J.R.'s next BBQ blog after that one.
Dude, I was baffled. You could tell that J.R was genuinely pissed off about it. How about the "Aw, come out of the closet J.R!" line tossed in by Cole? At least King didn't go overboard with it, but Michael Cole is a total ********.
Dude, I was baffled. You could tell that J.R was genuinely pissed off about it. How about the "Aw, come out of the closet J.R!" line tossed in by Cole? At least King didn't go overboard with it, but Michael Cole is a total ********.

Cole wasnt a ********, Vince is, he fed Cole the lines, remember who hates JR and hes the owner of the WWE
I love how they never let JR on this crap. One day he's just going to take off and say "Fuck Y'all." He looked so legitimately pissed that I just turned to my buddy and I'm like... he so wasn't told about that. LMAO.
I also was not under the impression Ross was clued in on this segment, judging by his reaction. And he seemed pretty irritated.

I thought it was pretty funny, actually, and give props to Vince for this little rib. Whenever Ross gets his balls busted, it usually provides for pretty good entertainment, and he didn't disappoint tonight.
I thought it was pretty funny, actually, and give props to Vince for this little rib.

Don't know if you meant to make a pun, but that was pretty funny haha.

I feel bad for JR. He's the best wrestling announcer ever, and they treat him like garbage sometimes. I felt bad enough when they traded him from RAW to Smackdown, but now thrusting him into this already bizarre gimmick, just doesn't seem like JR's style, and they should respect that.
Cole wasnt a ********, Vince is, he fed Cole the lines, remember who hates JR and hes the owner of the WWE

Yeah, but even King wasn't saying some of the shit Cole was. I'm pretty sure Cole wouldn't have gotten into any serious trouble had he left out the "Come out of the closet" bit.
I love JR but it comes off like he can't take a joke and thinks he's above it. it's just like with the draft last year when he was drafted to smackdown and wasn't told. he almost quit the company because of it.
Maybe that is why he is not let on with things because he takes things to heart and Vince obviously thinks its hysterical. Vince definitely knows how to get under his skin and quick.
I thought the whole segment was kind of pointless and dumb. They could have easily filled it with something else. Lol @ J.R though.
I love JR but it comes off like he can't take a joke and thinks he's above it. it's just like with the draft last year when he was drafted to smackdown and wasn't told. he almost quit the company because of it.

are you kidding me? of course he is above it. he is widely recognized as the greatest wrestling announcer ever and is constantly demeaned, insulted and ridiculed by his employer. hey maybe it's a yank thing but usually it's a good idea to treat employees with a bit of respect.

if JR was to quit it would kick the wwe in the teeth big time. they don't have anyone even close to his ability to replace him. wwe needs JR more than he needs them.

the whole segment was a waste of time and if it had to happen it should have happened on TV not on ppv.
are you kidding me? of course he is above it. he is widely recognized as the greatest wrestling announcer ever and is constantly demeaned, insulted and ridiculed by his employer. hey maybe it's a yank thing but usually it's a good idea to treat employees with a bit of respect.

if JR was to quit it would kick the wwe in the teeth big time. they don't have anyone even close to his ability to replace him. wwe needs JR more than he needs them.

the whole segment was a waste of time and if it had to happen it should have happened on TV not on ppv.

Oh, for Pete's sake. Some people really need to lighten up. It's called a rib. It was no big deal. I doubt even Jim Ross, after it's all said and done, even takes this shit as seriously as some of his JR marks do, that apparently worship the ground he walks on. He may get upset for being put on the spot, but after he has time to get over it, I'm sure all is well. If Ross was ever legitimately pissed over anything, then he would've resigned by now. He isn't going anywhere.

What happened tonight wasn't really that bad, at all.
I'm a fan of ribs just like anyone else, but to do that, ON AIR in front of MILLIONS of people. Not cool. We all give JR hell about not taking a joke. But what about Vince possibly conjuring up a public rib in front of a TV audience. And Cole has NO right to even poke fun of him, even if he is being fed lines from Vinny Mac or whomever.

Jim Ross is one of the best we have left as far as a wrestling announcer. I personally thought Schiavone didn't do a half bad job at it, but Tenay's atrocious as a play-by-play man.

It's not as bad as what they've done with him before, but being put on the spot like that sucks and being the butt of a joke on live TV is even worse. When JR said 'Who fed you that line'? to Cole, I LOL'D. Besides, Cole backtracked quickly saying it was already mentioned by Santina/o and not Cole. And I don't see why they need to have feuding announcers. Having the Smackdown guys poke at the Raw guys is stupid. The wrestlers should do it, but announcers doing it is plain ignorant.

JR should be mad, but will cool off.
I love JR but it comes off like he can't take a joke and thinks he's above it. it's just like with the draft last year when he was drafted to smackdown and wasn't told. he almost quit the company because of it.

ding! hes a well known prick with no sense of humor. theres times when its like, if you're soooooooooo unhappy, quit then. dont act like a bitch when you cant say slobberknocker and oooo mah gawds.
J.R. needs to be knocked off his high horse every once in a while, and I'm glad it was Michael fucking VINTAGE Cole to be the one who did it...dude is legit cool as fuck and deserves more credit than he gets (especially considering how horrible he was at first).

