Goldberg shots at Raven Roman Big Show - and saying Russo was a PLANT!

The problem that people forget with Goldberg is that his head got pumped up by Bischoff and Company that he would be WCW's savior. Problem was that he wasn't, and the rest of the place resented him for it. Can you blame Raven for being pissed at Goldberg for not paying his dues in the Squared Circle? Can you blame fans for despising him for acting like he is the second coming of Ric Flair? No, you can't. And, this interview only adds gasoline to the blaze.

As for Russo being a plant: Surely he is kidding. The problem with Russo was that he did not have somebody with a long track record screaming "HALT!" when he came up with hairbrained ideas. Was he one of the architects of the Attitude Era? Sure, but he also took from others. ECW anyone? Look at his tenure with TNA. How many times have we blasted Russo for some of the stuff on Impact? Was he a plant there, too?

Ol' Billy boy really needs to just stop, enjoy his money, and move on. Even if he came back, it would be like a tree in the forest when nobody is around. Would anyone care if it fell?
I'd not be surprised at all if Russo was a plant, but my default position on conspiracies is that the person spouting them is just offtilt, with Goldberg the way he is ALL THE TIME, how would we ever know?

Facts on the ground are, Russo did everything at turbo pace, there was no build to anything they did and it seemed like you'd have to be on ritalin to keep up with it all. He made ludicrous matches that had no bearing in reality(as we know it in the wrestling world) and he handed the title to everyone and his dog. I am not surprised David Arquette and Russo himself got the title as anyone who showed up at an event seemed to get ahold of it, quite surprised some of the arena security guys didn't end up with a title reign as well.

When he returned to the WWE, it didn't work out well and that leads me to believe it wasn't a plant. Hell, he was offering $125,000/year to answer the phone when they needed to bounce an idea off him and turned it down.

A few things about Vince Russo:-

Number one, he was the head writer of WWE during 1998-99, during the Attitude Era, the most successful era in WWE history. So, he deserves some credit for that.

Goldberg not liking him and not wanting to work for him doesn't mean anything. I get the impression Goldberg doesn't like anyone or care about anyone who doesn't treat him like a wrestling god.

I actually enjoyed Russo's stints in WCW. I found the "Powers That Be" storyline really well, and him sitting behind a desk, with his back to camera, was probably modelled on the George Steinbrenner character in "Seinfeld". Also, him deciding matches which punished his enemies, is no different to the Authority storyline.

Also, putting Jarrett, Booker T and others was actually a good thing. People had complained about the same old guys on top, so he gave title shots to guys who would never have got them when Hogan and co were there. At least Russo stood up to Hulk Hogan, and called him out on-air. Also, would Booker T have been a HoFer and Legend if he hadn't been a "five time, five time, champion" in WCW.

The David Arquette title reign was misguided, but the story goes that Russo did it to get mainstream attention, and Arquette appeared with his title in mainstream mags. Russo, in one way, was right. The media show no interest in wrestling, unless you use someone from Hollywood to promote it. Vince does it all the time. Maybe it would have been better to give Arquette a lesser title, but at least WCW got some mianstream publicity.

I think Russo's main problem is that he doesn't play nice with others. He sounds, by all reports, like a prick, so most people in the industry don't like him. He also stood up to Hulk Hogan, so I would not be surprised if Hogan retaliated by destroying Russo's reputation to anyone who would listen. No one stands up to the almighty Hulk Hogan, or they will pay for it with their reputation and career.

So, Russo is far from perfect, but I think that WCW had no hope of surviving long before Russo set foot there.

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