Goldberg shots at Raven Roman Big Show - and saying Russo was a PLANT!


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Bill Goldberg blasts Raven, claims Russo was a plant.

Confrontation with Raven on the bus:

I'll never forget; I'm riding with Kevin Nash and...what's his name, one of the wrestlers... god he had the flock....Raven. Raven was riding with us, and I go to sit in the front seat and he goes "oh hold on a second". He goes "you gotta pay your dues". And I turn around and I said "listen b---h. I payed my dues by being on the football field and having two to three hundred pound dudes trying to rip my head off every play. So if you don't want to consider that as paying my dues then you and I, we're going to have to throw down."

On Vince Russo:

"I believe a part of the demise of WCW was the dips--t that we got from WWE. The writer, Vince Russo. I mean he was a moron through and through. He may have been successful at putting, you know wrestling shows together in the past, but I believe he was a plant. I think he was sent down to turn us, you know to make us go downhill. And I thought some of his ideas were, some of his ideas were asinine and ridiculous. And he and I, we didn't see eye to eye on anything whatsoever. And so I think he was a contributing factor to the demise of the company."

Reigns and Big Show using the spear in the WWE and the worst spear he's ever seen by another wrestler:

"You're kidding right? Oh my god. Just pardon me for a second, I'm gonna throw up.

In all honesty I don't watch these guys. I don't watch wrestling, I don't watch these guys spear people. I can't do it."

Who's idea it was for Goldberg to punch in the limo window on Thunder that injured him for 5 months:

"Mine. It was a pure act of set of rage. That's all It was. I got in a confrontation with Scott Hall earlier in the night. I wanted to rip his head from his body and I took it upon myself to do something absolutely ignorant and go on the fly and try and be superman, and I unfortunately got hurt throughout the process. And you know it's all good. I only came within a centimetre of losing the use of my arm, but it was the highest rated segment on network television."

If there's any chance of one last run in the WWE:

"Hey, if they want to do business and do it right, I'm more than willing to listen. If they want to continue to do what they've done with me in the past. I'd rather dig a ditch."

Russo must have been a plant. Putting the title on David fucking Arquette - and even the world heavyweight title on HIMSELF!

And pushing Jeff Jarret having the world heavyweigt title that couldn't draw shit. All this crazy storylines he made.

It wouldn't be suprise me at all.
This all just makes Goldberg look bad himself. Why would he even go on the record saying this stuff.

First he insults Raven who was at that time a veteran in the business and had a great mind for the business. He disrespects him by not even knowing his name which shows that Goldberg doesn't know wrestling, never studied his profession etc.

Then he says he paid his dues on a football're not playing football anymore Bill! Just because I'm a manager where I work doesn't mean I can be a manager don't always start at the top buddy.

So he's disrespecting veterans and refusing to accept his position in the lockerroom. Then he goes on to admit that his own dumbass almost cost him his arm by not doing what he was told to do. And then basicly says that he will work for WWE again if they treat him like a god and he doesn't have to put anyone over or help the company in any way other then being the top guy that can't be stopped.

I know it wasn't said in those.words but its pretty obvious what he means when he refers to what they did to him in the past. Yeah Bill, beating HHH at the peak of his career for the world title and getting to face Brock at mania. They just crapped all over you huh?

Its obvious Bill thinks he's bigger then he is. Yes he was over as f--- back in the day, but he never earned it. He didn't have good matches. He didn't have good promos. He didn't have good storylines other then the winning streak. He never became the legend he thinks he is.

He had the ability to do so if he really worked for it, but he did not care about the business enough.

I never had much respect for Goldberg despite actually enjoying him in WCW for some odd reason....but now I have lost any respect that might have been hidden deep down inside.

As far as the Russo comments.....I can't argue that one. Russo was crap in wcw ....FACT
All this does is make Bill Goldberg look exactly what a lot of people from back in the day have claimed about him: an entitled turd that was always a huge mark for himself.

As far as his comments to Raven, Raven was in the right. Goldberg never paid any friggin' dues and it's laughable to hear him try to claim otherwise. He played for a total of 14 games during his entire career. Just because he was a low level, nobody in pro football who made a handful of tackles in his career doesn't mean he paid any dues when it comes to pro wrestling. Goldberg had success in WCW handed to him on a silver platter.

