Goldrush 2019- Stormrage Elite Open Challenge

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Jeff Deliverer of Mail

Money for nothin, chicks for free
Mikey Stormrage is in for a tough night as he also must defend his Elite Overweight Championship in a special open challenge at Goldrush 2019! Who will answer the challenge? Annie Calloway, who just came off a huge victory over the number one contender Titus Avison? Or will it be Flexamerican Kole, exacting revenge on Mikey? What about the newcomers Baby Doll, Dirk Buchanon or Zhanshi? A man named Vega could even soar in with a challenge! Anything can happen in this challenge!

*Deadline for this match is Jan 8th*

Zhanshi lifted his head, he was surrounded by dozens of very attractive women in a private room, they were wearing see through clothing and advancing on him. He looked down at himself, he was half dressed in a ceremonial robe that he knew (somehow) he shouldn’t be wearing on this occasion. This all seemed so familiar yet he knew it couldn’t be real. During these times he felt more powerful than ever, more conceited, dangerous and simply immortal. The woman were all over him now, rubbing their breasts on him, reaching down and grabbing his...

Zhanshi woke up at the cursing of the Yakuza prime boss, trying to get his laptop to work at his enormous desk. Zhanshi wiped his eyes then adjusted his position in his little chair in the corner, remembering in an instant why he was here. This was the biggest contract he had been offered so far by the mobsters, their prize wasn’t cash, the Yakuza prime boss (who was still cursing and shaking his fist at his laptop, all dressed up in white) promised him something he had claimed that is beyond money, something Zhanshi was owed. He had no idea what it was, possibly an answer to who he really was, why his parents abandoned him, why he has a lust for violence and power. He was starting to get excited, any minute now he’d be encountering the legendary Green Ninja.

- Quick zoom out to show the size of the massive, five story Yakuza mansion, with armed guards patrolling the balcony’s and hallways, another quick zoom out to the tall grass surrounding the mansion, the Green Ninja sprinted through it, making no sound, even though he weighed three hundred and fifty five pounds! -

An armed guard shouldered his MP5 to light a cigarette, he took a long drag – Swoosh! - he wondered what the noise was, then looked at his arm, it fell to the floor then rolled off of the balcony. Another swoosh and his head followed. The Legendary Green Ninja (The People’s Ninja) saw another guard coming and flicked his wrist three times quickly, ninja stars stuck in the guard’s neck and face, he was dead soon after.

“Aha! I have you now!” A guard yelled with bad lipping, he ran at the Green Ninja, ready to shoot him but a big puff of smoke covered the fat man! The guard looked around, he leaned over the balcony to see if the Green Ninja was hanging there, but when the smoke cleared, the Ninja was still there! He gave the guard a round house kick to the back sending him flying into the night sky three stories to the pavement below.

- A montage of guards getting killed followed, some cut in half with his sword, some killed silently with poison darts, The Green Ninja flipped and cut his way through all of the guards until he reached the main office at the back of the fifth floor -

The Green Ninja walked into the big office, the Yakuza boss looked up from his laptop, made a face then went back to work. He looked to his left and saw Zhanshi standing up, he removed his dress shirt to show off his massive pecs. Zhanshi walked in front of the Green Ninja.

“You have fought long and hard for your people, but you are too out of shape to stand a chance against me!” Zhanshi growled with bad lipping, he made a fist that somehow made a swoosh noise.

“I have something long and hard for your mom! After I kill both of you dudes I’m going home, play my Super Famicom and eat tacos!” The Green Ninja pulled out his sword and pointed it at Zhanshi.

