Give A Diva A Gimmick


Championship Contender
Recently Angelina Love said one of the main difference between the Knockouts and Divas is that the Knockouts all have different gimmicks, giving the fans something different to look forward to regarding each Knockout.

With that being said, it's obvious that the Divas are lacking in gimmicks. It's just generic women who do the same sorta thing. You have the standard babyface (e.g Maria), and then you have the standard heel (e.g Maryse).

Why the WWE let Cherry go, who had a gimmick and was over with the fans is beyond me, while generic Divas who get no reaction stay on the roster.

So, here is your chance to do what the WWE Creative Team can't. Give a Diva a gimmick. Prehaps how they would come about this change, any new moves, attire and down to music.

I'll do mine.

Maria - Now she is set in stone as a babyface. So we'll keep her that way. Her as a heel wouldn't go, well, not yet anyway. She needs drastic work on her in-ring ability, so backstage wise I'd pair her up if at all possible with either Molly Holly, or Trish Stratus. Either of these 2 would be perfect to pass on some of their tricks of the trade, and they could teach her more about selling a match.

Move-set wise I'd give her a better finisher. Something that is out of the blue, more technical than anything else, as something like a power finisher dosen't suit her. I think Billy Gunn's finisher was the Fameasser if I'm correct? I'd give her that. Simple yet effective.

Music wise she's ok. Attire wise she's fine. Now as for gimmick wise, everyone knows she designs a lot of her own clothes. So, why not give her a fashion person gimmick? I know it's not great but this is off the top of my head. It can give her an arrogance to herself to help her step away from the babyface roles at times, yet still keeps her a face. Sort of an arrogant face, she could be that. Use something simple. Bret Hart used to give out thousands of glasses during his entrances over the years, have Maria do the same.

The colour of the glasses would have to change depending on her colour of outfit obviously, but to make them hers have a logo on the glasses in the corner or something.

I know it isn't great, but this is off the top of my head.
As a general writer's rule, there's a concept known as the "Four Girl Ensemble". This consists of:

1. Sweet Naïve Ditz
2. Mannish "Deadpan Snarker" (cynical, sarcastic, bit of an antihero, etc)
3. ****ty Casanova
4. Wise Team Mom

So, if we're just talking about the foursome of faces that the WWE seems to have right now on both shows, the way I see it, we have this:

RAW = Mickie (wise team mom), Melina (mannish deadpan snarker), Kelly (sweet naive ditz), Candice (****ty casanova)

SMACKDOWN = Michelle (wise team mom), Maria (sweet naive ditz), the Bellas (?), Eve (?)

UNKNOWN = Tiffany

So clearly, the Bellas and Eve haven't been developed enough to be placed anywhere.

Now this doesn't apply to heels, as antagonists don't need as much of a balance in fiction. They do need SOME balance, but not nearly as much. So, I'll leave the writer's concept at that, just so people can get a feel about the writer's point of view.

Moving on. Some random tweaks:

Natalya - Don't try to make her sexy. She's not. She looks like a man. So why bother, right? Beth tries to be the "deadly and also attractive" (meh) type, so just have Natalya as the angry pitbull type of chick. The girl who beats the crap out of you, locks on a Sharpshooter, and wins. Thus, don't give her attire that tries to show off cleavage or look stylish...just give her some generic wrestling outfit.

Maryse - If she wants to go with the line "sexiest of the sexy", she needs to learn some stick skills. She could be the WWE's equivalent of the Beautiful People...just a vain, bitchy, "most likely Prom Queen because she's so hot" type of girl. Now, it'd be ridiculous to use her as a whiny cheerleader or something, and she doesn't need it. She can just be more along the lines of a conceited supermodel. But when she can't say 3 words without screwing up, that's a problem.

Alicia Fox - When (if) she starts wrestling, I think she should be sort of like an Edge...a conniving, cheating type of heel. Someone who is intelligent enough to pull off more than just a quick roll-up. You know..."cunning as a fox". A bit lame, but c'mon, we're talking about the WWE here, who has the Undertaker who can shoot lightning and such haha.

Katie Lea - Maybe its just me, but I think the girl should be a ****e. Haha. I don't think she's the most attractive, by far, but she's got something about her that just reminds me of the whole "rough and wild sex" scenario...more of a seduction type. So maybe her gimmick could be that she ****es it up for different people (ring announcers, refs, wrestlers, etc) that help her out in some ways?

Just throwing out some ideas off the top of my head. If I sat down and thought about it, I'd probably come up with much better ideas.
Candice - an injury prone, move botcher who spends more time out of clothes than in. wait!

Out of the Divas, I think Katie Lea needs more of a gimmick. I know she's Birchill's sister, but beyond that, she's just a generic woman wrestler.

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