As far as his comments on Big Show & Reigns, I agree that they can't deliver the spear as well as Goldberg did. They just happen to be much better than him in just about every other area though. As for his comment about not watching wrestling, of course Goldberg doesn't watch wrestling, I'm not at all surprised by that. You have to be a fan and Goldberg never really was. He was an ex football player who thought it'd be an easy way to make a lot of money. He was smart enough to know that he had a good look that was marketable and that WCW believed the bread & butter was the 250+ pound crowd.

As far as his comments about working another match in WWE, it's pretty much the same old song & dance. Goldberg will wrestle, but it'll have to be for a lot of money and he won't wanna put anyone over. He & WWE have sat down several times over the years, but they've never been able to come to terms. While I don't know the exact monetary figure, you have to believe that it's probably pretty outrageous for WWE to pass on it. I think that Goldberg basically wants WWE to pay him a lot of money, not have him lose his WrestleMania match, collect his big paycheck and say something like "Thanks a lot, chumps. Call me if you ever wanna give money away again."

Goldberg was a gimmick in & of itself, he had the undefeated streak. WCW marketed Goldberg well and they made sure most of his matches were 2 minute squash jobs in which he looked like a beast. Once the streak ended, once you saw him in a match that went past 7 or 8 minutes, you saw just how lousy he really was. I think the greatness of Goldberg's streak, his ability and his overall contributions to wrestling have been pretty overblown over the years. I don't deny that he was a big star for a while but, in all honesty, the guy just really wasn't all that good. He was a big guy with a lotta muscles that got big pushes despite not being able to talk on the mic or being all that good in the ring. It might be worth Goldberg coming back, now that I think of it, if he were to get the same treatment as Batista because Goldberg & Batista are two guys cut from the exact same cloth.
Bill Goldberg blasts Raven, claims Russo was a plant.

Russo must have been a plant. Putting the title on David fucking Arquette - and even the world heavyweight title on HIMSELF!

And pushing Jeff Jarret having the world heavyweigt title that couldn't draw shit. All this crazy storylines he made.

It wouldn't be suprise me at all.

This guy is such a clown, it's incredible. Basically everything he said right there makes him look like a dumb asshole.

He has a point on Russo being AWFUL in WCW, though the plant thing sounds a bit far fetched.

Everything else is just dumb, ignorant, arrogance. What a clown. Disrespecting a veteran Raven like that.....and he thinks he was in the right for that?

He likes to rip on and blame others......but he should also be giving WCW credit for MAKING him a star. Let's be honest, Goldberg himself sucked. He sucked at wrestling. He sucked at talking. He sucked at performing. He was big and strong and had the look. And WCW built him into an unstoppable monster with his undefeated streak. They gave him an epic entrance that was perfect. It was all smoke and mirrors with very little substance, because once the streak wasn't there and he had to move beyond squashing everyone in 5 minutes or less, he flopped. He couldn't stand on his own two. Little talent. He should be so GRATEFUL for WCW making him such an enormous star.
Goldberg is a piece of shit and i dont say that about a lot of the talent past or present.. He felt entitled and always felt like he was bigger than the business itself.. I knew back then everyone was over inflating him,making him bigger than he really was..

He is worse than Batista in-ring wise,and a total jackass.. Raven was in the absolute right in saying he had to pay his dues. This wasn't football thsi was wrestling.. Im surprised Raven didnt pop him in the mouth for that along with others. Goldberg on the football field played what 5 games or so.. Big Whoop.

He got everything handed to him and was a self-centered asshole. He never appreciated shit. He wont ever put anyone over,wants to have the keys to the kingdom and the money to go with it! If the WWE says no thank you,you gotta figure he asked for an outrageous sum of money.. At least Batista is honest about what he wants
Well Arn Anderson has also gone on record saying Vince McMahon sent Russo down to WCW to kill it, so Goldberg's not alone in that theory.
I have no idea why WWE would have any interest in him in the first place. He's been out of wrestling for almost 11 years. He's old. He was a guy who caught lightning in the bottle for a little while. It's over and done with. Guys like him can't come back and recreate it. See Ultimate Warriors comebacks in WWF and later WCW. Once it's over for guys like's over. Goldberg has been gone MUCH longer and is much older than Warrior was too. Absolutely zero reason to want him back. I doubt many would care.
You know what ruined WCW for me? Goldberg. He's an overrated, entitled piece of shit that never had any business being in a wrestling ring. He's never wrestled a great match, never cut a great promo, and doesn't have a single memorable feud to his name. He never helped get anyone over, and anyone he worked with came out of it looking worse. The only skill he ever displayed was being able to get himself over through squash matches (at the expense of the rest of the roster), which pretty much anyone can do. His biggest impact on the wrestling industry was a negative one: ending the career of Bret Hart, one of the best workers of all time. Any time Bill Goldberg appeared on my television in the 90's, I changed the channel. The only thing he brought to the table was predictability. For me, the decline of WCW started the second someone decided it was a good idea to have the entire roster get squashed for the sake of putting over that entitled jackass.

