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Goddam is the Miz all we have?


Big Boot, Leg Drop, 1....2....3
How terrible is RAW? But how great has the Miz been? Jesus H. Christ his 60 second promo was the best and most entertaining part of the show tonight. Am I alone here? Please tell me I am not the only one who thinks this.

Bragging rights is coming up and now with the US vs IC title match announced, I can honestly say that is the only thing I am looking forward to. I do not give two shits about the rest of the card....maybe the 7 on 7, but if I miss it, I won't lose any sleep.

Miz gets such a great reaction from the crowd, and it gets better and better. His swagger tank is full and he is rolling right now. His catch phrase is catching on with the live crowd and they are eating it up. Is the Miz the ONLY reason to watch RAW right now? Holy shit that show is bad.
Nope....I'd rather watch Swagger than Miz but that's mainly a matter of personal preference. RAW isn't that terrible so I want you to enlighten me to why you think this why. This episode of RAW hasn't been bad except for Jillian losing the title.
ya its true raw sucks. i kinda liked the jericho v bigshow thing at the begining but after that its been total shit. but really i didnt hear anything from the crowd about the match at bragging rights its like they didnt even care. and i acctually just posted a thread about this match.
Nope....I'd rather watch Swagger than Miz but that's mainly a matter of personal preference. RAW isn't that terrible so I want you to enlighten me to why you think this why. This episode of RAW hasn't been bad except for Jillian losing the title.

I don't want to make this into a RAW bashing thread, I'll save that for the RAW thread. I want to discuss how the Miz is the most entertaining character on the entire show and how his segments actually entertain me...one of the main reasons is I'm interested in what he is going to do next.

Swagger is acceptable and yes that is a matter of preference, but I would take the Miz over him. Swagger is good in the ring, not so fun at this point on the mic. Other than making an argument for Swagger which I will accept...is there any segments on RAW that you look forward to or actually enjoy more than the Miz's right now?
I've actually enjoyed this episode of Raw all around, except that the opening segment went WAY too long. The JeriShow stuff was good, the host has been interesting, a good match from Bourne/Kofi, and actually enjoyed the Cena/Legacy Triple Threat. It's not like it's Attitude Era quality, but it's been pretty darned good.
I absolutely agree.. Bragging rights is a complete rip off. I hope survivor series wont be this awful. Im only looking forward towards morrison and miz as well.. why couldnt they put kingston up against bourne that would tear the roof off the place if it would last longer then 5 minutes. I dont care about the fatal 4 way Undertaker and Batista are likely to win. if this is the best that the mcmahons and wwe can do then im terribly disappointed. They have got incredible talent but they are doing a horrible job.
Vince does have a talent roter TNA would die for, the problem is all you marks sit and complain about RAW, Smackdown and the WWE but you still plant your ass in front of the TV every Monday to watch RAW, Vince isn't going to change nothing, he knows he can put on a crap show and all that will happen is you all will tune in watch and come on here and complain about it, how about organize a Blackout, where everyone who you know tune out that night, don't watch it, don't tune in, and don't record it. Vince drops in ratings down to a 1.0 -to 2. he'll have to change the show, but when he's scoring high 3.5+ he doesn't have to do nothing but sit and watch his bank account get fatter! DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT OR QUIT BITCHING LIKE LITTLE GIRLS ABOUT HOW BAD RAW,DX, HHH'S COMEDY AND EVERYTHING ELSE YOU DON'T LIKE AND COME HERE AND ALL COMPLAIN ABOUT!
I guess Raw is alright if you can sit through all the cheesy DX and Hornswoggle comedy gags. JeriShow and the tease of a Legacy split up is the only real entertaining thing on Raw right now. The Miz and Swagger would be next. Swagger is good in the ring but he can't cut a promo to save his life. The Miz isn't that great in the ring, but he is over and is a natural on the mic.

I don't know what they are doing with MVP or Evan Bourne. That's another story. Raw just has so many wrestlers and celebrities, lots of them get lost in the shuffle. I do see great things for The Miz though, I no longer see him as Marty Jannety. Raw is just in a stale period. I think we will see fresh feuds and new stars shining here in the next few months.
I do like the Miz but I really dont want to see this match. Why cant ex tag team partners just stay friends? Also I gotta think Miz is going to be jobbed out in this match because WWE seems much higher on Morrison.
I really hope that WWE didn't just throw the title on Miz to have him lose to Morrison at the PPV. I'm sure that a lot of people think that Morrison will win, but I hope that they put Miz over so he can get even more momentum going for his character on Raw.