Zhanshi smiled and motioned for the fat ninja to strike, the Green Ninja swung overhead but Zhanshi slapped his hands and caught the blade! He twisted his wrists and the blade snapped, it fell to the floor. The Ninja dropped the handle and threw a kick at Zhanshi, he blocked it and flipped the man backwards but he landed on his feet, he attacked with fury next, followed by kicks and wind noises...(SNAP!) (BLOCK!) (S-SNAP!) (WOOSH!) (BLOCK!) (BLOCK!) (SNAP-WOOSH!) The Green Ninja missed a round house kick that knocked a jar of pens off of the boss’s desk, he kept pressing the attack on Zhanshi, putting all his weight into his punches and kicks, Zhanshi leaned hard on the desk, blocking the attacks and moving the desk all the way back to the window, the Yakuza Boss didn’t care, he kept cursing at his laptop. The Green Ninja threw a kick that Zhanshi sidestepped and threw a straight kick of his own, right on his opponents other knee, snapping it backwards awkwardly. He threw an elbow then a quick round house kick to the Green Ninja’s head, sending him right through the wall into the next room, knocked out.

“Very good. Men, come take him away.” The boss muttered into an intercom. But nobody answered, they were all dead.

“There is a man in WZCW, he’s calling out to all to fight him for his Elite Championship Trophy. He’s very much like the Green Ninja, same size and agility, he also fights for the people and they cheer him. He is a man that....that...” Zhanshi looked around, the Yakuza boss was already walking down the hall, far from the office.

“Come, I have your prize. I don’t care about your fighting tournaments, I’m sure you will do well. Look at all this blood, I think he killed all my men.” A flash of disappointment came over the bald, old boss, but that vanished quickly and he kept on walking. They continued talking but the sound didn’t pick it up as it zoomed back and a hair squiggled in the corner of the screen very quick.

- A montage of driving in a limo, getting out and walking, the Yakuza boss offering Zhanshi an ice cream cone, more walking and talking in fast forward, then a zoom in on the building they were heading for.....-

Zhanshi was confused as they walked inside the huge Mausoleum, the Yakuza Boss waved his hands at the security guards and they stepped to one side, shivering at the sight of both Zhanshi and the Yakuza Boss. Zhanshi let out a small gasp, he felt a surge of pride and electricity coursing through his veins, then confusion, he normally felt this way during his reoccurring dreams. Before them stretched the endless statues of the Terracotta Army, row by reconstructed row into the distance. They walked in between the raised earth that acted as a plank way between the detailed, armored figurines.

“For years you have spoken to me about having these dreams of being royalty, possibly a prince or a king, living a life of languish and power that seemed impossible to you when you woke up. For years I laughed at you, but after awhile, with a little research, I opened my eyes to the truth. I wrote everything down that you said to me.”

Zhanshi listened as they slowly walked forward, past a section of statues that were half finished with an area of obliterated artwork nearby, he had a feeling of anger and dishonor looking at these figurines. How dare the vandals destroy such beautiful objects!

“Using my influence and power, I acquired your prize. You....”

The Yakuza Boss’s voice trailed off as Zhanshi had a fleeting moment of dream state, a young scholar begging him about the truth but he wouldn’t have any of it, he had him killed along with his friends and family, a wave of fire snapped Zhanshi back to reality.

They stood to the left of a detailed display of craftsmanship, four soldiers stood in a row behind two horses, ready to charge into battle, with the reigns pulled tight, but there was an obvious space missing, one where the commander or captain would call the charge of the entire army. Zhanshi looked up and down the path they stood on. Just where the shadow starts halfway into the complex, a six foot high crate sat perfectly center of the walkway. He gave the Yakuza Boss a knowing glance and a smirk, his prize awaited. Both men approached the crate, Zhanshi expected some sort of ornate dresser inside, full of jewels and gold, or maybe some ancient artifacts from this place.

“I’ll open it.” The Yakuza Boss said quietly, he had a crowbar ready.

“No. I should open it, it’s my prize!” Zhanshi slapped the crowbar out of his hand and gave the crate a hard karate chop! It snapped, then the door fell open.

Zhanshi lost his breath. The Yakuza Boss fell to his knees. All his dreams came back to him, rushed into his brain like a superhighway filled with race cars....inside the crate stood a reconstructed masterpiece. A fully painted King, holding a golden spear with golden armour adoring his entire body, a determined expression painted on his face under a battle helmet. The missing figurine, Zhanshi had such a swelling of pride that tears rolled down his cheeks......

....after all this time....

....his dreams weren’t dreams.....

“My Emperor.”

.....they were memories.

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Dirk Buchanan
Fully Human.