I'm far from a Vince Russo fan, but Russo easily contributed more to pro-wrestling than Goldberg (being one of the architects of the Attitude era). And David Arquette winning the WCW title sucked, but it entertained me more than anything Bill Goldberg ever did.
I'd not be surprised at all if Russo was a plant, but my default position on conspiracies is that the person spouting them is just offtilt, with Goldberg the way he is ALL THE TIME, how would we ever know?

Facts on the ground are, Russo did everything at turbo pace, there was no build to anything they did and it seemed like you'd have to be on ritalin to keep up with it all. He made ludicrous matches that had no bearing in reality(as we know it in the wrestling world) and he handed the title to everyone and his dog. I am not surprised David Arquette and Russo himself got the title as anyone who showed up at an event seemed to get ahold of it, quite surprised some of the arena security guys didn't end up with a title reign as well.

When he returned to the WWE, it didn't work out well and that leads me to believe it wasn't a plant. Hell, he was offering $125,000/year to answer the phone when they needed to bounce an idea off him and turned it down.
This is Goldberg being Goldberg. He never respected wrestling and never will.

The Russo plant is funny. If Russo was planted he would have been with the WWE right after WCW died. He came back for a very short stint and that was it. The thing is Vince never needed anyone to take WCW down because the people who wrestled and ran WCW did a great job of it.
I doubt the plant idea as well. I think Russo has, or had at the time, lots of ideas- but many worked and others failed. In the WWE, he had to answer to Vince. in WCW, he didn't have to worry about that. I also suspect that he used up the majority of his creative energy during his first tenure at the WWE, so was running off rejected ideas and fumes of past ideas by the time he got the WCW.

WCW was already losing badly in the Monday Night Wars by the time Russo got on board anyway, so a plant seems unnecessary...especially as WcW might've survived if it wasn't for the Turner-AOL merger.
The ratings in WCW were falling before Vince Russo joined, I'm not completely defending him as I think the lowest moment in wrestling came when David Arquette won the world title which may not have been his idea but happened while he was in charge but he did seem like the only guy in charge there for a while who actually pushed new talent like Booker T, Jeff Jarrett and Big Poppa Pump to the main event level.
As for Goldberg he may not have really paid his dues I don't agree that football dues count towards wrestling dues in that theory working anywhere could count towards paying wrestling dues but his character was over and probably had one of the best looks in wrestling of anyone he just looked like a huge unbeatable, unstoppable tough guy, Guys like Malenko or Guerrero as much as I like them were probably more deserving of that main event spot but I don't think they could ever have been as over as Goldberg at that time.
I've always enjoyed that crackpot theory it ranks up there with Chris Benoit and his family was murdered by Kevin Sullivan. The most logical fallacy of the Russo was a plant conspiracy being, that if Russo was a plant how come he never went back to WWE after it was all said and done?
To be fair, there was no real reason for Goldberg to pay his dues. He had everything that the gimmick required and it wouldn't have worked with anyone else, nor would it have worked if he 'paid his dues'. If anything, I think some wrestlers take that too far.
Goldberg was the wcw answer to Austin. Black tights bald and all attitude. It was Kevin Sullivan who knew his promos were awful and hid all his faults by not talking and no selling everything. Guy was terrible but happened to catch on at the right time. He needs to realize he didnt create anything he just happened to get extremely lucky at the right moment. His arrogance is the reason no one takes him seriously cuz he never even took the time to study his own craft.
Goldberg need to let it go. Russo and WCW are irrelevant. For all that talk he talks about getting in the ring so his kid can see, he isn't making it easier being bitter.
Goldberg was the wcw answer to Austin. Black tights bald and all attitude. It was Kevin Sullivan who knew his promos were awful and hid all his faults by not talking and no selling everything. Guy was terrible but happened to catch on at the right time. He needs to realize he didnt create anything he just happened to get extremely lucky at the right moment. His arrogance is the reason no one takes him seriously cuz he never even took the time to study his own craft.

