Go post in the Hall of Fame section


Unregistered User
This Sunday we'll be releasing the three nominations for the next Hall of Fame inductee, and once they are released you'll have two weeks to debate and vote on which candidate you think is the best option.

There's still time to get your voice heard regarding who we nominate. Head over to the Hall of Fame section and join in the debate on who should be nominated.

This is the thread where most of the discussion has taken place thus far: http://forums.wrestlezone.com/showthread.php?t=168729

But feel free to go and make your own campaign HQ, and get ready for the big debate on who should be the next WreslteZone Hall of Fame inductee.
I made my campaigns for Earl Hebner, Charles Robinson, and Mike Chioda eons ago.

Do I feel like copying and pasting? Stay tuned.
I will vote in the thread, and eventually I will try to post. I'm just worried about getting into some debate with someone because I'm not voting for the old guy, rather I'm voting for who I see as the better guy.
I'm sure there will be plenty of folks on either side of the argument. I know who I plan on choosing, and it's not the old dude.

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