Somewhere in Oregon
It was chilly outside. Despite the emergence of sunlight in Oregon this winter, the temperature still sent a chill down your spine. While most would be miserable as they stood around in the cold, bundled up from head to toe with scarves, hats and gloves, I was on my knees digging into the earth with a huge grin on my face.

Simply put, I love the cold weather. It means you get work done.

I was outside, digging my hands into the soil. The snow had all but melted away, however, the ground was still ice cold to the touch. My hands aching, but still I continued to work. It wasnt just the cold weather causing the achiness in my hands, it also had to do with the soreness from my last WZCW match against Zhansi, a win I might add. A tough match for my debut, but I managed to pull through in the end.

None of that mattered though. What was important to me was that my winter garden was really starting to take off. With my head and hands focused on the ground and the task at hand, I barley noticed my sister Dani sneak up from behind me.

Dirk, what are you doing right now? Don't you have a match to prep for?

Dirk: I think so? I dont know, propably.

So, you don't know?

Dirk: Uhm, Yes.

Dani: "Yes", you don't know? Or "Yes", you have a match?

Dirk: Uhm. Both. Anyway, that's not important right now. Taste this tell me what you think?

I quickly pulled out a large beaten up carrot and offered it my younger sister. Dani, however, remained stone faced and jut looked at me puzzled.

Dirk: Trust me, you'll love it.

She remained unfazed.

Dirk: Seriously, its like candy. In the cold winter months like this, carrots and other root crops get sweeter because the natural sugars take over to prevent the crop from freezing. Its like antifreeze Aaron. Nature's sweet delicious antifreeze. Its amazing. Don't like turnips, beets, or broccoli? Well that is probably because you have been eating them during the wrong months!

Dani: So are you even taking this wrestling thing seriously? I mean you are our here wasting time with root plants while you have a big opportunity in this Open-Challenge. You can't just go in to this match and expect to win. You need to practice and train. You are only human after all...

I take a big bite and chew on the sweet delicious carrott.

Dirk: I must correct you dear sister. I am not only human, I am fully human. People these days reject the notion that humans are capable of more than mediocrity, as they associate humanity with deficiencies and weaknesses and expect little out of themselves. Being fully human makes demands on us. It requires that we apply high standards to ourselves and our actions. I will step into this match capable and willing to fight my way to the top, as I am fully aware of what I am capable as a human. First those in the Open Weight Challenge will find out what that means, and then Mikey Stormrage.

Dani: I will leave you to it then.

She walks away. As she does I reach back down to the frozen earth.
After Ascension 134

Annie Halloway:
Absolutely immaculate

Annie smiled as she replayed the footage over and over again. The idea of not only defeating Titus Avison was insane, but outright embarrassing him in the knowledge of his sport was downright ludicrous. Alexander observed Annie’s cheerful disposure before coming towards her side.

You played the master perfectly Annie.

Annie Halloway:
Thank you Alexander, I must say it was our finest hour.

Oh yes, very much so.

Annie proceeded to press the fast forward button on her remote, transferring her to the interview that followed it and continued to enjoy herself in the thrill of victory. And yet, a hefty reward was denied. A main event title shot turned down. A smile turned into a frown.

And yet we are held back by management. Such is life in the dying world, isn’t it Annie?

Seething from the tomfoolery, Annie stood up, aimed the report dead center at the TV and threw it as fast as she could.

Annie Halloway:
Rubbish! The vile rubbish she spews!

Alexander flinched as he saw the remote go through the TV. Concerned, he looked towards Annie’s face and watched as her body shook with the anger of a thousand suns.

Oh dear. Ms. Halloway, you want me to get you anything?

Annie Halloway:
Step away Alexander. Unless you want to deal with the unfortunate consequences!

Yes Ms. Halloway, right away Ms. Halloway!

Not willing to deal with further angering the boss, Alexander rushed his way to past the computers, the stairs and various rooms that came about. Instead making his way to the intercom to forge a warning announcement. Little did he know, Ezekiel was walking across from him and decided to follow him, suspicious of his actions.