If black tights make you Austin, then most of the WCW roster was Austin.
That interview confirms each and every last thing that makes me hate that stupid steroid freak bitch.

Oh, and thanks for ending the career of one of the greatest in-ring performers in Wrestling history.
This just makes Goldberg look foolish. Alot of wrestling fans already don't respect him, and this will only make even more negative opinions of him.

Russo wasn't a plant. In WWE he had Vince McMahon to filter his ideas, and for every 10 good ideas we saw onscreen, he probably had twice as many that were shot down by McMahon for being too "out-there", so we saw the best of Russo on WWE TV. In WCW, he didn't have this and could do whatever he wanted, so all his ideas made it to TV, and yes some of them were terrible. But, he wasn't sent by WWE- even if some of the terrible booking could have made it look like he was. Russo ruined his own reputation in WCW, surely by now he'd have revealed he was a plant if that was indeed the case.

Goldberg is totally wrong in the way he acted to Raven too. He never paid any dues in wrestling and was immediately given a monster push in WCW, despite not really knowing how to work- the match with William Regal showed that he had little to no actual wrestling ability. Raven was a veteran who didn't deserve to be disrespected by Goldberg, and thinking playing another sport means that you've "paid your dues" in the wrestling business is ridiculous. If I changed my career to something entirely different, I'd have to earn the respect of others before anything else, why should Goldberg be any different.

I think its ridiculous that he claims he was badly treated in WWE. He was there for a year, feuded with and beat most of the top stars and won the World Title. He clearly believes that he should have been allowed to squash everyone as he did in WCW. What a joke.
It's not the first time Goldberg has made some ignorant comments. The guy comes off as a total ass. He thinks so highly of himself. He really thinks he was the god of WCW and professional wrestling in the 90s. He was entertaining, for a while. He got repetitive, and his whole WWE run was just a joke in general. If all the stories about him in WCW are true as far as him not wanting to lose to anyone, or that stuff that Y2J mentioned in his books. "I don't do comedy." and that bit. He's a jerk. He's arrogant, pompous, just.. meh.

Onto the point though, Russo very well could have been a plant, I give him that. That makes a lot of sense. There was no way his ideas were that crappy on their own in WCW, he couldn't have exhausted his brain power that quick. I do think that may be a legitimate theory. As far as anything else Goldberg says, I couldn't care less.
He's not the first WCW guy to say they thought Russo was a plant, I've heard guys like Flair, Dusty and a few others say similar, though most concluded that he was probably just rubbish at his job. Vince even brought it up in a recent Monday Night Wars episode and said he's heard people say that.

Personally I think the guy was just in over his head. WCW hired him because they thought he was the guy who ran WWF at the time and let him run with the ball when he was nowhere near ready or capable of doing so. He was no Vince McMahon or Eric Bischoff, he was a writer who was put in a management position without the proper experience or training.
Raven is a moron. Stuck up his own arse....I remember a UK documentary about WCW where he got shirty with the presenter for not knowing who he was. It was pathetic. I wish Godlberg had have knocked his emo fucking head of.

As for Russo being a plant, he was that awful that folk actually believe this could be true haha. I think what you guys need to remember is Russo worked for TNA with Hogan and Bischoff. Nothing is sacred in business and if Russo was a plant someone would have let the cat out of the bag by now and there is no way Russo would be let near a company under Bischoff and Hogans watch.
Raven is a moron. Stuck up his own arse....I remember a UK documentary about WCW where he got shirty with the presenter for not knowing who he was. It was pathetic.

That was one of Louis Theroux's Weird Weekends and I remember Raven complaining about Louis not knowing him and saying that he should have done his homework before shooting the programme.

The programme in question (very good series and Louis Theroux is one of the best docu makers around) was set around taking a somewhat geeky Londoner and putting him in places and situations that he had no knowledge or experience of. So he went to Vegas to hang out in brothels, hung out with Neo-Nazis and went to check out professional wrestling, not just WCW either but an indie fed as well.

Well worth a watch but yeah, Raven came across very badly in that exchange

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