Zhanshi lifted his head, he was surrounded by dozens of very attractive women in a private room, they were wearing see through clothing and advancing on him. He looked down at himself, he was half dressed in a ceremonial robe that he knew (somehow) he shouldn’t be wearing on this occasion. This all seemed so familiar yet he knew it couldn’t be real. During these times he felt more powerful than ever, more conceited, dangerous and simply immortal. The woman were all over him now, rubbing their breasts on him, reaching down and grabbing his...
Zhanshi woke up at the cursing of the Yakuza prime boss, trying to get his laptop to work at his enormous desk. Zhanshi wiped his eyes then adjusted his position in his little chair in the corner, remembering in an instant why he was here. This was the biggest contract he had been offered so far by the mobsters, their prize wasn’t cash, the Yakuza prime boss (who was still cursing and shaking his fist at his laptop, all dressed up in white) promised him something he had claimed that is beyond money, something Zhanshi was owed. He had no idea what it was, possibly an answer to who he really was, why his parents abandoned him, why he has a lust for violence and power. He was starting to get excited, any minute now he’d be encountering the legendary
Green Ninja.
- Quick zoom out to show the size of the massive, five story Yakuza mansion, with armed guards patrolling the balcony’s and hallways, another quick zoom out to the tall grass surrounding the mansion, the Green Ninja sprinted through it, making no sound, even though he weighed three hundred and fifty five pounds! -
An armed guard shouldered his MP5 to light a cigarette, he took a long drag
– Swoosh! - he wondered what the noise was, then looked at his arm, it fell to the floor then rolled off of the balcony. Another swoosh and his head followed. The Legendary Green Ninja (The People’s Ninja) saw another guard coming and flicked his wrist three times quickly, ninja stars stuck in the guard’s neck and face, he was dead soon after.
“Aha! I have you now!” A guard yelled with bad lipping, he ran at the Green Ninja, ready to shoot him but a big puff of smoke covered the fat man! The guard looked around, he leaned over the balcony to see if the Green Ninja was hanging there, but when the smoke cleared, the Ninja was still there! He gave the guard a round house kick to the back sending him flying into the night sky three stories to the pavement below.
- A montage of guards getting killed followed, some cut in half with his sword, some killed silently with poison darts, The Green Ninja flipped and cut his way through all of the guards until he reached the main office at the back of the fifth floor -
The Green Ninja walked into the big office, the Yakuza boss looked up from his laptop, made a face then went back to work. He looked to his left and saw Zhanshi standing up, he removed his dress shirt to show off his massive pecs. Zhanshi walked in front of the Green Ninja.
“You have fought long and hard for your people, but you are too out of shape to stand a chance against me!” Zhanshi growled with bad lipping, he made a fist that somehow made a swoosh noise.
“I have something long and hard for your mom! After I kill both of you dudes I’m going home, play my Super Famicom and eat tacos!” The Green Ninja pulled out his sword and pointed it at Zhanshi.
Zhanshi smiled and motioned for the fat ninja to strike, the Green Ninja swung overhead but Zhanshi slapped his hands and caught the blade! He twisted his wrists and the blade snapped, it fell to the floor. The Ninja dropped the handle and threw a kick at Zhanshi, he blocked it and flipped the man backwards but he landed on his feet, he attacked with fury next, followed by kicks and wind noises...
(SNAP!) (BLOCK!) (S-SNAP!) (WOOSH!) (BLOCK!) (BLOCK!) (SNAP-WOOSH!) The Green Ninja missed a round house kick that knocked a jar of pens off of the boss’s desk, he kept pressing the attack on Zhanshi, putting all his weight into his punches and kicks, Zhanshi leaned hard on the desk, blocking the attacks and moving the desk all the way back to the window, the Yakuza Boss didn’t care, he kept cursing at his laptop. The Green Ninja threw a kick that Zhanshi sidestepped and threw a straight kick of his own, right on his opponents other knee, snapping it backwards awkwardly. He threw an elbow then a quick round house kick to the Green Ninja’s head, sending him right through the wall into the next room, knocked out.
“Very good. Men, come take him away.” The boss muttered into an intercom. But nobody answered, they were all dead.
“There is a man in WZCW, he’s calling out to all to fight him for his Elite Championship Trophy. He’s very much like the Green Ninja, same size and agility, he also fights for the people and they cheer him. He is a man that....that...” Zhanshi looked around, the Yakuza boss was already walking down the hall, far from the office.
“Come, I have your prize. I don’t care about your fighting tournaments, I’m sure you will do well. Look at all this blood, I think he killed all my men.” A flash of disappointment came over the bald, old boss, but that vanished quickly and he kept on walking. They continued talking but the sound didn’t pick it up as it zoomed back and a hair squiggled in the corner of the screen very quick.
- A montage of driving in a limo, getting out and walking, the Yakuza boss offering Zhanshi an ice cream cone, more walking and talking in fast forward, then a zoom in on the building they were heading for.....-

Zhanshi was confused as they walked inside the huge Mausoleum, the Yakuza Boss waved his hands at the security guards and they stepped to one side, shivering at the sight of both Zhanshi and the Yakuza Boss. Zhanshi let out a small gasp, he felt a surge of pride and electricity coursing through his veins, then confusion, he normally felt this way during his reoccurring dreams. Before them stretched the endless statues of the Terracotta Army, row by reconstructed row into the distance. They walked in between the raised earth that acted as a plank way between the detailed, armored figurines.
“For years you have spoken to me about having these dreams of being royalty, possibly a prince or a king, living a life of languish and power that seemed impossible to you when you woke up. For years I laughed at you, but after awhile, with a little research, I opened my eyes to the truth. I wrote everything down that you said to me.”
Zhanshi listened as they slowly walked forward, past a section of statues that were half finished with an area of obliterated artwork nearby, he had a feeling of anger and dishonor looking at these figurines. How dare the vandals destroy such beautiful objects!
“Using my influence and power, I acquired your prize. You....”
The Yakuza Boss’s voice trailed off as Zhanshi had a fleeting moment of dream state, a young scholar begging him about the truth but he wouldn’t have any of it, he had him killed along with his friends and family, a wave of fire snapped Zhanshi back to reality.
They stood to the left of a detailed display of craftsmanship, four soldiers stood in a row behind two horses, ready to charge into battle, with the reigns pulled tight, but there was an obvious space missing, one where the commander or captain would call the charge of the entire army. Zhanshi looked up and down the path they stood on. Just where the shadow starts halfway into the complex, a six foot high crate sat perfectly center of the walkway. He gave the Yakuza Boss a knowing glance and a smirk, his prize awaited. Both men approached the crate, Zhanshi expected some sort of ornate dresser inside, full of jewels and gold, or maybe some ancient artifacts from this place.
“I’ll open it.” The Yakuza Boss said quietly, he had a crowbar ready.
“No. I should open it, it’s my prize!” Zhanshi slapped the crowbar out of his hand and gave the crate a hard karate chop! It snapped, then the door fell open.
Zhanshi lost his breath. The Yakuza Boss fell to his knees. All his dreams came back to him, rushed into his brain like a superhighway filled with race cars....inside the crate stood a reconstructed masterpiece. A fully painted King, holding a golden spear with golden armour adoring his entire body, a determined expression painted on his face under a battle helmet. The missing figurine, Zhanshi had such a swelling of pride that tears rolled down his cheeks......
....after all this time....
....his dreams weren’t dreams.....
“My Emperor.”
.....they were memories.