Code orange! We have a code orange! Our dear Ms. Halloway has been gratefully disturbed because of an event occuring in WZCW, please restrain yourself from any contact with them unless you want to suffer mightily!

Ezekiel Roche:
Alexander! You’ve already done some damage.

Alexander’s eyes widened in horror when he saw the beast that was Ezekiel, storming into the intercom room. His calm demeanor enhanced with a treadmill fury like none other.

Ezekiel Roche:
Have you forgotten one of the golden rules of ATV?

Alexander’s legs shook like a plate of gelatin as he saw Ezekiel’s face making a threatening gesture towards him. Without warning, Ezekiel proceeded to get closer to his face and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.

Ezekiel Roche:
NEVER talk about our dear Ms. Halloway in a public or personal light. Her personal issues are none of our concern!

I-i’m sorry Mr. Roche. Please don’t hurt me!

Ezekiel Roche:
Oh don’t worry, I have made special plans for those who break the golden rules.

Ezekiel proceeded to put Alexander down, forcing him to the floor. After Alexander got up, Ezekiel glanced over towards the troubled one.

Ezekiel Roche:
Tell me Alexander, do you prefer sitting around fire or sleeping with the fishes?

The one that doesn’t end with me dead.

Ezekiel Roche:
Good, cause if you pull a stunt like that again. That’s where you’ll be ending up.

Yes apologies sir, it will never happy again.

Ezekiel Roche:
That’s a good boy.

Alexander breathed a shy of relief. But the quick departure of Ezekiel's smile proved that he was not out of the woods yet.

Ezekiel Roche:
Still you must be punished. You’ll be taking care of Annie’s piranhas for the rest of the week. I must warn you, they are rather excitable when they see blood. So best not to cut yourself.


Ezekiel could only stare as Alexander's sheepish grin told the whole story. He slowly shook his head and said in a low whisper.

Ezekiel Roche:
May god have mercy on you.

And with that, Ezekiel was off. Off to leave Alexander in a panicked state and off to find his companion Annie. Speaking of the leader of ATV, she had run off during the whole chain of events emerged and fled to her private quarters, laying on her bed and staying deadly silent. The only thing she seemed willing to put any sort of effort in being the staring contest she had going versus the cracks on her wall...

And then.

Ezekiel Roche:
I’ve taken care of Alexander.

Annie jumped as Ezekiel entered her room, putting her arms up in the air and glaring at him like a mad man.

Annie Halloway:
Fuck’s sake Ezekiel! Don’t scare me like that.

Ezekiel Roche:
Sorry there anything else you want me to do?

Annie Halloway:
Well for starters you could stay out of my room. I need to think of my-

Ezekiel's eyebrow raised. Wrong word Annie.

Annie Halloway:
I mean, our next move.

Annie tried to make it all better with a grin, but Ezekiel was not having it, having already dealt with Alexander's nonsense.

Ezekiel Roche:
Ms. Halloway? Are you alright? You don’t seem to be yourself.

Annie Halloway:
I’m fine Ezekiel. I’m just staring at the cracks…

Ezekiel Roche:
On the wall?

Annie Halloway:
Where else would they be?

After motioning Ezekiel to move out of the way, she revealed to him the many cracks upon the wall. No doubt the result of years of pent up frustration, anger and regret. They all came in various different shapes, different sizes and occurred for very different reasons. Before Ezekiel could ask any questions, Annie proceeded to speak up.

Annie Halloway:
Every night I stare at the cracks on my wall and I wonder to myself, is this all worth it? Is this what my life was meant to be? To be the change the world needs?

Ezekiel stared at Annie, awaiting for her next words. A few chilling seconds passed before she spoke again. Her light tone moving with time itself.

Annie Halloway:
And then I realize, that I am the right one for the job. I am the beginning, middle and end of life. I am vital to it’s survival and yet willing to watch it’s demise.

Ezekiel Roche:
And yet, you wish for its improvement. Why?

Annie Halloway:
I believe anyone can atone for past mistakes if they are willing to work for it. Even I, as perfect as I claim to be have mistakes of my own.

Ezekiel Roche:
You? Make mistakes?