Then again, if Santino pulled that out on the spot, he's the real star of the exchange (I think it would have been more hilarious had he said Goldust, but alas).
Then again, if Santino pulled that out on the spot, he's the real star of the exchange (I think it would have been more hilarious had he said Goldust, but alas).

Santino is gold, regardless. And throughout the years, JR has been getting ribs here and there by Vince. With or without BBQ sauce.

And I agree with what has been said with JR kicking WWE in the teeth if he left WWE. There has been major improvements with announcing and ring calling as of late (they may have erected a Michael Cole announcing school), but again, JR is the best WWE has. And what would be really a lol moment if JR said out of character "F*ck you guys!" and showed up on TNA a week later. Boomer Sooner, Vince.
I thought JR came across like a little kid who cant take a joke.
Dude you are in the entertainment business and it was entertaining, get over it.
Santino is dressing up like a woman on global tv and youre whining like a bitch?
Dont take yourself so seriously.
Santino's role is comedic jobber. JR's isn't. If the King had said it as a rib to JR, it would not have come off badly. It's the fact that it was Cole tossing it out there when the guy could only hope to be half as a good as JR is.
People hold JR up there as this unmatchable aspect but the show would just carry on. One day, he will retire. I know it, You know it, He knows it. Yes, he's one of the best announcers if not the best ever (I can't honestly say as I've known only a handful of them) but then weren't Howard Finkel and Mean Gene the best announcer ever? The show is still going on.

The world would be a worse place when Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker retire. Then you need a replacement awesome guy to show his face. (Possibly why the Kurt Angle rumours have started.) Jim Ross will be missed for about 6 months and then forgotten.

And I'm a JR fan.
As much as I love good ol' JR, he came off as a little bitch. We have Goldust licking himself and acting like a weirdo, the Boogeyman eating live worms in the middle of the ring, and Hall of Famers getting the holy-mother-of-God shit beaten out of them on live television, but J.R. can't take a very light rib by Vince.
Seemed to me like somebody is generally quite humourless and somebody else knows how to push his buttons. If Jim Ross didn't take himself so seriously then maybe he wouldn't be the butt of a lot of McMahon jokes.
The segment was funny. But Michael Cole's "Come out of the closet" line, was kind of pushing it too far. JR looked as if he legitimately knew nothing about his involvement in the angle. Yes, Santino was the one wearing a dress on world wide television but atleast he knew that he was going to do that. It would have been different if McMahon would have just thrust Santino onto world wide TV, wearing a dress, without Santino having a clue about what was going on. It was also messed up, how McMahon made fun of Jim Ross' Colon Surgery, a few years back. I'm all for jokes and ribs, but there is a line that you should not cross. And McMahon has crossed the line, way too many damn times. You let somebody get a joke on McMahon on live TV, and he'd probably freak out and fire their ass, unless they happened to be a huge star, that he needs. Hell, didnt he fire Kizarny b/c Kizarny said that he and McMahon should be a Tag Team? LMAO
This isnt the first time JR has been humiliated by McMahon and it damn sure wont be the last.
The McMahon Colon Surgery rib on Ross perhaps crossed the line.

As far as what happened last night ... is Jim Ross really Gay? No. He's been happily married for God knows how many years to Jan. Then, what does he have to worry about? Nothing.

It's ridiculous so many of his mark fans have jumped all over this to the extent they did. It was a simple prank played on Ross. One that Ross himself has no reason to even get all that upset about, since obviously the man is a happily married heterosexual, and everyone knows it.
I think the thing is, that JR is VERY family orintated and probably quite a devout Christian.
He did not know about it, clearly.
The idea of homosexuality was implied with the fact Santina is CLEARLY Santino.
JR is happily married and he is proud of his marriage.
Adultery is implied.
JR probably felt very disrespected by Vince.
I don't think JR cares for Santino's sense of humor.

To be honest this could spark a little, like when JR went to Smackdown! He was very angry because he wasn't told.
But its obvious from a kayfabe perspective that Santino had just named someone off the top of his head in order to avoid having to kiss Khali, it wasn't actually inferred that the two had ever done anything. It didn't sound like JR was legitimately pissed and I was under the impression that he is unable to change his facial expressions much because of his well documented battle with his condition but I may be incorrect in that assumption. I don't know of any other announcer who would have been angry about it. If you imagine Monsoon, Brain, Lawler, Cole, McMahon etc being involved you would assume they would have seen it as purely business kayfabed it accordingy (would have been classic if it was Heenan). JR did kayfabe it accordingly by being surprised and denying it, just like you would do in real life if it was falsley inferred that you were a ladyboy enthusiast. He wan't supposed to 'take the joke' whilst on camera as that would have broken kayfabe but I'm sure the real life Jim Ross took it fine.

I think JR's past so called humiliations have made people think he was automatically legit pissed at the Santina thing but I'm pretty sure it was just another day as an on-screen personality.

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