Goldrush 2019- Eve vs Callie

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Jeff Deliverer of Mail

Money for nothin, chicks for free
At the Goldrush 2019 PPV, Callie Clark will do battle with Eve Taylor to settle the score between these two rivals who have crossed paths many times since Callie's debut. Who will come out victorious?

* Deadline for this match is Jan 8th *
Eve Taylor stood tall in front of the mirror. She wore her wrestling gear and was adorned with replicas of the championships she had won over the course of her WZCW career: the Eurasian championship on her waist; "Senshuken", the Elite Openweight championship just above the Eurasian; and the World Title draped over her shoulder. She kept looking at herself and everything she had accomplished, doing her best to sculpt her posture in a proud stance. Yet, a scowl formed on her face.

"Look at me." Eve Taylor said.

Eve looked at herself from head to toe, and then back up to her head.

"Look at all I have accomplished in WZCW. I am the most decorated female superstar to grace this industry. I am a superior athlete who has crushed and created records that will stand the test of time. I am a professional wrestler whose resume will be enough to enter me into the WZCW Hall of Fame."

Eve paused for a moment.

"I am a legend."

She turned her head away from the mirror.

"Everything I have worked towards has led up to this moment. Everything I sacrificed was to get to this end result of standing here, adorned in championship gold. This is exactly everything I wanted and yet, I cannot stand to look at myself. The feelings of loneliness and all my insecurities I have about myself I thought would go away have yet to leave. Looking at myself reminds me of how much I have lost to get here. I dream of an alternate reality where I didn't make these sacrifices and instead kept my relationship bonds in tact."

Eve sighed.

"I would love to look at the positives in my life and smile at everything I earned through my choices. I would love to be proud of the fame, money and glory that I gained over my time... but even then, I am not happy with this. I spent a lot of my money on the latest fashions, new ring gear and living the life of luxury when I could've saved it. The fame I have trying to make a name for myself has destroyed my credibility in both the professional wrestling and fashion worlds. And the glory?"

Eve looked back at the championships in the mirror.

"The only person here to celebrate, relish and relive the glory of what I've done in my career is me. All I can do is sit alone in a room, staring at myself and reminisce of a time when I was Queen. Nobody will be hearing my stories because nobody wants to listen. I turned every person away for the sake of making the name Eve Taylor mean something in the history books. Maybe I can take solace in the idea that one day in the future when wrestling historians comb through the annals of history they'll see my name and accomplishments, recognising me for all I have done. However, by that time, I will have long passed or be so old that I'd have to be reminded by these historians of what I did."

Eve's eyes focused on herself.

"Look at me, Callie." Eve said. "I am a sad, pathetic, lonely woman who is about to hit her thirties. I reached the peaks of my life before I was legal and I am on the decline whilst I am still young. The only thing I have left is what I am wearing to remind me of the better times."

Eve paused.

"Is this what you want, Callie? Is this what you strive to become in WZCW? Do you want to ruin everything in your life to make this moment happen? To be able to stare at yourself in the mirror on your worst day to remind yourself of your best?"

Eve shook her head.

"Look, Callie, I am not angry at you. In fact, I admire you. You have always reminded me, in some form or fashion, of a younger me. Beautiful, determined and hungry. Those are great qualities to have. But you also remind me of a time when I had it all and I could've been happy with my life. I could've stopped myself then and I dream that those days would be happier than this life I lead. Yet, you want to pursue the same path I am taking. You are willingly going down the road that will eventually turn you into me. I do not want that to happen. I refuse to let you become someone like me.

It is your decision that I am angry at because it is the decision that I have made. It is the reason why I am angry at myself. It is why I have trouble standing here and looking at myself in the mirror. I have become the very thing that I have hated for the majority of my career as a professional wrestler: legendary wrestlers who have become shells of their former selves. The Constantine's, the Tyrone Blades, the Matt Tastic's... all of them I hated. And now, I stand here, as one of them. And I stand here with a heart full of regret, wishing every morning I would wake up with a smile I didn't have to force."

Eve attempted to smile but she could not.

"Callie, for my final act in WZCW, I look to achieve my greatest accomplishment, one that I can be proud to say that I did for many years to come. It will be an accomplishment that will put the smile back on my face and the sunshine back in my heart. And it will be against you, in that very ring. You and I, Callie. The match that I've been hyping up for many years. You and I are going to have a memorable match that the fans are going to talk about for many years to come."

Eve tried to force the smile but instead, she switched her facial expressions to anger and vile.