Annie Halloway:
Yes. Ever since middle school at the earliest.

Ezekiel Roche:
Ms. Halloway, please forgive me for saying this, but this sounds like fake news to me.

Annie Halloway:
And that’s why we don’t talk about it. Or my past actions. Or myself in general.

Annie sighed, taking off and wiping her glasses on her second shirt.

Annie Halloway:
If the world found out about my transgressions. All the deeds i’ve done in the past. I’d be ruined. A marked woman in a corrupted society.

Annie pondered such a world. Where she was no longer allowed to be who she was. A person who would say what she thought was the truth and did what she thought was right. A person who was allowed to be free.

Annie Halloway:
So I look at these cracks on the wall every single day. Once when i’m awake and once when I go to bed. To forget about these...horrible memories.

Ezekiel nodded, now further understanding of his boss.

Ezekiel Roche:
I understand Ms. Halloway.

Annie Halloway:
Please. Just call me Annie. You’re the only one I trust here anyway.

Ezekiel looked at her as if she was an angel from heaven. Was this true? Did he really obtain her trust like that? The only thing Ezekiel could really do afterwards was smile and take it the compliment.

Ezekiel Roche: you Annie.

Annie Halloway:
Thank you for being there for me.

Ezekiel Roche:
Thank you...for choosing me.

The two proceeded to stare at each other, minds combing as one. And without further notice, the two proceeded to kiss each other for what seemed like forever, but was only really for a brief period. But to Ezekiel, he felt that the moment could've lasted forever.

Ezekiel Roche:
Well, i’d best be on my way. Looks like they’ll need me for a bit.

Annie Halloway:
I suppose so.

Ezekiel Roche:
You rest up now, ok?

Annie Halloway:
Of course Ezekiel.

Ezekiel proceeded to give Annie one last kiss to the forehead before heading out into the confines of ATV. With her companion, employer and most importantly, her lover gone and out of the way. Annie decided that now would be necessary to see the ongoing sagas of WZCW. So she got to her laptop and began to type the website address to WZCW. And the first thing she saw managed to catch her eye.

Annie Halloway:
Let’s see...what’s this about a Mikey Stormage open challenge?

She soon learned that this was to be for the Elite Openweight Championship, and that all comers were welcome to compete. Realizing the opportunity and knowing the fact that she wasn't booked to be on the show anyway, she proceeded to email Vance Bateman and punch in her ticket to a Goldrush title opportunity.

After all. Who says she wasn't going to get a title match at the show?
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This was about to be the longest few days of my fucking life. Defend two titles, it won't be hard. Fuck whoever made that happen. Not only do I need to defend one title, something I was rather bad at in my career, but it was an open challenge and I had no clue who my opponent would be. Then I have to turn around later in the night and defend a second title, against my best friend, in a Mayhem match. Whoever decided I needed to wrestle twice in one night was a loser with a skinny penis. Whoever he is.

"Mr. Cohen is running a little late, a protest outside the White House slowed traffic. Feel free to grab some refreshments."

Not that I disagreed with the protest, but this entire trip to DC had been a nightmare. I decided to grab a soda and wait. I hadn't spoken to Matt in weeks, or Grandpa. I spent one two days since Ascension in Puerto Rico, and those were to pack for the trip and visit Katherine.

I missed her. My world was falling apart around me, but she was the one thing trying to keep the pieces together. It wasn't official yet, I had intended to speak to Matt about the best way to handle me dating her while she was enrolled in the school.

Hell, even the school seemed like a distant thought at this point. Last I heard we had a series of guest trainers in, but I couldn't confirm that. In a way I didn't care. The enthusiasm I once showed for the school, even wrestling in general, had waned. I grew up in wrestling, especially in WZCW. I was once a lost little boy, but had matured into a man, thanks in large part to WZCW. A large part of me suspected this talk, talk of me no longer being interested in the thing that had kept me sane for the better part of the last decade, was just the depression and sadness stemming from the incident with Matt. Part of me though, part of me could not shake the feeling that there was something deeper going on.