But as far as Raw being crappy as a whole, I just think if WWE would plan the show a little better, I don't think there would be a problem. Think of all the time that they spend on the guest hosts (which is a good concept) and then all the time that Chavo/Hornswoggle suface (but they seem to be swaying away from that now) I just think that people get lost in the mix on Raw, as everyone knows...Masters, Bourne, Carlito, and now Kofi may be tossed to the wayside after the PPV.

Overall, I don't think Raw is as terrible as everyone makes it out to be.
The Miz is the more entertaining heel on RAW right now; Orton and Jericho talk way too long about the same egotistical crap for me to enjoy their roles. However, John Morrison is getting, or was getting, a much bigger push than The Miz is. Don't forget that Morrison has somewhat recently defeated a current world champion in C.M. Punk. I see the two of them having a great match, and maybe even rekindling the bromance to heat the tag team circuit up again. Morrison's going to win it, though.
Vince does have a talent roter TNA would die for, the problem is all you marks sit and complain about RAW, Smackdown and the WWE but you still plant your ass in front of the TV every Monday to watch RAW, Vince isn't going to change nothing, he knows he can put on a crap show and all that will happen is you all will tune in watch and come on here and complain about it, how about organize a Blackout, where everyone who you know tune out that night, don't watch it, don't tune in, and don't record it. Vince drops in ratings down to a 1.0 -to 2. he'll have to change the show, but when he's scoring high 3.5+ he doesn't have to do nothing but sit and watch his bank account get fatter! DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT OR QUIT BITCHING LIKE LITTLE GIRLS ABOUT HOW BAD RAW,DX, HHH'S COMEDY AND EVERYTHING ELSE YOU DON'T LIKE AND COME HERE AND ALL COMPLAIN ABOUT!

Then what the FUCK is the point of a message board for wrestling fans douchebag? My wife and I watch wrestling every Monday as sort of a "tradition" if you will. We put the children to bed for school at 9, then sit on the couch have a nice meal, talk about our day, life, or what have you and wrestling is the show of choice that we put on. Whether we like it or not for that night is not the point here...its OUR FUCKING SHOW. Stop posting about shit you know nothing about and stop assuming I'm some smark ass child who is just ranting. I've been watching RAW and as of late the Miz is all the show has going. Disagree if you may, but that's my stance. I may take breaks and not watch it if its really awful (ZZ Top episode), but for the most part I'm going to tune in with my wife every Monday and we are going to dissect the show all we want. Problem with that? So the fuck what.
I love the miz was my faviorite guy on the WWE roster since he signed with the WWE. He is tallented on the mic better in the ring now then any non highflier on raw and also garners allot of heat. Miz is awesome, he is raw right now because wwe is deciding to beat a dead horse at the main event (cena/orton) and miz is at the top of the mid card so he instantly becomes the most intresting. DX is cheesy and I hope they drop their crap I think its only entertaining to 4 year olds and dosn't help them sell their shit since the hardys do no plugging and still sell more items. Jericho dosn't belong to Raw and should just go back to where he bellongs, hell, I mean smackdown, I'm sick of his whinning, I can understand what he says since I am a college student with a pretty large vocabulary but I dont get how any person with less education and especially the kids understand the words out of his mouth, oh and he dosn't even use the words correctly all the time, he's not intresting and annoying as shit, go back to smackdown and please be a face again. Anyway, Once Legacy breaks up which looks like a deffinite then raw will have more then Miz but right now he is all they have that is half bit intresting.
How terrible is RAW? But how great has the Miz been? Jesus H. Christ his 60 second promo was the best and most entertaining part of the show tonight. Am I alone here? Please tell me I am not the only one who thinks this.

Bragging rights is coming up and now with the US vs IC title match announced, I can honestly say that is the only thing I am looking forward to. I do not give two shits about the rest of the card....maybe the 7 on 7, but if I miss it, I won't lose any sleep.

Miz gets such a great reaction from the crowd, and it gets better and better. His swagger tank is full and he is rolling right now. His catch phrase is catching on with the live crowd and they are eating it up. Is the Miz the ONLY reason to watch RAW right now? Holy shit that show is bad.

I have to disagree with you and strongly. I have never been a huge fan of The Miz and I have never really taken to his gimmick, which just happens to be "cocky heel". Wow! That really is inventive. Nevertheless, I can see where he is coming from and I am beginning to find him less and less repulsive as the weeks go by.