"And it is not because we are going to tear the house down, Callie. No, I have no interest in having the best match of your career. You and I, Callie, are going to have not only my last match in WZCW. We are going to have your last match, too. If I see one glimpse of determination and hunger that I had when I was building my legacy in your eyes, then I have no choice but to put an end to your career before you reach the misery and suffering that I have to deal with. I will do everything in my power and I will bust out every trick I know to destroy and annihilate you. I will humiliate you so that you will no longer have a career to salvage. I am willing to break your body down, piece by piece, so that you cannot recover. I want to hurt you so bad Callie that I want to give you a career-ending injury just to teach you a lesson that you will be happier in your life suffering from a limp than being able to walk around with the former glory that I have. The pain shooting through your legs will only be a fraction of the pain that I am suffering in my heart and soul from everything I have done to get in this position."

A twisted smirk formed on Eve's face.

"But do not be mistaken, Callie. I am doing this because I like you. Anybody else on this roster would not receive this treatment because I do not care about them. If they end up experiencing the same thing I am experiencing now, then I would not give a damn. But you, Callie... I do not want you to end up like this. I would love, more than anything, to sit down and tell you not to do this yet, I know that hunger and determination you have to succeed: nobody is going to convince you to stop. So, as a courtesy to you, Callie, I am going to mangle your body so badly you will never wrestling again so you can be happy. I am doing this as a favour to you. I am doing this so I can be happy with myself. I am doing this so that when someone asks me in 20 years what my greatest accomplishment was, I can say to them - without question - it was ending Callie Clark's career to save that lovely girl from a lifetime of pain and misery."

Eve looked back at her World title on her shoulder.

"As much as I know you would love to hold this title and be the best, it is not worth the sacrifices, Callie. So please, as my parting gift to you and as my final wish for WZCW, do not fight me. Do not resist me. I am going to hurt you even more if you defend yourself. I do not want to do that. Just close your eyes and think of your happy place... and I will take you there."

Eve sat down on the floor and crossed her legs. She rocked back and forth, caressing her World title.

"Look at me, Callie." Eve said. "Please don't become like me."

@CallieClark Everybody keeps asking me what my New Year's Resolution is, isn't it obvious? The only New Year's Resolution I need is to keep being me...and maybe to win even more championships, if that's even possible. #BestMe #PreparingToDestroyEveTaylor

A Week Before Gold Rush: A Shop In New York City

It was a new year, and for most people, a chance to act like they were going to be different people, change who they were. But me? I had nothing to change, 2018 was a great year for me. I won multiple championships, won most of my matches, made more money than I did the year before, I might have got more attractive, which I didn't even know was possible, and I ended the year by beating Eve Taylor for the first time ever! Yup, I'd say 2018 was a fantabulous year for me. But 2019? It's about to be even better, and since I can't start the year by winning a title, I can think of no better way to start it than by beating Eve in a singles match for the first time ever. After all, then there's no excuses, no doubt that I am better than Eve Taylor. And I need everybody to know I'm better than Eve Taylor. But before all that, I had to make a visit to one of the more expensive stores in New York.

I needed a new jacket, after all it's colder out than my heart can be. As I was looking at the racks of clothing I realized something, Eve might be my mortal enemy, but before she became all emo, she and I had similar taste in clothing. Except of course, I wasn't some stuck up prude who only wears clothes from the most popular designers, but then again she used to be some stuck up prude. I was searching the racks when an employee came up to me, luckily I was trying to be nicer to disgusting people, at least at places I frequent, so I was willing to talk to them

Hi can I help you find anything?

No I don't think so, I'm just looking for a new coat.

Well I could help you find one? What kind of coat are you looking for?

Ugh, pushy employees are totes annoying, it must suck working for a commission. But I didn't have a lot of time so I guess I'll just deal with them unless they annoy me more.

Uhh I guess...I want a faux fur coat, but not an ugly one!

Okay, well let me show you to our selection.

I followed the employee over to the fur coats, and after they pulled out an ugly brown coat, I almost screamed at them.

No no no! I said no ugly coats!

I rolled my eyes, and pushed them out of my way.

I'll find the one I want. Move.

I looked through the selection before eventually pulling out a black faux fur coat, exactly what I was looking for. I held it up and looked over at the employee, who was standing there looking sheepish.

See? THIS is the right coat, not that ugly brown one! God, don't you know style!?

I shook my head as the man I had been dealing with spoke up.

Of course, my apologies miss. Can I help you find anything else? If not I can ring that up for you.

