Going to be a daddy.


Pre-Show Stalwart
Yep, they have decided to deliver the baby, we were given the option of trying to wait to get to 32 weeks, but because of her heart condition we have decided to have them deliver the baby tommorow.

Should be rough but she has been extremely strong so far not worried about the baby as much as her mother, they wanna let her rest up a week before they go in to fix her heart.

Should be more nervous about being a father but unfortunatlely she will probably be in an incubator for at least two maybe even three weeks, so I won't even be able to hold her :(.
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You will be in my thoughts and I hope the delivery goes through with every success.
Good luck and best wishes, hope all goes well.

And remember, 2 or 3 weeks is very little time out of a long and healthy lifetime. Stay strong and be patient.
Awesome!! Good luck buddy, I'm sure everything will turn out great. As cheesy as it may sound, my thoughts will be with you man, best of luck.
YOu guys know that telling people you're going to pray for them has a negative affect on survival rates, right? doesn't really apply here because the baby doesn't know, but it's worth bearing in mind anyway. by all means pray for people, but telling them that you will is not such a great idea.

seriously though, I hope that everything does turn out ok.

They were supposed to take her off of her blood thinners an someone forgot to note it on her chart.

Now we get to wait until Tuesday. Love hospitals on the weekends.
YOu guys know that telling people you're going to pray for them has a negative affect on survival rates, right? doesn't really apply here because the baby doesn't know, but it's worth bearing in mind anyway. by all means pray for people, but telling them that you will is not such a great idea.

seriously though, I hope that everything does turn out ok.

I was just trying to do something nice. :shrug:

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