It might have been why I agreed to do an interview with Jack Cohen. I don't think anyone on the WZCW payroll hated me more than Cohen. I originally thought that by agreeing to the interview, something I had never done and few had done in some time, it would recharge me, recharge the interest I had for wrestling. Deep down I think I did it because I knew Cohen would pull no punches. He would get to the heart of the matter and really dig into why I was in the position I was in.

Sure, Leon was a better friend and was a good punching bag, but he was a company man. Good at his job and not known for pushing the envelope in interviews. Then there was Stacey. She was more attractive, had a better set of tits, though Cohen was no slouch in his advanced age, but she came off more bitchy tan hard hitting. Her questions would spark some conversation, but more along the lines of my appearance than my career.

No, Jack was the right choice at this point, even if secretly I wanted him to eviscerate me.

"Mr. Cohen is here. He is getting fitted for his sound equipment and then will be ready, please follow me Mr. Stormrage."

I always wondered where WZCW got these nameless, faceless drones. Were they local kids looking for their first work experience? Fresh from college and up to their eyes in college debt? Or were they fans trying to get a foot in the door? I remember my first job in the wrestling business was ring crew and concessions for a small promotion in rural Indiana. Six months later I got to ref a match. About another eight months after and I had my first match. I lost in about three minutes. I'd come a long way.

I opened the door to the stage set up for the interview with Jack Cohen. Sticking with the DC theme, it was set like a hard hitting political one on one, something Anderson Cooper would be part of. I might as well have been running for office, as I knew this would get personal. Jack looked like a lion stalking its prey when I walked in. I'd seen that look on many faces inside the ring, so it made sense Jack, a former pro himself, would share it.

He stood and straightened his tie, before he extended a hand to me. I thought hard, should I shake the hand of a notorious cheater like Jack Cohen? I was thinking too hard about this. I returned the hand.

"I want to say before we get started, I am genuinely happy we can do this. Despite my opinion of you when you are in the ring, I respect the accomplishments and accolades. I respect those two titles you have with you. I also appreciate that you wore a suit for this."

I placed the titles on two separate pedestals, each with a small spotlight shining on them. I looked down at my own suit before I sat down. Burgundy trim gold trim. It was exceptionally baller.

"Never thought I would say this, but thanks for having me Jack."

We both took a seat and Jack grabbed some note cards and made sure they were in proper order.

"I've got to get some of the basics out of the way first. When you won the Elite Title, you won the last major championship that had eluded you. You were already a Hall of Famer, had main evented Kingdom Come, cemented yourself as a legend. Why did you choose to go after the Mayhem Title? You already had the Grand Slam."

"Honestly Jack, I thought it would be fun. I'd never lost a Mayhem rules match, and when I realized Garth Black was at the same dentist as I was that day, I shot my shot. There is a part of me that wanted to shut haters up as well. Some know it alls out there, some self professed prophets, said it wasn't a true Grand Slam without the Mayhem Title. So here we are, proving doubters wrong."

"You made history, becoming the first dual champion in WZCW history. That upset some, who said it went against unwritten rules. That others were more deserving long before you. How do you respond to that?"

I laughed a little.

"I'll be real, they can eat my ass. I've given a lot to this business and this company. I'm probably ranked like eleventh of the twelve Hall of Famers for most people, but those three words mean I am better at this than most. So excuse the hell out of me for taking a shot at something I thought would be both fun and peak interest in the product."

"I actually respect that answer."

I rolled my eyes while laughing again. Jack Cohen had never given me this much positivity.

"By now almost everyone knows your story and where you are in life. How is the school back in Puerto Rico?"

I shrugged.

"To be honest, I'm not sure. Kick Ass Academia was a lot of fun at first and in my heart of hearts I think Matt and I were doing something great. I just don't think very highly of it at the moment. It's really all there is to it right now."

"We will get more info on Matt later on, but let's take a moment to look at the Elite Title situation."

Why was Jack not following up on that. Jack Cohen hated me. I watched the tapes of his commentary. He hated me like Trump hated poor people and immigrants. Like Flex hated reason and sanity. Like, well you get the idea.