I thought about it for a second, I only came in here for a coat but as I looked around, a stroke of brilliance came to me. I thought of a way to get in Eve's head before the bell even rings, and I was going to take it. After all I might have a win over her now but I still needed the edge going into this match, and if I could psych her out I was going to do it.

Let me ask you, what would someone wear in here if they were say....a supermodel? The type of supermodel who only wears the highest of fashion but still needed something they could move in.

The employee look confused as he looked at me, he must have been dumb.

What do you mean?

I guess I was going to have to spell it out for him.

Okay let me make this simple, do you know who Eve Taylor is?

Suddenly his face went from confusion to excitement. Of course he knows Eve, he looked like he had terrible taste.

Oh yes I know her, she was my favorite model to watch! A shame she switched to alternate fashion though, I mean she makes the look work but she looked better before the switch.

I smirked and chuckled. Sounds like Eve lost a fanboy when she went all goth, or emo, or whatever the hell she's supposed to be.

Well I disagree about her making the look work, I mean she looks terrible these days. But anyway I need something she would wrestle in, top and pants. And of course the heeled boots.

Hmm let's see what I can find that fits that description...but I'm surprised you don't own any heeled boots yourself. You could use them...

Oh hell no he did not just make a short joke! I should punch him! And did he think I couldn't hear him? Sadly he looks like the type to call the cops, and even if he wasn't I don't need to get banned from this store.

Excuse me? What was that?

Huh? Oh nothing. Anyway, here's what you might be looking for.

I shot him a glare to tell him I know what he said, but then looked at the selection of athletic clothing he pointed me in the direction of from the top designers. I took a few minutes to browse through before finding an outfit I liked, it was purple and white, and looked exactly like something Eve would wear. I scooped it up and moved over to the shoe department to find a pair of boots I liked, black in color. I paid for the clothes and the coat and left, after complaining to the manager about the rude employee of course. I had everything I needed, and now it was time to head to DC, after all it's not like I had much to hang around New York for.

Two Days Later: A Hotel Room In DC

I had arrived in DC that morning and checked into my hotel. I ended up dropping Sid off with Bates, deciding to let him have some time at home for a little bit as being on the road all the time was probably a little stressful for him. I had flipped through the channels on the TV, not seeing anything I wanted to watch on it, so instead I decided to call up Harper, I hadn't spoken to her since before the holidays and I was curious how hers went. Plus I was bored and someone needed to entertain me. I called her on facetime as I was having a great hair day and my makeup was on point, so I needed to show it off, luckily she answered.

Heyyy wassup?

Nothing much, just settled into my hotel here in DC, figured I'd check in with you and see how your holidays were since we hadn't talked in a bit?

Oh haha, they were good. Always good catching up with family though right?

Well I don't know about that, but then again her family isn't terrible.

Maybe for you it is. But I'm glad you had a good holiday, it's a shame we didn't end up getting together for New Years Eve.

Yeah you missed a fun time in Times Square.

Ugh too many people for my liking, I'm not a fan of being packed into an area like sardines and being around so many nasty people I'm all set with that. But glad you had fun.

Harper nodded as I went from a sitting position to laying on the bed.

Yeah there was a ton of people, but I mean I've lived in New York all my life and never went before so had to go once. So your facing Eve again right? Seems like you've fought her a bunch of times.

It's true Eve and I have had our fair share of matches. I didn't keep track of the exact number but it was at least 4. She had her wins over me and now I finally had one over her, but this was the most important of them all. We had never faced each other 1 on 1 on the big stage of a PPV before, where the lights shine brightest, where I shine brightest, and I needed to beat her. But I knew it wasn't going to be easy and if I want this win I'm going to be in for a fight.

Yeah a few. But that's why she's my mortal enemy, until last round I never had a win over her. But now the advantage is mine, she's not in my head anymore, I'm in hers. Though not as much as the referees of the company are by the looks of things.

Yeah I saw she's been snapping at the refs, what does she think that's going to accomplish?

I shrugged.

Who knows, she's crazy. She thinks there's this big conspiracy against her but really she just doesn't realize she lost her touch. But maybe after I drop her on her head she'll finally realize it.

I smirked at Harper, who didn't react and instead responded quickly.

Well sure that sounds good, but you said she has multiple wins over you right? What makes you so sure that your win over her wasn't a fluke? I mean it was a triple threat match after all. And with how angry she is, I bet she's gonna bring her best to the match to try and end her losing streak. Especially since she's facing you, a long time rival.

I suppose Harper had a point, as much as I want this win Eve might want it even more. She's looking like the biggest loser in the company right now and I know she's gonna wanna change that. But a fluke win? Ouch. That stung.