As for Raw last night, I thought it was a very good show. I thought that the DX segments were quality and I also thought that the matches that took place and the story angles that unfolded last night were very good. Raw has been just floating along recently and I didn't even watch last weeks edition. The point being that last night's Raw was a step in the right direction. It was humerous and a lot of things got done.

The Miz was not the shining star that you make him out to be. His promo lasted about one minute and all he did was get over the fact that he would be wrestling Morrison. Woohoo! The point is, the Miz is good and one of the brightes stars around but the show last night was a good all round performance from everyone who was involved...

Except the divas, of course.
I'm a big fan of the Miz, but I'd say he's far from the only reason to watch. With guys like Kofi, Evan Bourne, ack Swagger, and yes, Mark Henry in the mid-card, there's plenty of reason to tune in and see what happens. I'm not the biggest fan of anything going on with Orton and Cena, and DX has grown stale to me, but they're all still legit main event talents.

RAW has a great roster following all the draft picks and trades, they just need to book it a little better. I'll be very upset if we go to Mania with the main feud still involving HHH, Orton, HBK, and Cena.
I really gotta say that last night's Raw was a very, very solid program. Miz's promo was good but it wasn't the most entertaining part of the night by any stretch of the imagination. I even think the Diva segment was great and unpredictable (plus I'm a big Melina fan) but I really think it was a good, unpredictable show where the writers worked hard. Shows like that have been rare nowadays let's face it. I really expected to fast forward through the whole show on my DVR. I honestly did, based on the past few weeks. But I did not forward through one single segment even though I expected to every time a new segment would begin. John Cena, Legacy, DX, definiately Jerisho, Kingston, Bourne, Divas, guest hosts....you name it, every segment was at least decent.

And I like the Miz but he reminds me of Christian (specifically before he went to TNA)....no matter how much he gets over on the mic, he just will never, eeeeeever be a main eventer in the WWE so don't get your expectations too high on him.
I am the Miz.. and im AWESOME

he really is one of the best reasons to watch Raw atm and yes i also see him sadly jobbing out to JoMo at BR since they have pushed him so hard lately.. I was actually annoyed that he didn't have a match last night and was thinking "were not even gonna get a kiss my ass speech from the new US champ?" and he came out near the end.

Yes RAW was pretty good last night.. but its honestly the first time in a while that has been that entertaining in a while period and the others that were listed:

Kofi - Never says a word on the mic that only gets you so far and hes becoming stale in the ring with the same stuff over and over again

Evan Bourne- Is it me or have they done nothing with him since he came to RAW? He honestly has become nothing but a crappy jobber when he was riding a lot of momentum in ECW

Swagger - We basically already know hes prob not going to loose another match this year and will prob be the one to be the miz for his title since he has that whole "im going undefeated for the rest of the year" crap going on..

MVP - Sigh what happend to mvp.. I loved him on SD! should have never moved him and I bet he could be in the world title hunt by now.. since they put him on RAW he lost the US belt in like the first month and himself is basically back on a loosing streak and a Jobber to ppl like swagger

So in other words yes miz is really one of the only reasons to watch RAW right now
I am the Miz.. and im AWESOME

he really is one of the best reasons to watch Raw atm and yes i also see him sadly jobbing out to JoMo at BR since they have pushed him so hard lately.. I was actually annoyed that he didn't have a match last night and was thinking "were not even gonna get a kiss my ass speech from the new US champ?" and he came out near the end.

Yes RAW was pretty good last night.. but its honestly the first time in a while that has been that entertaining in a while period and the others that were listed:

Kofi - Never says a word on the mic that only gets you so far and hes becoming stale in the ring with the same stuff over and over again

Evan Bourne- Is it me or have they done nothing with him since he came to RAW? He honestly has become nothing but a crappy jobber when he was riding a lot of momentum in ECW

Swagger - We basically already know hes prob not going to loose another match this year and will prob be the one to be the miz for his title since he has that whole "im going undefeated for the rest of the year" crap going on..

MVP - Sigh what happend to mvp.. I loved him on SD! should have never moved him and I bet he could be in the world title hunt by now.. since they put him on RAW he lost the US belt in like the first month and himself is basically back on a loosing streak and a Jobber to ppl like swagger

So in other words yes miz is really one of the only reasons to watch RAW right now

Miz is hardly going to job to Morrison if you do know what the correct usage of "job" is.

The Miz was merely a footnote on RAW last night. Everything was going fine on RAW and the Miz's one minute contribution did nothing to help or hurt the episode. The Miz is doing good and that's all I can ask for now.