"Hold on Jack, are we not going to follow up on that? Are we just going to ignore the fact that I just said I didn't think highly of the school I spent millions to open? I know you, you normally would be all over any opportunity to give me a hard time. What's up?"

Jack put his notes in lap and looked at me. He opened his mouth, but stopped, pausing briefly before he spoke.

"I was told to toe the company line on this, to keep the interview on the straight and narrow."

"The legendary Jack Cohen staying on the straight and narrow? I never thought I would see the day."

"Can we just talk about your potential Elite Title participants? This is what the higher ups mandated."

I let out an annoyed huff.

"Okay, where to begin? Well none of them were good enough to secure an actual match at Gold Rush, so I'd say in that regard I'm already two hundred percent better than all of them since I have two matches. Let's get into some specifics though. Here let's see who is even on the roster these days. Dirk Buchanan, well I admire his desire to help people and get them to improve but that's all horse shit. I tried for years to get Matt Tastic to change and you see where that got me. Then we got Zhanshi. He's Japanese, like anime, and no one into that weeb shit ever won a fight ever. That reminds me, did you know Matt Tastic like anime? FOr years that was the only personality he had. I did my best to change that but he stills walks around likes hes mad that girls won't date him. Annie Halloway. I've never lost to a girl one on one, so next. I mean she's into computers and all that jazz, so was Matt. You wouldn't know it because all he ever talked about was how mad he was. I'd say he was mad he has a small dick, but no. I'd seen Matt naked plenty of times. Dude was my best friend after all. Speaking of best friends, Keith Kole doesn't have any. He seems like the type of guy to steal the Mulan cause from his McDonald's job and brag about it while getting drunk at high at ten in the morning. Matt used to work fast food. He hated it and I used to tease him about it. Oddly enough he never worked at Taco Bell. Probably for the best since that shit got old fast according to everyone. Believe me, people were never shy about telling me that. Then we got Alice Adams, the girl I just beat. Hell I beat her and Kole in back to back weeks. I respect her for trying her best for her kids though. My mom worked hard for me, so I respect her one hundred percent. Matt was never close to his family. Other than Grandpa Tastic. I always liked the old man. He could give you insight into Matt like few others could. I miss him, I won't lie. Then we have, lets see...."

"I think you got your point across Mikey."

"Nah famn, I ain't done yet. We have more to go. We got Grindhouse. Yeah, he still exists. Surprised me too. Sure he's a big mother, but Ramparte is his handler and that guy is a transsexual vampire into getting his ass eaten, so he ain't tough. Speaking of non traditional genders and sexual preferences, how many times did people joke Matt and I were gay? Man that never got old. We got Stevie Broon. A cop in a fight in Washington, DC. That's what this company needs, so he's out. Shame too, as a loose cannon cop fighting me would be a lot like Matt. Dude was completely unhinged and never in his right mind. I think they fired Randy Studd, but you can never be sure. I saved Matt from getting fired once. They ever tell you that? He broke a finger punching a wall, so I requested a tag match that night instead of our singles matches. Stayed in the ring nearly the whole time. Matt got the pin though, and all the credit. Who else? Vega! Oh man, the world's worst secret agent. He was on Interpol's most wanted list and showed his face on TV each week. What an idiot! I do admire his desire to atone for his past sins and turn his life around though. Matt could never do that. I tried. Believe me I tried. But there was always a part of the old asshole Matt that never died. I think that about covers it, unless they pull some legend out of their ass to surprise us all. Some recently retired legend or some long forgotten former champion who is making a comeback. Just stay gone. I've been here since day one. It took a broken back to pull me away, and even before my rehab time was up I had management begging me back. WZCW is my lifeblood. WZCW is more like a hobby for Matt. He needs to hang it up."

Jack reached over and grabbed my arm.

"This interview is getting out of hand. Are you okay? You better not be trying to sandbag me!"

I slapped Jack's hand away as I jumped to my feet. The entire crew were looking at me. I swallowed hard.

"Jack, can we take five? When we get back I have something I need to confess to you. To confess to everyone."

Jack asked for a quick break and I got out of the room. I let out a large sigh. I knew this had to be done, but it would not be easy.
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