Oh it wasn't a fluke for me to beat her, I'll prove that by beating her again. But you're right she's going to want the win bad, and she probably hates me almost as much as I hate her, I'm gonna need to bring my A game to the match that's for sure. But I'm not too worried, I know her inside and out, I know how she ticks. Besides I have a secret weapon to mess with her.

Harper raised her eyebrow in curiosity as I grinned.

What's that?

My cosplay for the match. I'm going to dress like the old Eve Taylor, the good Eve Taylor. The Eve that still holds the record for the longest Elite Championship reign, the Eve that won the world title, the Eve that tried to take over this company as the third head of Cerberus. She's not gonna see that coming, and I bet it's gonna piss her off, or at the very least confuse her.

I chuckled and went to grab the clothes from the bag I had them in, and showed them to Harper with a proud and evil smirk on my face.

Hell maybe if I really wanna mess with her, I'll even use some of her own moves against her. She would never see that coming.

I put the clothes back in the bag and sat back down on the bed, waiting for Harper to react.

Whoa, that's an...interesting thing to do. Aren't you worried if you piss her off she'll just be more aggressive though? I would think that's a bad thing.

I shook my head quickly, Harper wasn't a wrestler so she didn't understand.

Noooo you don't get it, if I piss her off she'll just wanna hurt me, she'll make mistakes. An angry wrestler isn't a smart wrestler.

Okay that's a valid point, and I see your thinking there. But what if it backfires? What if she's just so aggressive you can't get going in the match? I mean you said it yourself, she's a former world champ who's beat you multiple times, if I was you I wouldn't be so confident going into this match. What are you going to do if she beats you?

I hadn't really thought about it, but it was very possible she beats me. And what would I do if I lost? There wouldn't be much reason for me to get another match with her, so who knows if I'd get another chance at revenge. The more I thought about it the more I realized, I needed this win.

She can't win.

Why can't she?

Because she can't. If she wins, I lose and I can't lose to her, not again.

Why not?

Because I have a point to prove here, if I lose to her then there's no doubt about it, she's better than me. But if I win, I once again prove the haters wrong and I need to prove them wrong. They say Eve is better than me, they say I can't beat her one on one, and I'll be damned if I'm gonna let them keep saying that! You asked me what happens if I lose? I've lost wayyyy too much recently, if I take a loss here what case do I have for getting another title match? Or even a contenders match?

I shook my head and kept talking. I mean I may not have really lost that much, but even 1 loss is too much.

People are starting to think I'm slipping, just because that fat idiot stole my championship? Puh-lease! Callie Clark is many things, but a loser is NOT one of them! Callie Clark is a winner, Callie Clark is the greatest Elite Champion in WZCW history, and now Callie Clark is gonna be known as the girl who kicked Eve Taylor's ass alllllll over DC!

I had a determined look on my face as Harper nodded in approval with a smile on her face.

Good, I know you're confident in your skills, but I think sometimes you under estimate your opponents and you shouldn't do that. I hope you do beat Eve, because I believe you that you need this win. But win, lose or draw, you're not a loser Callie. You're a 3 time Elite Openweight Champion and even a former Mayhem Champion, that's pretty impressive.

I nodded, she forgot to mention I was the curse breaker on the belt but I'll forgive her since she gave me other praise. I mean I didn't really need the self esteem boost, I know I'm not a loser no matter what some idiot fans might say, but I still needed this win. After all destroying Eve means more to me than a lot of things, I needed to vanquish this enemy once and for all. And no matter what I had to do, I was gonna do it.

You're right, and I'm gonna make that resume even longer this year, 2018 was my year, but 2019? It's going to be even better. And as far as Eve goes, I know she's tough, I know it's not gonna be easy, and I know she's going to want this win as much as me, but Gold Rush is where I made history by breaking the curse on the Elite Championship, history is on my side. I don't care if I make her tap out or pin her, I'm going to beat her right in the middle of the ring, and it damn sure won't be because of some stupid conspiracy she thinks is against her or a referee playing favorites, nope. The only reason she's going to have for why I beat her, is because I'm the better woman.

I nodded with confidence and determination. Winning this match meant everything to me and I was going to take her down. Eve is damn good, probably a future hall of famer, but she's not unbeatable, and I don't need someone else being in the match to beat her. This is going to be another history making night for Callie Clark, I guarantee it.

@CallieClark Everybody make sure you tune into #GoldRush, I have a very special cosplay planned JUST for Eve. You're gonna love it. #CosplayQueen
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