If Kofi is becoming too stale, how about everyone else since they do the same things over and over.
Are you kidding me? I saw NOTHING special about that promo. Just your typical, average promo at best. Yes, the Miz has developed tons since we first saw him, but come on! Raw was much better than I expected it to be. And I think Snoop will be another great host. I just hope he doesn't smoke any blunts before the show or he'll forget what he's doing.
I don't agree with the OP in the least. I felt Raw was a very good show last night. The only thing I didn't really care for was that so much emphasis seemed to be put on the Divas but, other than that, I very much enjoyed the show. With the exception of the whole Divas situation, everything that happened on the show had a reason for happening. Legacy looked strong last night with Rhodes being part of Raw's team at Bragging Rights and DiBiase having a pinfall victory over the reigning WWE Champion. The situation with JeriShow just makes me feel that the Show is a plant that's going to wind up turning on the Raw team as part of a plan Jericho came up with in order to secure a Smackdown victory, the DX skits weren't nearly as corny as they have been. In fact, I actually found them quite bearable. Hornswoggle is doing exactly what he should be doing, used as cheap comedy relief. As long as he's not in the ring taking up time and making other guys look like crap, I consider it very much an improvement.

As for the Miz, I'm personally becoming more impressed with him each week. He grew on me, plain and simple. I no longer see him as just some reality show hack that's just trying to extend his 15 minutes of fame. I have a feeling he'll be a good United States Champion with some entertaining matches ahead of him.

As another poster mentioned, however, if so many think that the WWE is shit then just stop watching. It does beat creating yet another lame bash the WWE post. If enough people that think the show is shitty were to stop watching, then who knows? Things may go more in line with what those viewers watch. I personally feel it's a total cop out claiming that many people watch out of habit more than anything else. I don't understand what's so difficult to believe about liking most of what the WWE is doing. Personally, I think TNA is a jumbled mess with a roster full of wrestlers that I care nothing about and that's why I've all but stopped watching it.
I enjoyed Raw last night too. I just didn't enjoy all the divas matches. Since when do the divas get that much air time? I believe Show is going to screw over Raw in the end. They wouldn't dare break up JeriShow this soon. Although if the WWE is good at one thing...it's breaking up teams too early. The DX bits were good too. I am finally beginning to deal with the cheap plugs of their merchandise.

I personally enjoy the Miz. I have been of fan of his even back to when he was on the Real World. He has to be the most intense person I have ever seen on a reality tv show. I am glad that he finally got to pursue his dream of wrestling in the WWE. I love that he is actually going places in the business. He is currently the United States Champion which is incredible. He is extremely charismatic and I love that the audience his slowly coming on to his catchphrase.

I hate that people bash Raw. I honestly believe that without the guest hosts that everything would have played out in similar fashion though. If you don't like Raw don't watch it. Don't just say you watch it out of habit. There are so many other things you could watch on tv. Stop B/S-ing and admit you like Raw.
i liked raw this past monday night i found it really entertaining actually. Miz was awsome with his promo i thought all the matchs were good i thought the phone call thing at the beginning with dx was kind of cheesy but ending that with the jerishow segment was great but ya i do agree miz is one of the main reasons i tune to raw everyone monday i like seeing what he has to say every monday night
The Miz is almost always the highlight of Raw for me.

That said, I really enjoyed the Trips-JeriShow intro last night.

Miz is awesome but I'm worried that they're rushing a Miz-JoMo feud which has the history and cache to to actually draw over a multi-month run. Unless of course this means unifying the belts, which I'm 100% in favor of. Too many titles.
I'm a big fan of the Miz, but I'd say he's far from the only reason to watch. With guys like Kofi, Evan Bourne, ack Swagger, and yes, Mark Henry in the mid-card, there's plenty of reason to tune in and see what happens. I'm not the biggest fan of anything going on with Orton and Cena, and DX has grown stale to me, but they're all still legit main event talents.

RAW has a great roster following all the draft picks and trades, they just need to book it a little better. I'll be very upset if we go to Mania with the main feud still involving HHH, Orton, HBK, and Cena.

Yeah Night, definitely not the ONLY reason to watch, but in my eyes the most entertaining and interesting character that show has right now. I cannot seem to predict what he will come out and say or do each week, but I do know that whatever it is, I will like it. Kofi and Swagger are just going to wrestle. Bourne is going to job to someone, and the ME Scene is going to be the same until after the PPV. With that said, I have reasons to watch other than the Miz, but the Miz is #1 as of right now as far as my interests go in the program. By the responses on this board it seems a lot of people agree with my statement.

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